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NR. ECHIPA NUME PRENUME Referat 1 Data sustinere Referat 2 Data sustinere
NASTOR DACIANA ADELA Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and
1 26.11
Real time Concepts for Embedded Systems - pg.12
HOZA SANDU CATALIN 22.10- 27 applications - pg.21-53
2 HARPAILA DANIEL Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and 26.11
VECHEA ARMANDO RTc pg. 27 - 43 22.10 applications - pg.53 - 85
IORGONI LIVIU Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and
3 26.11
COJOCARU ROBERT Rtc pg. 43 - 62 29.10 applications - pg.89-106
CIRSTEA ADRIAN Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and
4 3.12
DUCA ALEX Rtc pg. 62 - 76 29.10 applications - pg.106-137
5 NICOLA DANUT Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and 3.12
PITU ADRIAN RTc pg. 77 - 91 05.11 applications - pg.137-176
6 BARBULESCU RAZVAN Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and 3.12
ABLEZ OZGEAN RTc pg. 92 - 121 05.11 applications - pg.155-173
MIHAIU ALIN Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and
7 10.12
MOLDOVEANU DARIU RTc pg 132 - 145 12.11 applications - pg.173-190
HORA ANA Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and
8 10.12
JURESCU ALINA RTc pg. 146 - 164 12.11 applications - pg.191-208
STANGU ALIN Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and
9 10.12
STANESCU DORINEL RTc pg 165 - 192 12.11 applications - pg.208-221
10 MOROSANU GEORGE Rtc pg. 193 - 230 19.11 pg. 221 - 261 (fara exemlele numerice!) 17.12
11 BURAGA ANDRIAN Sensors and actuators in mechatronics : design and 17.12
LUPULESCU BOGDAN RTc 231- 262 19.11 applications - pg.261-287

OBS: La sustinerea Referat 2 veti primi 2 note: una pe referat, iar alta pe
proiect. Puncteaza in plus, pt proiect cei care veniti cu exemple proprii de
aplicatii ale tipurilor de senzori din referat.

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