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1. Draw block diagram of foundry layout. Discuss objectives of
good plant layout.
Foundry is a commercial establishment for founding or
producing casting. It is a facility that melts metal in special
Furness and pours the molten metal into molds to make
products. Foundries are usually specified according to the type
of metal dealt with, as iron foundry, brass foundry, etc.
Typical foundry layout
Flux+Metal+Coal -------------Metal melting Furness
Hot metal
Metal pouring in to mold and core---Metal shake out---Cooling and

Sand+ Binder----Sand preparation----Molding-----Manufacturing of

Mold and core
Core sand + Binder----Core making----Backing------- Manufacturing of
Well-designed plant layout is one that can be beneficial in achieving the
following objectives:-
(i) Proper and efficient utilization of available floor space.
(ii) Transportation of work from one point to another point without
any delay.
(iii) Proper utilization of production capacity.
(iv) Reduce material handling cost.
(v) Utilize labor efficiently.
(vi) Reduce accidents.
(vii) Provide for volume and product flexibility.
(viii) Provide ease of supervision and control.
(ix) Provide for employee safety and health.
(x) Allow easy maintenance of machines, and plant.
(xi) Improve productivity. (Proper Use of man ,material, machines
money etc)
2. Pattern and pattern making.
Pattern is the principal tool during the casting process. It is defined
as a model constructed for forming mold. When this mold is filled
with molten metal and metal is allowed to solidify, it form
reproduction of the pattern and is known as casting.The process of
making a pattern is known as pattern making. Foundry engineering
deals with the process of making casting in molds prepared by
Pattern material should have following qualities ;-
(i) Easley worked, shaped and joined.
(ii) Light in weight, strong, hard and durable.
(iii) It should be resistant to wear, abrasion, corrosion.
(iv) Dimensionally stable in all situation.
(v) Easley available at low cost
(vi) Repairable and reused &
(vii) Able to take good surface finishing.

The wide variety of pattern materials which meets these

characteristics are wood and wood products, metal and alloys
( brass, aluminum, cast iron),Plastics, rubbers ,plaster of
Paris(gypsum) etc.

The pattern maker is basically a wood worker. Types of pattern

are :-
(i) Single piece pattern – A pattern that is made without joints
,partings or any loose pieces in its construction is called a
single piece pattern(loose pattern).Sngle piece patterns are
used for large castings of simple shape.
(ii) Two piece split pattern - For casting of unusual
design(shape), split patterns are employed to form the mold.
(iii) Three piece pattern - It is some times necessary to construct
a pattern for completing casting that requires three or more make the completed pattern. This type of pattern is
known as multispecies pattern.
2. Molding and molding tools
Molding process in common classified as :-

(i) Hand molding – Sand molds are made by hand. It is economical for few
jobs. Time consuming and laborious And expensive. low
production rate. Cntd/-4
(i) Machine molding – Molding machines are employed in
mass production. Advisable when large no of repetive
castings are to be produced ,Fast, Time saving, dimensions
are accurate, Wt of casting reduced and material saved.
higher production rate, Better quality casting, less heavy
and lower costs,

Hand Molding tools

(i) Shovel – It is used for mixing and tempering molding
(ii) Riddle - A riddle some times called screen ,consists
of a circular or square wooden frame fitted with wire mesh
at a bottom. Used for removing foreign materials such as
nails, shot mettle, splinters of wood etc.
(iii) Rammer - It is a wooden tool used for packing or
ramming sand in to the mold.
(iv) Trowel - A trowel(Karni) consists of a metal blade
fitted with wooden handle used to smooth surface of mold.
(v) Slick - It is a small double ended tool having a flat on one
end and a spoon on the other end and is used for repairing
and finishing small surfaces of te mold.
(vi) Lifters - It is made of thin sections of steel of various
widths and lengths with one end bent at right angles.There
are used to clean and finish the bottom and sides of deep,
narrow openings in molds.

(vii) Strike-off bar - It is a piece of metal or wood with a
straight edge and is used to strike –off excess sand from
the mold after ramming to provide a level surface.
(viii) Mallet - Mallet(hammer) is used to loosen the pattern
in the mold so that it can be withdrawn without damage do
the mold.
(ix) Vent rod - It is a iron rod used to make series of small
holes to permit gasses to escape while the molten metal is
being poured.
(x) Bellow - Bellows are used to blow loose
particles of sand from the pattern and the mold cavity. Some
other tools used for molding are Swab, Draw spike, Rapping
plate, molding boxes, etc.

