Grimlite: We Live in A Forgotten World. The Company Brought Peace, Then Left. Only The Doomed and The Lost Remain

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Chris McDowall - Bastionland Press - 2020

We live in a forgotten world.

The Company brought peace, then left.
Only the doomed and the lost remain.

Version 12.11.20.C Current Development Focus:

Change Notes: • Tuning of all Scenarios.

• Continued work on Campaign system, filling
Note: At this early stage of development all in needed Scenarios and thinking of ways to
changes are fluid and being tested. Further encourage more narrative attitude over
changes will come and existing changes may get relying on mechanics.
rolled back if they aren’t successful.
• Campaign Types that give more focus to an
ongoing Campaign.
• Tweaked Shock Table results.
• Tweaked Faction Reward tables.
• Some changes to specific Horrors and
• Testing a new method for Shields, breaking it
down into Shield and Cloak as separate

Who are You? The Battlefield
A typical battlefield is 2x2 or 3x3ft.Terrain should be
Warbands follow a bold leader, forced to undertake dense and span vertical levels. Ensure that long open
desperate risks to carve out a life for themselves. stretches are at least broken up by waist-height
Sometimes they’re an idealistic order, but more often obstacles. As a guide, lay down obstacles and terrain in
a loose company of mercenaries and survivors. a way that splits the battlefield into a 3x3 grid.

You compete for Glory, having word of your warband Unless specified otherwise terrain is assumed to be
and deeds spread throughout the land. climbable by the resourceful combatants.
Battles vary based on the Scenario being used, which is
See theWarbands section for a guide to creating your split into Mission and Scene halves. For your first
Warband or a selection of sampleWarbands to choose game use the Hunt Mission and Lair Scene detailed in
from. the Scenario section.

What is this Game?

Solo and Cooperative Play
• A narrative skirmish game, usually 6-9 doomed
or lost individuals on each side and hostile a The rules for GRIMLITE assume a competitive game
hostile environment. between two players, but the game can also be played
with a single warband controlled by just one player or
• Simple rules with no measuring of distances. players working together with their own warbands. In
• Fast battles that can be finished easily under an these cases there are a few changes advised.
hour and played back-to-back.
• For co-op, have each player build their warband
• Open enough to use with a variety of miniatures with fewer points (30pts divided by number of
and scenery. Kitbashing encouraged. players, rounding up).
• Rules that create Drama. Play to find out what • For existing Warbands just bring roughly half or
happens, not to see who wins. a third of your warband as appropriate.
• A Warband may choose to nominate a QL4+
• Focus on scenarios rather than pitched battles. Follower in place of the Leader.They are treated
• No stacking, no tracking. Focus on the minis on as Leader for all other purposes.
the battlefield, not your army list, tokens, cards, • When a situation calls for “the other player”,
or ongoing effects. such as failing a Move roll, the players either
• Designed for small boards with dense scenery. come to a joint decision or roll to randomise
the result.


Similarly, you can have battles with more than two

warbands. In these instances a larger board is

What senseless violence is this?
Players take Turns to activate units one at a time, Unbound Units
performing 3 Actions of their choice. Any
combination of Actions can be chosen in any order. Some units are not a part of either player’s warband.
The most common of these are Horrors.
Free Actions granted in special situations do not count
towards the normal action limit. Unbound units perform 3 Actions on their turn,
following an automated series of priorities.
At the end of the Turn, Mark the Unit
as Exhausted with a Token. They act in the following order of preference:

This sequence makes up a single Turn and each model 1. Attack the nearest Enemy.
gets one Turn per Round. 2. Move toward the nearest visible Enemy.
After activating their own Unit, the player must then 3. Move toward the nearest Enemy or Glory
activate an Unbound unit if able (see right). Token, visible or not.
At the start of a new Round, remove all Exhaustion Horror treat all Warband members as enemies and all
tokens. A unit is considered Readied when it is not other Horrors as Allies. Other types of Unbound
Exhausted. specify the ways in which they differ from Horrors.
Rolls use a d6 and compare to the unit’s
Quality (QL).
First Player is randomised each Round.
For warbands deploying from a board edge, keep your
models off the board to begin with. As soon as a unit is
Glory first activated you place them anywhere touching this
board edge.
Warbands use Glory gained from battles to draw in
new recruits, requisition equipment, and draw Scenarios may call for other methods of deployment.
support from their contacts. Scenarios always have 5
Available Glory, which may be on-board, off-board, or
a combination thereof. Ending the Battle
At the end of each Round, units can each claim a At the end of a Round, either player can declare they
single Glory Token they are touching if: areWithdrawing if any one of the following is true:
1. They are Standing. • More than half of the available Glory has been
2. They are not Touched by any standing hostile
units. • More than half of their warband is dead.
Off-board Glory is claimed in ways specified by the • All other players also agree to Withdraw.
scenario. Glory is a finite resource, and cannot be When this occurs, one more Round is played, then the
gained from a source that contains no more Glory. battle ends. Any unclaimed Glory is lost.
If two players would simultaneously gain the same If all Glory is claimed at the end of a Round then the
specific Glory Token, roll to see which player claims it. battle immediately ends.
Scenarios may specify other ways to end the battle.

Move to an endpoint in a straight line, the top of a climb, or the other side of an obstacle or gap.
Roll for Moves after your first each turn, or if you are touching a standing enemy.
+1 if you can see your Leader.
Pass:You make it.
Fail:Your opponent places you anywhere between your start and end points.
If you don’t clear a dangerous climb/leap, take d6 Damage.
FIGHT (twice per turn)
Take a number of dice dicated by your Weapon.
Assign dice between Targets you are Touching.
Roll to hit. +1 if your target is Down.
Each Hit causes Damage based on your Weapon.
SHOOT (once per turn)
You cannot Shoot if you are Touching a standing enemy.
Take a number of dice dicated by your Weapon.
Assign dice between targets that you are not touching.
Roll to hit. -1 if the target is partially Concealed.
Each Hit causes Damage based on your Weapon.
For targets Touching your Allies, 1s rolled hit an Ally.
RECOVER (once per turn)
Yourself or a Downed Ally you are touching Rolls.
+1 if an Ally is touching the Downed unit.
Pass: Stand up and return to normal.
Fail: Stay Down.
TACTIC (each Tactic once per turn)
Perform a Tactic the unit has access to.
Actions taken as part of a Tactic count towards the unit’s limit for the turn unless specified as a Free Action.

For each point of Damage taken, Roll a Save using your QL.
DAMAGE If you Fail on any of the rolls you areWounded. Roll 2d6 on the Shock Table.
If the result is a Double you are Dead, otherwise you are Down.
A unit that is Down cannot perform Actions other than trying to Recover themselves.
DOWN If a unit is Wounded while Down they are Killed without rolling Shock.
If you are Downed next to a ledge, Roll or Fall. d6 Damage if you Fall.
Remove the unit from the board.
DEAD After the battle roll on the Casualty table (p.10) for each unit.

2d6 SHOCK 7 Downed: No further effect.

2 Killshot: Die in a particularly messy way. 8 Fight Back: Attack your Attacker.
3 Bleeding: Roll or Die. 9 Crawl: Make a Free Move.

Opportunity: The Attacker gets a Free

4 Move or Attack. 10 Last Gasp: Perform a Free Action.

5 Thrown: Move directly away from Attacker. 11 Saviour: An Ally you can see makes a Free Move.

Vengeance: One Ally gets a Free Attack against

6 Panic: Attack the nearest target, friend or foe. 12 your attacker.

Those seeking answers must quickly learn to speak their own truth with con�dence.

Moving without measurement calls for some Line of Sight

collaborative judgement between the players. In
general a single Move is intended to allow one of the A unit can only see another unit if they can see their
below.The names for each type of move do not carry head or main section of their body. For humanoids
any mechanical weight, but are purely for clarity. this would be their torso. Limbs, weapons, and other
protrusions are assumed to be in constant movement
• RUN in a straight line over relatively open so are ignored for drawing lines of sight.
ground, crossing anything up to knee-high.
• HURDLE to the other side of an obstacle you Partial Concealment
are already near to.This assumes the model is
roughly within their base's width of the A model is partially concealed if the shooter does not
obstacle. have a line of sight to the whole of their main section
• CLIMB Moving up a vertical level, typically by of their body. If in doubt, lean towards granting the
climbing a stairway, ladder, or one-storey of a benefit of concealment, representing the target
vertical surface. Remember, surfaces are all ducking and diving to make use of available cover.
climbable unless noted otherwise.
• DROP down a level of one-storey or greater, Judgement Calls
typically via ladder, stairs, or shimmying down a
wall.Vertical drops of less than one-storey can Discuss the issue with the other player and come to a
be made as part of a longer move. conclusion that pleases both the narrative and the
• LEAP a reasonable gap. Dangerous leaps might thread of disbelief that renders your table into reality.
have the unit fall on a failed roll.
If you cannot come to an agreement then roll off to
A small amount of readjustment before the move see which way things go. Look upon your failures of
should be permitted, typically only enough that the imagination and consider this a learning opportunity.
miniature is still touching the area originally covered
by its base. Units can move through allies, but As a general guideline:
enemies block movement. • Be generous when adjudicating Vertical
Movement and Short Moves.
GRIMLITE was designed without measuring • Be strict when adjudicating Long Moves and
movement as something of an experiment, to Line of Sight.
encourage a game where less time is spent counting
inches and more is spent imagining the situation
taking place.These rules rely on both players
embracing the spirit of the game, rather than focusing
on the letter of the law.

With this in mind, remember that this movement

system is designed to encourage dynamic,
unpredictable battlefields where combatants can dash
in and out of cover, attempt triple-move sprints to
the objective, and scramble for vantage points. For
most battlefields, single moves spanning half of the
board should not be possible unless that route is
clearly designed that way, such as an open road. Be
strict when drawing long lines of movement that
require squeezing through gaps, but generous with
shorter movements, lest the game grind to a halt as
units spend multiple turns clogged up between


What is an Attack? A player activates their Predator (Precise 4+) armed

with a Piercer (R1x2).
Any reference to an “Attack” means a Fight Action or
Shoot Action. They decide to Move with their first action, setting
an endpoint with a clear view of their target.
A single Attack can involve rolling multiple dice
when attacking with a multi-dice weapon (ie R3x1). With their second action they’ll Shoot at an enemy
These are sometimes referred to as Attack Dice. Squire (5+).They’re using their Piercer (R1x2), so
they roll one die. It’s a 1, missing, but as the Predator
+1/-1 Modifiers has the Precise Skill they can reroll Shoot dice.This
time they roll 5, a hit.That’s 2 Damage to the Squire.
+1 means improve your QL by one step, so QL4+
becomes QL3+.The opposite is true of -1QL. The Squire now rolls to Save (5+) against the
damage, one roll for each point of damage.They need
Multiple Weapons to pass both to avoid being Wounded.They score 2
and 5, so they areWounded.
Models Attack with one weapon per action. Let the
model be the guide here, so a pair of swords might The Squire rolls 2d6 on the Shock table.The dice
count as a single weapon. show 3 and 6, a total of 9.This result is “Crawl”,
letting them scurry deeper into the woods before
dropping to the ground.
Narrative Actions
For their third Action the Predator decides to Move.
As the narrative of the game unfolds players may wish As this is their second Move they must Roll to
to perform actions not covered by those in the rules. succeed.They set an endpoint in some nearby ruins
In these cases players should come to an agreement. and roll a 6, passing their Roll, ducking back into
Typically this involves spending an action and may Cover.
require a Roll for risky or difficult actions.
Finally, the Predator is marked as Exhausted and
For example, opening a door might require an action, their Turn is complete.
breaking down a barricade might require a roll to
succeed, and bypassing an alarmed door might have
grave consequences on failure, such as alerting more

A warband is nothing but a collective of those too desperate to survive alone. Behind every group lies the yearning
hunger of those lost individuals.
Points costs below are included for those that wish to Weapons
create their own Factions.
A weapon’s profile lists the following three details in
Quality order.
A Unit uses their Quality (QL) to perform most
actions, rolling one or more six-sided dice and Range
attempting to equal or beat their QL Score. For Touch: Base-contact only.
example, a QL5+ unit must roll 5 or more on their Ranged: Shoot at any target in sight.
roll to succeed.
Number of Dice
Initiate QL5+ (1pt) Roll this many dice when you attack, splitting between
Agent QL4+ (2pts) targets if you wish.
Leader QL3+ (3pts)
Skills (1pt) The amount of damage caused by each die that rolls a
Skills allow a Unit to reroll failed dice in specific hit.
situations. No single die can be rerolled more than
once. Standard (1pt) Superior (2pts)
(2x1) (3x1)
Fierce: Reroll when Fighting. (1x2) (1x3)
Nimble: Reroll when Moving and Saving vs Ranged.
Precise: Reroll when Shooting. For example, a R1x2 weapon grants 1 Ranged Attack
Tough: Reroll when Recovering and Saving vs Touch. that causes 2 Damage if it hits.

Tactics (1pt, see opposite) are usually innate to a Any unit can Fight Unarmed (T1x1)
Unit, but can be granted by a piece of Gear.
Mods (1pt)

These are special effects that are usually triggered by

attacking or hitting with theWeapon. Maximum of 1
per Weapon.

