5.1 - Infectious Diseases PDF

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Lesson 5
Viral Diseases of Respiratory

• Cold and Fever

• Example: sneeze, coughing, head
Infectious ache, malaise, sore throat, and
•I n f l u e n z a – m e m b e r o f
orthomyxovirus, refers to as FLU

Viral Diseases of
Gastrointestinal Tract Hepatitis
•H A V ( h e p a t i t i s A v i r u s ) –
transmitted from fecal and oral • An inflammation of the liver caused
by liver caused by virus, bacteria
infectious exposure to alcohol, drug
• HBV (1980)- toothbrush, razor or toxic, chemical such as found in
aerosol sprays and paint thinner.
• HCV – Therapy through interfirm

Yellow Fever Viral Disease of central

nervous system- Polio
• Spread by mosquitoes, 3-16 days
(incubation period) FORMS OF RABIES
• Furious
Mumps • Dumb
- Disease caused by saliva. Dengue
• Common childhood diseases Virus illness transmitted by
m o s q u i t o ; a e d e s a eg y p t u s a n d
• Can be prevented by vaccination aedes albopictus
MMR (mokes mumps rubeola) • Break bone fever or joint ache


Warts Viral disease of the eyes

Epidermal tumor of the skin caused E p i d e m i c Ke rat o c o n j u n c t i v i t i s
by papillomaviruses. (Shipyard eyes)
Conjunctivitis – inflammation of the
KIND OF WARTS mucous membrane or conjunctivae
1. Plantar
2. Verrucae vulgaris How can be removed?
3. Flat/Plain
4. Anogenital candylomate
(venereal warts)

Viral disease of the Skin Bacteria

a. Small pox – can be prevented by DDD - dirt, disease, death
childhood vaccination (variola Virulence - ability of bacteria to
virus) e s t abl i s h e d i n j e c t i o n a n d e a s e
b. M e a s l e s – ( r u b e o l a ) human disease
c. German measl e s – p reg n a n t 1. Staphylococcal aureus – common
congenital rubella syndrome cause of food poisoning.
d. Chicken pox and shingles – also Neurotoxin – part of the brain
called as herpes zoster that control enormity.

Bacteria Bacteria
2. Salmonellosis – caused by 3. Shigellosis – dysentery (from
salmonella enteritis amoeba and bacteria)
• Once have, don’t have
antiporters for it will just move • Caused by: S.flexneri, S. sonel, S.
aggravate (from poultry animal) Dysenteriae
•C a n u s e d a n t i b i o t i c l i k e
• Can penetrate egg shells (the t e t r a c y c l i c, a m p i c i l l i n a n d
salmonella) niladixic acid


Bacteria Bacteria
4 . C a m py l o b a c t e r Fe t u s Va r. 5. Travelers Diarrhea – bacteria
Jejuni – (from infants) involve in Escherichia coli

• Symptoms : Abdomi nal pai n, •M i c r o b i o t a – m a d e o f

bloody stool and diarrhea consumption of food in stomach
• Treatment : erythromycin and • Montezuma’s Revenge – cultural
tetracyclic name

Bacteria Bacteria
6. Vibrio Parahaemolyticus 9. Clostridium Perfringes
Gastroenteritis (from sea food raw) Gastroenteritis

7 . C h o l e ra – b a c t e r i a i n V i b r i o 10. Appendicitis – peritonitis and

systemic bacteremia
• Rice, water, and stool that comes
11. Ulcer – helicobacter pylori eat the
8. Yersiniosis – can be overlook as mucuos living
appendicitis • Invade HCJ or pepsin which cause
abdominal pain

Bacterial Diseases in
Respiratory Diseases Central Nervous System
1. Laryngitis Nervous – goes through respiratory
then circulatory
2. TB
3. Lung Cancer Tetanus – generated from farmers (or
4. Emphysema lockjaw) 
• Clostridium tetani
5. R D S ( Re s p i rat o r y d i s t re s s
syndrome) Botulism – from sausage that’s why
called botulus


Bacteria Diseases of
Kinds Lymphatic Disease
a. Infant botulism – in US, honey Plague – infectious disease of
can cause botulin h u m a n a n d a n i m a l c a u s e d by
bacterium (Yersinia pestis)
b. Wound botulism
Black Death: bubonic plague

c. Brain abcess Tularemia – also known as “rabbit


Bacteria Diseases of Bacterial Disease of

Urinary Tract Genital Tract
Zoonosis – animal disease that can
transfer to human.
– communicable disease, VENERAL DISEASE - from
transmitted from a non-human animal Roman Goddess of Love,
to a human. Venus which mean disease of
a. Urethritis and cystitis love.
b. Pyelonephritis •Present name is STD
c. Leptospirosis or well disease –
disease of non human animals like
rodent and dogs

