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The topic was discussed by Major Michael B. Sarte (INF) deputy, office of the army gender of
development. The topic major Michael Sarte was about discussed on us was about sex and
gender, so we would able to know what the difference between sex and gender because
sometime it make us confusion to identify both, other one is what is gender as a social
construct, lastly the gender and development. The objectives of the coverage is for us to learn
the concept of sex and gender and its characteristics. 1st topic that Major Sarte was sex and
gender, he identify what is sex and how it is defined. Major sarte said that there is only two sex
which is male and female, only women can give birth and only men can produced sperm thenn
in gender defined as women can do traditionally male jobs and men can take care good of
children. Then he also stated the gender division of labor the “gender roles” which male is a
productive role which means mens role is to seek a job, find work to gained money for the family
while the female is the reproductive rule. Then the next topic was about traditional gender roles
that divided men and women for each other. However gender rules change. 2nd topic that major
sarte discussed was about gender and social construct. Social institutions: family has the most
influence because the formative years of every individual is almost always and with developed
by the family example; child- rearing which color-coding (the blue is for boys and pink is for girls
and the gendering processes: manipulation (handling infants), verbal appellation (telling them
what they are). The last topic major Sarte discussed was about Gender and development which
define as inclusive which is for anyone, could be girl or boy or what kind of gender identity are
you. 1st to discussed is Gender issue; which are deterrents to development. Thus it’s important
to address them in developing planning because of that women and men are boxed into
situation which constrain their capacity to do and to be and hinder their potential to attain a full
and satisfying life.2nd to discussed, what is GAD, then? Gad is development perspective that
recognized the different roles, interest and need of women and men, which reflects a change in
focused from women and their exclusion from development initiatives to the relations of
inequality between women and men. And the 6 reason why the Philippine army should engage
in GAD. 1. Gender quality is a primary concern which is mandated by international and national
laws, 2. Existence of biases in women and men in the organization, 2. The underlying principles
of GAD is founded on human rights, 4. Gender and armed conflict is a major critical concern, 5.
Men is important roles and stakes in advancing gender equality, 6. Gender equality is an
indicator of good governance and a requisite for sustainable human development.

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