Shields and Cloaks (1pt)

A Shield grants +1 to Saves while the wielder is


A Cloak grants +1 to Saves while the wielder is


Both of these modifiers apply after the effects of

Weapon Mods or Tactics.

Specialist Weapons (1pt)

These weapons are T1x1, identical to an unarmed

attack, but come with a free Mod attached to them.

Discipline, gadgetry, and dirty tricks.
TACTICS Overrun: Fight. If you Wound a WEAPON MODS
Adrenaline:Take 1 Damage, target, make a Free Move. Agony: x2 Damage vs Downed
then make a free Move or Fight at Phalanx: Attack. If you Wound targets.
QL2+. the target a Readied Ally you are Bane:Targets Save as QL5+.
Aim:Your next Shoot this turn touching makes a free Attack.
Blaze: For each hit, all units
counts as QL2+. Provoke: Exhaust yourself. A touching your target take 1
Bionics: Can be used even if you Readied Enemy you can see damage.
are Down. Move or Attack. immediately carries out their
turn. Brutal: Roll 1d6+1 for Shock
Decoy: Swap places with an Ally instead of 2d6.
you can see. Revive: An Ally you are touching
automatically Recovers. Concuss: x2 Damage vs Standing
Feint: An enemy you touch makes targets. Ignore Shock results that
a Free Fight against you. If you are Sensor: A Readied Ally you can would Kill.
not Wounded, Fight them as see Free Shoots an Enemy you can
see. Force: On a hit, move the Target
QL2+. directly towards or away from
Fly: Move to a point you can see, Seize: Move without needing to you.
travelling through the air as roll, as long as you end touching
an enemy or a Glory Token. Heavy: x2 Damage if you have
needed. Exhaust yourself. not moved this Turn and you are
Frenzy: All units touching you Shortcut: Make a Move ignoring Readied.
take 1 Damage. one obstacle or surface.
Lethal: Shock Rolls of 7 are
Guardian: Attack a target that is Signal: Exhaust yourself. A treated as a Double.
touching an Ally. Roll at QL2+. Readied Ally you can see Activates
and carries out their turn. Reach: You can Fight targets that
Impact: Move into contact with are touching a Unit that you are
an enemy and cause 1 Damage to Smite: Roll. If you pass, a target also touching.
them. you can see takes that much
damage. If you fail, you take that Rend: Attack rolls of 6 cause x2
Inspire: An Ally that you can see much damage. Damage.
makes a free Fight or Recovery. Sidearm: Once per turn you can
Sprint: Move twice then Exhaust
Link: An Ally you can see yourself. make a Free Attack with a
performs a Free Move. Sidearm.
Manipulate:Target an enemy Storm: x2 Dice if you have not
you can see.They must Roll or Moved this Turn and you are
you can Move them in a way that Readied.
does not cause direct harm. Suppress: When you Wound a
target they become Exhausted.
Surge: x2 Damage but you take
the Damage for each 1 rolled to

Collectives of the Doomed and Lost.

Factions Rewards

Spend 30 points on your units and gear, choosing from At the end of each battle, each warband rolls can
your Faction’s list. A Warband always has exactly one spend up to 3 Glory on a single Reward their
Leader and up to 8 Followers. Faction’s Reward table.The player decides which
specific member receives the reward if applicable.
In addition, Scenarios have their own Rewards listed
A Warband can take Followers from other factions as in the Scene half. A single reward can be bought from
Turncoats as long as they remain less than 50% of the here instead, or in addition to the Faction Reward
model count (so a Warband with 3 Splicers could take table.
up to 2 Turncoats from other factions).
Warbands can only spend Glory that they earned in
Turncoats can buy equipment from either faction list. the most recent battle. It cannot be saved for future
Total Glory
TheWarband tracks the total Glory they have achieved 2 Dead: Nothing remains.
over their lifetime.This total includes all Glory
earned, even after it is spent. 3 Critical: Roll or Die.
4 Injured: Miss the next battle.
Casualties Trapped: The enemy deploys you Down
5 anywhere in the next battle.
At the end of the battle each unit that Died rolls on
the Casualty table. MIA: Enemy deploys you anywhere out of
6 sight in the next battle.
For best results roll your least valuable casualties 7 Full Recovery: No further effect.
before your more valuable units.
Retaliation: Make a Free Action at the start
Glory can be spent to increase the result of this roll by of your first Turn in the next battle.
1 per point of Glory spent. Bonded: Choose one Ally that has not rolled
9 yet.You both make Full Recoveries.
If a Warband’s Leader dies they promote another unit
to Leader, improving to QL3+ if needed. Grizzled: Gain Tough or Fierce for the next
10 battle only.

11 Focused: Gain Nimble or Precise for the next

battle only.
12 Hardened: Improve QL (Max 2+).

Those that have fought for this long without achieving their goal are truly the most lost among us.

Edritz - Judge (3+) [9pts]

Righteous Fist (T1x2 - Brutal: Roll 1d6+1 for Shock
instead of 2d6)
Thundergun (R1x3)
Condemn:Target an Enemy you can see. All Allies
that can see them Free Attack on them.

Hoch - Paragon (Tough 4+) [6pts]

Thundergun (R1x3)
Guardian: Attack a target that is touching an Ally.
Roll at QL2+.

Musel - Chronicle (5+) [2pts]

Blade (T2x1)
Spotlight:Target Readied Unit makes a Free Action at
QL2+ then Exhausts themselves.

2 Legionnaires (5+) [6pts]

Piercers (R1x2)
Phalanx: Attack. If you Wound the target an Ally you
are touching makes a free Attack.

2 Zealots (Fierce 5+) [6pts]

Mauls (T1x2)


Argavald - Sage (3+) [7pts]

Oxidiser (R1x2 - Lethal: Shock Rolls of 7 are treated
as a Double)
Arise: All Allies you can see attempt a Free Recover.

Brother Arkerd - Besieger (Tough 4+) [5pts]

Oxidiser (R1x2 - Lethal: Shock Rolls of 7 are treated
as a Double)

Brother Culkerd - Errant (4+) [5pts]

Electro Sword (T1x3)
Shield (+1 to Saves while Readied)
Rust-Hawk - Drone (Nimble 5+) [3pts]
Shock Rod (T1x1 - Suppress:When you Wound a
target they become Exhausted)
Fly: Move to a point you can see, travelling through
the air as needed. Exhaust yourself.

2 Technolytes (Tough 5+) [10pts]

Gamma Carbine (R2x1 -Agony: x2 Damage vs
Downed targets.)
Aim:Your next Shoot this turn counts as QL2+.

We are the last remnants of old nobility and law. Born to rule, cursed to die.

Visual Shorthand: Autumn, helmets, and funerary. Followers

Nobility, law, and hierarchy.
Paragon (Tough 4+) [4pts]
Leaders Armoured warriors sworn to protect.
Guardian: Attack a target that is touching an Ally.
Sheriff (Tough 3+) [6pts] Roll at QL2+.
Highly equipped enforcers seeking justice for crimes against
their kin. Pathfinder (Precise 4+) [4pts]
Execute:Target a Downed Enemy you can see.They Loners from the borders of what remains of civilisation.
take d6 Damage. Shortcut: Make a Move ignoring one obstacle or
Marshall (3+) [6pts]
Masters of arms that have earned their followers in battle. Sergeant-at-Arms (Fierce 4+) [4pts]
Advance: All Allies that can see you make a Free Given the mixed blessing of leading from the front.
Move. Inspire: An Ally that you can see makes a free Fight or
Lash (T1x2) Recovery.

Champion (4+) [3pts]

Judge (3+) [5pts] A favoured follower granted the blessing of their leader and
Those with the authority to call down �re on their enemies. best equipment.
Condemn:Target an Enemy you can see. All Readied Feint: An enemy you touch makes a Free Fight against
Allies can make a Free Attack on them. you. If you are not Wounded, Fight them as QL2+.

Chronicle (5+) [3pts]

Accurate records and myth both hold their own power.
Provoke: Exhaust yourself. A Readied Enemy you can
see immediately carries out their turn.
Signal: Exhaust yourself. A Readied Ally you can see
immediately carries out their turn.

Freelance (Tough 5+) [2pts]

Survived long enough to learn a few tricks.

Legionnaire (5+) [2pts]

Remnants from the armies of old, equally revered and pitied.
Phalanx: Attack. If you Wound the target an Ally you
are touching makes a free Attack.

Zealot (Fierce 5+) [2pts]

Those willing to die in a manner be�tting of the OldWays.

Herald (5+) [2pts]

Banner carriers and musicians sounding the glory of their
Inspire: An Ally that you can see makes a free Fight or

Gear Rewards

Stuck in the past, Inheritor weapons tend to carry a At the end of each battle, after rolling for Casualties,
medieval feel. Hand-wound crossbows as are you may spend remaining Glory on a single Reward
common as primitive rifles. More advanced weapons from the list below.
are treasured heirlooms and often decorated
accordingly. Scenarios have their own Rewards that can be bought
with glory in addition to this Reward.
Ancestral Blade (T3x1 - Rend: Attack rolls of 6 cause
x2 Damage.)
Incinerator (R3x1 - Blaze: For each hit, all units
touching your target take 1 damage) 1 One unit gains Tough.

2pts One unit gains one of the following:

Righteous Fist (T1x2 - Brutal: Roll 1d6+1 for Shock Fierce
instead of 2d6) Frenzy
Relic Blade (T3x1)
Spend 2pts on a Recruit, Gear, or gain
Flail (T2x1 - Surge: x2 Damage but you take the any Tactic.
Damage for each 1 rolled to hit.) 3
As part of this, sell one piece of gear for
Polearm (T1x2 - Reach:You can Fight targets that an additional point to spend.
are touching a Unit that you are also touching)
Leader Ambitions
Siege Hammer (T1x2 - Heavy: x2 Damage if you These are long-term goals for your leader if you are
have not moved this Turn and you are Readied.) playing a Campaign.

Thundergun (R1x3) 1. Supremacy: See an enemy Warband withdraw

while all your QL4+ units still stand.
Thunderpistol (R1x2 - Sidearm: Once per turn you 2. Slaughter:Wipe out the entire enemy
can make a Free Attack with one Sidearm) Warband in a single battle.
3. Dominance: Stand over an enemy Leader
Storm Rifle (R1x2 -Storm: x2 Dice if you have not while their entireWarband is Down or Dead.
Moved this Turn and you are Readied. 4. Purge: Have your Warband kill 3 Greater
1pt 5. Leadership:Win a battle without your Leader
Blade (T2x1) making a single attack.
Maul (T1x2) 6. Prosperity: Claim all available Glory in a
Blaster (R2x1) battle.
Piercer (R1x2)

Shield (+1 to Saves while Readied)

That which has fallen into darkness can be brought to light if we look through the sharper eye of technology.

Visual Shorthand: Winter, lenses, and chivalry. Followers

Tombs, bionics, and verdigris.
Harrier (Nimble 4+) [4pts]
Leaders Upgraded for speed and agility.
Sprint: Move twice then Exhaust yourself.
Seeker (Nimble 3+) [6pts]
Hunters of lost technology and cybernetic artifacts. Besieger (Tough 4+) [4pts]
Infiltrate: Move one ally that no enemies can see to A radical sect that believe there can be no coexistence with
any position on the battlefield that no enemy can see. nonbelievers.
Shield (+1 to Saves while Standing)
Steward (Tough 3+) [6pts]
Battle-hardened shepherds of the technological faithful. Errant (4+) [4pts]
Guide: An Ally you can see performs a Free Move or A splinter faction of cybernetic knights that serve an obscure
Attack using your QL score. prophecy based around the search for relics.
Electro Sword (T1x3)
Sage (3+) [5pts]
Spiritual leaders and repositories of knowledge. Gladiator (Tough 4+) [4pts]
Arise: All Allies you can see attempt a Free Recover. Liberated from the machine-�ghting pits.
Overrun: Fight. If you Wound the target, make a Free

Technolyte (Tough 5+) [3pts]

The fanatical core of the faith, having replaced most of their
organs and skeleton with mechanical parts.
Aim:Your next Shoot this turn counts as QL2+.

Automata (Tough 5+) [3pts]

The blessed few that have been freed from an organic mind.
Bionics: Can be used even if you are Down. Move or

Drone (Nimble 5+) [3pts]

Floating scouts picking out the next victim.
Fly: Move to a point you can see, travelling through
the air as needed. Exhaust yourself.

Curator (5+) [2pts]

Keepers of holy technologies.
Seize: Move without needing to roll, as long as you
end touching an enemy or a Glory Token.

Squire (Nimble 5+) [2pts]

Recruits eager to earn their �rst cybernetic augmentations.

