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Assignment- Topic: Real Aequences- | AN [%n) bt a dnquence 4 ef steal numbeu - HY wx, then bin] aint. powever the conve 2 not true 1 The “Aequence xno , ff \Xnl a o0- eae “ W dtt Evo be given , then J -NEM St Y KAN pwe fave lx,-xlee. ----©. We need to estimate ig t-ha| . we now that - [ant tt | 4 lt x4 pent Inequanty J 4 LL, oy 6 OH ih? Fears. [bent eae Let Xn SXx- ANGIE fet E70 be gens F EM (nn) » we have Inn- LSE - - -®. 2 Now from) , we hae Jant- let él %n-ale' |ivot-l 4 & Hence. |xn] lal nei foor examble rn =(-4) " t torue- “The converse 1S n° x Xne (4:~- 1, WAM ELI SAA AY fxnt=lt-1)"* | = (41. idee in[ a bd But Xn te not covengent to Kia njeet Kaw Rie Xn 0. fiven €70 g NEM sa. ¥ Ry we Rave. [xa cele knees ixy| SE. We need-to egltimate- Jluntfec. Clearty T1xnl]=Ixn) e ¢. Ile ¥ Roy [Ixnl ol 2¢ Henee Huoliso- comme | dat [xniao given E10 NEM (¥ han) we have fom = xl<€ Dine -0[ € € 2 [tat] ce = Inte 2 |xn-ol xen 4In 2x-% D2 2XLAN Hee ee ia liga r eae) Snttnestt Also, tn = £ [xntyy tlin-gn) dk [atg + ta-yry a Herne, SnXtr au ato converge nc: 6) fotove that gq Cauchy sequence (3 bounded - rf We Rave et tauchy Jequence Give E701 SN o4.-VinimyN , (Sn-SmI

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