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Institute for Telecommunications and High-Frequency Techniques

– RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory –

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Schneider

Student Laboratory No. 2

ADS - Active Microwave Components

Winter Semester 2014/2015

Author: Marius Richter



1 Introduction 4

2 High Frequency Amplifier 5

2.1 Transistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Biasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Linearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Bias-Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 S-Parameters of the Transistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.6 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.7 Matching Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.8 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3 Prearrangements 10

4 Using Agilent Technologies’ ADS 11

4.1 Starting the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 Design and Simulation of the Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 Simulation Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3.1 Performing a Direct Current Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3.2 Performing an S-Parameter Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3.3 Performing an Harmonic Balance Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5 Measurements 15

6 Transistor Data Sheet 16

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 2

ADS - Active Microwave Components

To successfully pass this laboratory you should be familiar with

• microstrip lines (see lecture Leitungstheorie or Additional Material Lab2 - Planar Transmis-

• design of matching networks using e. g. stublines (see lecture Leitungstheorie or Electrody-


• transistors (see lecture Halbleiterbauelemente + Schaltungen or basic course in your bachelor


• high frequency amplifiers (see short introduction in these notes, textbooks 1 or lecture RF
Frontend Devices and Circuits for Wireless Communications).

• vector network analysis (see student laboratory #1 - Microwave Slotted Line and Network

In this laboratory you are going to

• design a high frequency amplifier using a discrete high frequency transistor.

• measure the characteristics of a high frequency amplifier similar to the one that you have

To prepare this laboratory,

• read and understand chapters 1 and 2.

• solve the tasks given in chapter 3 and bring the solution with you to the laboratory.

e. g. Pozar, Microwave Engineering or Lee, Planar Microwave Engineering

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 3

1 Introduction
A RADAR system (RAdio Detection And Ranging) utilizes the backscattered portion of a signal
it has transmitted beforehand. Since the received power Prec decays with the fourth order of the
distance R, i.e., Prec ∝ 1/R4 , the performance of the analog RF front-end (Radio F requency) is
crucial to the overall performance of the whole RADAR system. One device within the front-end
is the low-noise amplifier (LNA). Since the LNA is the first or second stage within the front-end
(preceded only by a bandpass filter), its noise figure determines the minimum detectable signal
power. Unfortunately, at the same time, the maximum detectable signal is reduced approximately
by the gain of the LNA because of linearity constraints (e.g. 1 dB compression point) regarding
the subsequent stages of the front-end [1].

The purpose of this laboratory is threefold: We want to give you the opportunity

• to use a modern electronic design software package,

• to apply your knowledge from the lectures,

• to give you hands-on experience with measuring active high frequency components.

In this laboratory you are going to use Agilent Technologies’ Advanced Design System (ADS)
which is one of the most widespread high-frequency design software system. It offers several
simulation technologies (see Fig. 1.1) ranging from frequency- and time-domain circuit simula-
tion (comparable with Spice and its derivatives) to electromagnetic field simulation (like CST’s
Microwave Studio). All these solvers are combined in a single, integrated design environment
providing system and circuit simulators, along with schematic capture, layout, and verification
capability which allows for complete simulation of high frequency circuits without dealing with
different software tools.

Figure 1.1: Solvers included in Agilent Technologies’ Advanced Design System (ADS)

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 4

2 High Frequency Amplifier

Amplification is one of the most basic and common microwave circuit functions. Microwave
amplifiers can be characterized by their gain, noise figure, bandwidth, linear dynamic range and
power capacity.
In this laboratory, you are going to design a single-stage amplifier made up of a transistor, ap-
propriate matching networks and a biasing network. The amplifier is implemented on the high
frequency substrate ULTRALAM 2000, which has a relative permittivity of εr = 2.5. The chosen
thickness of the substrate is h = 0.76 mm. The substrate is covered on both sides with a cop-
per foil with a thickness of t = 17.5 µm. The RF transmission lines should be implemented as
microstrip lines. Fig. 2.2 shows the layout of a similar amplifier.