Gear Rewards

Welders see their weapons as their companions, At the end of each battle, after rolling for Casualties,
naming them and keeping them close at all times. In you may spend remaining Glory on a single Reward
extreme cases the connection might be made from the list below.
permanent.They particularly favour harnessing the
energy of heat, electricity, and magnetism. Scenarios have their own Rewards that can be bought
with glory in addition to this Reward.
Autostave (T3x1 - Reach:You can Fight targets that
are touching a Unit that you are also touching) GLORY REWARD
Repulsor (T1x3 - Force: On a hit, move the Target 1 One unit gains Nimble.
directly towards or away from you)
One unit gains one of the following:
Thermal Lance (R1x3 - Rend: Attack rolls of 6 cause Impact
x2 Damage) 2 Aim
Rail Rifle (R1x3 - Heavy: x2 Damage if you have not
moved this Turn and you are Readied.) Spend 2pts on a Recruit, Gear, or gain
any Skill.
2pts 3
Electro-Sword (T1x3) As part of this, sell one piece of gear for
an additional point to spend.
Alloy Staff (T3x1)
Leader Ambitions
Oxidiser (R1x2 - Lethal: Shock Rolls of 7 are treated These are long-term goals for your leader if you are
as a Double) playing a Campaign.

Gamma Carbine (R2x1 -Agony: x2 Damage vs 1. Arsenal: Have one of every 3pt Weapon on
Downed targets.) your Faction list.
2. Elites: Have three Followers with a Skill, a
Coil Rifle (R1x2 Heavy: x2 Damage if you have not Tactic, and a weapon worth 3pts.
moved this Turn and you are Readied.) 3. Strike: Kill at least half of the opposing
warband in a single Round.
1pt 4. Endurance: Finish a battle without
Spear (T1x2) withdrawing, with your entireWarband
Sword (T2x1) standing.
Piercer (R1x2) 5. Ascension: Kill a Greater Horror with a
QL5+ follower
Shock Rod (T1x1 - Suppress:When you Wound a 6. Implacability: Stay standing after a direct
target they become Exhausted) attack from an enemy Leader.

Shield (+1 to Saves while Readied)

Cloak (+1 to Saves while Exhausted)

Life cannot survive in its natural state. Our great minds turned to creating unnatural bodies,birthing an uprising.

Visual Shorthand: Spring, icons, and academia. Followers

Cults, experimentation, and revolution.
Offspring (Fierce 4+) [5pts]
Leaders The product of a particularly fruitful splicing.
Savage Claws (T3x1)
Exemplar (Fierce 3+) [6pts] Adrenaline:Take 1 Damage, then make a free Move
An beacon of their cause, leading from the front. or Fight at QL2+.
Protector: Choose one Ally you can see. All Enemies
touching them are exhausted. Enforcer (4+) [4pts]
Eliminating threats both internal and external.
Visionary (3+) [5pts] Toxic Dagger (T1x1 - Lethal: Shock Rolls of 7 are
The brains of the operation, keeping a tight grip on access to treated as a Double)
technology and splices. Inspire: An Ally that you can see makes a free Fight or
Unveil: Swap the positions of any two Allies you can Recovery.
Engineer (Precise 4+) [3pts]
Host (3+) [5pts] Holders of the science of splicing and access to
A vessel for greater things. experimental weaponry.
Onslaught: Move into contact with an Enemy.They
take d6 Damage and you are Exhausted. Seer (4+) [3pts]
Those given mildly telepathic powers by their splicing.
Sensor: A Readied Ally you can see Free Shoots an
Enemy you can see.

Informer (Nimble 5+) [3pts]

Secretive followers that can mostly hide their mutations.
Decoy: Swap places with an Ally you can see.

Anomaly (5+) [2pts]

Sometimes a splice manifests more extreme psychic abilities.
Leaders fearfully put them to use.
Smite: Roll. If you pass, a target you can see takes
that much damage. If you fail, you take that much

Kindred (5+) [2pts]

The bulk of the coven’s �ghting force. Noticeably twisted.
Adrenaline:Take 1 Damage, then make a free Move
or Fight at QL2+.

Martyr (5+) [2pts]

Not all splices are successful, but even those can �nd a way
to serve the cause.
Impact: Move into contact with an enemy and cause 1
Damage to them.

Node (5+) [2pts]

Barely functional on their own, they seem to form a
connection with other followers.
Link: An Ally you can see performs a Free Move.

Gear Rewards

Splicer weapons are most likely to draw on At the end of each battle, after rolling for Casualties,
experimental methods too dangerous for other you may spend remaining Glory on a single Reward
factions to consider. In extreme cases boundaries from the list below.
between mutation and weapon start to blur.
Scenarios have their own Rewards that can be bought
3pts with glory in addition to this Reward.
Reaper Claws (T3x1 -Storm: x2 Dice if you have not
Moved this Turn and you are Readied.
Lethal Probe (T1x3 -Agony: x2 Damage vs Downed
targets.) 1 Give one unit Fierce
Storm Cannon (R3x1 -Storm: x2 Dice if you have One unit gains one of the following:
not Moved this Turn and you are Readied. Shortcut
2 Decoy
Grav Warper (R1x3 - Force: On a hit, move the Revive
Target directly towards or away from you)

Novagun (R3x1 - Surge: x2 Damage but you take the Spend 2pts on a Recruit, Gear, or add a
Damage for each 1 rolled to hit.) Mod to any Weapon.
2pts As part of this, sell one piece of gear for
Toxic Blade (T1x3) an additional point to spend.
Savage Claws (T3x1)
Leader Ambitions
Ripper Staff (T2x1 - Heavy: x2 Damage if you have These are long-term goals for your leader if you are
not moved this Turn and you are Readied.) playing a Campaign.

Scattergun (R3x1) 1. Hardship: Have at least 5 Followers die in a

Chem Gun (R2x1 - Surge: x2 Damage but you take 2. Reverence: See a Greater Horror kill 2
the Damage for each 1 rolled to hit) enemies in a single battle.
3. Observation:Touch 3 different Lesser
Concussion-Gun (R2x1 - Concuss: x2 Damage vs Horrors.
Standing targets. Ignore Shock results that would 4. Loyalty: Have at least 12 Followers.
Kill) 5. Exorcism: Be touching a Greater Horror as it
is killed.
1pt 6. Terror: Force the enemy to Withdraw by the
Claws (T2x1) end of Round 2.
Piercer (R1x2)
Blaster (R2x1)

Pistol (R1x1 - Sidearm: Once per turn you can make

a Free Attack with a Sidearm)

Toxic Dagger (T1x1 - Lethal: Shock Rolls of 7 are

treated as a Double)

Cloak (+1 to Saves while Exhausted)

We were cast down from the stars, swearing to no power greater than the trade and the hunt.
Visual Shorthand: Summer, masks, and blood. Followers
Wealth, chitin, and splendour.
Elite (Nimble 4+) [5pts]
Leaders Offered every protection from retaliation.
Shield (+1 to Saves while Standing)
Alpha (Tough 3+) [6pts]
Born into a warlike dynasty, continuing the legacy. Warrior (Fierce,Tough 4+) [4pts]
Rampage: Make a Free Move and Fight. Forged in battles among the stars.

Watcher (Precise 3+) [5pts] Predator (Precise 4+) [3pts]

Possessing a vision beyond our own eyes. Always looking for interesting new prey.
Blink: Move yourself to a position that no Enemies
can see and Exhaust yourself. Soothsayer (4+) [3pts]
Violators of causality and private thoughts.
Slayer (3+) [5pts] Manipulate:Target an enemy you can see.They must
Those that live for combat, always seeking more opponents. Roll or you can Move them in a way that does not
Massacre: Any Allies that can see a Downed enemy cause direct harm.
make a free Move or Fight.
Stalker (Nimble 5+) [3pts]
Delight in chasing down the most uncooperative prey.
Shortcut: Make a Move ignoring one obstacle or

Blooded (Nimble 5+) [3pts]

Young and eager to prove themselves.
Frenzy: All units touching you take 1 Damage.

Bodyguard (Tough 5+) [3pts]

Fighters oath-bound to protect their leader.
Provoke: Exhaust yourself. A Readied Enemy you can
see immediately carries out their turn.

Leech (5+) [2pts]

Able to absorb the suffering of others, which hurts less than
their own.
Revive: An Ally you are touching automatically

Spotter (5+) [2pts]

Vicious harbingers of incoming death.
Sensor: A Readied Ally you can see Free Shoots an
Enemy you can see.

Gear Rewards

Exiles trade in otherworldly weapons. Coming from At the end of each battle, after rolling for Casualties,
such a diverse range of backgrounds themselves, you may spend remaining Glory on a single Reward
there are few commonalities to draw on outside of from the list below.
their marriage of effectiveness and cruelty.
Scenarios have their own Rewards that can be bought
3pts with glory in addition to this Reward.
Death Claws (T3x1 -Agony: x2 Damage vs Downed
Dread Glaive (T1x3 - Reach:You can Fight targets
that are touching a Unit that you are also touching) 1 One unit gains Precise.
Cluster Launcher (R3x1 - Concuss: x2 Damage vs
Standing targets. Ignore Shock results that would One unit gains one of the following:
Kill) Signal
2 Sensor
Shardreaper (R3x1 - Heavy: x2 Damage if you have Link
not moved this Turn and you are Readied.)

Seeker Cannon (R1x3 -Storm: x2 Dice if you have Spend 2pts on a Recruit or Gear.
not Moved this Turn and you are Readied.
3 As part of this, sell any number of pieces
Fusion Gun (R3x1 - Bane:Target saves as QL5+) of gear, each granting an additional point
to spend.
Hunting Spear (T1x2 - Lethal - Shock Rolls of 7 are
treated as a Double) Leader Ambitions
These are long-term goals for your leader if you are
Bane Talon (T1x2 - Bane:Target saves as QL5+) playing a Campaign.

Impaler (R1x2 - Suppress:When you Wound a target 1. Execution: Kill a 3+ opponent from Standing
they become Exhausted) to Dead in one Turn.
2. Cohort: Have at least six 4+ Followers.
Shardcaster (R3x1) 3. Trophies: Personally kill three different types
of Horror.
Cloak-Shield (+1 to all Saves) 4. Legend: Claim 3 Glory tokens personally in a
single battle.
1pt 5. Bloodthirsty: Personally kill 5 or more
Blade (T2x1) Enemies in a single battle.
Spike (T1x2) 6. Superiority: Be the last of your Warband
Piercer (R1x2) standing at the end of a battle.

Pistol (R1x1 Sidearm: Once per turn you can make a

Free Attack with a Sidearm)

Kinetic Driver (T1x1 - Force: On a hit, move the

Target directly towards or away from you)
Lightbeam (Sensor: A Readied Ally you can see Free
Shoots an Enemy you can see)

Wingpack (Fly: Move to a point you can see,

travelling through the air as needed. Exhaust

Things that keep you awake at night.
Choosing Horrors Horror Traits
Most Scenarios have Horrors deployed on the board, Most Horrors have special traits that are somewhat
leaving the choice of which specific Horrors up to the more wild than what Warbands have access to. It’s
players.The Horrors provided in this section are common for Horrors to have unique traits that are
divided by theme, and then into Lesser and Greater not used elsewhere.
Horrors. Generally you can choose a Theme before
the battle and use Horrors from that page. The below is a non-definitive list of some of the more
common traits that might prove useful in creating
More likely your choice of Horrors will be your own Horrors.
determined by the miniatures you have available, and
you should absolutely modify the entries included to Adamant: This unit is not Killed by a doubles result
suit your miniatures when suitable. Better yet, try on the Shock Table.
making your own Horrors with the rough guidelines
below. Daunting: Enemies attempting to Move into contact
with this unit must always Roll, even if this is their
Lesser Horrors first Move of the Turn.
• QL5+ with a Skill or QL4+ without.
• A main weapon, generally in the realm of 3x1 Eternal: This unit automatically passes Recovery
or 1x3. Rolls.
• If the main weapon is ranged, give them a Touch
weapon at 1x2 or 2x1. Ghostly: This unit always counts as as being partially
• Usually a Trait or Weapon Mod or both. Obscured. If they are already partially obscured they
• Not all Lesser Horrors are equally powerful. count as hidden.
When it feels right, give them a little boost, but
be wary of making them too weak, or the Immortal: This unit cannot die by any means.
horror-factor will be lost. NOTE: Do not use these Horrors in Scenarios that
• Horrors are allowed to break the rules.They require Horrors to be killed for warbands to earn
can have weapon mods that would be too Glory.
powerful for warbands to use.
Implacable: This unit cannot be killed as long as it is
Greater Horrors Standing.
• QL3+ with a Skill if appropriate.
• A main weapon with dice and damage Lumbering:This unit must roll to Move, even on its
multiplying to roughly 6. So 2x3 or 6x1 are first Move each Turn.
both good.You can go higher for really nasty
horrors. Regenerate: After being Wounded, make one more
• Usually a Mod to their main weapon, especially Roll. On a pass the unit is not Wounded.
nasty if the outright damage isn’t too high.
• A more straightforward secondary weapon, Stealth: Even when an Enemy has line of sight to this
especially if the main weapon is Ranged. Unit they must pass a Roll to be able to shoot at it.
• One or two Traits, ideally one to help keep
them alive.These can also function like
secondary attacks that cause damage in certain

Beasts that just want to survive.

