Quiño Essay

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1.Describe Andres Bonifacio as a revolutionary leader. What do you think were his
strengths and weaknesses? Explain your answers.

Andres Bonifacio as a revolutionary leader is a very patriotic leader, in which anyone would
want to have but not anyone would want to become, in which could be called his strength. He
always tries to look at for his people. Aside from that, he is also a selfless leader that weighs
everyone’s opinions first before acting, although this strength gives him also a weakness of
indecisiveness in which means that he cannot dare to act alone, there’s always a dependency
to the other’s opinions first. Most of his strengths are his weaknesses as a leader, because as a
leader or a supreme, you should always be selfish and full of greed, means to thrive and look
for more. A leader should be ambitious, not only being held by one goal, but for more than
one. Although he always looks for his people, he is not completely seeing the bigger picture
of the game. That’s why he ended up his authority as supreme or president to be stripped
down. If I had to rate him as a leader, I would give him 5/10, because he’s way of leading is
very naïve and idealistic. I mean, he’s leading a revolution not a paradise so he should treat
his people as soldiers not as kindred brother. In this way he could be more decisive and could
instill his authority. Although I got more to add but I would end it here because it would be
too lengthy.

2. Why was the conflict between the Magdalo and Magdiwang factions of the Katipunan
crucial in determining the success or failure of the Philippine Revolution? Defend your

The conflict between the Magdalo and Magdiwang factions of the Katipunan are crucial in
determining the success or failure of the Philippine Revolution because of the division of
numbers, numbers as people participating the revolution. The numbers in revolution is crucial
because if they lack the numbers of manpower to overcome the numbers of Spaniard’s
firepower then it would deem the revolution to fail. If the numbers of the revolution were not

united, then Spaniard’s could easily kite them one by one using their firepower. But sadly, the
strategy of the Spaniard’s general was very disappointing, because he strategized to take back
all the fort in one fell swoop, in which causes a division of numbers of Spaniard’s soldiers,
and he also underestimated the numbers of manpower of the revolution and its firepower to
be a just kukri and spear, in which guaranteed the success of the Philippine Revolution.

3. How did the execution of Andres Bonifacio affect the revolutionary movement?
Discuss your answer.

I think the execution of Andres Bonifacio, demoralized the pro-Andres revolutionary

members, while the anti-Andres members (Republika Pilipina) were moralized because
there’s no one would be hindering their authority and movements. For the Republika Pilipina
it makes their movements to be smoother but for the pro-Andres camp it halted their

4.In what ways did the Women's Chapter of the Katipunan contribute to the secret
society? Discuss.

The ways Women’s Chapter of the Katipunan contributed to the secret society were creating
a distraction on front of the house, when there’s a meeting, to deceived the civil guards to
lower the suspicion that the place were having meeting or planning of revolution and make
them think that it is just a harmless gatherings and it is simply an occasional social gatherings
or parties for entertainment. They are also responsible for hiding the secret papers and

documents of the secret society. And they also served as a backline support for the
katipuneros in which they tend their wounds, give them clothes and foods.

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