Mechanical tools
It includes molding machines in foundry that will ram the mold ,roll it
over, and draw the pattern. Besides, there are power operated riddles,
sand mixtures and sand conveyors etc. The mold is even poured and
shaken out mechanically, and the casting is taken by machine to the
cleaning department.

4. Sand molding Process.

The principal material used in the foundry shop for molding is the sand.
Sand mainly consists of Silica sand grains, Clay, moisture and
miscellaneous materials.
Sand mixing and molding process - Very few natural sands have all
the qualities that molding sand should possess. Such sand is mixed with
other substances like clay ,lime, magnesia, potash, soda horse manure,
saw dust, cow dung, coal dust ,etc in small quantities.Coal dust is
perhaps the most widely used substance. The addition of coal dust tends
to make the sand more open and helps to cool the mold after it has been
poured. As soon as the molten metal comes in contacts with sand
containing coal it dries the face of the mold and begins to heat the sand.
The cold dust immediately gives off carbon dioxide gas, and water
(moisture content) in the sand starts getting converted into steam. The
coal dust thus absorbs a fairly high amount of heat and cools the sand A
protective film of carbon monoxide or CO2 gases obtained from the coal
also helps to keep the metal and sand separated from each other. Miing
of molding materials should ensure uniform distribution of clay,
moisture and other constituents between the sand grains. The more
uniform this distribution, the better the main qualities of the sand.
.Molding process - Molding process broadly classified as
(i) Hand molding &
(ii) Machine molding
In piece and small-lot production ,sand molds are made by hand.
Molding machines are employed in large-lot and mass production.

5. What is core? Write core making process.(S/N)

Cores are separates shapes of sand that are generally required to form
the hollow interior of the casting or a hole through the casting.
Ingredients of core sands are sand and binder. Core Sand ( silica, zircon,
olivine, carbon and chamote),binder (oils, cereals, dextrin, resin,
sulphate-liquor, molasses, protein).
Core making process - Following processes are involved:-
(i) Core sand preparation - The first consideration is making
a core is to mix and prepare the sand properly. The mixture
must be homogeneous for uniform strength through out. Core
sands are mixed in roller mills or core mixtures.
(ii) Core molding - Cores are made manually or with
machines. Normally core box is required for preparation of
cores. Green sand cores are made by ramming the sand
mixtures into boxes, the interiors of which have desired
shapes and dimensions. For cores making, core making
machines like jolting, squeezing, slinging machines are used
for core ramming.
(iii) Core backing - After cores are prepared, and placed on
metal plate or core carriers, they are backed to remove the
moisture and to develop the strength of the binder in core
ovens at temperature of 150 degree to 400 degree centigrade
depending on the type of binder used, the of core, and the
length of backing time.
(iv) Core finishing - After backing operation, cores are
smoothed. All rough places and unwanted fins are removed.
Finally a fine refractory coating is applied to the core
surface(core dressing).This coating prevents the metal from
penetrating into the core and provides a smoother surface to
the casting. Contd/-8
6. Draw diagram of cupola furnace and describe cupola

