Extensive Reading Questions

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Read the questions and give full answers.

1.Why was the Student so upset?- Because the student was supposed to get a red
rose in order to dance with the lover of him. However, there was no red roses
there. In addition, that girl was with Chamberlain’s nephew who irritated and
made him upset.
2. Who heard the student?- The nightingale heard the student. She was staying
on the branch of oak tree and listening to the story of the boy.
3. Where and with whom was the Student going to dance?- The Student would
dance with the Professor’s daughter with whom he had fallen in love before at
the ball.
4. Where did the Nightingale fly?-The Nightingale flew over to find the red rose
in order to give it to the boy so that they would dance.
5. Could the rose tree give a red rose?- No. She encountered first with white rose,
then with yellow one. In the end she came across with red rose tree. However it
was not available to get a red rose due to hard climate which affected and made
it impossible to get any rose buds.
6. How could the Nightingale get a red rose? The Nightingale had to die while
singing the music of her. She changed her life to that of true love.
7. Why did the Nightingale decide to help the Student?- The Nightingale decided
to help to the Student, for she was taking into account that nothing is nobler than
a true love in the life. It was worth to become dead so that she would create a
way to have the lovers come together.
8. Did the student understand what the Nightingale was telling him?- He did not
understand what the Nightingale was telling to him. Because he had never heard
such things before. Moreover, he was not sophisticated in love.
9. Who asked the Nightingale to sing her last song?- The oak tree asked the
Nightingale to sing her last song. When the nightingale died, he would probably
feel lonely without her.
10. What did the Nightingale do when the Moon rose?- She pushed her breast
closer and closer to the throne. Because, if the moon rose before she had been
given her heart to the red rose, the red rose would not be complete.
11. What did the Rose-tree cry to the Nightingale?- The rose tree cried to the
nightingale to push her breast to the throne deeply so that the inside of the red
rose flushed.
12. What was growing on the top of the Rose-tree? The red rose was blossoming
on the top spray of the tree. It was becoming red on and on, as the Nightingale
was passing away.
13. Why did the Nightingale give her last burst of music? Because the throne
strangled her throat and her voice was fainting continuously.
14. Was the red rose finished at the dawn? Yes. As the Nightingale perished, the
newly formed red rose appeared on the top of the tree at the dawn.
15. Was the girl happy when she saw the red rose? What did she do? She was not
that happy. Firstly, The red rose would not go with her dress well. Furthermore,
Chamberlain’s nephew gave attracting jewels. So, she was not satisfied with the
red rose.
16. Comment on the Professor’s daughter rejection of the Student.
How does she show her snobbery? She rejected the red rose of the student in a
way that the Student called it “ Ungrateful”. She mentioned that even that
Student do not possess any silver buckles to his shoes. All in all, she belittled that
guy due to the state of being called “Ungrateful”.

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