Preemptive Analgesia With Acupuncture Monitored by C-Fos Expression in Rats

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J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2016;9(1):16e21

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Preemptive Analgesia with Acupuncture

Monitored by c-Fos Expression in Rats
André T.A. Gonçalves de Freitas 1,*, Lino Lemonica 2,
Julio De Faveri 3, Sergio Pereira 4, Maria D. Bedoya Henao 5

Department of Morphology, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho,
UNESP-Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Anesthesiology, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho,
UNESP-Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Pathology, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho,
UNESP-Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Biological Sciences, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho,
UNESP-Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
Clinic of Acupuncture and Homeopathy, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita
Filho, UNESP-Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil

Available online 1 September 2015

Received: Mar 18, 2015 Abstract

Revised: Jul 28, 2015 Pain behavior and awareness are characterized by heightened alertness and anxiety,
Accepted: Aug 5, 2015 which begin to disappear as soon as the curative process starts. The present study aimed
to quantify c-fos expression in rat spinal cords and brains after a surgical stimulus and
KEYWORDS with preoperative or postoperative acupuncture. Animals were randomly divided into
acupuncture; preoperative and postoperative groups and were then further divided into control,
analgesia; manual acupuncture (MA), or electroacupuncture (EA) groups. Expression of c-fos was
c-fos protein; quantified using immunohistochemistry. The collected data were analyzed using the t
pain test at a 5% probability level. Presurgery and postsurgery spinal cord c-fos expressions
were similar in all of the treatment groups. In the control rats, c-fos expression was high-
er before surgery than after surgery, contradicting the expected outcome of acupuncture
and preemptive analgesia. After treatment, the expression of c-fos in the brains of the

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
* Corresponding author. Department of Morphology, Bioscience Institute UNESPdSão Paulo State University, 18618-970 Botucatu,
São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail: (A.T.A. Gonçalves de Freitas).

pISSN 2005-2901 eISSN 2093-8152
Copyright ª 2016, Medical Association of Pharmacopuncture Institute.
Preemptive Analgesia with Acupuncture 17

rats in the MA and the EA groups was reduced compared with that of the rats in the con-
trol group. These findings suggest that acupuncture used as preemptive analgesia in rats
is a useful model for studying its application in human treatment.

1. Introduction to evaluate the preoperative and postoperative effects of

Pain is an uncomfortable sensorial and emotional experi-
ence associated with an actual or psychogenic lesion, and 2. Materials and methods
an important mediator of response to harmful agents. Pain
control can involve a multimodal approach that includes
pharmacological and nonpharmacological techniques, pro- 2.1. Animal treatments
moting relaxation and reduction of the painful stimulus [1].
Among the nonpharmacological techniques with recognized Thirty-six adult male Wistar rats, from the Animal Depart-
analgesic effects are manual acupuncture (MA) and ment of Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP),
electroacupuncture (EA), which activate the sensitive- Brazil, weighing 210e235 g were maintained five to each
discriminative system to stimulate a suppressive pain cage in order to avoid stress caused by overcrowding, under
response [2,3]. Pain control can be started prophylactically, normal temperature and controlled light, and with food and
and the preemptive administration of opioids or local an- water provided ad libitum. All experimental protocols were
esthetics can reduce postoperative pain, hyperalgesia, and approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of UNI-
morphine intake [4,5]. This suggests that an analgesic FESP and were in accordance with National Institutes of
intervention before surgery will produce a better outcome Health guidelines on animal care.
than the same intervention after surgery [6]. Animals were distributed randomly to control, preoper-
Pain response may influence the cellular genome, causing ative, and postoperative groups, with 12 animals in each
important changes in gene transcription and protein syn- group, and then subdivided into MA and EA groups, with six
thesis. Genes that show a rapid change in expression after animals in each group. All animals were anesthetized with
neuronal activity are known as early or immediate response 45 mg/kg sodium thiopental until no motor sensibility could
genes. The structural events that occur in the nervous sys- be observed. The preoperative groups were submitted to
tem after a pain stimulus are related to the activation of MA or EA at 100 Hz frequency in the following points:
these genes, which include proto-oncogenes such as c-fos Stomach 36, Kidney 1, and Bladder 67, bilaterally (Fig. 1).
and c-jun. The identification of c-fos expression in the spinal The needles were removed after 20 minutes and surgery
cord and brain is a reliable method for assessing the efficacy was started. An approximately 1-cm long incision was made
of analgesic treatments [7]. in the plantar region of the left paw using a scalpel blade.
The repetition of a stimulus is capable of reducing c-fos After this, superficial and deep tissues were dissected.
expression [8,9]. Mapping of the brain areas associated with After 60 minutes, animals were sacrificed and perfused. In
the analgesic effects of acupuncture by means of c-fos the postoperative groups, animals were stimulated for 20
expression in either anaesthetized or restrained animals minutes, at the same points after surgery, and then sacri-
has helped to elucidate its mechanisms of action [7]. ficed and perfused.
This study aimed to quantify c-fos expression in the Rats were euthanized by injecting 75 mg/kg sodium
spinal cord and brain of rats after a painful stimulus in order thiopental intraperitoneally, and perfusion was started 60