The cupola consists of a vertical, cylindrical steel sheet , 6 to 12 mm

thick and lined inside with acid refractory bricks or acid tamping clay.
The refractory bricks consists of silicon oxide acid (SiO2) and
alumina(Al2O3). The lining is thicker in lower region where
temperature in the lower region where temp encountered are higher than
in upper region. The shell is mounted on a brick work .The bottom of
the shell is provided with drop bottom doors through which wastage like
coke, slag etc can be discharged at the end of melt. The working bottom
is built up with molding sand. This bottom slope towards the metal
tapping hole situated at the lowest point of cupola. Opposite this tap hole
and some what above it, is another whole called the slag hole, which
enables the slag to be taken out. A constant volume of air for
combustion is obtained from a motorized blower through air blast inlet.
The air is provided to the Furness through tuyers.
A charge doors is provided through which metal, coke and flux are
fed into the Furness and this is situated 3 to 6 m above the tuyres. 4.5m-
6m above the charging door a chimney formed for smoke. At the top of
the Furness there is a conical cap called spark arrester which prevents
the sparks and allows only smoke to escape from the opening. The
molten metal iron is accumulated in the well. Combustion zone is
situated above the tuyers. Due to this high heat, the temperature being
1550 – 1850 degree centigrade, molten drops of cast iron pour in to the
well. The reducing zone extends from the top of the combustion zone to
the top of the coke bed. In this zone the reduction of CO2 to CO occurs
and temperature drops to above 1200 degree centigrade at the coke bed.
Melting zone starts from the first layer of metal charge above the coke
bed and extend up to height of 900 mm. The temperature of zone is up to
1600 Degree centigrade. Preheating zone (charging zone) starts from
above the melting zone and extends up to bottom of charging door. Pre
heating zone contains cupola charge as alternate layers of coke, flux and
metal. They are preheated there at a temperature of about 1100 degree
centigrade before coming to the melting zone.
Stack zone extends from above the preheating zone to the top of the
cupola. It carries the gases generated within the furnace to the
Capacity of cupola - The output of cupola defined as the tones of
molten metal obtained per hrs of the heat. It has been observed that 14
cm2 at cupola area burns above 1 kg of coke per hour. The diameter of
cupola varies from 1-2 meter with a height of from 3-5 times the
Cupola operation
(i) Preparation of cupola –The first operation in preparing a cupola
is to clean out the slag and refuse on the lining and around the
tuyers from the previous run. Any bad spots or broken bricks
are repaired with daubing mixture of fire clay and silica sand.
Repair of sand bottom is carried out. The surface of the sand
bottom is sloped from all directions towards the tapping hole.
The cupola should be dried before firing.
(ii) Firing the cupola- A fire of wood is ignited on the sand bottom
this would be done 2-3 hrs before molten metal is required. On the top of
kindling wood, a bed of coke is built to a level slightly above the tuyres
and air blast is turned on . As soon as red spots begin to show over the
top, additional coke is introduced into the cupola to reach a height of
700-800 mm above the upper row of the tuyers. The coke bed must be
thoroughly hot before it is finished off to its final height.
(iii) Charging the cupola - As soon as the coke bed is built up to
the correct height and ignited uniformly throughout , alternate layers of
iron, coke and flux(line stone) are charged from the charging door, until
the cupola is full. Suitable scrap is also added to pig iron in the ratio of
25-50% of total weight of the metal poured. The object of adding flux
is to remove impurities in the iron. It also protect the iron from
oxidation, reduce the melting point of the slag and to increase its fluidity
for easy disposal. The quantity of lime stone required may be 30 to 40
Kg per tones of iron melted. Ratio of metal melted to coke charged is
more commonly 10:1 that is 1 tone of coke is required to melt 10 tones
of iron.
(iv) Soaking of iron - After the cupola is fully charged up to the
charging door, the charge should soak in the heat for about 45 min. The
charge gets slowly heated so that air blast is kept normal.
(v) Air blast- At the end of the soaking period, full air blast is turned
on (before turning on the blast ,the tuyers openings and the taping hole
are kept closed.) After few minutes(10 min) molten metal starts
accumulating in the well. When the metal in cupola starts melting ,the
rate of charging should be equal to the rate of melting. At the end of
melt, the charging is stopped but the blast is kept on until all the metal
has melted. For complete combustion in the Furness, about 8.4 Cu M of
air is required per kg of coke at normal atmospheric pressure and
(vi) Tapping and slagging- The first tapping can be made 40-50
min after the full air blast turn on. When the slag accumulates in the well
, the slag hole is opened and the slag is run off. Molten metal is
collected in ladles and is carried to the mold for pouring.
(vii) Closing the cupola- When the operation is over, the blast is shut
off and the prop under the bottom door is knocked down. This enables
the cupola remains to drop on the floor.

6. What is gating? Write functions gating system.(S/N)

Gating or gating system is channeling by means of which molten metal
is delivered to mold cavity.
The function of mold cavity are :-
(a) To provide continuous, uniform feed of molten metal to the
mold cavity.
(b) To supply the casting with liquid metal at best location to
achieve proper directional solidification.
(c) To fill the mold cavity with molten metal in the shortest
possible time.
(d) To provide with a minimum of excess metal in the gates and
(e) To prevent erosion on the mold walls.
(f) To prevent foreign particles form entering the mold.

