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Charmo university

Name: Muhemed Latif Fatah

Department: English
Assignment: Why Students should read an Academic Reading?

Submitted to: Dr Areen

Date: December,1
Introduction: Academic reading is a specific category of reading
and It is actually a very practical way of dealing with books and
articles. it means we should pay attention to the reading when we
read not just reading quickly like you want to get rid of it.

the advantages of academic reading which is to increase
vocabulary, improve analytical thinking, memory, and writing

Beneficial of academic reading

 Learn how to form arguments: In most college classes except for
creating writing, when instructors ask you to write a paper, they expect it to be
argumentative in style. This means that the goal of the paper is to research a topic
and develop an argument about it using evidence and facts to support your
position. Since many college reading assignments (especially journal articles) are
written in a similar style, you’ll gain experience studying their strategies and
learning to emulate them.

 Exposure to different viewpoints: One purpose of assigned academic

readings is to give students exposure to different viewpoints and ideas. for example in

class you might be asked to read an articles written by a professional and consider the

validity of their arguments. Such experience can help you wrestle with ideas and

beliefs in new ways and develop a better understanding of how others’ views different

from your own.

 Information comes from reputable sources: Web sites and blogs can be a source of
insight and information, but not all are useful as academic resources. They may be
written by people or companies whose main purpose is to share an opinion or sell you
 Reading books benefits both your physical and mental healthhealt, and
those benefits can last a lifetime. 

 Reading strengthens your brain: A growing body of research indicates that

reading literally changes your mind.

 Increases your ability to empathize: And speaking of sensing

pain, research has shown that people who read literary fiction — stories
that explore the inner lives of characters — show a heightened ability to
understand the feelings and beliefs of others.

 Builds your vocabulary: Researchers have found Trusted Source that

students who read books regularly, beginning at a young age,
gradually develop large vocabularies.

 Reduces stress: The study found that 30 minutes of reading

lowered blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological
distress just as effectively as prayer.

 Prepares you for a good night’s rest: Doctors also recommend that
you read somewhere other than your bedroom if you have trouble
falling asleep.
The references:

Beneficial of academic reading:


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