Athlete Responses To Return To Competitive Sport During The Lockdown Period

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Athlete responses to return to competitive sport during the lockdown period.

When do you think you will be competing again?

a) 1 month
b) 1–3 months
c) 3–6 months
d) >6 months
e) Unsure

As you are aware, the COVID-19 virus will not simply “disappear” and maybe around for some time.
Should regulations and authorities allow return to sport, would you be comfortable to return to your

a) Yes
b) No
c) May be

If you answered “No” or “May be”, please say what would make you comfortable to return to sport

May be

a. I am assured that protocols have been put in place to significantly reduce my chances at
contracting the virus
b. Risks must be reduced by 100%
c. My sporting federation and government must be happy with guidelines to protect athletes. The
international sporting world must be moving in the same direction
d. I am enabled financially or equipment-wise by my federation to take the precautionary
measures implemented

If No

a. Risks must be reduced 100%

b. I am enabled financially or equipment-wise by my federation to take the precautionary
measures implemented
c. The international sporting world must be moving in the same direction
d. My sporting federation and government must be happy with guidelines to protect athletes
e. I am assured that protocols have been put in place to significantly reduce my chances at
contracting the virus

Would you compete behind closed doors but televised?

a. Yes
b. No
Athlete responses to exercise maintenance and other activities during the
lockdown period.

How are you maintaining activity during lockdown?

a. Alone/Self
b. Directed digitally by a Fitness or Personal trainer
c. Directed digitally by a Coach
d. Directed digitally by a medical person
e. (Physiotherapist/Sports Scientist)
f. Using technology like Zoom etc. with other athletes
g. Directed from YouTube fitness and Exercise workout videos

How often do you train in a week?

a. Daily
b. Every alternate day
c. 3× or less a week

What do your sessions consist of?

a. Own body weight strength

b. Cardio (running/stepper/cycle/treadmill)
c. Sport specific exercises that are functional
d. Resisted strength work (use of elastics and/or weights)
e. Flexibility
f. Proprioception (balance)

Are you able to exercise outside without breaking the law? (e.g. in your backyard)

a. Yes
b. No

Have you reduced your training load and intensity during this lockdown period?

a. Yes
b. No

At what intensity do you exercise?

a. High
b. Moderate
c. Low

When you do exercise, how long are your sessions?

a. < 30 min
b. 30-45 min
c. 45-60 min
d. >60 min
Do you have any of the following equipment you use at home to assist you with exercise?

a. Sports specific equipment (soccer ball/volleyball/tennis ball, etc.)

b. Resistance bands
c. Free weights
d. Stationary bike (or any equipment to allow for indoor cycling)
e. Skipping rope
f. Stepper
g. Treadmill

Other activities during lockdown

Aside from exercise, what else do you do to keep busy during the lockdown?


a. Fix things at home or spring clean

b. Games outdoors (playing with kids, etc.)
c. Gardening


a. Watch television
b. Social media
c. Read a book
d. Electronic gaming (play station etc.)
e. Cell phone gaming
f. Work remotely on your other business ventures
g. Board games (Ludo/Chess/Carrom)

Athlete responses to sleep, nutrition and mental state during the lockdown
Sleep during lockdown

Have you been sleeping and waking up at your normal times as before the lockdown?

a. Yes
b. No

Is your sleep restful?

a. Yes
b. No

Are you feeling constantly fatigued during the lockdown?

a. Yes
b. No

Nutrition during lockdown

Has your diet worsened or improved during the lockdown?

a. Improved
b. Worsened
c. Don’t know

If your diet has worsened, in what way?

a. Excessive carbohydrates (includes sweets/chocolates/rice/bread etc.)

b. Fizzy drink
c. Poor hydration during exercise and after exercise
d. Excessive processed food
e. Excessive red meat

Are you using any supplements to assist in boosting your immune system?

a. Yes
b. No

If yes to the above question, what supplements?

a. Multivitamin
b. Vitamin C
c. Protein
d. Zinc
e. Other, Please Specify _______________

Mental state during lockdown

Do you feel depressed?

a. Yes
b. Yes, all of the time
c. Yes, on very few occasions
d. Yes, sometimes
e. No

Do you feel you have a loss of “energy” daily?

a. Yes
b. No

Do you struggle to keep yourself motivated to exercise?

a. Yes
b. No

Have you re-adapted to developing a new routine daily with lockdown?

a. Yes
b. No

Are you aware of several psychological and mental health programmes available online and via skype
should you need it?

a. Yes
b. No

Have you been sleeping and waking up at your normal times as before the lockdown?

a. Yes
b. No

Is your sleep restful?

a. Yes
b. No

Are you feeling constantly fatigued during the lockdown?

a. Yes
b. No

Athlete responses to healthcare and knowledge on COVID-19 during lockdown

Questions on healthcare during lockdown

Do you have easy access to your healthcare professionals?

a. Yes
b. No

Is your access via

a. Whatsapp
b. Telephonea
c. Social media
d. Physical consultations (personal contact)
e. Other electronic means

Which professionals do you have access to?

a. General Practitioner
b. Physiotherapist
c. Sports Physical Educationist
d. Professional Coach
e. Medical doctor
Knowledge on COVID-19 during lockdown

Where do you gain your knowledge from regard COVID-19?

a. Television news
b. News website
c. Social media
d. Official government websites and social media sites
e. Radio
f. A friend
g. My doctor
h. Any other sources, please specify___________________

What are the most important aspects in reducing risk at contracting the coronavirus?

a. Social distancing of 2 m
b. Hand washing with soap and water
c. Coughing/sneezing into a flexed elbow
d. Not rubbing eyes/nose/mouth
e. Cloth masks
f. Hand sanitizing with alcohol content 70%
g. Sneezing/coughing into a handkerchief/towel
h. Wearing gloves
i. Social distancing of 1 m
j. Surgical masks
k. Disposing of clothes when returning from shops etc.

What are the main symptoms of the coronavirus that should prompt you to get a medical opinion?

a. Fever
b. Dry Cough
c. Shortness of breath
d. Sore throat
e. Body ache

Do you think, if you have coronavirus symptoms than how to proceed?

a. Yes
b. No

If your answer is yes to the above question how would you proceed?

a. Contact a doctor
b. Phone the toll-free number
c. Go to a lab or Test center and ask them for testing for COVID-19
d. Search on Google or social media
e. Just arrive at a doctors rooms for a consultation
f. Speak to Family doctor

Do you have easy access to your healthcare professionals?

a. Yes
b. No

Is your access via

a. Whatsapp
b. Telephonea
c. Social media
d. Physical consultations (personal contact)
e. Other electronic means

Which professionals do you have access to?

a. General Practitioner
b. Physiotherapist
c. Sports Physical Educationist
d. Professional Coach
e. Medical doctor

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