Vermin (Nimble 5+) Leaper (Nimble 3+)

No ordinary rats. Pushed out of their lairs and driven to Sting-tailed nightmares with a tell-tale sickly aroma.
desperation. Tearing Claws (T2x2, x2 Damage on a 6)
Bite (T3x1) Venomous Presence: Anybody ending their turn
Swarm: x2 Damage when attacking a target that touching a Leaper must Roll or be Downed without
another Vermin is touching. making a Shock Roll.

Arachnid (Nimble 5+) Chameleoid (Nimble 3+)

Such growth cannot be natural in these hard times. The perfectly evolved prey-stalker.
Bite (T1x3) Scythe Claws (T2x3)
Web (R1x1. Models that are hit are automatically Stealth: Even when an Enemy has line of sight to the
Downed without Shock. Cannot Kill) Chameleoid they must pass a Roll to be able to shoot
Advance:Whenever this unit Shoots it also Moves at it.
towards the nearest visible target.
Devourer (Fierce 3+)
Wolf (4+) Colossal beasts, recently having adopted carnivorous tastes.
Common name for anything that hunts in packs and Reaper Claws (T2x2)
considers you prey. Digestive Acid (R1x3)
Bite (T3x1) Advance:Whenever this unit Shoots it also Moves
Howl:When this unit Wounds a target, any other towards the nearest visible target.
units of the same type make a Free Move towards the Adamant:This unit is not Killed by a doubles result
target. on the Shock Table.

Bloodhawk (Nimble 5+) Furious Behemoth (Tough 3+)

Birds of prey, big enough to take out a human. Big, dumb,and scared makes for a dangerous combination.
Tearing Claws (T3x1) Horns and Hoofs: (T2x2)
Flight:When this Horror moves it ignores all terrain Implacable:This unit cannot be killed as long as it is
between itself and its destination. Note that it can Standing.
still only move to a destination that it can see. Crush:When this unit moves into contact with an
enemy it causes d6 Damage.

Beings warped only to �ght.

Forsaken (Fierce 5+) Horned Hunter (Tough 3+)

Once like us, now they embody hatred and nothing else. Most Exiles at least present as part-time traders. Some fully
Claws (T2x1) embrace the hunt.
Hazardous: Anybody ending their turn touching this Hunter Rifle (R1x4)
unit takes 1 Damage. Gore (T2x2, x2 Damage if the unit moved
immediately before this attack)
Hellion (4+)
Ominous knights that feed off bloodshed. Crested Hunter (Nimble 3+)
Devil Sword (T1x3) Those from above carry numerous predatory advantages.
Bloodfeast:Take a Free action when you Wound a Hunter Rifle (R1x4)
target. Tear (T3x1, attack rolls of 5 or 6 cause x2 Damage)
Keen Eye: Ignore penalties for shooting at an
Marauder (Fierce 5+) obscured target.
Not quite mindless, but their bloodlust leaves room for little
else. Clawed Hunter (Fierce 3+)
Chopper (T3x1) We are not the only ones to experiment with Splicing.
Ripper (R3x1, Disabled on a roll of 1) Charge Launcher (R2x2)
Wicked Claw (T1x6 - Lethal:Treat Shock Rolls of 7
Many-Horned Hound (Fierce 5+) as Killed)
More crafted than bred, loosed on the most hated foes. Implacable:This unit cannot be killed as long as it is
Horns (T3x1) Standing.
Impale: x2 Damage if this unit hits with all of its dice
in a single attack. Crafted Aberration (Nimble 3+)
Scent:Treat this unit as if they can always see the Inspired by nightmares.
nearest enemy. Grasping Form (T1x3 - see below)
Fuelled by Hate:When this unit fights, replace its
number of Dice with the number of Enemies it can
see. e.g when it can see 3 Enemies it Fights at T3x3.
Regenerate: After being Wounded, make one more
Roll. On a pass the unit is not Wounded.

Those that wish to subjugate you.

Pacifier (Precise 5+) War Strider (3+)

Carrying the authority of an employer, as well as their gun. They would march halfway across the world just to prove
Flash-Gun (R3x1 - Neutraliser: If the target rolls a 1 somebody else wrong.
on any of their Saves they are Downed without any Hell Cannon (R6x1)
further harm) Kinetic Field: Any weapon targeting this Horror
counts as having 1 Attack only.
Militant (Tough 5+)
Some believe in another’s authority so strongly that they Steel Tyrant (Tough 3+)
would gladly die for it. The magnum opus of violent enforcement.
Blaster (R2x1) Harnessed Lightning (R1x6, if the attack Wounds
Chained Blade (T3x1) then Shoot again at another target in Line of Sight of
Martyr:When a Militant is killed they always get one the original victim)
final Fire/Fight action against their attacker. Reflector Field: Any attack dice rolling 1 are reflected
back and hit the attacker.
Area Denial Drone (Nimble 5+)
For the more impersonal touch. Reaper Drone (3+)
Flash Charges (R2x1 - Neutraliser: If the target rolls a For dispersal only. Disposal not covered.
1 on any of their Saves they are Downed without any Blaster Battery (R3x1. Ignores the normal limit of
further harm.) Shooting once per turn.)
Lethal-Taser (T2x1 - Agony: x2 Damage vs Downed Regenerate: After being Wounded, make one more
targets) Roll. On a pass the unit is not Wounded.
Scanner:This unit always moves towards the nearest
Enemy, visible or not. Eliminator Drone (Precise 3+)
For persistent offenders.
RedWarden (Precise 5+) Seeker Missile (R1x4 - Can always fire at the nearest
Vigilantes for whatever status-quo they believe in. target, visible or not, and ignores Cover.)
Subsonic Blaster (R2x1 - Push: If the target Saves Dismemberment Claws (T2x2 - Targets that roll at
against all Damage, push them directly away from least one 1 on their Saves are instantly killed)
you. If they hit something solid and immovable they Regenerate: After being Wounded, make one more
take 1 Damage.) Roll. On a pass the unit is not Wounded.
Shield-Hound (+1 to Saves when Readied. If this unit
Saves against all Damage from an attack the attacker
takes 1 Damage)

Things left without purpose.

Steel Ripper (Tough 5+) Crusade Machine (3+)

Served as battle�eld cleanup-crew under the Company. Put to work here since the Company �rst landed.
Metal Claws (2x1) Shredder (R6x1)
Adamant:This unit is not Killed by a doubles result Impacter (T1x6)
on the Shock Table. Lumbering:This unit must roll to Move even on its
first Move each turn.
Brass Flayer (4+) Shield (+1 to Saves when Readied)
The mechanical warriors of the Company’s legions.
Rending Beam (R1x2 x2 Damage on a 6) Abyssal Colossus (3+)
Eternal:This unit automatically passes Recovery rolls. Bio-mechanical monstrosities dredged from the abyss.
Typhoon Launcher (R5x1)
Forgotten Sentry (4+) War Talon (T1x5)
Our own warriors given unnatural life in return for service. Regenerate: After being Wounded, make one more
Greatsword (T1x3) Roll. On a pass the unit is not Wounded.
Implacable:This unit cannot be killed as long as it is Eternal:This unit automatically passes Recovery rolls.
Void Stalker (Tough 3+)
Sworn Vivifier (5+) Took a vow to protect us, but now only betrayal.
Holders of the Company’s secrets of long life. Entropy Bolt (R1x5 - Suppress:When you Wound a
Injector (T1x3) target they become Exhausted)
Deathless: At the start of this Unit's turn, any other Tearing Hands (T3x1)
units of the same type that can see it automatically Daunting: Enemies attempting to Move into contact
Recover. with this unit must always Roll, even if this is their
first Move of the Turn.

Bound Brute (Fierce 3+)

For when the Company wished to tear things down before
rebuilding in their own image.
Crushing Fists (T2x3)
Rage without Purpose: At the end of its Turn, if this
unit cannot see an Enemy, Scream, causing 1 Damage
to the d6 nearest enemies, visible or not.
Regenerate: After being Wounded, make one more
Roll. On a pass the unit is not Wounded.

Echoes that should be silent.

Grey Shadow (Nimble 5+) Decay Knight (3+)

Strangely familiar faces. Urge us to accept our inevitable decline.
Cold Knife (T1x3) Rust Blade (T2x2, on a 6 the target is Exhausted)
Ghostly:This unit always counts as as being partially Lumbering:This unit must roll to Move even on its
Obscured. If they are already partially obscured they first Move each turn.
count as hidden. Aura of Decay:The first 2 points of Shooting damage
caused to this target each Turn are ignored.
Restless Dead (Tough 5+)
The natural cycle has been broken, so they stir. MindWitch (Nimble 3+)
Blades and Claws (T3x1) The unnatural forces at work in our world can be bent to
Implacable:This unit cannot be killed as long as it is strange ambitions.
Standing. Staff (T2x1)
Wicked Eye (R1x2. Anybody Downed or Killed
Mourner (Tough 5+) instead becomes a Horror for the rest of the Battle,
Those that wish to Shepherd us to join the dead. acting accordingly.This effect ends if theWitch is
Staff (T2x1) killed.)
Sadistic:When this unit can see a Downed Enemy
they act at QL4+. Winter Harvester (Fierce 3+)
Claims to be an ambassador of Death itself.
Pale Knight (Tough 5+) Dull Scythe (T2x3)
Warriors that cannot abandon their �ght. Soul Scream:When this Unit Kills another, all
Glaive (T3x1) Enemies that can see it take 1 Damage.
Shadowfeed: If a Unit has died this Round, this unit Implacable:This unit cannot be killed as long as it is
acts at QL3+. Standing.

Grave Heap (Tough 3+)

The unnamed long to be remembered.
Grasping Hands (T6x1)
Spawn: At the end of its Turn, place d6-3 Restless
Dead touching this unit.
Endless: +1 to Saves when Downed.

Good reasons to die.
Scenario Halves Roll SCENE MISSION Num
A Scenario is split into two halves, the Scene and the
Mission. Roll a pair of dice for both the Scene and the 1 Lair Hunt 1
Mission, consulting the table opposite. 2 Stash Trailblaze 2
3 Towers Breakthrough 3
For your first game I recommend using Scene 1 and 1-2
Mission 1. After that, Scenes 1-3 and and Missions 1- 4 Relic Recruitment 4
3 are also the most straightforward. 5 Ambush Duel 5
6 Darkness Bounty 6
Some Missions and Scenes will assign players Roles,
commonly Aggressor/Defender and Intruder/Host. 1 Warzone Extraction 7
Assign these randomly by rolling off. 2 Purge Prophecy 8
3 Haunt Mutiny 9
The Scene is the environmental side of the Scenario. 3-4
Their Scenario-half usually dictates the battlefield, 4 Vigilante Negotiation 10
unbound units, events and the conditions for 2 of the 5 Mercenaries Infiltrate 11
5 Glory Tokens. 6 Feud Recon 12
1 Oracle Burning 13
The Mission is the instigating goal of the Scenario.
This Scenario-half usually dictates the conditions for 2 Dock Encounter 14
3 of the 5 Available Glory Tokens, which may be off- 3 Tomb Exchange 15
board, as well as warband deployment. 5-6
4 Starfall Banishment 16
Glory Tokens granted by each Scenario half can only 5 Tunnels Outrun 17
be earned by the methods listed in that Scenario-half. 6 Rifts Parade 18
Unless specified, Horrors are always deployed before Greyed entries are not ready yet. Order not yet correct.
Creating Scenarios
Instructions in the Scene stack with those in the
Mission. In case of a direct contradiction, the Scene • Don’t feel limited to the included Scenarios, or
overrules the Mission.The Scene also contains even the Mission + Scene format.The game can
Rewards that can be bought with Glory after the take as strong a narrative focus as you feel
battle, in addition to the Rewards available to each comfortable with.
Faction. • Most Scenarios involve combat, but think
beyond that to provide an additional layer.
Both sides contain one or more Twists. For Consider info gathering, sabotage, or diplomacy.
Experienced players have one or both sides select a
Twist to apply. • Consider the way each side will gain Glory.
These can be different, but should lie at conflict
Details are included for how to play each Mission and with each other in some way.
Scene as Solo or Coop. In cases where an Enemy • Is the wholeWarband involved, or do you want
Warband is created, they are treated as Unbound to focus the scenario on a single character or
Units that treat Horrors and Warbands as Enemies smaller group?
unless noted otherwise.
• Typically achieving objectives should grant
Enemy Warbands always choose to Withdraw if they Glory, but don’t rule out more specific rewards.
have lost more than half of their Warband. • Add an element of danger for both sides and
some sort of pressure to drive things.
If their behaviour is ever in dispute then have them
act as feels appropriate, or randomise their behaviour • Importantly, scenarios do not need to be
if unsure. balanced, but each side should have a chance to
gain Glory.