Figure 2.2: Layout of an amplifier with a discrete transistor on a planar substrate

2.1 Transistor
The most popular transistors for microwave amplifiers are silicon bipolar transistors and gallium
arsenide field effect transistors (GaAs FET). Silicon bipolar device technology is very mature and
inexpensive compared to GaAs FET technology. Bipolar transistors are capable of higher gain at
lower frequencies and are less expensive, but GaAs FETs generally have better noise performance
and can operate at much higher frequencies (due to higher electron mobility of GaAs compared to
silicon and the absence of shot noise). An alternative to GaAs and silicon which is becoming more
and more popular is SiGe. The main advantage of this technology compared to GaAs technology

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 5

is that standard silicon fabrication processes can be used. The advantage of this technology
compared to pure silicon is that heterojunction bipolar transistors can be fabricated which have
higher forward gain and lower reverse gain than traditional homojunction bipolar transistors. This
enables better low current and high frequency performance.
More general aspects of transistor selection are the operating frequency and stability. Although
GaAs FETs show better noise performance, for this laboratory, you are using a silicon bipolar
transistor: Infineon’s BFP420. The transistor is modeled in ADS by an equivalent circuit using
the SPICE-parameters given in the datasheet (see section 6). The effects of the transistor package
like extra capacitances and inductances are modeled by additional equivalent circuits around the
transistor which are also given in the datasheet. The packaged transistor is modeled by the
subcircuit “BFP420” in ADS.

2.2 Biasing
For proper operation, transistors require specific DC voltages and currents, which can be achieved
using a biasing network. The linear amplifier that we want to design should amplify a small input
signal to a larger output signal without adding distortions. This means that the input signal causes
the output signal to vary strictly proportional to the input about the operating point. But as a
transistor is a nonlinear device, the transistor amplifier only approximates linear operation. For low
distortion, the transistor must be biased so the output signal swing does not drive the transistor
into a region of extremely nonlinear operation. In general, the operating point depends on the
type of transistor, the operation (low-noise, hight-gain, high-power) and the class of the amplifier
(A, AB, B,. . . ). To simplify the design procedure, you can use ideal current and voltage sources in
ADS and do not have to design a biasing network which supplies the correct voltages and currents
when connected to an external constant voltage source.

2.3 Linearity
As an example, the output power Pout versus input power Pin of an amplifier is shown in Fig. 2.3.
The curve marked with “fund” shows the amplification. In the linear region the gain of the amplifier
is 20 dB. Starting at an input power of approximately −20 dBm, the curve begins to deviate from
the ideal operation which is shown as dotted line. This means that the gain is becoming smaller
until it saturates, meaning that the output power is not growing anymore with increasing input
power. The point, where the actual gain of the amplifier deviates by 1 dB from the ideal curve,
is called 1 dB compression point (“1dB CP” in Fig. 2.3). A figure of merit describing the linearly
operable range of a device is the dynamic range. It is defined as the distance between the 1dB
compression point and the noise floor with respect to the output power.

2.4 Bias-Isolation (Isolation from RF to DC Part)

The DC voltages and currents must be supplied to the transistor without disturbing the RF signal
paths and vice versa. The most simple approach would be to use RF chokes and capacitors to
provide the isolation (see Fig. 2.4): The RF chokes act as lowpass filters to isolate the RF signal
from the bias network, and the capacitors isolate the RF network input and output from the bias
However, as we are using a planar substrate, transmission lines and especially quarter wavelength
transformer can be used to replace the RF chokes: An open-ended quarter-wavelength stub line is

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 6

Figure 2.3: Output power versus input power of a real amplifier (curve marked “fund”)

placed in a distance of a quarter wavelength from the RF network (see Fig. 2.2). The open-circuit
is thus transformed to a short circuit and back to an open circuit. The RF network just sees an
open circuit at the design frequency and thus the bias network is isolated from the RF signal. The
isolation bandwidth can be improved by using radial stubs instead of simple open-ended stubs
(shown in Fig. 2.2). Furthermore the width of the transmission lines (used for biasing) can be
decreased what in turn increases the inductivity of the line and improves the lowpass-characteristic.
For the simulation in ADS, you can use ideal elements to achieve the decoupling, which are called
“DC block” and “DC feed” in ADS.

