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NN ERICSSON = CAPTION LIST J001 53-LZV-IPA 140 3976 Uen Document List a= rr 3[2017-03-21 PAI, Site Documents SITE Plant Specification INSTALLATION DOCUMENTATION telkom Kengeleni Street ink Traffic Node Cabling Diagrams External Alarms Test Documents Product Lists Check Lists Supporting Documents s OPEN ERICSSON Bo Jtctom: DOCUMENT LIST area les mec TaponaE FoR [oor gEKUATIPBT Vincent Omondi loot 51-LZv-IPA 140 3976 Uen {Toc ressontnepreves Dae Fe Fe S[EKLTIPBTC (Anthony Kiringo [2017-03-21 PAL Project: ‘Telkom Kenya Site: Document name Document number Rov. RADIO & TRANSMISSION SITE (001 53-LZV-IPA 140 3976 Usn PAY INSTALLATION DOCUMENTATION 4. DOCUMENT LIST 001 51-LZV-IPA 140 3976 Uen PAY 2, SITE DOCUMENTS Configuration Data (TRM) 21127 04-IPA 1403976 Uen PAL Situating Plan 4153 38-IPA 140 3976 Uen PAY Equipment Layout (Floor Plan) 193 O5-IPA 140 3976 Uen Pat Cable way Drawing 193 24-IPA 140 3976 Uen PAY Antenna Placement Information 183 12PA 140 3976 Uen Pat 3. PLANT SPECIFICATION Plant Specification (TRM) 2127 11-IPA 1403976 Uen PAL 4. CABLING DIAGRAMS Cable Distribution Diagram (Int. Cabling) 3/193 18.1PA 140.9976 Uen A Cable Distribution Diagram (Cross Connect Cabling) 4/193 18:IPA 140 3976 Uen A Allocation Drawing (TRM Rack-Layout) 5/193 18.1PA 140 3976 Uen PAY Gable Distribution Diagram (External Alarm) 6/193 18-IPA 1403976 Uen A Cable Distribution Diagram (Antenna System) 7/93 18.1PA 140 9976 Uen A 5. TESTDOCUMENTS Test Report (TRM) 21153 83:IPA 140 3976 Uen PAL 6. PRODUCTLISTS Product List (TRM) 2/193 32.1PA 140.3876 Uen PA 7. CHECK LISTS Site Inspection List 11183 11-IPA 140.9976 Uen PAI Acceptance Certificate 17961-IPA 140 3976 Uen =A 8. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ‘TRM Path Quality ERICSSON Beno lEKL/T/PAT vincent Omen FNAB CONFIGURATION DATA (TRM) 7 O4PA 140 2976 Uan i [fis mmm T we iS = SIEXLITIPBTC (Anthony Kirngo) [2017-03-21 PAL lo Project: Telkom Kenya Site ° 4. GENERAL 1.1 Geographical Coordinates Loge 30" 40" stat Lats ae 2° 22" 12 Region Nairobi 13 Location Nairobi 14 Type of ste Exsing 0 155 Type of2Mb connection in OF “Two pais twsted cable, 120 ohm 2, SITEDATA TRI Cab_ [AUN Type] Nose Name] Soars Weak Exising —[ AMM2pB | TNODOOO? 3. HOPDATA Deleon GH es | OS Taare ‘Tho follwing below are transmission inks lo frond sitos ‘0 Ste [Azimuth To Ste Kengowea 4. RADIO 41 Hop Name ©-Kongowea 42 Nor of Radio 1 43 Ouiput power (8m) 44 MMU ID 45° Ratio IndoxSub-band) AOS 45. Frequoney (MH) 23003 47 Atenuator (8) ° 48 Weaght of radio Tg 5. ANTENNA 5 No.of Anlonnas 1 52. Amenna Height (m) Pa 52. Anienna Gain (i) aos 54 Polatzation v 55 Woghtofantonna o 58 Max Wind Force 0 57 Max Wind Torave 0 Cae RSL Pa Cena Minne] A Sze] System |] rate (aam)_| km) Type agowet aT [356 [055 | Mas ‘type_| Config. | Type | capaci Wiz 0.6 23H $00 [MMU oR Te Ms san ERICSSON Beno lEKL/T/PAT vincent Omen FNAB CONFIGURATION DATA (TRM) 7 O4PA 140 2976 Uan ER T lEKL/TIPATC (Antrony Kiroge) 1017-03-24 Te PAL