7. Write types of centrifugal casting and discuss about centrifugal

In centrifugal casting, molten metal is poured into molds while they are
rotating. The metal falling into the center of the mold at the axis of
rotation is thrown out by centrifugal force under sufficient pressure
towards the periphery, and the contaminants or impurities present being
lighter in weight are also pushed towards the center. This is the often
machined out any way.The grain is refined and the castings are
completely free from any porosity defect by the forced movement of the
molten metal, thus making dense and sound castings which are less
subject to directional variations than static castings. The use of gates,
feeders, and cores is eliminated, making the method less expensive and
Hollow cylindrical bodies such as cast iron water supply and sewerage
pipes, steel gun barrels, and other symmetrical objects such as gears,
disk wheels, pulleys, are conveniently cast without core by the
centrifugal casting.
Centrifugal casting can be classified in to three general types,they are as
under :-
(i) True centrifugal casting
(ii) Semi centrifugal casting
(iii) Centrifuge casting

True centrifugal casting - This employs molds of rotational

symmetry made of steel or graphite. The melt is poured while the
mold rotates at its axis ,which may be horizontal, vertical or
inclined at any suitable angle between 0-90 degree centigrade,
although horizontal axis of rotation is a more common practice.
While rotating, the molten metal is carried to the walls of the
cavity by centrifugal force. The metal then solidifies forming a
hollow casting without the use of central core. The outside of the
mold is water-cooled to accelerate solidification. The method is
ideal for hollow cylindrical castings such as bushings, gun barrels,
cast iron pipes, etc.
Semi centrifugal casting - This is means of forming symmetrical
shapes about the rotative axis, which is usually vertical in a
balanced state. The molten metal is introduced through a gate
which is placed on the axis, and flows outward to the rim by the
centrifugal force. If central bore is required in the casting, a dry
and core is best suited. Since the speeds are low, high pouring
pressures are not produced and the impurities are not rejected
towards the center as effectively as in the true centrifugal casting.
This method is generally employed for making large-sized castings
which are symmetrical about their own axis such as gears, disked
wheels, propellers and pulleys.

Centrifuge casting - In this process several identical or nearly

similar molds are located radially about a vertically arranged
central riser or sprue which feeds the metal into the cavities
through a number of radially gates. The entire mold is rotated with
the central sprue which acts as the axis of rotation. Thus, it is not a
purely centrifugal process.
This type of casting is suitable for small, intricate parts where
feeding problems are encountered.
8. What is fettling ? Discuss about various defects in casting
When casting is taken out of the mold it is not in good condition since
they have sprue , risers, gates etc, attached to them. Besides they are not
completely free of sand particles. This operation of cutting off the
unwanted parts, cleaning and finishing the casting is known as fettling.
This includes :-
(i) Removal of cores from the castings
(ii) Removal of gates, risers, runners etc from the castings
(iii) Removal of fins and other unwanted projections from the
(iv) Removal of adhering sand and oxide scale from the surface
of the castings.
(v) Repairing castings to fill up blowholes ,straightening the
warped or deformed casting.

Defects in casting
Sand casting, particularly, are subject to certain defects which in a well
designed casting, are controllable by proper foundry technique, but are
not wholly preventable.
The common types of defects found in castings are :-
(i) Shifts- This is an external defect in a casting caused due
to core misplacement. Mis-alignment of flasks is another
likely cause of shift.
(ii) War page - War page is unintentional and undesirable
deformation in a casting that occurs during or after
(iii) Fins- A thin projection of metal, not intended as a part
of the casting ,is called the fin. Molds and cores incorrectly
assembled will cause fins.
(iv) Swell- A swell is an enlargement of the mold cavity by
metal pressure, resulting in localized or overall enlargement
of the casting.
(v) Blowholes- Blow holes are smooth, round holes
appearing in the form of a cluster of a large number of small
holes below the surface of the casting. Blow holes are caused
by excessive moisture in the sand.
(vi) Drop- A drop occur s when the upper surface of the
mold cracks, and pieces of sand fall into the molten metal.
(vii) Dirt- In some cases, particles of dirt and sand are embedded
in the casting surface. This is caused by crushing of the mold
due to improper handling,
(viii) Sand holes- Sand holes are found on external surface or
inside the casting. They are caused by loose sand washing
into the mold cavity and fusing into the interior of the casting
or rapid pouring of the molten metal.
(ix) Pin holes- Pinholes are numerous small holes,usually
less than 2 mm visible on the surface of the casting cleaned
by shot blasting. They are caused by sand with high moisture
content ,absorption of hydrogen or carbon monoxide gas.
(x) Shrinkage cavity- Shrinkage cavity is a void or
depression in the casting caused mainly by uncontrolled and
haphazard solidification of the metal.
(xi) Hot tears- They are internal or external cracks having ragged
edges occurring immediately after the metal has solidified.
(xii) Poured short- When the metal cavity is not completely
filled at one pouring, the defect is called poured short.
(xiii) Internal air pocket- This appears as small holes in side the
casting and is caused by pouring boiling metal or by rapid
pouring of the molten metal in the mold.