2.5 S-Parameters of the Transistor

For designing the amplifier, the S-parameters of the transistor have to be known. The S-parameters
of the transistor depend on the operating point and the operating frequency of the transistor. For
an operating frequency of 2.45 GHz and biasing for maximum power, the S-parameters (only
reflection coefficients) are given in table 2.1.

S 11 S 22
◦ ◦
0.40 · ej152 0.22 · e−j63

Table 2.1: Reflection coefficients of the transistor at design frequency 2.45 GHz

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 7

Figure 2.4: Schematic of an amplifier with a discrete transistor on a planar substrate

Figure 2.5: Block diagram of transistor with matching networks

2.6 Stability
Apparently, the amplifier that we want to design should be stable, which means that it should
not start to oscillate. Therefore, the stability of the transistor has to be considered. The block
diagram of the transistor with input and output matching networks, source (with impedance Z S ),
and load (impedance Z L ) is shown in Fig. 2.5. Oscillation is possible if either the input or output
port impedance has a negative real part; this would then imply that |rin | > 1 or |rout | > 1. As rin
depends on the load matching network, and rout depends on the source matching network, the
stability of the amplifier depends on rS and rL as presented by the matching networks. Two types
of stability can be defined:

1. Unconditionally stable: |rin | < 1 and |rout | < 1 for all passive source and load impedances.

2. Conditionally stable: |rin | < 1 and |rout | < 1 only for a certain range of passive source and
load impedances. This case is also called potentially unstable.

An important fact is that the stability condition of a network is frequency dependent, so it might
be fulfilled for some frequencies (e. g. the design frequency) but not for other frequencies.
For your design, you can assume that the amplifier is unconditionally stable although this is not
perfectly true.

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 8

2.7 Matching Networks - maximize the power transfer or minimize signal reflection from the load.
The matching networks have a large impact on the performance of the amplifier. Aspects like gain,
noise performance and stability have to be considered when designing the matching networks. For
the amplifier considered here, you should use an open stub line and a normal transmission line for
both, the input matching as well as the output matching (see Fig. 2.2).

2.8 Efficiency
An important consideration when designing an amplifier is how efficient it converts DC power to
RF power. This is important because the energy that is not converted into RF power is converted
to heat, which increases the temperature of the amplifier. This may destroy the amplifier or at
least alter the operating point of the amplifier if no additional cooling is applied. Furthermore,
for portable devices like mobile phones, energy has to be used efficiently to increase the time until
the batteries of the portable device have to be recharged. The efficiency of microwave devices is
normally specified as power-added efficiency or total efficiency:

• Power-Added Efficiency (PAE) is the ratio of the RF power that the devices adds to the
RF power at its input and the DC power:
PRF,out − PRF,in
δpower−added = PAE = (2.1)

• Total Efficiency, which is also called overall efficiency, is the ratio of the RF power at the
output of the device to the overall input power (DC power and RF input power):

δtotal = (2.2)
PRF,in + PDC

Total efficiency makes more sense from a thermodynamic point of view, but power-added efficiency
is the more popular measure in the microwave community.

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 9

3 Prearrangements
These problems have to be solved before the laboratory:

1. From the data sheet of the transistor (see section 6), estimate the maximum achievable
gain at the design frequency 2.45 GHz. Determine the operating point to obtain maximum
gain. Specifically, determine the collector emitter voltage VCE and the base current IB .

2. The input and output reflection coefficients at the design frequency are listed in table 2.1.
Using an open stub line and a single transmission line, match the input and output of the
transistor to 50 Ω (all lines should have a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω). Determine the
four line lengths in mm.

Forward active Region (Amplifier): Emitter-Base junction is forward biased / Collector base junction is reverse biased.