Project Telkom Kenya Site ° 6. Power Consumption(™) 6.1 Per Terminal W) 4 62 Fanunt (4) ° 6.3 Tolal Power Consumpton(W) 49 7. SOFTWARE SETUP TA Hop Setup, RF TAA Remote Controlled yes ‘Output power 74.2 AGE Alam Threshold (em) 74.8 Modulation Type 72. Hop Setup, General 72.1. Ratio ID Check on, 722. BER Norm 1 723 Local Conta! yes 724 FarEnd MMU ID san) ERICSSON & Freetom PLANT SPECIFICATION (TRM) _6(17) TESST ERAS STAT PSST SS ET EET TET =D 4 |EKLITIPBT Vincent Omondi 12/127 11-IPA 140 3976 Uen 3s orton aT ae ee S|EKLIT/PBTC (Anthony Kiringo) 12017-03-21 Pat [o Project! Telkom Kenya Site: ° Facing: Kongowea ITEM DESCRIPTION PRODUCT CODE Qty / UNIT 1. Antenna Equipment ANT2 0.6 23 HP/HPX UKY 23042/07H 1 unit 2 Radio Equipment RAU2 X 23/406 KIT NTM 203171/A08 1 unit a Minilink AMM 2pB_ RS Indoor Equipment Set of Materials/AMM 2pB RS Kit BFZ62102/1 1 set Fan UniFAUS BFB 102103/1 RID 1 pe Dummy Unit O33/BFY 113 0431/.W 1 set Dummy Unit 115mm, short SXK 111 5134/1 1 pe 4 Indoor Installation Materials Cable with Connector/4E1,2XUser Out, 6M RPMR 102 20/2 1 pe CablelEtheret, Straight 3M RPMR 102 10/1 1 pe Cable with Connector/4E1,User I/O, 1200hm RPMR 102 06/2 1 pe Modem UnitfMMU2K Kit ROY 2081308 /4 1 pe Dummy UniyDummy Unit 265MM in package 033/BFY1130431/W 4 pc Station Radio Cable RPM 817 6906/01 1 pe Contact SetN-Female Bulkhead 1mm Cable SXK 111.511/21 1 sot DDF Panel Local 1 pe Patch Panel Local 1 pe 5. Outdoor Installation Materials Cable Clamp Kit, Radio Cable 10mm, 2 clamps GINTM 201 230142 50 pe Radio Cable @10 mm, 500m ZC 500 32/200 50m Earthing Kit, RA Cable 10mm NGT 211 04/7 6 pc Fuse Box/Busbar Fuse Holder NFD 604 06/1 2 unit Circuit Breakers/65VDC 10 SKA UL-REC NFS 81020/10 2 unit ERICSSON ZB ictom- ALLOCATION DRAWING. IEKLIT/PGT Vincant Omond 5195 18-1PA 140 3976 Uon [Dosmpoaeoer a oa Te [EKLITIPATC (Anthony Kinga) laoi7o21 Pato Project Tel Sie: ° 1m Kenya TR ERICSSON Bo Jeeteorn: TES TT ETT ETT IEKLITIPST Vincent Omondi FNG TEST PROTOCOL (TRM) 153 831PA 140 3976 Uen [serromatepcrce T= IEKL/TIPATC (Anthony Kirngo) Ten leor703-21 Paro Project: Telkom Kenya site: 0 Facing Kongowea MINI-LINK TN Functional Test - TKL PROJECT Tester: Date: Network Element [TestnoqParamater 7 [DC Supply PFUTPFUZPFUS PFU mamma [festno]Parameter OK 2 _ INE Setup Parameters [TestnosParameter [Trafic Cable Test [Traffic Routing Test [Fan Alarm Test User in [User Out [ist E1 SNP Test [DGN and Sis LAN Test Radio Terminal Pass Fall [Testno]Parameter oK 10__|Hop Setup Parameiors CI [TestnoyParamater Unt [Rat Razin T1_[Transmiter ouput power im "12 [Caleulated received level am 13 [RF input level (arand 1/Tarend 2)" Bm 7 7 T3._[Deta = RF input - Theoretical Bm 4 [interterence test Bm The received level must be within + 3a Wom the calculated love 907) ERICSSON Bo Testor FN6 TEST PROTOCOL (TRM) 1007) NS PET ETT IEKLITIPST Vincent Omondi 153 831PA 140 3976 Uen [serromatepcrce T= Ten IEKL/TIPATC (Anthony Kirngo) leor703-21 Paro Project: Telkom Kenya Site: @ Facing Kongowea [TestnodParameter