Figure 1 Manual acupuncture (MA) and electroacupuncture (EA) in rats. (A) MA in E36. (B) EA in E36. (C) EA in B67 (Ting).
18 A.T.A. Gonçalves de Freitas et al.

minutes later if the animals did not manifest any signs of analysis system (Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA)
consciousness. To remove the spinal cord and brain, ani- and Neurozoom software (The Scripps Research Institute/
mals were placed in a horizontal ventral decubitus position Mount Sinai School of Medicine, La Jolla, CA, USA). The
above a wooden platform. boundaries of the brain areas were identified using adjoining
Nissl-stained sections. A template or outline was constructed
2.2. Immunohistochemistry for each brain nucleus or subnucleus based on the shape and
size of the region. The location and relative size of each
The c-fos immunoreactive (Fos-ir) cells were detected template is shown in Fig. 2. The c-fos-positive nuclei within
using a conventional avidinebiotineimmunoperoxidase each area were counted bilaterally (where possible) in two
technique to localize an antiserum raised against a syn- consecutive sections/animal and the mean value is reported
thetic N-terminal fragment of human Fos protein (Ab-5; as the number of Fos-ir cells/10,000 mm2. This counting
Oncogene Science, Cambrige, MA, USA) [10]. Briefly, free- procedure allowed a reliable, time-effective analysis of c-
floating sections were pretreated with hydrogen peroxi- fos expression in 41 brain areas [11].
dase, followed by sodium borohydride. Sections were then For spinal cord c-fos-positive nuclei counting, the dorsal
treated with normal goat serum (1:100) and 0.3% Triton X- horn was analyzed. It was previously shown [13] that
100 for 2 hours and incubated with the primary antiserum at physiological stimulation of rat primary sensory neurons
a dilution of 1:3,000 in potassium phosphate buffer at room causes increased Fos-like immunoreactivity in the nuclei of
temperature for 24 hours. Subsequently, the sections were postsynaptic neurons of the spinal dorsal horn.
incubated with a secondary antibody (goat anti-rabbit IgG,
1:200; Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA, USA) for 2.4. Statistical analyses
90 minutes at room temperature and treated with the
avidinebiotin complex (1:100; Vector) for a further 90 mi- The average, median, and standard deviation of each group
nutes. Staining was completed using the nickel-intensified (control, preoperative and postoperative) were calculated.
diaminobenzidine reaction. Between steps, the sections To verify the effect of surgery and of each treatment
were rinsed in 0.002 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH (control, MA, and EA), a variance analysis was conducted,
7.4). The tissue was agitated on a rotator between each calculating the F statistics and p values for comparisons
incubation and rinse step. Sections were mounted on among the three treatments in pre- and postoperative
gelatin-coated slides, dried, dehydrated, and covered with conditions, and t and p values for pre- and postoperative
a coverslip [7]. comparisons. The results were considered statistically sig-
nificant when p < 0.05.
2.3. Counting c-fos-positive nuclei
3. Results
As described in previous studies [11], the nomenclature and
nuclear boundaries defined in Swanson’s Stereotaxic Rat
Brain Atlas were used in this study [12]. C-fos-immunoreac- 3.1. Spinal cord
tive nuclear profiles in different areas of the brain were
counted using a BX50 Olympus microscope (Olympus America Results from the statistical analysis of Fos-ir cell counts in
Inc., Melville, NY, USA) coupled to a Macintosh-based image the spinal cord and brain are shown in Table 1, and