Saturation Region (Switch): Emitter-Base junction is forward biased / Collector base junction is forward biased

Cut off Region: Emitter-Base junction is reverse biased / Collector base junction is reverse biased

* 0.2 < Vce < Vcc ; where Vcc is the supply voltage
* Ib > 0 and Ic > 0
* Vbe >= 0.7V

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 10

4 Using Agilent Technologies’ ADS

4.1 Starting the Software
To start the software, double-click on the ADS icon on the desktop. Then you will be prompted
to open an existing file or create a new project:

Select “Open an existing project” and then the project “student laboratory prj”:

Press “Choose”.
In the project view, you see two schematic files, the transistor model “BFP420” and a schematic
file which already contains all components you need to setup the system model (“system model”).
Now you can click the left mouse button to open the system model schematic:

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 11

This schematic file contains all circuit and simulation elements you need for the following simula-

When double-clicking on the elements, a window opens where you can set parameters of the
different elements. Please use variables instead of discrete values to simplify altering of the
design. The variables can be defined with the block “VAR”.

4.2 Design and Simulation of the Amplifier

To setup the overall system model, design the amplifier and perform the simulation, follow these
1. Bias the transistor for maximum power gain at the design frequency (see section 4.3.1)

2. Determine the S-parameters of the transistor (see section 4.3.2).

3. Design the matching network: The microstrip lines used for the matching network should
have a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω. To calculate the width w of the microstrip lines,
you can use the LineCalc tool included in ADS:
In a schematic window, select the tool from the main menu: Tools ⇒ LineCalc ⇒ Start
LineCalc. Select the component type “MLIN” with the ID “MLIN:MLIN DEFAULT” to
obtain a calculator for the electric length and characteristic impedance of microstrip lines.
Calculate the width w by setting the known parameters (H: height of the substrate, T:
thickness of the microstrip line, Er: relative permittivity).

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 12

4. Repeat the S-parameter simulation but now include the matching networks.
5. Modify the matching networks to obtain maximum power gain.
6. Set-up a harmonic balance simulation (see section 4.3.3) to determine the 1 dB-compression

4.3 Simulation Technologies

As already mentioned above, ADS offers several simulation technologies (see Fig. 1.1). For the
design of the amplifier, you need three kinds of simulation technologies, which are the direct
current (DC) simulation, the S-parameter simulation, and the harmonic balance simulation, which
are briefly described below.

4.3.1 Performing a Direct Current Simulation

A single-point direct current (DC) simulation automatically precedes every alternating current
(AC), S-parameter (see section 4.3.2), transient, harmonic balance (see section 4.3.3), and circuit
envelope simulation (for simulating digitally modulated RF signals). This serves as the starting
point for these simulations. For AC and S-parameter simulations, it determines linearized models
for the nonlinear components. For transient, harmonic balance, and circuit envelope simulations,
it determines an initial estimate used for nonlinear simulation.
A DC simulation also can be done manually in ADS by using the DC simulation controller. Start
by creating your design, add any relevant current probes, then identify and name the nodes from
which you want to collect data. The DC simulation setup then provides for both single-point
and swept simulations. Swept variables can be related to voltage or current source values, or to
other component parameter values. By performing a DC swept bias or swept variable simulation,
you can check the operating point of the circuit against a swept parameter such as a bias supply
voltage or a temperature.
To sweep a parameter over a range, such as varying an input voltage or changing a resistor value,
double-click the DC simulation component and select the Sweep tab. Enter the name of the
parameter to sweep. Select the sweep type and enter the range.

4.3.2 Performing an S-Parameter Simulation

Start by creating your design, then add current probes and identify the nodes from which you
want to collect data.
For a successful analysis, be sure to:
• Apply ports to all inputs and outputs. Terminate all RF ports using port-impedance termi-
nations (Term). Verify impedance.
• Check the Num field for each port. The S-parameter port numbers are derived from these
fields. For a 2-port circuit, you would want the input labeled as Num=1 and the output as
• Double-click on the S-parameter simulation component to edit it. For a basic simulation,
fill in the fields under the Frequency tab: Select the Sweep type, single point, logarithmic,
or linear. For a linear or logarithmic sweep, select to define the sweep with start/stop or
center/span values.