What’s the point of all this?
Warbands change and grow across a Campaign until Remember the Narrative
they inevitable reach a climactic confrontation. Above anything else, remember this is a narrative
game, so that should always be held at the front of
Leader Ambitions your mind.
Each Leader begins with a set of six Ambitions listed
in their Faction.These can be ticked off at any time, Mini Campaigns
in any order, and often involve action over multiple
battles. With games running so quickly you can easily run
through a three-game mini-campaign in a couple of
If your Leader dies permanently the new Leader hours. A good structure for this is:
starts with their own list of Ambitions.
A straightforward horror-hunting game to get
Completing your Ambitions puts you in a better things off to a simple start.
position during the Climax. A scenario that puts a twist on that format. If one
Warband has already begun to dominate then perhaps
Total Glory a handicap match. Otherwise a more narrative
Keep track of the total amount of Glory you have scenario fits well here.
earned across all battles. A finale with a big, dramatic element. Perhaps just
lots of powerful horrors, or an extreme battlefield
Generating Scenarios condition.
When two Warbands from the same campaign face
off, they each roll a die and add their Total Glory. OtherWorlds
Reroll in case of a tie.
What lies beyond the world presented in this book is
The player with the higher roll determines the limited only by your imagination, and no one
Mission with that number from the list opposite.The interpretation is more valid than another.
Scene is rolled randomly.
In particular the ruleset might suit games of survival
The player with the lower roll assigns the Roles for horror on alien-infested starships, scavenging in
each scenario half if needed. prehistoric wastelands, gladiatorial combat, or
exploration into a hostile dark-age forest.
If the high-roll is higher 19 or higher, that player has
triggered the Climax instead of a normal scenario. Warbands can be changed, rules can be adapted to
suit the new setting, and as always the game should
The Climax serve your miniatures, your terrain, and your
imagination, rather than being a constraint.
This is a special battle to end the Campaign. It is a
complete Scenario, not a Scenario-Half.The player
that triggered the Climax chooses the specific
Scenario from the Climax section found at the end of
this book.
Each Warband receives additional Resources for the
Climax.They take the entry for the number of
Ambitions their leader has fulfilled, or a lower
numbered entry if they wish.

TheWarband that wins the Climax is the winner of

the Campaign.

Into the jaws of the beast.
Board Twists
Dense terrain with a relatively clear patch in the
centre for the lair. Make sure the Lair has an entry Destroy the Nest
point from each direction but is mostly shielding The Glory Tokens are not claimed like normal tokens,
from external line of sight. but must be attacked, treated as QL4+.

Horrors When a unit wounds a Glory Token in this way they

Deploy 3 Lesser Horrors outside the Lair. immediately claim it.

Keep some Lesser and Greater Horrors aside. Solo/Coop

Deploy 3 Lesser Horrors on the opposite board edge
Glory to your warband.
Place 2 Glory Tokens in the Lair, a safe distance from
the centre point. On Event Rolls of 1-2, if there are no Warband
Members in the Lair, deploy a Lesser Horror in the
Events centre.
Roll at the end of each Round.
1. If there is at least one warband member in the
Lair, deploy a Lesser Horror touching each GLORY REWARD
Glory Token.
2. If there is at least one warband member in the In the next battle, immediately before
Lair, deploy a Greater Horror touching a 1 your first Turn, you may move one
random Glory Token. Horror to anywhere else on the board.
3. Deploy a Lesser Horror in the Lair, not
touching any other units. Choose 1 Lesser Horror from this
4. If the Lair does not already contain a Greater 2 battle. For the next battle only they join
Horror, place one in the middle of the Lair, not your Warband.
touching any other units.
5. A Lesser Horror deploys from a random board Choose 1 Greater Horror from this
edge. 3 battle. For the next battle only they join
6. 2 Lesser Horrors deploy from a random board your Warband.

A prize too big for any one scavenger to carry.
Board Twists
A dense maze of ruins with few to no high vantage
points. Designate an enclosed area as close to the The Labyrinth
centre of the board as possible as theVault, ensuring Play the game as if there is a ceiling covering the
it has one access point. entire board, so surfaces cannot be scaled by any
means. Make sure that there aren’t any areas that are
Horrors completely boxed off.
Deploy 4 Lesser Horrors evenly around the board.
Roles Play as the Intruder.
One player is the Host, the other the Intruder. Deploy a Greater Horror in theVault.

Place 2 Glory Tokens stacked on top of each other in

These Glory Tokens can only be claimed if two

members of the Intruder Warband are in a position to GLORY REWARD
claim them both at the same time.
1 Spend 1pt on Gear.
They cannot be claimed by the Host during the
battle. If the Intruder is wiped out or withdraws, the 2 Spend 2pts on Gear.
Host claims both Glory Tokens.
3 Spend 3pts on Gear.
Roll at the end of each Round.
1. Each player chooses one unit that can see the
Glory Tokens in theVault to make a Free Move.
2. All Host units in theVault can make a Free
Move or Recover.
3. Hidden turrets (QL5+) fire (R3x1) at the
nearest Intruder to the Stash location.
4. Hidden turrets (QL5+) fire (R2x1) at the 2
nearest Intruders to the Stash location.
5. Deploy a Lesser Horror on a random board
6. Deploy a Lesser Horror on a random board
edge and a second on the opposite board edge.

Knowledge is worth more than any material resource, but is not simple to get hold of.
Board Twists
Two clear but precarious high vantage points, such as
towers. Gargoyles
Replace the Horrors with Gargoyles below.They only
Horrors target units that are on a vantage point, but their
Deploy a Lesser Horror atop each vantage point. wings mean they can move between any of the
They only leave their vantage point to engage with an vantage points at will.
enemy they see.
Gargoyle (Fierce 5+)
Deploy 2 Greater Horrors evenly around the board. Claws (T2x1)
Stony:When not touching an enemy, Gargoyles
Deployment harden their skin and Save at QL2+.
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges. Death-Drop:Targets Wounded by a Gargoyle are
automatically thrown from the vantage point.
Place a Glory Token at the top of each of the vantage Observation Towers
points. Any unit standing on a Vantage Point can use the
Spotter Tactic below:
Roll at the end of each Round. Spotter: A Readied Ally you can see Free Shoots an
1. All Warband members atop theVantage Points Enemy you can see at QL2+.
must Roll or Fall, taking d6 Damage if they fall.
2. All Warband members atop theVantage Points Solo/Coop
get a Free Shoot. On Event rolls of 1-3, if there are no Warband
3. Each Warband chooses oneWarband Member members atop Vantage points deploy a Lesser Horror
atop a Vantage Point and makes a Free Shoot on a random board edge.
against them.
4. Each Warband chooses oneWarband Member
that can see theVantage Point to make a Free GLORY REWARD
Move towards it.
5. One of the Lesser Horrors leaves their vantage 1 One Unit gains Nimble.
point, making a Free Move.
6. A Lesser Horror emerges atop one of the In the next battle only, all of your Units
Vantage Points. 2 have Aim.

Take a Spotter (5+)

3 Sensor: A Readied Ally you can see Free
Shoots an Enemy you can see.

The battle�eld hides a Relic of great power and greater value.
Board Twists
Dense ruins with a central altar or plinth for the
Relic to sit upon. Sleeping Guardians
There are three Guardians instead of one, but they
Horrors begin the battle Down and Exhausted.They do not
Deploy 3 Lesser Horrors and the Guardian near to remove Exhausted tokens at the end of the round as
the Relic.The Guardian acts as a normal Horror. normal.

Glory Instead, whenever a unit finishes their turn in sight of

Stack 2 Glory Tokens off the board. a Guardian that Guardian is Readied.

At the end of each Round, theWarband holding the

Relic claims 1 Glory from this stack. Triptych
Instead of one Relic there are three.These rules
Relic overrule the standard Relic’s rules.They are all
Place the Relic as close to the centre of the board as picked up an dropped in the same way as the standard
possible. relic, but only the Crown grants Glory.

The relic can be picked up with an Action. It is both a The Blooded Crown: At the end of each Round the
Ranged and Touch weapon (3x3) but if three hits are Warband holding the Crown claims 1 Glory from the
rolled when attacking then the Relic’s power off-board stack.The unit carrying the crown acts at
annihilates the wielder, still damaging the targets as QL2+ but if they areWounded they die without
normal. rolling Shock.

If the unit carrying the Relic is Downed they drop the The Empty Cup: If the unit carrying the Cup
Relic. successfully Saves against all damage from an attack
then that much damage is reflected back at their
Guardian (Tough 3+) attacker.
Singularity Blade (T1x2, All Targets Save at 6+)
The Night Sword:T1x2, All Targets Save at 6+, but if
Protector:The Guardian always moves towards the they successfully Save then the wielder is immediately
Relic-Holder whenever possible, always knowing its killed.
location. Reroll any attack dice against a unit holding
the Relic. If the Relic is not held then the Guardian
acts as a normal Horror. Solo/Coop
On Event Rolls of 5-6, if nobody is carrying the
Immortal:This unit cannot be Killed by any means. Relic, deploy a Lesser Horror on a random board
Roll at the end of each Round.
1. The Guardian fires a blast at the nearest visible
target (1x4) 1 One unit gains Seize.
2. The Guardian ignites, causing 2 Damage to all
units touching it.
3. The Guardian makes a Free Fight. In the next battle only, one of your units
4. The Guardian makes a Free Move towards the may wield the Relic.You may only
Relic. choose this if you ended the battle
5. The Relic seizes control of its carrier. Until they holding the Relic.
drop the Relic they are treated as a Horror, but
they will not do so willingly.
6. The carrier of the Relic must Free Fire at the Take a Reliquary Shield (+1 to Saves
nearest visible unit, friend or foe. 3 when Readied - Inspire: An Ally that you
can see makes a free Fight or Recovery)

One side has lured the others into a trap in their own territory.
Board Twists
Dense outer terrain with an open patch in the centre.
Chemical Docks
Horrors The trap has been sprung on narrow walkways
Deploy 4 Lesser Horrors and evenly across the board. crossing corrosive chemical waters. Anybody moving
into the Chemicals takes 1 Damage. Anybody ending
Roles their Turn in the Chemicals takes d6 Damage.
One player is the Intruder, the other the Host.

Deployment Explosive Cover

Both sides deploy as per the Mission, but the Host The Host has conveniently placed explosives around
spends an additional 10pts on reinforcements for this the battlefield.The Host player places three tokens to
battle only. mark them at the start of the battle.These can be shot
like a normal target, and explode on a 4+ when hit.
These reinforcements are held off the table to begin The explosion causes d6 damage to the nearest visible
with. unit.

Place 2 Glory aside. Only the Host can earn this Solo/Coop
Glory during the game. Play as the Intruder. If the Mission does not already
have an Enemy Warband create a 30pt Warband and
The Host claims 1 Glory if: 10pts of Reinforcements.
• The Intruder Leader is killed.
• More than half of the Intruders are killed.

At the end of the battle, regardless of who withdrew, GLORY REWARD

any remaining Glory goes to the intruder.
One unit gains Shortcut (Host only)
Special Rules 1 or
One unit gains Tough (Intruder only)
Everything to Lose: When the Host has lost half of
their original warband members they must choose to
Withdraw. Reinforcements do not count towards this In the next battle only, all units have:
rule. Shortcut (Host only)
2 or
Events Tough (Intruder only)
Roll at the end of each Round.
1. The Host Leader may throw a hidden grenade at 3 Gain a Scout (Nimble 5+)
the nearest visible target (T1x5. On a hit all
units touching the target take 1 Damage).
2. The Host Leader may slip into the shadows.
They redeploy at the start of next turn from any
board edge.
3. The Host Leader makes a Free Action.
4. The Host deploys one Reinforcement unit from
a board edge of their choice.
5. The Host deploys one Reinforcement unit from
a board edge of the Intruder’s choice.
6. The Intruder chooses one off-table
Reinforcement unit to be lost, removing them
from the game.

Whether by nightfall or more unnatural means, the battle is plunged into twilight.
Board The Abyss
Dense terrain with some high vantage points. Walkways and platforms over a seemingly bottomless
plummet. Anybody going over the edge is lost for
Horrors good.
Deploy a Chameleoid and 3 Lesser Horrors near the
centre of the board. The Fog
Rather than darkness the battlefield is shrouded by
Chameleoid (Nimble 3+) fog. Anybody one storey or higher is considered
Scythe Claws (T2x3) Elevated.They ignore the darkness effect when
Stealth: Even when a unit has line of sight to the picking a target, but other units are ignore the
Chameleoid they must pass a Roll to be able to shoot darkness effect when targeting them.
at it.

Glory Solo/Coop
Place 2 Glory Tokens next to the Chameleoid’s On Event rolls of 1-3, if there are no Chameleoids on
starting point. the board, deploy one at a random board edge.

Special Rules GLORY REWARD

Because of the confusion caused by the darkness,
units can only Shoot at the nearest visible enemy to 1 One unit gains Precise.

Horrors are not affected by the Darkness. In the next battle only, all of your units
2 have Decoy.
Roll at the end of each Round. Gain a Umber Pistol (R1x3 - Sidearm:
1. A random Chameleoid makes a Free Move. 3 Once per turn you can make a Free
2. A random Chameleoid slips into the shadows. Attack with a Sidearm)
Redeploy them at a random point on the board
3. A random Chameleoid makes a Free Attack
against each enemy they are touching.
4. Roll for each dead Chameleoid. If they pass,
they weren’t dead after all. Deploy them as
close as possible to the centre of the board.
5. Deploy a Lesser Horror on a random board
6. Deploy a Chameleoid on a random board edge.