Pass Fall “15 [Near alarm check "76 | Switch test (or ¥#1 config oni) “7_|EEP tost (SDH/Sonat only) 18 [ELP test (SDH/Sonet only) 19 [CCOP (WIC) (SDH/Sonet only 20 [Wayside Traffe Test (SOH/Sonet only) ATPC functionality [TestnoqParamoter Uak_[ Rat [Ragen Pass Fail 21 [Target input Power (Set on near end)_| dBm 22 [Received Power (Read on Far end) | dBm 23 [Target input Power (Set on Far end) [am 24 [Received Power (Read on Near end) | dBm [FestnodParamater 25 [Performance test (By MSM) [Test noParameter ok. 26 [Storage of Configuration Fle Co Declaration of conformity ‘Alinstalavon actites have boon completed yes] No £1] ¢no,spocty below) ‘Allthe functional tests passed successtuly Yes] No [1] (tno, speciy below) Problems/Comments (Refer to appicable actly numbers) Performed by: Signature Print name Tie Date Ericsson Witnessed by: Signature Print name Tile Date Client e ERICSSON BJ kom PRODUCT LIST (TRM) 11017) g[EKLTPBT Vincent Omondi ari9a 32.198 140 3976 Uen emeee parol i SIEKLITIPBTC (Anthony Kiringo) [2017-03-24 PAL Project: Telkom Kenya Site: POS in | MANUFACTURING UNIT propucT NuMBER | REV [SERIAL NUMBER] POS! FACT [ANTENNA [ANT2 0.6 23 HPIHPX UKY 23042107 RADIO EQUIPMENT IRAU2 X 29/406 KIT INTM 20317 1/A06 [Traffic Node [Set of Materials/AMM 2pB R5 HBFZ62102/1 [Fan UnivFAU4 IBFB 10210371 RID INPU3 D ROJR 211 004/1 Modem UnitiMMU2 K ROJ 2081308 /4 s ERICSSON 2 Tetcom ISPECTION LIST 12017) JEKL/TIPBT Vincent Omondi 4/183 11-IPA 140 3976 Uen Se OAT [oa oar oar Dae Te [F JEKL/TIPBTC (Anthony Kiringo) 12017-03-24 PAL Project Site: Mark the box with an Telkom Kenya * for OK if Correctly installed, ” applicable. 14 12 13 14 24 22 23 24 25 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 104 105 10.6 107 108 10.9 10.10 10.11 Site Installation Documents Site Configuration Site tablesidrawings. Plant specification Test Records. Preparatory Work Checkpoints/Material Handling Equipment delvery check. Equipment and inventory check Unloading of materials. Unpacking of equipment Equipment documents and accessories check. TRM Installation Delivery and unpacking of equipment. Mounting of TRM rack. Installation of AMM(2P/6P/20P). Levelling and tightening of TRM rack Installation of Mini-Link Network Elements. Installation of DDU. Fan Unit Installation Installation of ICF Installation of IF cable. Tightening of MMU, Traffic cable installation. for NOK if not correctly installed, and NIA if Not Ok __NIA_NOK Remarks | | Co OK __NIA_NOK Remarks | a a a a a a ok NIA_NOK. Remarks Cy | | ERICSSON Beaton ISPECTION LIST 1317) JEKL/TIPBT Vincent Omondi 4/183 11-IPA 140 3976 Uen Se OAT Frome JEKL/TIPBTC (Anthony Kiringo) fae Te 12017-03-24 PAL Project Site: Telkom Kenya 10.12 Traffic cable color coding. 10.13 Crimping of traffic cable D-sub connector. 10.14 Traffic cable connector been tightened. 10.15 Installation of other cables(Fan alarm,NCC&DDU). 40.16 TRM rack grounding to ECB. 10.17 Proper crimping of C-clamps. 10.18 Grounding of sub-racks. 10.19. Tightening of all connections. 