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4 Stress susceptible to:
1. Infection - multiplication of microorganism
with host organisms
2. Disease Condition - state that the body
Microorganisms and A
doesn’t function normally
Human Diseases 3. Symptoms - disease characterized that
can be observed on felt by the patient
4. Syndrome - combination of the signs and
symptoms that occur together
5. Sign - characteristics of disease that can
be observed by examining the patients

Stages of diseases: Port of Entry

1. Primary – Initial 1. Respiratory
2. Gastrointestinal track
2. Secondary – Deflect 3. Urinary track
4. Body Contact
3. Super Infection

Epidemiology Categories (Allergy)

•S t u d y o f t h e f a c t o r s a n d
m e ch a n i s m s t h at gove r n t h e 1. Inhalant – that are breath in,
s p re a d t h e d i s e a s e w i t h i n a including such substance as
property d u s t , p o l l e n , f e at h e rs a n d
animal dander
• State of special sensitivity to a Example: hay fever
particular environment substance


Categories (Allergy) Categories (Allergy)

2. Contactant – that are touched, 3. Ingestant – that are swallowed.

i n cl u d i n g s u ch s u b s t a n c e a s Variety of foods and meditations
poison ivy, poison oak, cosmetics, can act as ingesting allergies
detergents, fabric and dyes.
Example: milk, egg, fish, peanuts,
Example: Contact dermatitis chocolate, strawberries, tomatoes
and citrus fruits.

Diagnosis of Human
Categories (Allergy)
4 . I n j e c t a n t – s u b s t a n c e t h at 1. D i f f e r e n t i a l b l o o d c o u n t –
penetrate the skin such as insect determine the concentration of
and venom different types of blood cells to
provide general individual of the
nature of an infecting agent.

Diagnosis of Human
2. Skin testing based on delayed
hypersensitive reaction:

a. Coccidioidomycosis
b. Histoplasmosis
c. Leprosy

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