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The #1 Secret to Extraordinary Love 1

The movies made it look so real, simple

and easy. Thus, every time I fell in love
with someone and entered into a new
relationship, I was shocked to find out
how impossible it was to stay in that
wonderful, blissful honeymoon stage.
Hey Beautiful! You know exactly what I’m talking about.
First off, I’m so glad you’ve downloaded
this guide. If you’re reading this, then
What started off as a romantic, swept-off-
you’re probably ready to take your
my-feet dream, turned into a devastating
relationship to the next level, which
nightmare every time .
means you are ready to take yourSELF to
the next level.
An onslaught of painful emotions would
make their way to the surface all at once,
S o, I t h a n k yo u f o r m a k i n g t h a t
causing extreme insecurity, jealousy,
commitment to yourself and being on
rage, f rustration, annoyance and
this journey with me. This journey
fundamentally changed my life. Before I
Honestly, I couldn’t understand it.
reveal the #1 secret to extraordinary love,
let me tell you a bit about my past, and
How could I feel so negatively about the
where I am now.
person I loved most?

My name is Sarinia, and for as long as I

How could I go from falling madly, fully,
can remember, I’ ve dreamt about
deeply in love - to positively loathing my
meeting my soulmate; falling madly in
love, and living happily ever after.

Despite my notes taken f rom every

single Romantic Comedy under the sun,
it took years to find the real answer to
that question.

The answer.

Yes, there is an answer to all of this, and

I’ve found it:

All of the pain, jealousy, insecurity and

cycles of broken, confused love came
down to one simple fact:
I felt negatively about myself.
The #1 Secret to Extraordinary Love 2

Fast forward to today, I am in the most I asked myself this very question:
loving and fulfilling relationship I’ve
ever been in. “Is it actually possible that I meet
someone new and fall hopelessly in love,
Now, if you share my previous mindset, really in love, only to repeat this entire
you may be thinking, “Oh lucky you, you downward spiral of heartbreaking events
found the most perfect man who treats yet again? ”
you like an absolute Queen. What could
possibly go wrong?” And the answer was yes.

Well, the answer actually is, a heck of a This shook me. For the first time in my
lot. I did in fact meet an amazing man, life (and I know this might only come out
but that didn’t stop the negative of the mouth of an egomaniac) I realized
emotions from surfacing. I wasn’t the perfect, angel of a girlfriend I
thought I was.
In fact, for the first three years of our
relationship, we fought more than I’ve In that moment, I discovered I had some
ever fought with my previous partners. serious work to do. And now, here we are.
He triggered me in ways I’d never been
t ri g g e re d . We h a d ea r t h - s h a ki n g I say “here we are” because here I am,
breakdowns and on several occasions, with you, in the midst of this work. I’m
seriously questioned if either of us was writing to you today having gone
the one . Maybe we had it all wrong. through a transformational journey. An
Maybe we were just too different... epic journey.

On one very emotional day I found This isn’t just some exam you study for,
myself still lying in bed at 3 in the pass a test, and voila - you’re certified
afternoon. I’d all but given up, and was in perfect. This isn’t a book you read, or a
the midst of contemplating what was to podcast you listen to. This is life’s work.
come after this break up. Running it all
through my head. Where I would go. You’ve taken the time to be here,
What I would do. dedicated to transformational love - so I
want to make your journey a little more
easy, and a little less painful.
Yet, with tears running down
my face, staring at the ceiling… I know what it feels like to be lost,
I had an epiphany. hopeless, confused, and quite frankly….
d e p re s s e d . B e l i eve m e , I ’ ve rea d
countless books on relationships, I
studied every relationship expert and
well known marriage counselor.
The #1 Secret to Extraordinary Love 3

I watched speech after speech on That is exactly why you’re here.

relationship tips and tricks. But it wasn’t
enough. Here is my promise: if you implement
what I’m about to share, you can and will
Maybe you’ve already experienced radically transform your relationship like I
this...Everyone out there tells you how to did, and turn it into a love that lasts . Even
communicate better, how to understand and especially if you are at your lowest
the differences between men and point, at the edge of calling it quits.
women, how you should be sexier and
play games to get the attention you’re It is never too late to make a shift in a
craving. new direction. So before I tell you this
I’m not saying it’s wrong… but it’s not secret of mine, I want you to create a
enough. So, with all the generic advice vision.
out there, it’s not your fault you’re I want you to imagine this.
struggling. You’re not alone.

