Colegio de Sto. Tomas - Recoletos, Inc.: Communication Theories

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DepEd-FAPE/PEAC Level II Accredited School

DOJ-Bureau of Accredited School
Azcona St., San Carlos Immigration City, Negros Occ.
Tel. Nos. 312-5220/312-5242/729-9169


How can we become good communicators? In communication, we need to apply the
different theories and models, likewise when we start the communication process, we need to
be guided by the five theories relevant to public speaking to create a positive and powerful
speech. In social interactions, we also need to identify the kinds of speech acts in order for us to
be guided accordingly as it is a performative language, the way we express ourselves. How can
we be identified in the realm of a communicative world if we don’t make it a try?
-Dr. Angel Ando
1. What a theory of communication?
2. Differentiate between a model and a theory.
3. What are the theories of communication that are relevant to public speaking?
-It refers to a careful, systematic discussion, and analysis of communication phenomena.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to differentiate the various theories of

Have you experienced speaking in public? How does it feel?
How about in the classroom, auditorium, church or in any venue?
WRITING ARENA -Writing Responses
Write an essay without limitation on paragraph but at least limit to two pages.
Modular Class: use a long bond OC – use Word




Aristotle’s Narrative
Rhetoric Theory
Herbert Kenneth
Blumer’s Burke’s Locutionary
Symbolic Dramatism Act


Teacher’s Input:
The actual number of communication theories is thirty-three (33) but for Public
Speaking, five theories are considered. There are three basic goals of a theory: explain, predict
and control.
Theories organize experience, extend knowledge, stimulate and guide research, and perform an
anticipatory function.
Kinds of Communication Theories
(Relevant to Public Speaking)
1. Aristotle’s Rhetoric
2. Herbert Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism
3. Charles Berger’s Uncertainty Reduction Theory
4. Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism
5. Walter Fisher’s Narrative Theory
1. Aristotle’s Rhetoric is the art of persuasion. A speaker supports his message by
emotional (pathos), ethical (ethos, and logical (logos) proofs. Correct assessment of the
audience results in effective invention, arrangement, style, delivery, and memory.
 logical proof comes from the lines of argument in the speech.
 ethical proof refers to the way the speaker’s character is revealed through his message.
 emotional proof is the feeling the speech draws out from the listeners

According to Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, one of the greatest thinkers in politics,
psychology, and ethics, and a tutor of Alexander the Great.
It is not enough for a speech to have strong arguments. The speaker must also be credible.
Many impressions from the audience are formed even before the speaker opens his mouth.
He identified three qualities that build high source credibility. These are intelligence,
character, and goodwill.
 Intelligence – has more to do with wisdom and shared values.
The audience judges intelligence by the overlap between the author’s ideas and
personal beliefs.
 Character is the speaker’s image as a good or honest person.
 Goodwill is the positive judgment of the speaker’s intention toward the audience.
😊 Five Canons of Rhetoric
 Invention – for the construction of argument
 Arrangement – ordering of material
 Style -selection of language
 Delivery
 Memory for techniques

 Invention
-must have cause, effect, and motive
 Arrangement
-must have a subject and demonstrate it
Three parts:
 Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion
Style – the use of powerful metaphor.
😊 NOTE: Include at least 5 metaphors in your Journal Entry 1 (for additional points)
Deadline: September 25, 2020

EXAMPLES OF METAPHOR (implied comparison)

o The cold breeze that touches your skin is the wind in the early spring that touches
the fields of green.
o Like a bed of roses, my love is the smidgin scent that permeates endlessly from the
o The breath that God allows you to live is the breathing life in accord with His will.

by Dr. Angel Ando

 Memory-good speakers draw ideas stored in their minds.