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 13

• To calculate admittance or impedance parameters, enable the options under the Parameters

4.3.3 Performing an Harmonic Balance Simulation

Harmonic balance (HB) is a highly accurate frequency-domain analysis technique for obtaining
the steady state solution of nonlinear circuits and systems. It is usually the method of choice for
simulating analog RF and microwave problems that are most naturally handled in the frequency
domain. Once the steady state solution is calculated, the harmonic balance simulator can be used
to do the following.
The harmonic balance method assumes that the input stimulus consists of a few steady-state
sinusoids. Therefore the solution is a sum of steady state sinusoids that includes the input
frequencies in addition to any significant harmonics or mixing terms.

• Setting the Frequency: The Frequency parameter is found on the Harmonic Balance
controller’s Freq tab. It appears as Freq[i] on schematic, where i=1,. . . number of tones
(sources) in the circuit. For a single tone HB simulation, set the Frequency to the fun-
damental frequency of the source used in the circuit. For example, in a circuit with input
source at 2.45 GHz, set Freq[1]=2.45 GHz.

• Order: The Order parameter is found on the Freq tab, and it determines the number
of harmonics used in the truncated Fourier series representation of the HB solution. The
Order and Frequency parameters are set at the same time. The default value for Order
is 3. For a single tone simulation, set the Order to the desired level of Fourier series
truncation. The Order needs to be sufficiently large so that the HB simulator can compute
its solution waveforms to an adequate degree of accuracy. For example, in the circuit with
input source at 2.45 GHz and Order set to 3, the following three harmonics will be used
in HB: 2.45 GHz, 4.90 GHz, and 7.35 GHz. However, three harmonics are sufficient only
for mostly linear circuits generating sinusoidal-like signals. For mildly nonlinear circuits, the
Order should be set to 7 or more. Highly nonlinear circuits with waveforms containing sharp
edges and spikes will require many more harmonics (sometimes in the hundreds).

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 14

5 Measurements
An amplifier similar to the one that you have designed has been fabricated (Fig. 5.6). The major
difference is that this amplifier has been optimized for low noise instead of high gain. SMA
connectors are used to connect the RF input and output. Also a biasing network as shown in
Fig. 2.2 has been designed, which needs a DC supply voltage of 5 V. To improve the mechanical
stability of the module, it has been mounted on an aluminum block.

Figure 5.6: Low noise amplifier

1. Using the vector network analyzer, determine S 11 and S 22 of the amplifier for the frequency
range 1 GHz to 3 GHz.

2. Using a signal generator and the spectrum analyzer, determine

a) the gain of the amplifier.

b) the frequency bandwidth of the amplifier (defined here as frequency bandwidth around
the operating frequency, where the gain of the amplifier deviates maximal 0.5 dB from
the gain of the amplifier at the operating frequency).
c) the 1 dB compression point (create a table of values with input and output power

3. Determine the power-added and the total efficiency of the amplifier.

4. Determine the input intercept point of third order (IIP3 ) of the amplifier.

5. Determine the spurious-free dynamic range of the amplifier.

6. Using two signal generators, observe the desensitization effect caused by a strong blocker.

Please note that

the sub-items 2.c) and 4. require plotting the acquired data using, e.g., Matlab.

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 15

6 Transistor Data Sheet


NPN Silicon RF Transistor

 For high gain low noise amplifiers
 For oscillators up to 10 GHz
 Noise figure F = 1.1 dB at 1.8 GHz
outstanding G ms = 21 dB at 1.8 GHz
 Transition frequency f T = 25 GHz 2
 Gold metallization for high reliability 1 VPS05605
 SIEGET  25 GHz f T - Line

ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution!