The path to extraordinary love isn’t Imagine yourself with your love, exactly as you
taught in schools, and nobody’s taught wish to be:

you in life. We didn’t learn it from our

parents’ relationships, and we certainly Loving each other without suffering.
didn’t learn it in media.
Working together as a team .
In fact, the media and movies are part of
the problem. Every romantic comedy Building trust and friendship.

displays two people who desperately

struggle and then at some point, the Having incredibly intimate sex.
movie magically ends at a high moment
to once again live happily ever after. It’s Being an inspiration to everyone who

the Hollywood formula. We love it. meets you and knows you. #couplegoals

But what happens next? After the Keeping faith at every conflict that you will
commitment? After the marriage? not only overcome, but you will prosper.
Constant ups and downs?
Constant fights, screaming at each other, Going to bed satisfied knowing you are

threatening each other with divorce? with the right one.

That’s not the kind of life I want and it’s
not the kind of life you want. Being truly happy and fulfilled.

You and I want more. We deserve more. Okay, I hope you have that vision in your
We know there has to be more. head loud and clear. Sit with it. Expand it.
The #1 Secret to Extraordinary Love 4

Now, realize and believe it is possible. Do you find yourself dealing with any
However, if you don’t believe it, you won’t of these problems?
see it. Believing in something is the first
step towards change. I want to make that My partner is inconsiderate of my
clear, because I know if you’re reading feelings.
this, you may not be in the most hopeful My partner doesn’t listen to me.
state. You might have some doubts and My partner disrespects me.
fears regarding what’s possible. Totally My partner doesn’t have the same
normal and natural. values as me.
My partner doesn’t make me feel
However, this is just something you have special.
to trust me on. If a love that feels good is My partner doesn’t put in the effort I
what you’re after, then you have to put in.
believe it exists. Just as we used to My partner doesn’t spend enough
believe Romantic Comedies were real life. time on me.
My partner only cares about himself.
Alright, without further ado, the #1 secret My partner lacks commitment.
to transforming your relationship is My partner is controlling and
knowing this fact: possessive.

I could go on and on. Do you know why?

Your relationship is a direct Because I have made all of these same
reflection of the relationship complaints, and more.
you have with YOU.
Now, I want you to do an exercise for me.
Point blank . No matter what . No Could you flip each of these complaints
exceptions. around to the opposite effect, and find
proof that it’s true? Find truth in each
This isn’t an opinion. It’s a fact. one of these statements.

I know, I know… My partner is considerate of my

You might be floored right now. You may My partner does listen to me.
be thinking, “But I was perfectly fine My partner does respect me.
when it was just me, myself and I. My My partner has the same values as
partner BROUGHT this negativity into my me.
life.” My partner does make me feel
I understand. Being single is simple. My partner does put in effort.
Keep reading. My partner does spend time on me.
My partner does care about me.
The #1 Secret to Extraordinary Love 5

My partner is committed to me. The explanation, my love, is this:

My partner gives me freedom.
We are born with an internal guidance
If you are able to prove the opposite is system. Within this system, there is
true for each one of your complaints, nothing we can do to cause us to feel
then the explanation for that is simple: truly bad about ourselves. This is because
no matter what your partner does or who we are born inherently good. It wouldn’t
your partner is, there is only one factor take teaching us not to kill someone, for
determining if he is a wonderful man or a us not to kill. Killing is done out of
terrible one- your perspective. survival, or a byproduct of conditioning.

Yo u k n ow w h a t c h a n g e s yo u r
perspective? How you feel about yourself.

If you cannot prove the opposite is true

for each of your complaints, then you are
also reflecting how you feel about
yo u r s e l f by c h o o s i n g to b e w i t h
someone who doesn’t (apparently)
match what you desire.

However, he does match your vibration.

You only attract what you are ready for. If
you really thought the world of yourself,
you would attract the world.

Consider this for a moment:

Let’s say you’re having an amazing time

in life. You’re feeling good, happy, sexy,
and then BAM. He just went and did
something that turned your world upside
down and blew it up. It was unexpected,
out of nowhere, and it really hurt.

How can I possibly explain your reaction

is just a product of the way you feel
about yourself, when you were feeling
The #1 Secret to Extraordinary Love 6

The closer we are to this guidance Sure, it’s done in good faith - but it’s
system, the less we will ever feel bad causing extreme misery in relationships.
about ourselves, or what anyone else We are constantly making each other
does. No external factor can actually feel bad. Consciously and unconsciously.
cause you suffering. Suffering is created
in the mind. This is not real love. This is disconnected
Read that again.
You, at your source, are real love. It’s you.
It is not the situation or the person The true, unencumbered and free you.
causing you pain, it is what you were
taught to think about that situation. You
Every time you feel good about
see, we are raised by parents who do
their best to teach us the difference
yourself, you are connected to
between good and bad, according to your internal guidance system.
their guidance system. Then, we receive
influence from our teachers, our friends, Like I said, you were born inherently
society, religion, the media and even good. You weren’t taught that. A baby is
plain old biology! good before it can learn what good is.