A bullet-hell above a maze of trenches and tunnels.
Board Twists
Dense, ruined terrain mostly at ground-level.
Frozen Wastes
Horrors All units must Roll to move, even for Free Moves or
Deploy 1 Greater Horror and 3 Lesser Horrors the first Move they make on their turn.
spread evenly around the board.
The Shadow of Death
Bystanders Alongside the Horrors, the Shadow of Death stalks
Deploy 2 Survivors the battlefield. Keep track of the number of units that
have died during this battle.
Survivor (5+)
Improvised Weapons (T1x1 and R1x1) Shadow of Death (3+)
Behaviour: Move randomly, never choosing to engage Touch of Death (R1xSpecial - The Damage of this
in combat. attack is equal to the number of units that have died
in this battle.)
Glory Deathly: Anybody that can see this unit treats Shock
Place 2 Glory off-board. If a warband member Rolls of 7 as a double.
touches a Survivor they can spend one Action to Ghostly:This unit always counts as as being partially
guide them to an escape tunnel.They leave the board Obscured. If they are already partially obscured they
and that player claims 1 Glory. count as hidden.
Immortal:This unit cannot be killed by any means.
Roll at the end of each Round. Solo/Coop
1. Any Survivors that can see a Warband Member On Event Rolls of 1-2, if there are no Survivors left
Shoot at them. on the board, deploy a Lesser Horror on a random
2. Any Survivors that can Move to touch a board edge.
Warband member do so, then Fight them.
3. A Lesser Horror enters from a random board GLORY REWARD
4. Pick a random board edge. Any warband 1 One unit gains Tough.
members that are visible from that edge are shot
at by nearby combatants (5+, R1x2).
5. A random player chooses the position for a stray In the next battle only, all of your Units
artillery shell to land. Any units that can draw a have Tough.
line of sight to this point are showered with
shrapnel (R1x1). Take an Armed Survivor (5+) with a
6. All Downed units must Roll or immediately flee Blaster (R2x1).
the battlefield via the tunnels.

Horrors have overrun this place and need to be fought back.
Board Twists
Dense, elevated terrain surrounding more open
central area. Tide of Vermin
The Horrors are surging towards a nearby
Horrors settlement. Assign one unused board edge as the
Deploy 4 Lesser Horrors and 2 Greater Horror in the Entry and the opposite edge as the Exit. Any time you
centre of the board. would deploy a Horror, place them at a random point
on the Entry Edge instead of the listed location.
Place 2 Glory aside.Throughout the battle keep track Whenever a Horror would move randomly they
of each Lesser and Greater Horror Killed. instead move towards the Exit Edge. Horrors that
touch the Exit edge are removed from the game.
At the end of the battle award 1 Glory to the player
that killed the most Greater Horrors and the player Exterminators
that killed the most Horrors in total. You are not alone in purging the horrors, but the
ruthless Exterminators see you as no better than the
Events monstrosities that you hunt.
Roll at the end of each Round.
1. Deploy 2 Lesser Horrors from a random board At the start of the game, deploy 5 Exterminators on
edge. an unused board edge (use the Exit Edge if using the
2. Deploy 2 Lesser Horrors in the centre of the Tide ofVermin twist).They treat Warband Members
board, not touching any other unit. and Horrors as Enemies.
3. Deploy 1 Greater Horror from a random board
edge. Exterminators (Tough 4+)
4. Deploy 1 Greater Horror in the centre of the Hunting Shotguns (R2x1)
board, not touching any other unit. 1 Poison Gas Launcher (R2x1 - Gas: Exhaust any
5. All Lesser Horrors make a Free Recovery or targets you hit and any units that are touching them)
Free Attack. 1 Hook-Launcher (R2x1 - Retract:When you Wound
6. All Greater Horrors make a Free Recovery or a standing target do not roll Shock. Instead, Down
Free Attack. them and place them in contact with you as you drag
them across the battlefield.)

Add 2 extra Exterminators.Treat the Exterminators
as “the other player” for the purpose of Glory for
having the most kills.

Gain one of the following weapons made
from Horror-Parts.
1 Claw Blade (T3x1)
Tooth Axe (T1x3)

In the next battle only, Horrors ignore

2 you if there is another target in sight.

Gain a Rookie Exterminator (Tough 5+)

3 with a Shotgun (R2x1).

Phantasmal lights call to you.They tease at enlightenment or death.
Board Twists
Dense, foreboding terrain. Fog machine and creepy
soundtrack for luxury play. Spectral Bombs
Each Warband has access to one Spectral Bomb. Agree
Horrors before the battle which unit holds it.This weapon can
Deploy a Pale Ghost next to each Glory Token and a only be used once and has no effect on non-ghostly
Bright Terror in between them. Set aside more Pale targets.
Ghosts and a Bright Terror.
Spectral Bomb (R3x3 - Targets that areWounded are
Pale Ghost (5+) destroyed)
Immaterial Claw (T2x1 - Anybody Wounded becomes
Exhausted) Solo/Coop
Untouchable:This unit cannot be Downed. If they No changes needed.
would, instead their attacker Moves them in a way
that does not cause harm.

Bright Terror (4+)

Luminous Chains (T3x1 - Anybody Wounded
becomes Exhausted) GLORY REWARD
Untouchable:This unit cannot be Downed. If they
would, instead their attacker Moves them in a way At any point in the next battle you can
that does not cause harm. 1 place a Pale Ghost anywhere on the
battlefield.This can only be used once.
Place two Glory spread evenly across the board.
For the next battle only, one unit has
Events Ghostly
Roll at the end of each Round.
1. All Pale Ghosts vanish from the board. If there 2 Ghostly:This unit always counts as as
are none, place one as close as possible to each being partially Obscured. If they are
Glory Token. already partially obscured they count as
2. All Bright Terrors vanish from the board. If hidden.
there are none, place one as close as possible to
the centre of the board.
3. Move any Bright Terrors on the board toward Improve the QL (maximum of 3+) of
their nearest Glory Token. If there are no Bright 3 one of your units that claimed a Glory
Terrors or no Glory Tokens then deploy an Token from this Scene.
additional Bright Terror as close to the centre of
the board as possible.
4. Both Leaders must roll. Any that fail place a
Pale Ghost touching them.
5. TheWarband member closest to each Glory
Token rolls. If they Fail, place a Pale Ghost on
that Glory Token.
6. TheWarband member closest to each Glory
Token rolls. If they Fail, place a Pale Ghost
touching them.

Something more persistent than a Horror is stalking you.
Board Twists
Dense terrain.
Steel Vigilante
Horrors This Vigilante is more machine than human.They gain
Deploy 1 Greater Horror and 3 Lesser Horrors near the following traits:
the centre of the board.
Adamant: This unit is not Killed by a doubles result
Unbound Units on the Shock Table.
Deploy theVigilante in the middle of a random board
edge at the start of Round 2.They treat Warband Regenerate: After being Wounded, make one more
Members as Enemies, ignoring Horrors. Roll. On a pass the unit is not Wounded.

Vigilante (Nimble, Precise 3+) Solo/Coop

Scatter Rifle (R1x3 - The first time you Wound a TheVigilante starts the game with a Scum-Hunter
target each turn you can Free Shoot at a different and Bounty-Hound accompanying them (See Events 4
target if able) and 5)
Blast Baton (T1x3 - If the Shock Roll is favourable to
the target, treat it as 7 instead)


Place 2 Glory off-board.
1 One Unit gains Nimble or Precise.
When theVigilante dies their killer gains 1 Glory.
Place the remaining Glory Token where they stood. In the next battle, at the end of any
Round you can deploy theVigilante on a
Events board edge of your choice. Multiple
Roll at the end of each Round. 2 Vigilantes can occur through strange
1. TheVigilante makes a Free Recovery or Move. means, and they do not consider each
2. TheVigilante makes a Free Attack. other enemies.
3. TheVigilante throws a Cluster Bomb at the
nearest visible target (R2x2). If possible they Gain theVigilante’s Scatter Rifle or
spread this between two targets. 3 Blast Baton.
4. A Bounty-Hound (Fierce 5+, Bite T2x1)
emerges from the closest board edge to the
Vigilante. If theVigilante is dead they deploy
from a random board edge.
5. A Scum-Hunter (5+, Shotgun R2x1) emerges
from the closest board edge to theVigilante.
They consider Warbands Enemies and the
Vigilante an Ally. If theVigilante is dead they
deploy from a random board edge.
6. If theVigilante has been killed, they emerge as
close to the centre of the board as possible. No
further Glory is gained by killing them again.

Some �ght for money, this lot seem more motivated by war itself.
Board Twists
Dense urban terrain.
Rival Crews
Horrors Deploy two independent Mercenary Bands from
Deploy 1 Greater Horror and 3 Lesser Horrors opposite board edges.They each behave
evenly around the board. independently.When an Event is rolled, randomly
determine which Band it relates to.
Unbound Units
The Mercenary Warband below deploy from an If one Band serves a player the other Band is
unused table edge.They begin the game treating only controlled by the other player.
Horrors as Enemies.
Only the first Captain and Lieutenant killed grant
1x Mercenary Captain (Tough 3+) Glory.
Slug Launcher (T1x3 - Brutal: Roll 1d6+1 for Shock
instead of 2d6) Solo/Coop
Blade (T2x1)
Instead of being determined by Glory alone, roll at
1x Mercenary Lieutenant (Tough 4+) the end of each Round and add your current Glory.
Chaingun (R3x1 - Rend: Attack rolls of 6 cause x2
Damage) On 1-3 the Mercenaries are controlled by you.
Hammer (T1x2) Otherwise they act as Unbound units that treat you as
3x Mercenary Grunts (Tough 5+)
Blaster (R2x1)
Blade (T2x1)
Place 2 Glory off-board.When the Mercenary 1 Gain a Blaster (R2x1) or Blade (T2x1)
Captain or Lieutenant dies place 1 Glory where they
2 Gain a Mercenary Grunt.
Special Rules
At the start of each Round, the player holding with
the least current Glory takes control of the 3 Gain a Slug Launcher or Chaingun.
Mercenaries for the following round only. If it is a tie
they behave as Unbound units.

Roll at the end of each Round.
1. Deploy a Mercenary Grunt on a random board
2. All Mercenaries make a Free Move or Recovery.
If they Move it must be toward the nearest
board edge.
3. Any Mercenary Grunts that have a clear path to
a board edge flee the battle.
4. The Mercenary Captain and Lieutenant both
make Free Attacks.
5. A Mercenary Grunt emerges as close to the
centre of the board as possible.
6. For the next Round only the Mercenaries are
controlled by the player with the most Glory
instead of the least.

Rivalries aren’t limited to warband leaders.
Board Twists
Dense terrain.
Rival’s Pact
Horrors No members of either warband can attack the
Deploy 1 Greater Horror and 3 Lesser Horrors feuding units except the other feuding unit.
evenly around the board.
Bad Blood
Glory Feuding units reroll any attacks against the other
Place 2 Glory off-board. feuding unit.

Special Rules Solo/Coop

One unit from each Warband will be embroiled in a Your Feuding Unit is feuding with a specific Greater
Feud. Each player chooses the member of the Horror. If there is not one deployed as part of the
opposing Warband to be feuding.This cannot be the Mission, deploy one in the centre of the board.That
warband’s Leader. Horror treats only your feuding unit as their Enemy,
as long as they are on the board. After this, they
If a feuding unit dies, the other warband claims 1 behave as normal.
If that warband’s feuding unit performed the kill
personally they gain a further 1 Glory. GLORY REWARD
The Feuding Unit gains Fierce or
Events 1 Precise.
Roll at the end of each Round.
1. Each Feuding unit performs a Free Move. Spend 2pts on gear for the Feuding
2. Each Feuding unit performs a Free Attack. 2 Unit.
3. If the Feuding units can see each other they both
move towards each other as far as possible. The Feuding Unit increases their QL
4. If the Feuding units can see each other they both 3 (Max 3+)
roll.The side that rolled higher makes a Free
Attack against the other.
5. Deploy 1 Lesser Horror from a random board
6. Deploy 2 Lesser Horrors from a random board

Even the most disgusting creatures can be put to use after they are put to death.
Glory Twists
Place 3 Glory off-board.
When a Horror dies, place a Glory Token at their Glory Tokens are not claimed in the normal way.
location. Instead, when a unit that is touching a Glory Token
moves, they may move any Glory Tokens that they are
Deployment touching with them, as long as no Standing Enemies
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges. are touching that token.When a Token reaches the
board edge it can be claimed as normal.

Deploy a Patrol Drone touching each board edge not
being used as a warband’s deployment edge.

Patrol Drone (Nimble 4+)

Shredder (R4x1)
Behaviour: Prioritises visible Horrors over other
units, but will attack any non-Drone if a Horror is
not visible.

No change needed.

Safe travel routes are invaluable, but never last long.
Roles Twists
One player is the Aggressor, the other the Defender.
Secure Path
Glory The Aggressor can only claim the Glory Tokens if they
Place 1 Glory Token in a corner of the board, and 2 have a unit touching all three.
Glory Tokens evenly between that corner and the
opposite corner.The Defender cannot claim this To allow for this extra restriction, all Aggressor units
Glory during the battle. have the Seize Tactic.

