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Directions: Create a graphic organizer and a sentence and topic outline for this blog post on a short bond

paper. You
can utilize as many bond papers as you like. Be creative in creating your graphic organizer. Follow the format of
outlining. The graphic organizer and the outlines are encoded ARIAL 12. This should. Deadline: December 1, 2017 12

Introspection: The Murder of Marlou: The Xander Ford Case

Society killed Marlou.

Yes, Marlou Arizala is dead, and society is responsible for it.

It was in 2015 when the guy first went viral on the Internet, along with his group Hasht5, as their photos and videos
circulated the Web. The reason for their sudden fame however, wasn’t because of good publicity. In fact, they were
ruthlessly bashed and called many names. One of them stood out from the gang.

Marlou — with his bright red hair, his dark skin, and his face that people would soon exploit on memes and funny posts.

I would admit that at first, I myself also took a swipe at the guy because of his braggadocio and his rather uncommon
facial features. But after watching an interview with them a couple of years ago, what I saw was a young guy with an
unrelenting drive to reach for his dreams, and a person who was trying to hide his insecurities by creating a strong

The growing hatred for the guy was the inception of a grand scheme to assassinate the man — his character, his dreams,
his ambitions.

Society killed Marlou.

His Facebook posts would always elicit hate comments from people who had nothing better to do. He would be the
subject of online ridicules and cursing from people who wished him dead. Yes, others would even go as far as to tell him
to just kill himself.

Society eventually succeeded in killing the young man.

Last night, his transformation from Marlou to Xander Ford has finally been unveiled on national TV. And the Internet
exploded with posts and tweets about his new identity, garnering mixed reactions from netizens.

Finally, people have something good to say about Marlou, albeit skin-deep and superficial.

The people’s reactions reveal the kind of society we live in. They show that people’s respect for one another is based on
how one looks, what he wears, or what his skin color is. Society has forced Marlou to grab the opportunity to change
what people hated about him. He was made to believe that his worth and identity will improve greatly if his face and his
name would change. Marlou was forced to leave his old self — even if it’s just the face that changed — if that’s the only
way to escape the razor sharp criticisms that he has probably grown tired of.
“Matagal ko nang pangarap ‘to, ang maging guwapo,” he would say, which actually reads, “Matagal ko nang pangarap
‘to, ang mahalin at tanggapin ng mga tao.”

Alas, when his new face was finally revealed, some even questioned why he couldn’t be content with what God has
given him. I am pretty sure that he was perfectly fine with how he looked, until society turned him into a laughingstock.

We live in a bipolar, double-standard, hypocritical society. And we have permitted this culture of shame and bullying to
permeate our collective minds and psyche.

Inside Out Transformation

What Marlou and all of us needed was not cosmetic surgery. What we all need is an inside-out transformation — a
change that starts from within.

Beauty is fleeting and charm is deceptive, the Bible says; making it an unwise basis for people’s worth and identity.

If only someone had told Marlou that his worth as a person is not based on his outward appearance, but on his inherent
value as a human being — created in the likeness and image of his Maker. If only he was told that the opinions of people
about him don’t diminish his value as a person; because to the One who sees the heart, he will always be fully pleasing.
If only he was told that Somebody thinks he is so valuable that he was actually worth dying for, he would’ve embraced
who he really was, and enjoyed his uniqueness as a person.

What Marlou needed wasn’t a name-change in order to change his identity. He needed a rebirth from the ashes.
Changing his name from Marlou to Xander Ford will not erase his former identity. What will change his identity is when
he exchanges his old life for the new life that God offers. That if anyone is in Him, he is a new creation. The old will pass
away, the new will come.

What Marlou and all of us needed is not a face surgery, but a heart transplant — the removal of the wicked, depraved
heart and the placing of a new, clean heart.

Let us start spreading this message. Let us overcome society’s lies with the life-changing truth that we are deeply loved
and fully pleasing, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made by our perfect Father in Heaven.


Graphic Organizer= 10 points

Sentence Outline=10 points
Topic Outline=10 points
Directions: Create a position paper based on the article above. Your position paper should express if you are pro or
against what Marlou did to himself. Follow the format below for your position paper. This should be encoded, ARIAL
12. Use only one short bond paper for this. This should be done with the same groupings.

Group Number: Section:

Names:______________________________ Subject: COR 002 Reading and Writing Skills
______________________________ Teacher: Ms. Diane M. Cagampang

The Xander Ford Case: A Position Paper

There are no limits when it comes to the number of paragraphs. Your paper should utilize one short
bond paper only. Your position paper should contain the following:

 A short background of Marlou

 Your position on the issue
 Provide 3-5 references to back up your opinion
 List your references at the last part of your paper

Rubric for checking your position paper.

Position Paper Rubric

36-50 points
-Paper is free from typographical errors -Follows the given format
-Contains 0-5 grammatical errors -The group’s position is clearly stated
-Grammatical errors are not annoying -Has enough references to support the group’s opinion

25-35 points
-Paper has 1-3 typographical errors -Follows most of the given format
-Contains 6-10 grammatical errors -States the group’s position
-Grammatical errors do not distort the meaning of the sentence
-Has references to support the group’s position

15-24 points
-Paper has 4-10 typographical errors - Contains many grammatical errors
-Grammatical errors distort some of the sentences’ meaning. – Group’s position is not clearly stated
-Does not follow the given format - Has only one reference to support the groups’ position
0-14 points
-Paper has lots of typographical errors
-Grammatical errors make the paper incomprehensible
-Does not follow the given format
-The paper does not state the group’s position
-Has no reference to support the group’s opinion
NOTE: Paper should have 1-inch margin all sides. ARIAL 12 (encoded). Short bond paper.
Deadline will be on DECEMBER 1, 2017 12 NOON

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