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Lesson 3 Microbial Growth and Its

Bacteria: Occurrence
Staphyloccus- cause pimples and
Microbial Growth boils but harmful.
Corynebaterium- surfaces of eyes
and Its Control and external ears
Inhabited by

Memory Cells are divided

Escherichia Coli and produce into clone
•In the intestines, where greatest
number of bacteria is abundant
• Body produces its own immunoglobulin
because of nutrient
and moisture. A

•Produce vitamins, potassium

which is essential for blood PASSIVE IMMUNITY
clotting. • Immunoglobulin’s are obtained from
another source

Acquired Immunity Bacteria

Antibodies Antibodies • One celled microorganisms that are
produces produced by able to multiply a living cell
by oneself A source • Major group of livingA organisms
Natural Artificial Natural Artificial • Consist of a single cell and they
Exposed to Vaccination Material Antibody by
amazingly complex and fascinating
infection stimulates antibody another groups of creature
production • They eat everything from sugar and
and memory starch to sunlight, sulfur, and iron.


•Can able to survive without us but •Species of bacteria that can with
we could never live without them. stands blasts of radiation 1000
•Responsible forA a largest of times greater Athan would kill
human disease but they also make human beings.
it possible for certain element: C,
N, O to₂ be returned to the

Classification (category
3 different shapes
of life)
1. Bacilli – Rod or stick shape
1. PROKARYOTES- the genetic
material or DNA is not enclosed 2. Cocci – like little ball shape
in a cellular compartment
called A

nucleus. 3. Barrelia – helical or spiral in shape

2. EUKARYOTES- creatures whose
cell have nuclei that enclosed in [Note: some bacteria cells exist as individuals
nucleus. while other cluster together to form pairs,
chains, squares and other groupings.]

Flagella What they Eat?

• Some bacteria are photosynthetic- they
“Long-whip” like structure, how can make their own food from sunlight just
bacteria move with the use of this. like plants.
• Other bacteria absorb A
food from the
material they live on/in.
• Some of these bacteria can live off
unusual “food” such as iron and sulfur.
• The microbes that live in your gut absorb
nutrients from the digested food you’ve


Diseases causing
Uses of Bacteria
• Food Poisoning •Making cheese and butter

• Lyme disease A
•Decomposing waste in sewage

• Pneumonia
•Developing antibiotics
• Syphilis

Virus Malaria, Tb and Cholera

•Infectious diseases with highly
•Smallest known fatality rates
microorganisms A live and A

reproduce only within during Hemorrhagic fevers

cells and only certain cells are
susceptible to specific virus. •Deadly new breed which
struck Africa, Asia, US and
Latin America

Hemorrhagic fevers Mad Cow Disease

1. EBOLA (Africa 1976) (BSE- Bovine spongiform
2. Hantavirus Pulmonary encephalopathy)
Syndrome (Canada,
Argentina, A

Brazil and Paraguay 1993)

New Animal disease which risks
3. Guanarito Virus (Valenzuela
to human through food chain
4. Sabia Virus (Brazil 1994)


New Disease reported by What causes rapid spread

WHO of Infectious diseases
According to WHO:
1. Strain Cholera
2. Hepatitis Virus
• poverty 1/5 of the Aworlds population
suffer extreme poverty
3. Foodborne and Water borne • Essential drugs- half population lack
diseases across
• Malnutrition- 1/3 children

What causes rapid spread

of Infectious diseases Antimicrobial drugs
1. Population growth and urbanization Have become less effective. Microbes
2. Economic and social crisis continue to evolve and adapt their
environment adding antibiotic resistance to
3. Rapid increase in
A air travel, tourism their evolutionary pathways.

and trade in food

4. Global trade It says “emergence of drug”- resistant
5. Migration strains of microorganisms or parasites is
promoted by treatment that do not result in
6. Environmental change cure

Uses of Antibacterial in CLONING - it contains DNA having 46

Farm Animals chromosome, 23 from the sperm, and
23 from egg.
A. Disease prevention
CHROMOSOMES – structures that
B. Growth promotion
contains the nuclearA
DNA of a cell
– this determines
In other words, bacteria and viruses are winning the structural and functional
the race against drugs. They are transforming
themselves faster to resist drugs, than the rate of
characteristics of the cell.
introduction of new effective drugs to overcome
the super-germs.