10.20 Separation of DC power cable from signal cables. 10.21 Installation of IF cable. 10.22 Log equipment information. 10.23 Check all connections with multimeter prior to power-up of equipments. 10.24 Trimming of excess cable tie(no sharp edges). 11.24 Labelling of all cables. ERICSSON 2 Tinton omar ‘SITE INSPECTION LIST 44 (17) jleeor nanan [once et esos un SJexuiest¢ (anthony Kringo) Pe a | Project: Telkom Kenya Site: 13. Microwave Antenna Installation Ok __NIA_NOK Remarks 131. Microwave antenna documents 13.2. Assembly of antenna accessories. es | 18.3. Azimuth of microwave antenna. LT 13.4 Mounting of microwave antenna a 13.5 RAU documents ee 136 _ Installation of RAU. a 18.7 Tightening of RAU. oJ 138 Grounding of RAU. a> 13.9 _ IF cable connector assembly. a 13-10 IF cable connector weatherproofing a 1311 Bending radius of IF cable. ar 1312. Direction and 60 VDC labeling of IF cable. a 13.13 Installation of racio cable clamps, | A A 18.14. Tightening of radio cable clamps. es | 13.15. Vertical alignment of radio cable clamps. LT 13.16 Grounding of IF cable to earth collection bar. a 14, Preparatory to Vacate Checkpoints Ok __NIA_NOK Remarks 14.1. Check all equipments passed functional tests. 44.2 Check all cabinets,racks, & boxes are clean. oT} 14.3 Observe cleanliness in site premise & cabin floorings. [|] |] 144 Check all equipments are working before leaving. §—§ [TTT 145 Prepare Materials Retum to Store for excess materials. [——T TT] a2 ERICSSON 2 seen SITE INSPECTION LIST 1817) a RTH OM PERT PET RT STIG] —— R= Dias 3[EKLITIPBT Vincent Omondi 4/183 11-IPA 140 3976 Uen fe eemremiocer [oa oar oar Dae Te [F E[EKLITIPBTC (Anthony Kiringo) 12017-03-24 PAL Project Telkom Kenya Site: 15. Clearance Commitment for Outstanding Item List Summary ‘The outstanding item has to be completed before the site is ready for acceptance. Telkom Inspector Remarks and Description Critical | Major] Minor] vamarSign ete Inspected Commitment to clear these issues: Critical : 72 hours Major : 5 days Minor : 1 month Telkom Kenya Representative: Name & Signature: Date: Ericsson Supervisor: Name & Signature: Date: ERICSSON B Fietcom ‘Acceptance Certificate 47017) THR a HATO ANAT POST HE TORSTEN TTT Stan EKLIT/PBT Vincent Omondi 179 61-IPA 140 3976 Uen Pie eonttanorer [eA ciara — loan a Te Fe EKLIT/PBTC (Anthony Kiringo) 2017-03-21 A 0 Project: Telkom Kenya Site 0 NETWORK ELEMENT ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ericsson Radio System Kenya has delivered, installed and tested the Network Elements, as defined in the contract ‘The Network element acceptance has been performed in according with the procedures described in above mentioned contract. Further reference should be made with remarks per attached test report. Number of remarks within Ericsson responsibilities, that has been made on this site: ‘Site Name and Address: Date Ericsson Representative ‘Telkom Kenya Representative Name: Name: Signature: Signature:

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