Type Marking Pin Configuration Package

BFP420 AMs 1=B 2=E 3=C 4=E SOT343

Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 4.5 V
Collector-base voltage VCBO 15
Emitter-base voltage VEBO 1.5
Collector current IC 35 mA
Base current IB 3
Total power dissipation Ptot 160 mW
TS  107°C 1)
Junction temperature Tj 150 °C
Ambient temperature TA -65 ... 150
Storage temperature Tstg -65 ... 150

Thermal Resistance
Junction - soldering point 2) RthJS  260 K/W

1T is measured on the emitter lead at the soldering point to the pcb

2For calculation of R please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance

1 Aug-20-2001

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 16


Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.

Parameter Symbol Values Unit
min. typ. max.
DC characteristics
Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V(BR)CEO 4.5 5 - V
IC = 1 mA, IB = 0
Collector-base cutoff current ICBO - - 200 nA
VCB = 5 V, IE = 0
Emitter-base cutoff current IEBO - - 35 µA
VEB = 1.5 V, IC = 0
DC current gain hFE 50 100 150 -
IC = 20 mA, VCE = 4 V
AC characteristics (verified by random sampling)
Transition frequency fT 18 25 - GHz
IC = 30 mA, VCE = 3 V, f = 2 GHz
Collector-base capacitance Ccb - 0.15 0.3 pF
VCB = 2 V, f = 1 MHz
Collector-emitter capacitance Cce - 0.37 -
VCE = 2 V, f = 1 MHz
Emitter-base capacitance Ceb - 0.55 -
VEB = 0.5 V, f = 1 MHz
Noise figure F - 1.1 - dB
IC = 5 mA, VCE = 2 V, ZS = ZSopt ,
f = 1.8 GHz
Power gain, maximum stable 1) Gms - 21 -
IC = 20 mA, VCE = 2 V, ZS = ZSopt , ZL = ZLopt ,
f = 1.8 GHz
Insertion power gain |S21|2 14 17 -
IC = 20 mA, VCE = 2 V, f = 1.8 GHz,
ZS = ZL = 50
Third order intercept point IP3 - 22 - dBm
IC = 20 mA, VCE = 2 V, ZS=ZSopt , ZL =ZLopt ,
f = 1.8 GHz
1dB Compression point P-1dB - 12 -
IC = 20 mA, VCE = 2 V, f = 1.8 GHz,
ZS=ZSopt , ZL =ZLopt

1G = |S21 / S12 |

2 Aug-20-2001

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 17


SPICE Parameters (Gummel-Poon Model, Berkley-SPICE 2G.6 Syntax) :

Transistor Chip Data
IS = 0.20045 fA BF = 72.534 - NF = 1.2432 -
VAF = 28.383 V IKF = 0.48731 A ISE = 19.049 fA
NE = 2.0518 - BR = 7.8287 - NR = 1.3325 -
VAR = 19.705 V IKR = 0.69141 A ISC = 0.019237 fA
NC = 1.1724 - RB = 8.5757  IRB = 0.72983 mA
RBM = 3.4849  RE = 0.31111 RC = 0.10105 
CJE = 1.8063 fF VJE = 0.8051 V MJE = 0.46576 -
TF = 6.7661 ps XTF = 0.42199 - VTF = 0.23794 V
ITF = 1 mA PTF = 0 deg CJC = 234.53 fF
VJC = 0.81969 V MJC = 0.30232 - XCJC = 0.3 -
TR = 2.3249 ns CJS = 0 F VJS = 0.75 V
MJS = 0 - XTB = 0 - EG = 1.11 eV
XTI = 3 - FC = 0.73234 - TNOM 300 K
C'-E'-Diode Data (Berkley-SPICE 2G.6 Syntax) :
IS = 3.5 fA N= 1.02 - RS = 10 
All parameters are ready to use, no scaling is necessary

Package Equivalent Circuit:

C CB L BI = 0.47 nH
L BO = 0.53 nH
L BO L BI L CI L CO L EI = 0.23 nH
B’ Transistor C’
Chip L EO = 0.05 nH
E’ Diode L CI = 0.56 nH
L CO = 0.58 nH
CBE = 136 fF
CCB = 6.9 fF
CCE = 134 fF
E EHA07389
Valid up to 6GHz
The SOT-343 package has two emitter leads. To avoid high complexity of the package equivalent circuit,
both leads are combined in one electrical connection.
Extracted on behalf of Infineon Technologies AG by:
Institut für Mobil-und Satellitentechnik (IMST)
For examples and ready to use parameters please contact your local Infineon Technologies
distributor or sales office to obtain a Infineon Technologies CD-ROM or see Internet:

3 Aug-20-2001

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 18


For non-linear simulation:

 Use transistor chip parameters in Berkeley SPICE 2G.6 syntax for all simulators.
 If you need simulation of the reverse characteristics, add the diode with the
C'-E'- diode data between collector and emitter.

 Simulation of package is not necessary for frequencies < 100MHz.

For higher frequencies add the wiring of package equivalent circuit around the
non-linear transistor and diode model.

 This transistor is constructed in a common emitter configuration. This feature causes

an additional reverse biased diode between emitter and collector, which does not
effect normal operation.


Transistor Schematic Diagram

The common emitter configuration shows the following advantages:

 Higher gain because of lower emitter inductance.

 Power is dissipated via the grounded emitter leads, because the chip is mounted
on copper emitter leadframe.

Please note, that the broadest lead is the emitter lead.

Common Emitter S- and Noise-parameter

For detailed S- and Noise-parameters please contact your local Infineon Technologies
distributor or sales office to obtain a Infineon Technologies Application Notes
CD-ROM or see Internet:

4 Aug-20-2001

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 19


Total power dissipation Ptot = f (TS ) Transition frequency fT = f (IC)

f = 2 GHz
VCE = parameter in V
200 30
mW GHz
2 to 4

160 24
140 0.75
P tot

120 18

80 12 0.5

40 6

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 °C 150 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 mA 40

Permissible Pulse Load RthJS = f (tp) Permissible Pulse Load

P totmax/P totDC = f (tp)

10 3 10 1
Ptotmax / PtotDC


10 2 - 0.02
0.5 0.05
0.2 0.1
0.1 0.2
0.05 0.5

10 1 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 0
10 0 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 s 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 s 10
tp tp

5 Aug-20-2001

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 20


Power gain Gma, Gms , |S21 |2 = f ( f ) Power gain Gma, Gms = f (I C)

VCE = 2V, IC = 20 mA VCE = 2V
f = parameter in GHz
44 30
32 22
G ms 20

24 16
20 14
16 5
|S 21|2 10
Gma 6
12 8

8 6
0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 GHz 6.0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 mA 40

f IC

Power gain Gma, Gms = f (VCE) Collector-base capacitance Ccb = f (VCB)

IC = 20 mA f = 1MHz
f = parameter in GHz
30 0.30

22 1.8
20 0.20


16 3
14 4
10 6 0.10
0 0.00
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 V 4.5 0 1 2 V 4

6 Aug-20-2001

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 21


Noise figure F = f (IC ) Noise figure F = f (IC)

VCE = 2 V, ZS = ZSopt VCE = 2 V, f = 1.8 GHz

4.0 3.0




2.0 1.5
ZS = 50 Ohm
ZS = ZSopt
f = 6 GHz 1.0
f = 5 GHz
1.0 f = 4 GHz
f = 3 GHz
f = 2.4 GHz 0.5
0.5 f = 1.8 GHz
f = 0.9 GHz

0.0 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 mA 38 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 mA 36

Noise figure F = f ( f ) Source impedance for min.

VCE = 2 V, ZS = ZSopt Noise Figure versus Frequency
VCE = 2 V, IC = 5 mA / 20 mA

dB +j25 +j100


3GHz 0.9GHz

1.5 0
10 25 50 100 0.45GHz


1.0 5GHz
IC = 20 mA -j10
IC = 5 mA 6GHz

0.5 -j25 -j100


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 GHz 6.0

7 Aug-20-2001

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 22

[1] M. I. Skolnik. Introduction to RADAR Systems. McGraw-Hill Inc., 2nd edition, 1981.

c 2014, University of Bremen, RF & Microwave Engineering Laboratory 23

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