Figure 2 Photomicrograph illustrating stress-induced c-fos-immunoreactive cells. (AeC) In the spinal cord. (DeF) In the brain.
Original magnifications 40.
Preemptive Analgesia with Acupuncture 19

Table 1 The average number of c-fos-immunoreactive cells/104 mm2 ( standard deviation) in the spinal cord and brain.
Control Pre MA Pre EA Post MA Post EA
Spinal cord 9.36  5.51 8.12  4.62 14.33  11.75 12.23  8.11 13.38  15.84
Brain 94.31  13.9b,* 47.94  12.32a 42.98  5.85a 46.26  4.45a 39.49  8.49a
* Different lowercase letters (a and b) indicate statistically significant differences between experimental groups.
EA Z electroacupuncture; MA Z manual acupuncture.

immunohistochemistry photomicrographs illustrating the 3.2. Brain

effect of different treatments on c-fos expression are shown
in Fig. 3. There were no significant differences in c-fos Table 2 summarizes the results of a comparative analysis of
expression after treatment, and likewise in the pre- and c-fos expression between control animals and those treated
posttreatment groups, neither MA nor EA caused a significant with MA or EA. Significant differences between all treat-
change in c-fos positivity. There was also no difference in c- ment groups compared with the control group were
fos expression when MA or EA were compared during the pre- observed. Comparisons between the same treatments in
and postsurgical period. the pre- or postsurgical periods revealed no significant

Figure 3 Diagrams illustrating the templates and relative sizes of the different brain areas in which c-fos-immunoreactive cells
were counted [11]. The levels were based on Swanson’s Stereotaxic Atlas of the Brain [12]. Abbreviations list: ACA Z anterior
cingulate area; ARH Z arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus; BLA Z basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; BST Z bed nucleus of the
stria terminalis; CA1 Z field CA1; CA2 Z field CA2; CA3 Z field CA3; CeA Z central nucleus of the amygdala; CM Z central medial
nucleus of the thalamus; CoA Z cortical nucleus of the amygdala; DG Z dentate gyrus; DMH Z dorsomedial nucleus of the hy-
pothalamus; DR Z dorsal raphe nucleus; ENT Z entorhinal area; LC Z locus coeruleus; LH Z lateral habenula; LHA Z lateral
hypothalamic area; LSd Z lateral septal nucleus, dorsal part; LSi Z lateral septal nucleus, intermediate part; LSv Z lateral septal
nucleus, ventral part; MeA Z medial nucleus of the amygdala; Mop Z primary motor area; MPT Z medial pretectal nucleus;
MPO Z medial preoptic area; NTS Z nucleus tractus solitarius; PBl Z parabrachial nucleus, lateral part; PH Z posterior hypo-
thalamus; PIR Z piriform area; PVT Z paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus; PVa Z anterior periventricular nucleus of the
hypothalamus; PVp Z posterior periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus; PVHmpd Z paraventricular nucleus of the hypo-
thalamus, medial parvicellular part, dorsal zone; RM Z nucleus raphe magna; RO Z nucleus raphe obscurus; RPA Z nucleus raphe
pallidus. SCH Z suprachiasmatic nucleus; SS Z somatosensory area; SUMI Z supramammillary nucleus; VISC Z visceral area.
20 A.T.A. Gonçalves de Freitas et al.