DNA Technology Genotype

• Genetic contribution of an individual
(Typical spear of genus)
The chemical manipulation of the
genotype and resulting phenotypes of
organisms such that A
living organisms

are modified : alternatively no-longer- • Appearance of an organism due to the

living organisms or their no-longer- response of genotypic (inherited)
living parts maybe analyzed chemically characters to the environment.
at the level of genotype.
• All the individual belonging to such a type

Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering employed to:
• The artificial manipulation of the •Represents the manipulation of an
genetic material of organisms, organism’s genotype by artificial,
including the creation of novel typically very direct means:
genetic material (ex.
A Novel nucleotide A
•1. Make recombinant DNA
• This manipulation occurs large extent •2. Purposely change nucleotide
external to organisms (ex: test tube, in sequence
vitro which means glass) •3. To clone DNA

Biotechnology Gene cloning

• Engineering of Phenotype
• Consist of molecular techniques that
• Not only limited to phenotype to ultimately serve to place a define
directly manipulating
genotype. segment of DNA within
A an organisms,
typically a different organism from
Bioremediation which the DNA was originally derived
such that the DNA segment may be
• Use microorganism to clean waste replicated repeatedly within the
like herbicide and pesticide. receipt organisms.


Step Involve in Gene Microorganism or

Cloning Microbes
1. Isolating DNA from the cell of an •An organism that is microscopic
organism *(invisible to naked eye)*
2. Insertion of that DNA into a plasmid
3. Placement of the plasmid into a second
sell •Often illustrate using single-celled
4. Measure taken to make sure that the or unicellular organisms.
cloned DNA is the DNA of interest
5. Various manipulations of the DNA
including sub cloning, sequencing and

Virus Plasmid
• Any of various simple sub microscopic •A self reproducing particle of
parasites of plants, animals and bacteria protoplasm without a nucleus that
that often cause disease and that consist
essentially of a core
A of RNA and DNA determined heredity

surrounded by a protein coat. characteristics

• Unable to replicate without a host cell •A section of plasma that has a

viruses are typically not considered living
organisms. distinct shape.

Virus; Louis Pasture Virus; Louis Pasture

• Genetic elements enclosed by protective Lapsid
• Disease causing agent that can multiply Covering Genm

only in cells A A
Virus Particles Envelop
• Not cellular and can’t carry metabolic
active and how they differ in living things Central core Nuclei acid (only w/ DNA
and RNA)
• Simple due to its characteristics ; they are
just being classify Protein

• Not all virus have envelop (naked axiom)

Reno Virus (cold) STD (DNA virus)


Modes of Viral Multiple: Virus

• Smallest known microorganisms
• They live and reproduce only within
a. Absorption living cells and only certain cells are
susceptible to specific virus
b. Penetration A • Virus started if theyA are already immune
with the medicine being taken by the
c. Replication body.
d. Maturation Bacteria
e. Released
• one celled microorganisms that able to
multiply outside a living cell.

Immunization Chromosomes
• Process of increasing an individuals • Microscopic thread like bundle of DNA
resistance to a particular infection molecules which collectively carry the
heredity materials in sub units called
by artificial means genes.

Absorption of Nutrients:

Vaccine Transport mechanism

•Used to produce immunity in a 1. Passive not required
person 2. Active
3. Bulk

Sterilization Physical control in microbes

•Eliminate, remove and destruct •Heat- most prominent among
microorganisms. antibacterial physical agent

Factors cause death

A of microbes Other less widely
used agents
1. Radiation
1. Radiation 2. Filtration
2. Chemicals 3. Ultrasonic waves
3. Temperature 4. Cold


Boiling Human Body

•Killing microbes Is a rich habitat for bacteria, fungi
Anti-microbial agent: and protozoa. Microbes that
normally live on skin, in alignment
1. Antiseptic
track and in other A
suits are called
2. Disinfection
3. Preservation
4. Chemotherapeutic agent
5. Antibiotics

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