 Delivery- reject delivery that seems staged; naturalness captivates the audience by its
2. Herbert Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism
-an American sociologist whose main scholarly interest were symbolic interactionism and
methods of social research.S
-coined the term Symbolic and Interactionism basing on the “Pragmatist” philosophers
that included George Herbert Mead

😊The three core principles that lead to the creation of yourself and your socialization into

the community.
1. Meaning- people or things on the basis of the meanings assigned to them
2. Languague -the meaning arises from social interactions
3. Thought- individual’s interpretation of symbols is modified by his own thought
processes. Symbolic interactionists describe thinking as an inner conversation. Mead
refers to the inner dialogue as “minding”. Name-calling is an example, making
people see in a warped mirror which is so devastating to one self-concept. Ex. Fat,
3. Charles Berger’s Uncertainty Reduction Theory
an American professor emeritus of communication at the University of California, Davis
- He believes that our main purppose in talking to people is to “make sense” out of our
interpersonal world. His theory assumes that people are basically curious. He contends
that our drive to reduce the uncertainty of having new aquaintance arises out of these
three prior conditions:
1. Anticipation of future interaction – we know we will see them again
This axiom states that uncertainty is reduced, the amount of verbal communication
will increase.
2. Incentive value – they have something we want
3. Deviance-they act in a different way
4. Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism
Kenneth Duva Burke was an American literary theorist, poet, essayist, and novelist who
wrotw on 20th-century philosophy, aesthetics, criticism, axnd rhetorical theory. As a
literary theorist, he was best known for his analyses based on the nature of knowledge.
Burke regarded persuasion as a communicator’s attempt to make the audience accept
his view of reality as true. The dramatistic pentad is used in rhetoric and composition. It
the set of five problem-solving probes that answer the following questions:
 What was done (act)?
 When and where was it done (scene)?
 Who did it (agent)?
 How waas it done (agency)?
 Why was it done (purpose)?
 Later added Attitude making it hexad
5. Walter Fisher’s Narrative Theory
an American academic credited with formalizing Kenenth Burke’s Dramatism and
introducing the narrative paradigm to communication theory to highlight his belief that
there is no form of communication that is purely descriptive or didactic. He believes that
we are narrative beings who esperience and comprehend life as a series of narratives,
conflicts, characters, beginnings, middles, and ends. Hence, all forms of communication
need to be seen primarily as stories. He defines narration as symbolic actions. It has a
beginning, a middle, and an end.

😊JOURNAL ENTRY 2 Deadline: September 28, 2020

What to do:
1. Watch a movie, Forrest Gump, discuss it in the light of Aristotle’s Rhetoric
(Reaction Paper)
2. Use 2-3-2 format (2-Intro 3-Body 2-Conclusion
Modular Class: use a long bond Online Class – use Word

 Logical proof comes from the lines of argument in the speech.
 Ethical proof refers to the way the speaker’s character is revealed through his
 Emotional proof is the feeling the speech draws out from the listeners.
 Aristotle’s Rhetoric -a rhetoric act of persuasion using logical, ethical, and
emotional proofs.
 Herbert Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism deals with human act toward, people,
things on the basis of the meanings assigned to them.
 Charles Berger’s Uncertainty Reduction Theory refers to the primary concern of
people when they meet someone is to reduce uncertainty about one another
and their relationships.
 Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism states that life is a drama using a dramatistic
 Walter Fisher’s Narrative Theory states that people are storytelling animals.

What you speak and how you deliver the message is what you are. The whole
speaking ensemble depends on what type of communication theory you apply for your
speech. Each theory matters most when you start the process of communication, but
first you must comprehend the details and techniques of public speaking before rowing
the boat toward the ocean of speaking feats. It may be perilous but it’s worth an honor
when you overcome its travails.

-Dr. Angel Ando


Elder, J. Exercise your College Reading Skills, Developing More Powerful

Comprehension, New York: McGraw Hill, 2008

Fernandez, A.O., & Suarez, E. L., EdD. (2016). Speak and Listen in Context an Oral
Communication textbook for Senior High School. Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing

Pena, A.S., & Anudin, A.G. (2016). Oral Communcation. Quezon City:Vibal Group
Qualities of a Good Communicator

John Mack -


Sipacio, P.F, & Balgos, A. Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School.
Quezon City: C&E Publishing.

😊 Learning Module by:

Sept. 17, 2020

Dr. Angel Ando

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