acupoints, resulted in a significant increase in the number

Table 2 Comparative analysis between control
of c-fos-positive cells in the primary visual cortex [15].
and treatment groups with respect to the number of c-fos-
However, we observed no significant differences in c-fos
immunoreactive cells in the brain.
positivity after B67 stimulation.
Comparison Statistical difference p The pre- and postoperative acupuncture treatments
Control vs. pre-MA 46.369 < 0.001 failed to have any analgesic effect, probably because no
Control vs. pre-EA 51.327 < 0.001 endogenous opioids were released. There was, therefore,
Control vs. post-MA 48.047 < 0.001 an increase in c-fos expression, mainly because the initial
Control vs. post-EA 54.813 < 0.001 stimuli of analgesia by MA or EA can be painful. Analgesia by
acupuncture relies on the manipulation of a physiological
EA Z electroacupuncture; MA Z manual acupuncture.
process, and thus may not lead to a complete loss of
sensation or pain.
differences in c-fos expression. The difference in
the average number of c-fos-immunoreactive cells/104 mm2
( standard deviation) between pre- and postsurgical MA 4.2. Brain
groups was 1.678 (p > 0.05), and between pre- and post-
surgical EA groups it was 3.486 (p > 0.05). Likewise, there Changes in c-fos expression in the brain indicated that
was no significant difference in c-fos positivity between preemptive analgesia with either AM or EA reduced stress.
different treatments in the same period (4.958 for preop- Treated animals showed a significant reduction of c-fos
erative MA and EA, and 6.766 for postoperative MA and EA; expression, corroborating previous findings [3,16,17]. The
p > 0.050). comparison between control animals and those in the
different treatment groups (Table 2) showed a very signif-
icant difference in c-fos expression (p < 0.001) for each
4. Discussion treatment, proving that they are effective compared with
the control. We observed that, regardless of the treatment,
MA and EA were able to induce analgesia and increase the
4.1. Spinal cord
pain threshold of the animals, possibly with increased
opioid and monoamine release.
The absence of any significant difference (p > 0.100) in c- With respect to the number of Fos-ir cells, our study
fos expression between pre- and postoperative treatments revealed that there was no statistical difference between
indicates that animals exposed to pre- and postoperative pre- and postoperative groups (p > 0.050) after either MA
stimuli experienced a similar level of stress, and conse- or EA treatment. This indicates that animals subjected to
quently, had similar c-fos expression levels in the dorsal painful stimuli pre- and postoperatively suffered a similar
horn of the spinal cord. Regardless of the treatment used, level of stress and manifested a similar c-fos expression
none of the animals were completely sedated, to the point level in the brain.
where c-fos expression would be repressed. Although the When comparing groups treated at the same time (pre-
differences in c-fos expression were not significant, the or postoperatively) but with different treatments (MA or
highest expression was in animals treated with preemptive EA), there were indications that EA reduced pain (although
EA, suggesting that this technique causes more stress than the differences were not significant), in agreement with
the other treatments. It is also noteworthy that the “Ting” previous studies. Recent studies [18] have shown that EA is
points selected in this study (Bladder 67 and Kidney 1) are effective in the control of pain and symptoms for which MA
localized in the edges of the toes, which are more sensitive has always been ineffective. Moreover, an increased num-
to pain stimuli due to intense innervations. It was previ- ber of Fos-ir neurons in the hippocampal region following
ously reported [3] that 2 Hz electrical stimulation at EA was recently demonstrated [19]. Despite there being no
traditional acupuncture sites induced the release of ence- significant differences in spinal cord c-fos expression, the
phalin in the spinal cord of rats, providing a more effective brain results corroborate studies in which acupuncture
analgesia than we observed in this study. needle penetration produced only a low level of stress
The absence of significant differences in c-fos expression [20e22], suggesting that it could be used as an alternative
between treatments in postoperative animals might be to, or in combination with, pharmacological intervention.
explained by individual variations, particularly in the ani- Our study provides strong evidence that acupuncture
mals treated with MA and EA, and may not necessarily be can induce analgesia by reducing c-fos expression. Using
associated with the treatment effect per se. Other studies acupuncture to provide preemptive analgesia in rats rep-
have shown conflicting results when using opioids to control resents an important model for studying the physiological
conditional pain, probably as a result of methodological effects and mechanisms of this technique, and the results
differences [14]. of these studies could be applicable to future human
Against our expectations, MA in pre- and postoperative treatment.
conditions did not cause a significant reduction in c-fos
expression. The E36 point has been shown to have an
analgesic and sedative effect (7), and is thus expected to Disclosure statement
reduce c-fos expression. This might indicate that the ani-
mals were subjected to too much stress in these experi- The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest
ments. Previous studies have shown that B67 stimulation, and no financial interests related to the material of this
but not stimulation of less important visual function manuscript.
Preemptive Analgesia with Acupuncture 21

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