Bacterial Diseases of the Bacterial Diseases of the

skin ear
1. Anthrax • Otitis Externa
2. Scarlet fever
3. Acne – occurs when microbial • Otitis Media
invasion at the base of hair
4. Leprosy – “Hansen Disease”
occurs with excessive secretion
of sebaceous glands


Conservation of Genetic
Preserve Biodiversity – one of the 1. C o l l e c t a n d p r e s e r v e
p ro mu l gat e d i s ( i n t e r n at i o n a l endangered organisms (DNA)
organization) like World Health
Fund and World Fund
2. C o l l e c t a n d p r e s e r v e
endangered organisms (RNA)

3. Collect and preserve molecules

that contains gene.

Collection/Gene banks- called to this

collector Treatment of Liquid
Benefits of Processing Waste
Gene 1. 1⁰ - Rely on physical separation
• Essential resource to replenish p ro d u c e rs t o l o we r ox yge n
genetic diversity of crops 2. 2 ⁰ - R e l y o n m i c r o b i a l
biodegradation to further reduce
t h e c o n c e n t rat i o n o f o rga n i c
• Enable plant breeder to strength compound in effluent
their study against diseases and 3. 3⁰ - Used compound chemical
changing climate condition. m e t h o d t o re m o v e i n o rga n i c

Treatment for safety Coliforms

supply of water
• Sedimentation – water held from • Bacteria made up of approximately
sufficient period of time to permit 10% of intestinal microorganisms of
human and other animals and have
large found widespread use as individual
• Filtration – passage through sand Polymorphic Virus
filter beds
• Virus that changes its appearance
• Chlorinatiation


Viroids Kinds of Heat

• Serious disease of plants 1. Moist Heat – like hot water and
boiling water
• Called to viroid's if transferred to 2. Dry Heat – like flame, electric
body protein infectious particles heat and coil

Sources of Infectious Sources of Infectious

Disease Disease

1. I n a n i m a t e r e s e r v o i r – 3. Asymptomatic- individual not be

vegetables and minerals s y m p t o m at i c t o s h o w a s a
2. Intraspecific – sick individual 4. Zoonotic- animal reservoir

Portal Entry
FORMITES- inanimate object
1.Mucous membrane like clothing, bedding toys,
eating and cooking utensils and
PATHOGENS- disease causing
EPEDEMIC- in incidents and
death ratios are high


ENDEMIC- in number of cases

remain constant IMMUNIZATION- medical
PANDEMIC- initial outbreak of process of intentional exposure
disease to antigens
ATTENUATED- means to
EDUARD JENNIER- discovered weakened the virulence
the effectiveness of vaccination
in preventing small fox

VENEREAL DISEASE- The physiological properties of

previously these disease were the pathogens causing STD
called venereal disease (from restrict their transmission for
Roman Goddess of Love, the most part to direct physical
VENUS) which means disease contact because of the
of love. Since this diseases have etrologic agents of sexually
more to do with sexual contact transmitted disease have very
than love, the name has been limited natural survival times
change to STD. outside infected tissues.

Several sexually transmitted GONORRHEA

diseases, such as syphilis -sexually transmitted disease
herpes simplex and chancroid, caused by Gram-negative,
cause lesions in tissue that kideney bean-shaped
facilitate the transmission of diplococcus, Neisseria
other sexually transmitted gonorrheal, often referred to as
disease especially AIDS. gonnocus 


MEN: gonorrhea results in a WOMEN: infection N. Gonorrhea

characteristics painful purulent can cause various symptoms
urethral discharge. such as pain and swelling due to
SYMPTOMS: usually apparent inflammation, vaginal
less than 1 week after infection. discharges and abnormal
If the disease is integral, menstrual bleeding. N.
obstruction due to scarring of Gonorrhea may spread,
tubes through which sperm however to other parts of the
move may produce sterility. female genital tract including
the cervix and uterus.

BIOPSY- removal of sample of Chemical Disinfectant

tissue from the body to be
examined under microscope. Only
way that doctor can be absolutely • Use of Chemical Agent to inhibit
certain if cancerous or not. gro w t h o f p at h o ge n e i t h e r
PATHOLOGIST- physician who temporary or permanent.
specializes in tissue analysis. Can
then see what type of cell is
causing the growth (under

Disease Causing Bacteria

• Anthrax Bacillus anthracis
• Botulism Clostridium botulinum
• Cholera Vibrio cholerae
• Diptheria Corynebacterium
• Dysentery Shigella
• Gangrene Clostridium perfringens
• Gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhveae
• Leprosy Mycobacterium leprae
• Leptospirosis Leptospira interrogans

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