Humans have some serious hardwired Thus, every time your partner does
programming done when it comes to something that triggers you to feel hurt,
pair bonding for survival and the it’s a direct product of conditioning. You
amygdala, which is the part of the brain were conditioned to believe if you
responsible for fear. By the time we reach behaved in that very same way, you were
adulthood and enter into relationships, bad .
we are completely disconnected from
our own internal guidance system. So what’s the solution to all this?
We have been shaped through the
influence of others (and our brains). We must get back in touch with our
internal guidance system. It is still there.
What’s more, your partner is also It is always there. The wonderful thing
disconnected f rom his own internal about conditioning is it can be reversed.
guidance system. He’s been through his If, and only if, you learn how.
own unique journey, perpetuating the
continuous cycle. Each one of your emotions is tied to a
belief about something, which started as
We t h e n r a i s e c h i l d r e n w i t h o u r a thought. Therefore it can seem almost
disconnected, externally influenced impossible to explain our strong feelings
guidance systems, teaching concepts of about certain things because it just feels
good/bad and right/wrong.
The #1 Secret to Extraordinary Love 7

right. Or it feels true. But what feels true conditions? Underneath fear, stress and
and what is true, are often two worry.
completely different things. Again, harnessing this fundamentally
You have to take a step back and employ changed my life and relationship forever.
perspective. You have to question your I want to show you how to tap into your
conditioning. own source of love and free yourself from
When I realized this, I was able to
eventually stop reacting to my feelings. I This is what will create the ultimate
took back control over my mind and transformation in your romantic
stopped letting my feelings dictate my relationships. This I guarantee.

Yet, understanding isn’t

You remember what I said earlier about
enough. Reading this short
creating your vision? As soon as you
book isn’t enough.
realize what you believe shapes your
reality, you start to create beliefs that
To truly transform, you need to go
serve you. Your own beliefs. Not the
through the process I did.
b e l i e f s p a s s e d d ow n to yo u . N o t
conditioned beliefs. You are the creator.
This is exactly why I created
You have the inherent right to live on this
planet happily, and free from suffering.
It’s the guided, comprehensive process to
That is what God or The Universe or
achieve what I have in my relationship,
Source Consciousness (or whatever you
and within myself. Yet, instead of it taking
believe in) intended.
years of trial and error (like I did), your life
can change in just 3 months.
The catch? It’s a process, and often a
difficult one.
In this 3 month course, you will learn the
5 Steps to a Love that Lasts.
Relationships are beautiful and
transformational. There is no greater way
Only one of these steps is focused on
to experience the love within yourself
concrete relationship tools to keep
than to have someone serve as a mirror.
arguments as arguments you grow from
The more love you feel for yourself, the
- rather than full blown breakdowns.
more another person can reflect it back
(Along with other intimacy masteries).
to you.
Practical tools you can implement
immediately to traverse the minefield of
Love is in abundant supply within you.
love and intimacy.
Why waste one more second keeping it
locked away and hidden underneath
The #1 Secret to Extraordinary Love 8

The rest is dedicated to getting you back Your transformation will be contagious.
in touch with You. The true source of Certain habits will be broken. Habits he
where love resides. The love that will cannot continue to live out without you.
never leave you. The love that will attract Without your focus. Without your
your man to you like a magnet. Your fear attention. Without your bad feelings
of him leaving you will be a thing of the regarding those situations.
Remember how I mentioned your I want you to stop holding on to the
partner is also disconnected from his false idea of what love is. It doesn’t
internal guidance system? The best thing include feeling empty and unfulfilled. It
about this course is you won’t have to doesn’t include fighting over the same
change him. He doesn’t need to read this recurring problems with your partner,
ebook or take my course for you to hoping he will finally change. You don’t
become completely fulfilled in this have to depend on him to make the
relationship. change. You don’t have to wait on him to
finally complete you.

With this course, your focus shifts. You

only pay attention to that which makes
you feel good. And he won’t be able to
r e s i s t a w o m a n l i k e t h a t . Yo u r
connection to You will inspire him to
reconnect as well, because connection is
the first and foremost human desire. We
can’t escape it.
Remember, it all starts with you. You can
manifest the love you’ve always dreamed
of. With the right tools, the right support,
and a gentle push in the right direction.
You deserve all the love in the world.

Sincerely yours,


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let me be your guide! Don’t waste
another minute of your precious life
without experiencing the POWER and
BLISS of true REAL love!

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