1. What are various rolling operations? Explain with neat

Rolling operations are the type of forming process (hot working) .There
are two types of rolling operations namely hot rolling and cold rolling
operations. Rolling operations are further divided in to three types :-
(a) Three high rolls
(b) Fore high rolls
(c) Cluster rolls
Rolling is the most rapid method of forming metal into desired shapes
by plastic deformation in between rolls. The crystals are elongated in the
direction of rolling and they start to reform after leaving the zone of
stress, but in cold rolling they retain substantially the shape given to
them by the action of the rolls.In deforming metal between rolls, the
work is subjected to high compressive stress from the squeezing action
of the rolls and to surface shear stress as a result of the friction between
the rolls and metal.
In the hot rolling process, metal in hot plastic state is passed between
two rolls revolving at the same speed but in opposite direction. As the
metal passes through the rolls, it is reduced in thickness and increased in
length. The forming of bars, plates, sheets, rails and other structural
sections requires through plain or grooved rolls. A set of rolls and the
housings in which they are mounted are known as a stand. When stands
are placed one in front of another, this arrangement is known as a
continuous mill. When there are only top and bottom rolls the mill is
called a two-high mill. If three rolls are mounted so that rolling may be
done between the top, or bottom roll, and the center one, it is called a
three-high mill. Like wise, a four high mill has four rolls. A cluster mill
consists of two working rolls of smaller diameter and four or more back-
up rolls of larger diameter. The materials commonly hot rolled are
aluminum, copper, magnesium, their alloys and many grades of steel.

2. What is the difference between hot rolling and cold rolling

Hot rolling
(i) In hot rolling process ,metal in hot plastic state is passed
between two rolls.
(ii) The crystals are elongated in the direction of rolling and
they start to reform after leaving the zone of stress.
(iii) In deforming metal between rolls, the work is subjected to
high compressive stress from the squeezing action of the
rolls and to surface shear stress as a result of friction
between the rolls and the metal.
(iv) As the metal passes through the rolls it is reduced in
thickness and increased in length.
(v) The forming of brass, plates, sheets, rails requires many
passes through plain or grooved rolls.
(vi) Low machinability property ,finishing is not up to
(vii) Cracks and blow holes are covered
(viii) No effect on tensile
(ix) Hardening eliminated
(x) It is simultaneous process of deformation and recovery.
Cold rolling

(i) In cold rolling operation cleaned steel is passed repeatedly

through a set of rolls there by producing a slight reduction
in each pass until the required thickness is obtained.
(ii) In cold rolling they retain substantially the shape given to
them by the action of roll.
(iii) Two main reasons for cold rolling metals are to get
smooth bright surface finish and improve physical
(iv) Cold rolling improves machinability by confirming
property of brittleness. A good finishing is done.

(v) As primary step to the cold rolling operation, sheets, strips

etc of hot rolled steel are immersed in an acid solution to
remove the scale and washed in water and then dried. The
clean steel is passed repeatedly between set of rolls unit
and required thickness is achieved.

(vi) High machinability property and good tool finishing is

(vii) Cracks develops
(viii) Increases tensile strength
(ix) Hardening is not eliminated
(x) No recovery can take place.

