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How does showing empathy help when a customer has an issue?

 It makes the customer feel like you are taking full responsibility for
what happened.
 It makes the customer feel as though they are always right.
 It makes the customer feel as though you are going to refund all the
 It de-escalates the situation and makes the customer feel heard and

What is the purpose of a probing question?

To get the answer you want

To dig deeper for more details

To verify information

To solicit a ''yes'' or '~no'' answer

Using the right language in a call center is important for which of the following

It creates a good customer experience.

It creates distrust in your customers.

It makes your competitors look better.

It underscores your own personality.
What are the benefits of allowing customers the chance to confirm that you
understand their needs are important?

Customers can communicate additional needs.

Customers can better evaluate quality of services.

Customers get to be active listeners.

Customers leave faster.

Why is listening in call centers imperative?

Actually, most issues do not require active listening

to meet the needs of each caller

in order to multitask other things while letting the caller speak or vent

to get a high score and bonus

What is the best way to show respect toward callers?

By staying motivated in setting goals

By identifying resolution tactics quickly

By listening thoroughly and completely

By explaining yourself or your company
You can work to better control a conversation through which of these voice cues?

Your inflection

Your tone

Your words

Your volume
How does being positive help create a more cooperative customer?

Their suspicion of you increases and they just agree with everything.

Their confidence in your ability to solve their problem increases.

Their patience is tested and eventually runs out.

They develop a new understanding and realize they were in the wrong.

Who are non-consumers?

 Potential customers who don't currently buy your products or services.
 Customers who have rejected your business.
 Customers who buy from your competitors.

 Your competitors.

For the purposes of predicting customer needs, how are current customers and
non-consumers related?

 Studying current customers can teach you how to attract non-consumers.

 Current customers can convince non-consumers to buy your product.

 Studying non-consumers can teach you how to predict the needs of current

 Studying both of them can help you predict customer needs.

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