If the Aggressor is wiped out or withdraws, the Solo/Coop

Defender claims these Glory. Play as the Aggressor.

The Aggressor deploys from a board edge opposite
the corner containing a Glory Token.

The Defender deploys anywhere in the side of the

board opposite the Aggressor’s deployment edge.

One warband is trying to pass through an area, but this cannot be permitted lightly.
Roles Twists
One player is the Aggressor, the other the Defender.
Glory The battlefield has two Turrets in fixed positions. Any
Place 3 Glory Tokens touching the Defender’s board unit that is touching the Turret can Shoot with it in
edge.The Defender cannot claim these during the the same way as a normal weapon as long as no
battle.When an Aggressor claims one of these Glory opposing units are also touching it. Before the battle
Tokens, remove that unit from the board without assign a type to each turret from the selection below.
further harm.
Flak Turret (R2x1 - Firebase: Ignore the normal limit
At the end of the battle, any of these tokens that are of Shooting once per turn when using this weapon)
unclaimed go to the Defender.
Lightning Turret (R1x2 - Chain:When you Wound a
Deployment target with this weapon, immediately Shoot again at a
The Aggressor deploys from a board edge.The target the wounded unit can see, even if you cannot
Defender deploys all units anywhere on the opposite see them)
half of the board.
Mortar Turret (R2x2 - Bombard: Can fire at units you
Special Rules cannot see as long as an Ally can act as spotter and see
Aggressors all have the Overrun tactic for this battle them.Your target always counts as being in cover and
only. any attack dice that roll 1 hit the spotter instead)

Play as the Aggressor.

Blood-lust can make a great recruitment tool.
Unbound Units Twists
Place 3 Prospective Recruits (5+, Piercer T1x2 or
Blade T2x1) across the mid-line of the table.These Infected Recruits
Recruits move randomly but will not attack anything Place 6 Recruits instead of 3.When you impress a
until they are Impressed by one of theWarbands. Recruit roll d6. On a 4+ they are recruited as
normal, but on 1-3 they transform into a blood-fiend.
Glory You do not gain Glory and the Fiend is now treated as
Place 3 Glory off-board.When a player successfully a Horror for the rest of the battle.
impresses a Recruit they claim 1 Glory.
Blood Fiend (Fierce 5+)
Deployment Claws (T2x1)
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges. Bloodlust: Make a Free Move or Attack when you
Wound a target.
Special Rules
When a Warband member kills an enemy they may
choose one Recruit that saw the kill and have them Folk Hero
join their warband effective immediately. Instead of normal recruits there is just one
Prospective Recruit deployed on the board, a
legendary Folk Hero, Mildrith Slice.

Mildrith Slice (Fierce, Precise 4+)

Hot-Slugger (R2x1 - Brutal: Roll 1d6+1 for Shock
instead of 2d6)
Filament Sword (T3x1)
Shield (+1 to Saves when Readied)

They act as a horror but consider horrors to be

targets and will not attack warband members.

When she would normally be impressed by a

Warband killing an enemy, have that warband claim 1
Glory as normal but she does not join their warband

At the end of the battle each player rolls 1d6 for each
Glory Token they claimed.The higher total has
impressed Mildrith enough that she joins their
Warband. However, she will leave theWarband if they
ever finish a battle without having claimed more
Glory than their opponent.

No change needed.

Two bitter enemies have agreed to face off mostly unaided.
Glory Twists
Place 1 Glory Token in the centre of the board and 2
Glory Tokens off the board. Knife Fight
Both Leaders have agreed to come equipped only
The first time a Leader is Downed the other player with knives (T1x1).
claims 1 Glory.
Before the battle both sides simultaneously choose
If a Leader is Killed the other player claims all Honour or Cheat and compare the results below.
remaining off-board Glory.
Both Honour: Both Leaders comply with the rules.
Deployment One Cheat: The Cheat chooses one extra piece of
To begin with both Warbands consist of the Leader their normal equipment to bring to the fight, but the
only. Honourable player takes 1 Glory from off-board.
Both Cheat: Both Leaders begin with their full
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges. equipment, but a Greater Horror now sits at the
centre of the board.
If playing Solo/Co-op create an enemy Leader worth
8pts and give them two 6pt Followers.
Special Rules Both Leaders have agreed this is a fight to the death.
Any Leaders that die in the battle are permanently
Interference killed and do not roll on the Casualty table as
At the start of Each Round after the first, players normal.
secretly choose between two options: Honour or
Cheat.The results are compared below.
Cage Match
Both Honour: Each side deploys one follower from Place an enclosed area in the centre of the board,
a random board edge. moving one of the Glory Tokens from the off-board
stack to the centre of the cage.The Leaders are
One Cheat: The Cheater deploys two followers unable to attack unless they are inside the cage, and
from a random board edge. no attacks can pass in or out of the cage.

Both Cheat: Nobody deploys reinforcements, they

are too busy fighting off-board. Instead add 3 Lesser Solo/Coop
Horrors to a random board edge. Create a 30pt Enemy Warband to be the enemy of
your Leader. Focus points mainly in the Leader and a
few elite Followers. Enemy Leaders Cheat on a roll of
1-3 and Honour on 4-6.

One warband is simply trying to hunt horrors, but the other is hunting for one speci�c target.
Roles Twists
One player is the Aggressor, the other the Defender.
The Aggressor chooses one Defender Unit to be the Double Bounty
Bounty Target. Have both players acting as Aggressor against the
other player.The Bounty Targets must be deployed
Glory during the first Round.
Place 3 Glory Off the board.
Witch Hunt
If the Bounty Target is killed, the Aggressor gains 2 The Defender chooses the Bounty Target themselves
Glory and the Target drops 1 Glory where they lie. and keeps it secret from the Aggressor. If the target is
Wounded then their status as the target is revealed.
The Defender gains 1 Glory for each Horror that is
killed by any means and 1 Glory if they Withdraw
with their Leader still alive. Solo/Coop
Play as the Aggressor. Create an 8pt Leader to act as
Deployment the Bounty Target. Horrors treat them as an Ally and
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges. vice versa.

The Aggressor splits their warband into two any way

they like, with at least one unit in each half.The first
half are deployed as normal in Round 1, and the
second half deploy on Round 2 from any board edge
they choose.

Special Rules
If playing Solo/Co-op, play as the Aggressor and
create an 8pt Leader from another Faction and four
6pt Followers.The Bounty is on the Leader.They
deploy where your opponent would and treat only
your Warband as enemies. Horrors treat them as
Enemies as normal.

A common enemy have found a way to weaponise Horrors against you. Luckily help is on the way.
Board Twists
A semi-fortified Extraction Zone in the centre of the
board. Minefield
Create 8 tokens, half showing a mine and half
Horrors showing a dud. Shuffle them, turn them face-down,
The Horrors listed in the Scene areWave 1. Create discard 2, and then have players take turns placing the
two additional waves of Horrors.Wave 2 is 6 Lesser remaining tokens in choke-points around the
Horrors.Wave 2 is 2 Greater Horrors. Keep them off battlefield.When any unit would move past a token
the board for now. reveal it as a mine, causing d6 damage, or a dud with
no effect.
At the end of the battle any Warband that managed to The Bog
extract their Leader earns 1 Glory.TheWarband that The battlefield is split between dry and boggy areas.
lost the fewest Units (including those they failed to Boggy areas require a full move to enter, traverse, or
Extract) gains an additional 1 Glory. leave.While in the boggy areas all units roll at QL6+.
Horrors do not suffer any of these restrictions.
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges.
Special Rules No change needed.
If a Horror cannot see an Enemy they always move
toward the nearest point of the Extraction Zone.

Neither warband can Withdraw in the normal way.

End of Round 1
Deploy half ofWave 1in the middle of a random
board edge and the other half on the opposite edge.

End of Round 2
Roll d6 for whereWave 2 comes from:
1-3: Outside: Deploy in the middle of a random
board edge.
4-6: Beneath: Burst from the ground in the middle
of the Extraction Zone.

End of Rounds 3 and 4

Any Lesser Horrors that have been killed make a
Roll. If they pass, deploy them in the middle of a
random board edge.

End of Round 5
The battle ends. All units that are in the Extraction
Zone are taken to safety, even if they are Down. All
other units are considered Casualties.

One of theWarbands has received divine guidance for their next action.
Roles Twists
One player is the Aggressor, the other the Defender.
Mystic Court
Glory The strange entities that declared the Prophecy have
Place 3 Glory Tokens off the board. decided to join the battle. Despite giving their
Prophecy to the Aggressor they serve only Fate, not
At the end of each Round the Aggressor checks to see either warband specifically.
if any of their Prophecies have been Fulfilled or
Denied. Each Fulfilled Prophecy gives one Glory to At the start of each Round a random member of the
the Aggressor, and each Denied gives one to the Court enters from a random board edge.They are
Defender. activated as a Horror, but do not treat any units as
Enemies. Fate must be allowed to go ahead without
Deployment their direct intervention.
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges.
The Eye (3+)
Special Rules Any unit that can see the Eye is treated as being able
Before the first round the Aggressor must declare to see any unit that the Eye can see, even being able
three Prophecies, choosing three different options to Shoot at them as if they were in the Eye’s position.
from the templates below, filling the blanks as
required. The Hand (3+)
Any unit that can see the Hand counts as being Fierce
[Aggressor Unit] will Kill [Defender Unit]. and Precise.

[Defender Unit] will Kill [Aggressor Unit] The Veil (Nimble 3+)
Any unit that can see theVeil counts as being
[Any Unit] will Kill a Lesser Horror. concealed (-1 to hit).

[Any Unit] will Wound a Greater Horror.

Prophecies are kept Secret, checking at the end of Play as the Aggressor. Any Prophecy that would refer
each Round to see if they have been Fulfilled or to the Defender Unit refers to a specific Horror
Denied (no longer possible to fulfil). instead.

Not all are content being followers.
Roles Twists
One side is the Aggressor, the other the Defender.
Warbands Instead of taking turns to chooseWarband members,
At the start of the battle line up the Defender the Aggressor randomly draws the names of half
Warband, excluding the Leader. Starting with the (round down) of the units in your warband.They
Defender, both players take turns picking one unit to begin with the Defender but at the end of each
join their Warband.The Defender automatically Round the Aggressor reveals one name.That warband
receives their Leader. member immediately switches sides.

After the battle all units return to their original

Warband. Solo/Coop
Play as the Defender.
Glory Evenly split your warband into loyal and mutinous
Place 3 Glory off the board: members, making sure you keep your Leader.
Mutinous characters behave as Unbound Units that
The Defender Claims 1 Glory when a Mutinous unit treat your warband and horrors as Enemies.
rejoins their warband. If all Mutinous units rejoin Mutinous units treat Horrors as Aggressors for the
then they claim any remaining Glory. purposes of rejoining their original warband.

The Aggressor Claims 1 Glory when a Mutinous unit

kills a Defending unit.

Warbands deploy from opposite board edges.

Special Rules
The Aggressor controls any units temporarily gained
from the Defender as if they were their own.These
Units cannot benefit from their Leader’s Tactic and do
not gain the usual +1 to Move Rolls for seeing their

Any time one of these units sees an Aggressor

wounded (including themselves) they must Roll or
else immediately rejoin their original warband.

Talking often leads to more direct disagreement.
Glory Twists
Place 1 Glory in the middle of the board.This cannot
be claimed unless both off-board Glory Tokens are Come Alone
already claimed. Only theWarband Leaders can be deployed until both
Place 2 Glory off the board. off-board Glory have been claimed or one of the
Leaders dies. After this, remaining units are deployed
If a Round ends with both Leaders touching the from opposite edges as normal.
Glory in the Meeting Location then they hold the
negotiations and each claim 1 Off-board Glory.
After this, the central Glory Token can be claimed as Create a 30pt Enemy Warband.They treat only
normal. Horrors as Enemies until the off-board Glory is
claimed, after which they treat your warband as
Deployment Enemies.The Enemy Leader always moves towards
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges. the central Glory until the off-board Glory is

Move unseen the minimise unnecessary bloodshed.
Roles Twists
One side is the Aggressor, the other the Defender.
Glory Aggressors do not deploy their units as normal,
Place 3 Glory Tokens in mostly enclosed but separate instead deploying Blip tokens that represent their
locations near the centre of the board.The Defender unit’s location.While represented by a Blip, all units
cannot claim these during the battle. If the Aggressor Move at QL4+. Blips cannot perform any actions
is wiped out or withdraws the Defender claims all other than Move until they are revealed.
remaining Glory on the board.
The Aggressor can reveal a Blip at any point,
Deployment replacing it with a Unit of their choice that is not
The Defender deploys anywhere on the board. already deployed.
The Aggressor deploys from any board edges.
At any point a Defending unit can use an Action to
Special Rules reveal a Blip that they can see.The Aggressor
The Aggressors are all wearing special infiltration immediately replaces it with a Unit of their choice
equipment. Between their movements they’re that is not already deployed.
slinking back into the shadows or into hidden nooks.
Defending Units attacking Exhausted Aggressors do Play as the Aggressor.
so at QL6+.

