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Technology and Livelihood Education

Grade 9 -WEEK 8 and 9

Name:___________________________________________________ Section: _________________________

Preparing Salad
A menu is always incomplete without the inclusions of salads. It is referred to as the “King of the dishes” in some cultures;
this healthy dish is a must have on all occasions. Salads are most popular today as healthy diet foods and include everything,
from green leafy vegetables to seasoned meats.

Classification of Salads
Salads were born from the simplicity and thrive with the creativity and infinite combinations that can be used. Different types
of salads and salad dressings are a staple in the culinary world. There are many types of salads to master, some easy and
some difficult. 

(Read and understand the lesson on pages 64-69)

Principles of Preparing Salads

A good salad is about balance and contrast. If you keep the following 4  principles in mind, you can make special salads
every day of the year.

1. Don’t combine too many ingredients, the best salads have around 5 main ingredients. This ensures you taste every
ingredients shines.
2. Make a simple dressing that compliments your ingredients. If you insist on using a complex dressing like a ceasar
dressing, keep your salad even more simple: using up to 3 ingredients. For more information on ceasar salad read
about my dutch ceasar salad here.
3. Balance your flavors. Make sure you have a sharp/spicy, sweet, salty, sour, savory and bitter component in your
ingredients and dressing.
-Sharpness can come from unions, chili or pepper.
-Sweet can come from honey in your dressing or some fruit or sultanas.
-Salty can come from some cheese, bacon, salty nuts or even sea salt.
-Sour can come from certain lettuce leaves or butter milk in your dressing.
-Savory comes from nuts, croutons or bacon.
-Bitter notes can come from your choice of leaves, cheese or fruits like grapefruit.
4. Balance your textures. Make sure you have a variety of textures. Croutons or nuts for some bite, soft cheese or pears,
creamy dressing and crunchy lettuce or cucumber.

Nutritional Value and Benefits of Eating Salad

Your leafy greens and raw veggies are a superb source of natural fiber, and consuming enough fiber each day has several
health advantages:
 Fiber helps to reduce LDL or “bad” cholesterol.
 It helps to control blood sugar.
 Adequate fiber intake helps with weight loss and healthy weight maintenance.
 It normalizes bowel movements, and aids in the prevention of bowel disease.
 Proper fiber intake has been shown to reduce the recurrence and prevention of a number of cancers including
colorectal, breast, mouth, throat and esophagus.
Eating a fiber-rich salad before your entree will help you to feel full faster, so you’ll consume less calories than you might
when a meal is served without this appetizer. The more raw vegetables you can incorporate into your salad, the greater the
potential positive effects will be.


Add a couple of tablespoons of mixed raw or roasted seeds like pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and ground flax or chia
to boost your daily intake of good fats. Experimenting with different kinds of oils in your dressings will help with this, too.


Low vitamin K levels have been linked with low bone mineral density in women. For healthy bone growth, a recommended
full daily serving can be found in just 1 cup of watercress (100%), radicchio (120%) or spinach (170%).


The carotenoids found in the green leafies like spinach, Romaine and Red Lettuce help the eyes to adjust from bright to dark,
and to filter out high intensity light levels, protecting them from the formation of damaging free radicals.
Well, it turns out Popeye knew his stuff. The nutrients found in spinach not only help to build strong bones, they also help to
improve the performance of the mitochondria – little structures inside our cells that help to produce energy, as well as
inform and power our muscles.
Romaine lettuce contains two key nutrients in significant levels that help to protect the heart muscle: folate and fiber. High
levels of folate have been shown to assist in the prevention of stroke and cardiovascular disease.


The high levels of water found in salad veggies improve hydration in our bodies, which is necessary for youthful skin tone
and various basic bodily functions.

Tools, Equipment, Utensils Needed in Preparing Salads

1. Knives – good quality knives with sharp, sturdy stainless steel blades and with handles that are securely attached and that
feel perfectly comfortable in your hand.

2. Cutting boards – choices of cutting boards are the wooden or blocks and acrylic cutting boards. When preparing a recipe
that contains both meat (or poultry or seafood) and vegetables requiring cutting, use one board exclusively the vegetables
and the other exclusively for the raw meat to avoid cross contamination.

3. Peelers - is a kitchen tool consisting of a slotted metal blade attached to a handle, that is used to remove the outer skin or
peel of certain vegetables, frequently potatoes and carrots, and fruits such as apples, pears, etc.

4. Citrus zesters - A kitchen zester is approximately four inches long, with a handle and a curved metal end, the top of which
is perforated with a row of round holes with sharpened rims.

5. Grater/Shredder - A grater (also known as a shredder) is a kitchen utensil used to grate foods into fine pieces. It was
invented by François Boullier in 1540s.

6. Grill pan – used for salad toppings to be broiled or grilled.

7. Salad Spinners – hold just washed salad leave in a slotted basket that is made to spin by hand and thus fling all the water
off the leaves into the outer container.

8. Mixing bowls – used to mix dressings, marinate ingredients, hold separate elements if a salad before assembling and
used to toss and mix all the ingredients together. Used bowls made of sturdy, heavy glass wares or ceramic, so as not to
react with acidic ingredients.

9. Salad servers – “Salad sets” with big salad bowls, serving bowls and servers. Select materials having enough surfaces to
really grasp the ingredients of salad, no matter how slippery and thus making tossing easier.

You can also watch the videos using the links below:

Activity #1
Directions: Answer the Pre- Assesment on page 65.

Activity #2
Directions: Answer the Assesment on pages 70-71.

Activity #3
Directions: Give the characteristics of the different types of salads.

Types of Salad Characteristics

Appetizer Salad
Side dish Salad
Main Dish Salad
Dessert Salad


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