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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION & COMMUNICATIONS LAND-TRANSPORTATION OFFICE East Avenue, Queran City 16 June 1938 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NOs 88-056 SUBJECT 2 TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF NOTOR VEHIGI Pursuant to Section 4(d)1 ef Republic Act 4136, as amended, otherwise known as the Land Transportation and Traffic Code, the following rules and requlations governing the transfer of ownership of motor vehicles ave hereby promulgated for the guidance and complience of all concerned. 1. VENUE As a general rule, all transactions involving the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle shall be effected at the District Office that issued the current Registration Certificate, However, the Same may be effected in another District Office when the residence or place of business of the transferee/vendee is within the geographical area of responsibility of the said District Office, in which case, confirmation of the Registration Certi~ ficate shall be required. 2. CONFIRMATION 2.1 All pequests for and reply to confirmation shall be accomplished in triplicate, using the prescribed format, hereto attached, and shall be sent through reqistered mail. In no case shall the same be handcarried. ‘The re~= quest shall be accompanied with the following documents 2elel Original copy of the Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) duly accomplished and approved by the Transportation Ins= bection Field Supervisor (TIFS) and Trans-- portation District Officer (TNO), respece tively. (Xt shall be understood that the moter vehicle shall be physically inse pected by the requesting District Office.) 2.1.2 Photocopy of the Deed of Transfer 201.3 Photocopy of the Registration Certificate 2e2 The confirming District Office shall act on the request within twenty four (24) hours from receipt thereof. The confirmation/ reply shall be accomplished in the prescribed format. it shall be the responsibility of the Transport= ation District Officer to compare the stencils of both the engine and chassis numbers on the MVIR and the signature of the transferor/vendor in the Deed of Transfer with the documents on file in the District Office. In the event that the stencils of the engine and/or the chassis numbers and/or the signature of the transferor do not match, a photocopy of the document/s bearing the said signature and stencils of the engine and chassis numbers shall be furnished the requesting District Office. 203 In the National Capital Region, all transactions involving the transfer of ownersnip of motor vehicles registered in any of its District Offices shall be effected only at the District Office that issued the Registration Certificate, However, this rule shall not apply to cases of change Classification from Private to Por Hirey Government/Diplomatic and vice versa which shall be transacted either at Pilot or Diliman District Offices. All orders/memoranda/circulars in conflict herewith ace deemed superseded. This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. Fox, strict compliance. a or fa fANUEL yf SABALZA Asgistatt Secretary

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