The best secrets lie behind enemy lines.
Glory Twists
Place one Glory Token off-board.
Place one Glory Token in the middle of each player’s Scouts
deployment edge. Set aside all QL5+ and Nimble units from each
Warband.These are the Scouts.
Warbands cannot claim the Glory Token on their own
board edge.The unit that claims either of these Glory On the first round, only Scouts can be deployed, and
Tokens is removed safely from the battle as they slip they follow the normal Mission rule that they cannot
into enemy territory. attack on this round.

The first warband to claim one of these tokens claims On the second round play continues as normal, with
an additional Glory from off the board. If they are the rest of theWarband deploying from their board
claimed simultaneously then place this Glory Token as edge.
close to the centre of the board as possible while not
touching any units. Solo/Coop
Place the Glory Token that would normally be on
Deployment your board edge in the centre of the board instead.
Warbands deploy from opposite table edges.
If the off-board Glory is not claimed by the end of
Special Rules Round 3 then it is lost.
Both Warbands are trying to stay out of sight to begin
with. In the first Round,Warband members cannot
attack. Unbound units attack as normal.

Those with complete control do not need a title.
Roles Solo/Coop
The player that triggered the Climax is the Aggressor, Play as the Aggressor. Create a 30pt Enemy Warband
the other the Defender. to act as Defender.

Board Resources
Dense terrain with an open clearing in the centre of Each side receives additional Resources based on the
the board. If possible play this battle on a larger board number of Ambitions the Leader has fulfilled.
(3x3ft or even 4x4ft).
Deployment 1. Deploy a Lesser Horror inside the Defender’s
The Defender deploys in the open clearing in the deployment area.
centre of the board. 2. Spend 2pts on Weapon Upgrades.
The Aggressor deploys from any board edges. 3. Deploy a Greater Horror inside the Defender’s
deployment area.
Victory 4. Spend 4pts on one or more new Followers.
If the Aggressor’s leader is killed the Defender 5. Spend 5pts on one or more new Followers.
immediately wins. 6. Spend 6pts on one or more new Followers.
If the Defenders are wiped out the Aggressor
immediately wins. Defender
1. At the start of the battle choose one board edge
Special Rules that the Aggressor cannot deploy from.
The Aggressor always gets first Turn on the first 2. At the start of the battle choose two board
Round. edges that the Aggressor cannot deploy from.
3. Place a Gun Turret (R2x1 - Firebase: Ignore the
Events normal limit for how many times you can shoot
Roll at the end of each Round. per Turn) in the deployment area. Defenders
1. The Defender Leader makes a Free Action. touching the Turret can Shoot with it like a
2. Any Defenders in the Deployment Area make a normal weapon as long as no Enemies are
Free Recover. touching them.
3. One Defender in the Deployment Area makes a 4. Spend 4pts on one or more new Followers.
Free Attack. 5. Your entireWarband gains Tough.
4. 3 Lesser Horrors enter from a random board 6. Place 2 Gun Turrets (R2x1 - Firebase: Ignore
edge. the normal limit for how many times you can
5. Roll for each dead Aggressor. If they pass they shoot per Turn) in the deployment area.
can redeploy next Round from any board edge. Defenders touching the Turret can Shoot with it
6. The Aggressor Leader makes a Free Action. like a normal weapon as long as no Enemies are
touching them.

Taking your rightful place.
Roles Solo/Coop
The player that triggered the Climax is the Defender, Play as the Defender. Deploy 4 Lesser Horrors and 2
the other the Aggressor Greater Horrors scattered around the board edges.

Board Resources
Ceremonial but partially ruined terrain. A central hill Each side receives additional Resources based on the
or elevated point with some ruined cover, hereafter number of Ambitions the Leader has fulfilled.
called the Chapel. If possible play this battle on a
larger board (3x3ft or even 4x4ft). Aggressor
1. Keep a unit aside. At the end of any Round you
Warbands can deploy them into the Chapel.
The Defender has 3 extra units for this battle known 2. Deploy a Lesser Horror in the Chapel, not
as the Trinity.They are due to perform the touching any units or Glory Tokens.
coronation. 3. Keep 2 units aside. At the end of any Round you
can deploy them into the Chapel.
Trinity Member (4+) 4. Deploy 2 Lesser Horrors in the Chapel, not
Cannot attack. touching any units or Glory Tokens.
5. Keep 3 units aside. At the end of any Round you
Deployment can deploy them into the Chapel.
The Defender deploys their Leader and the Trinity in 6. Deploy a Greater Horror in the Chapel,
the Chapel, not touching the Glory Tokens.The rest touching the Glory Tokens.
of the Defenders can be deployed anywhere on the
board. Defender
The Aggressors deploy from any board edges. 1. One unit gains a Shield (+1 to Saves when
Readied) and deploys next to your Leader.
Glory 2. Your Leader gains Tough and Nimble.
Place 3 Glory Tokens in a stack in the centre of the 3. All units gain Tough.
chapel. Only the Defender Leader can claim these 4. The Trinity can attack, carrying Ceremonial
tokens, and only if at least one of the Trinity are also Blades (T1x3)
touching the stack. 5. As 4, but the Trinity are also Fierce.
6. As 4, but the Trinity are also Fierce and Tough.
When the Defender claims all 3 Glory they
immediately win. If the Defender Leader is killed the
Aggressor instantly wins.

Roll at the end of each Round.
1. The Trinity each make a Free Recovery or
Attack (T1x1 if unarmed).
2. Roll for each dead Aggressor. On a pass they
deploy from a random board edge.
3. The Defender Leader makes a Free Action at
4. Deploy a Lesser Horror in the Chapel, not
touching any Units or Glory Tokens.
5. Deploy 2 Lesser Horrors in the Chapel, not
touching any Units or Glory Tokens.
6. Deploy 3 Lesser Horrors in the Chapel, not
touching any Units or Glory Tokens.

You will rise to a new existence and lead the next golden age.
Roles Solo/Coop
The player that triggered the Climax is the Aggressor, Play as the Aggressor. Deploy 6 Lesser Horrors
the other the Defender. scattered around the board.Treat Event Rolls of 5 as
Dense terrain with a central tower.If possible play Resources
this battle on a larger board (3x3ft or even 4x4ft). Each side receives additional Resources based on the
number of Ambitions the Leader has fulfilled.
Warbands deploy from opposite table edges. Aggressor
1. Spend 1pt on Weapon Upgrades.
Horrors 2. Your Leader gains any one Skill.
The Aggressor chooses 3 different Greater Horrors, 3. Your Leader gains any one Tactic.
deploying them anywhere on the board. 4. Your entireWarband gains Fly.
5. All your attacks against Horrors gain the Lethal
Glory Weapon Mod.
Place 1 Glory Token at the top of the Tower.This can 6. Spend 6pts on new Followers.
only be claimed by the Aggressor Leader, and only
when no Greater Horrors remain on the board. Defender
1. Deploy a Lesser Horror atop the tower.They
Victory will not move from this point.
If the Aggressor claims the Glory Token they 2. Deploy 2 Lesser Horrors atop the tower.They
immediately win. If the Aggressor’s leader dies the will not move from this point.
Defenders immediately win. 3. Horrors do not treat you as Enemies.
4. Spend 4pts on new Followers.
Special Rules 5. Spend 5pts on new Followers.
When a Greater Horror dies the Aggressor Leader 6. Spend 6pts on new Followers.
chooses one Trait from that Horror and gains it for

Roll at the end of each Round.
1. The Aggressor chooses a Greater Horror to take
a Free Action.
2. Roll for each dead Aggressor. If they pass they
can redeploy next Round from any board edge.
3. The Aggressor Leader makes a Free Action.
4. Deploy 3 Lesser Horrors from a random board
5. Roll for each dead Defender. If they pass they
can redeploy next Round from any board edge.
6. The Defender chooses a Greater Horror to take
a Free Action.

Leaving this awful world to be forgotten.
Roles Solo/Coop
The player that triggered the Climax is the Defender, Play as the Defender. Deploy 6 Lesser Horrors
the other the Aggressor. scattered around the board.

Board Resources
Dense terrain. If possible play this battle on a larger Each side receives additional Resources based on the
board (3x3ft or even 4x4ft). number of Ambitions the Leader has fulfilled.

Deployment Aggressor
Warbands deploy from opposite board edges. 1. Spend 1 pt on a Weapon Upgrade.
2. Choose one Ranged Weapon. It can be used to
Horrors attack the Shuttle as long as the carrier is
Deploy a Greater Horror in the centre of the board. touching the Shuttle Token.
3. Spend 3pts on new Followers.
Victory 4. Choose 2 Ranged Weapons.They can be used to
The Defender wins if at least half of their warband attack the Shuttle as long as the carrier is
are safely extracted, including the Leader, or the touching the Shuttle Token.
Aggressors are wiped out. 5. Spend 5pts on new Followers.
The Aggressor wins if at least half of the Defenders 6. Choose 3 Ranged Weapons.They can be used to
are dead, the Shuttle is destroyed, or the Defender attack the Shuttle as long as the carrier is
Leader is dead. touching the Shuttle Token.

Special Rules Defender

A Shuttle is in flight above the battlefield, its location 1. Spend 1pt on a Weapon Upgrade.
represented by a Token or Miniature as you wish.The 2. The Shuttle has a Ripper Gun (R3x1) that can
Defender controls this token as if it were one of their attack enemies its token is touching.
units but it ignores terrain and cannot attack or be 3. Three units gain Nimble.
attacked by normal means. 4. The Shuttle has a Blast Gun (R3x2) that can
Shuttle (QL3+) attack enemies its token is touching.
Cloak-Shields (+1 Saves) 5. Spend 5pts on Weapon Upgrades.
Fragile: If this unit would be Downed it is Destroyed. 6. The Shuttle has a Ripper Gun (R3x1) that can
attack enemies its token is touching and a one-
At the end of each Round, after the Event, up to two shot Gamma Missile (R1x9) that can target any
Defenders that are Standing and touching the Shuttle unit on the board.
Token can be extracted.

Roll at the end of each Round.
1. Defenders touching the Shuttle Token make a
Free Recovery or Attack.
2. Defenders that can see the Shuttle Token make a
Free Move.
3. The nearest Aggressor to the Shuttle Token
takes d6 damage from its Shrapnel Launcher.
4. Any Aggressors that the Shuttle Token can see
take 1 Damage from its Smart-Charges.
5. Deploy a Greater Horror from a random board
6. Deploy a Greater Horror touching the Shuttle

1. Choose a Readied unit to Activate. At the end of a Round, either player can declare they
2. Perform 3 Actions areWithdrawing if any one of the following is true:
3. Exhaust the unit.
4. Choose a Readied Unbound unit to Activate. • More than half of the available Glory has been
5. Have them perform 3 Actions according to the claimed.
Unbound Behaviour priorities. • More than half of their warband are dead.
6. Exhaust them and pass play to the other player. • All other players also agree to Withdraw.

UNBOUND BEHAVIOUR When this occurs, one more Round is played, then the
battle ends. Any unclaimed Glory is lost.
Horrors and other Unbound Units act in the If all Glory is claimed at the end of a Round then the
following order of preference unless noted: battle immediately ends.

1. Attack the nearest Enemy. 2d6 CASUALTY

2. Move toward the nearest visible Enemy. 2 Dead: Nothing remains.
3. Move toward the nearest Enemy or Glory 3 Critical: Roll or Die.
Token, visible or not.
4 Injured: Miss the next battle.
MOVING Trapped: The enemy deploys you Down
A single move usually allows one of the following, anywhere in the next battle.
with a base-width of adjustment at either end:
MIA: Enemy deploys you anywhere out of
• Dash across relatively open ground, crossing sight in the next battle.
anything up to knee-high. 7 Full Recovery: No further effect.
• Climb to the top of a stairway, ladder, or one-
storey of a vertical surface. Retaliation: Make a Free Action at the start
• Reasonable leap between two surfaces. of your first Turn in the next battle.
• Shimmy down a vertical surface.
• Hurdle over an obstacle. Bonded: Choose one Ally that has not rolled
9 yet.You both make Full Recoveries.
Grizzled: Gain Tough or Fierce for the next
Fierce: Reroll Fight. 10 battle only.
Nimble: Reroll Move and Save vs Ranged.
11 Focused: Gain Nimble
Precise: Reroll Shoot. or Precise for the next
Tough: Reroll Recovery and Save vs Touch. battle only.
12 Hardened: Improve QL (Max 2+).

2d6 SHOCK 7 Downed: No further effect.

2 Killshot: Die in a particularly messy way. 8 Fight Back: Attack your Attacker.
3 Bleeding: Roll or Die. 9 Crawl: Make a Free Move.
Opportunity: The Attacker gets a Free
4 10 Last Gasp: Perform a Free Action.
Move or Attack.
5 Thrown: Move directly away from Attacker. 11 Saviour: An Ally you can see makes a Free Move.
Vengeance: One Ally gets a Free Attack against
6 Panic: Attack the nearest target, friend or foe. 12 your attacker.


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