Unit 1: Scientific Method & Measurement

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Unit 1: Scientific Method & Measurement

Scientific Method

Unit 2: Topography & Mapping


Unit 3: Plate Tectonics

Continental Drift
Plate Tectonics
Divergent Plate Boundaries
Convergent Plate Boundaries
Transform faults boundaries
Measuring plate motion
First prelim:

Unit 4: Volcanoes 1st week of October

Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
Materials extruded during eruptions
Volcanic structures and Eruptive styles
Composite cone
Other volcanic landforms
Platetectonics and igneous activity

Unit 5: Earthquakes
What is an Earthquake?
Seismology: Earthquake waves
Earthquake Locator
Measuring the size of earthquakes
Destruction from earthquakes
Predicting Earthquake
Plate tectonics- plate boundaries
Igneous activity

Unit 6: Rocks & Minerals

Minerals: Building Blocks of rocks
Composition and Structure of Minerals
Properties to Identify Minerals Midterm:
Major Mineral Groups
Mineral Identification 1st week of November
Mineral Resources
Rock Cycle
Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
Agents of metamorphism

Unit 7: Geologic Time

Geologic time Scale
Relative Dating
Radiometric Dating
Fossil Fuel
Energy Resources
Nonrenewable Energy

Unit 8: Soil & Weathering

Chemical and Mechanical Weathering
Rates of weathering
Soil, Soil Types
Soil erosion
Mass wasting, Control and Triggers
Alternative Farming Method
Unit 9: The Water Cycle 1st week of November
The hydrologic cycle
Running Water
Floods and flood control
Glaciers- How they move and glacial erosion
Desserts- Sand Dunes

Unit 10: Oceanography

Earth’s Oceans
Composition of Seawater
Ocean Temperature variation
Ocean Density Variation
The floor of the ocean- features
Mapping the Ocean Floor
Coastal Processes- Waves, beaches, and
Wave erosion

Unit 11: Atmosphere

Weather and Climate
Composition of atmosphere
Layers of the Atmosphere Finals:
Heating the atmosphere-solar radiation, 1st week of December
Greenhouse effect, temperature structure
of the atmosphere
Seasons: Earth’s orientation, Solstices and
Moisture and Cloud Formation- Humidity
Air Pressure and Wind

Measuring Air Pressure

Factors affecting Wind
Local Winds- Land and sea breezes,
Mountain and valley breezes
Measuring Air pressure
Factors affecting Wind
Condensation and Cloud Formation and Types
Fog and Dew

Unit 12: Weather & Climate

Air Masses, Fronts
Thunderstorm-Occurrence and Development
World climates
El Niño and La Niña
Meteorology, Humidity
World Climates
Climate classification
Human Impact on Global Climate
Carbon dioxide, Trace Gases and Global warming
Possible Consequences of Global warming

Unit 13: Ecology (plus additional topic on

Mountain Building)
Ecology Finals:
Human_Impact 1st week of December
Eco Footprint
Mountain Building
Rock deformation
Faults and Joints
Mountain Belts
Mountain building at Convergent boundaries
Bouyancy and the Principle of Isostasy

Unit 14: Astronomy

Ancient Astronomy
Modern Astronomy
Asronomical Tools
Positions in the Sky
Motions of Earth
Motions of Earth-Moon System
Phases of the Moon, Lunar motions, Eclipses

Unit: 15 : The Solar System

The Planets-Interior and atmosphere
The Earth
Earth’s Moon- lunar surface and history
The Phases of the Moon
The Planets: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn,

Unit 16: The Sun

The study of light
Asronomical Tools
The Sun-Structure, Active sun, solar interior

Unit: 17: The Stars

Properties of Star- Measuring distances to the star, stellar brightness,
stellar color and temperature
Binary stars, Stellar stars
Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram
Variable stars
Stellar Evolution
Stellar Remnants

Unit 18: The Universe:

The Milky Way-
The Nature
The Origin
Spiral Arms
The Nucleus
The Family of Galaxies
Measuring the Properties of galaxies
The Evolution of galaxies

Unit 19: Cosmology

Introduction to the Universe
Red shifts, Expanding Universe
The Big bang
The Shape and Space in Time
21st Century Cosmology

Unit 20 Meteoroids, Asteroids, and Comets (For Ms. Jesien Dadios)

(Foundations of Astronomy 10th Ed. By Michael Seeds)
 Meteroids- Meteroid orbits, meteorite impacts on earth, An analysis of meteorites,
orogn of meteorites
 Asteroids- Properties of asteroids, The Asteroid Belt, The Nonbelt asteroids, The
Origin of Asteroids
 Comets –Properties of Comets, The Geology of Comet Nuclei, The Origin of Comets,
Comets from Kuiper Belt, Impacts on Earth (Impacts on Dinosaurs, The Tunguska

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