3. Deep Drawing
4. Discuss defects in forging along with its remedial action.
Defects in metal parts offer a serious factor in the production of the
forged parts and thereby it becomes very costly. The defects most
commonly found in metals that have been subjected to more or less
plastic shaping are as under :-
(i) Defect, resulting from the melting practice such as dirt or
slag , blow holes etc.
(ii) Ingot defects such as seams ,piping, cracks ,scales or bad
surface and segregation
(iii) Defects resulting from improper heating and cooling of the
forging such as burnt metal, decarburization and flakes
(iv) Defects resulting from improper forging such as seams,
cracks, laps(fold, deformation) etc.
(v) Faulty forging design
(vi) Faulty die design
(vii) Improper placement of the metal in the die casting
mismatched forging.
Remedial action for removing above defects form forging.
(i) Shallow cracks and cavities can be removed by chipping out
of the cold forging with pneumatic chisel
(ii) Surface cracks and decarburization can be removed by
grinding the job on special machines
(iii) Design should be properly made taking into consideration all
relevant and important aspects like forging defects and
ultimate spoilage.
(iv) The parting line of a forging should lie in one plane to avoid
(v) Destroyed forgings are straightened in presses, if possible.
(vi) The mechanical properties of the metal can be improved by
forging to correct fiber line.
(vii) Internal stress developed due to heating and cooling of the
work piece are removed by annealing and or normalizing.

1. What is calendaring? Explain with neat diagram
Plastic can be easily be modeled or molded. Plastic when heated, can be
formed in to variety of useful articles by molding, casting or extrusion.
In plastic molding, when plastic is heated it will soften to a viscous
liquid that can be forced in to a mold of desired shape, where it
solidifies. An important method of making (forming sheet) film and
sheet is known as calendaring. In this process the plastic
compound(composed of resin, filter, plasticizer and color pigment) is
passed between a series of heated rollers. It comes out from the rolls
squeezed into film or sheet. is controlled by a combination of squeezing
and altering the speed of the finishing rolls. The finished products is
cooled by passing through water-cooled rolls. Vinyl floor tile, cellulose
acetate sheeting and films are some of the applications.

2. Describe injection molding process in producing parts of

Inject molding is the most widely used method of producing parts of
thermoplastic and more recently, thermosetting resins as well. The
process resembles the hot chamber die-casting of metals, the die, split to
allow removal of the solidified product, is kept shut with an appropriate
press force and ejectors are provided for removing the molded
component. The difference between metals and plastics lies in the supply
of the polymer, which is usually fed in a solid form, pellets or powder
through a hopper to a injector screw, the die-end of which is surrounded
with heaters that gradually brings the polymer to the required
temperature. There the material is softened. The process starts with
feeding plastic pellet(balls) in to the hopper above the heating cylinder
of the machine. The resin falls into and is pushed along the heated tube
by reciprocating screw(feeder) until a sufficient volume of melted plastic
is available at the injection nozzle end. This may take from 10 sec to 5
or 6 min per shot. The entire screw is then plunged forward to force the
plastic into the mold. Each shot may produce one or several parts,
depending on the die used. Injection molding provides the heights
production rate of producing plastic parts at low cost.
Diagram of screw injection molding.

3. Continuous Plastic extrusion

Extrusion means the continues flow of material through a die. Extrusion
molding is used mostly for the production of steel, tube bar and typical
applications in thermoplastic materials. granulated powder made of such
materials as vinyl resins, cellulose derivatives, nylon, polyethylene and
polypropylene make up the materials used in the process.
Diagram of continuous extrusion

Plastic extrusion machine consists of a hopper into which the powder or

pellets are fed into a heated cylinder, the screw feeding mechanisms, a
nozzle and the die assembly. The rotating screw carries the heated
plastic forward and forces it through heated die orifice of the required
shape. As it leaves the die ,it is gradually cooled by carrying it through
cooling media while resulting on a conveyor, it is then wound into coils
or cut to desired lengths. There are advantages to the extrusion process.
The tooling is low cost as compared to injection molding. Material
thickness can be accurately controlled. In addition ,production rates are
high and intricate profiles can be produced.
1. Draw the block diagram of lathe machine. Give difference
between Capstan & turret lathe and engine lathe.

2. What are various operations carried out in lathe by holding the

work piece between centers?


1. Give types of boring machine. Explain advantages of vertical

boring machine

2. What are various operations can be performed in drilling machine?

Explaining reaming operation

3. Advantages of vertical boring machines

1. List out types of shaper machines according to the type of
mechanism used for giving reciprocating motion to the ram. Why
hydraulic shapers are used widely?

2. Describe shaper operations.

1. Give differences between planner and shaper

2. Planer operations.

1. What safety measures you will take while milling operation?

2. Milling machine operations

3. Gear Hobbing process


1. Give classification of non-traditional machining

2. Explain Electron-Beam machining process along with neat


3. What is chemical machining? List out advantages and

disadvantages of it.
4. Explain Abrasive Jet machining Process along with neat

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