2.1. Cell Structure

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Lesson 2

• Smallest particle of matter.

Cellular and •Number proton + number
Molecular neutron = atomic weight
•Electrons are arranged in
Microbiology electron shells of differing
energy level


• Each shell contains fixed

maximum number of electron 2.1. Cell
• ORBITAL- probability of finding
electron Structure
• An atom is most stable and least
reactive when its outermost shell
is either completely full or empty.


Cell Structure Common Function and

Structural Properties of Cells
• Fundamental unit of all living system, Every living cell ii surrounded by:
where all living organisms are
composed of a self-contained system
capable of independently carrying out
a. Plasma membrane, this regulates
the passage of materials into and
metabolism units of reproduction for out of the cells.
living organisms.
• They house the hereditary information b. Contains a fluid called cytoplasm
that is passed from one generation to that has a solution portion called
the next come only from pre-existing cytosol.

Common Function and

Structural Properties of Cells
Every living cell ii surrounded by:

c. Contains hereditary information in

molecules of DNA, which processes
genetic information

d. Employs RNA intermediates to form

proteins at ribosomes

e. Uses ATP as the cellular form of


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