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Abasov Huseynagha

Reading and Writing II

Opinion Paragraph


The Feasibility of Slowing down the Global Warming

Nowadays it is highly possible to slow down global warming by the aid of several

regulations. To begin with, utilizing the climate train rather than planes which pollute the

environment would be the most appropriate choice. Every year the journeys taken by the planes

contaminates the air and causes the unnecessary depletion of petroleum. Visiting to the

destination by means of bicycle or trains is the most efficient way to slow down that process.

Moreover, producing cars which deplete natural gas instead of oil is adequate action to handle

this catastrophe. The reason is that when the cars use petroleum rather than gases those release

greenhouse gases. Causing the ozone layer destruction, greenhouse gases are primary factor

affecting the global warming. The last and most crucial reason is that diminishing unimportant

usage of electricity possess satisfactory role in the worsening environment. For instance, if

citizens of Baku attempt to utilize the electricity efficiently, the city will recover from that

disaster in solely a few decades. Indeed, the experiment conducted in the NYC demonstrated that

ultimate regulations would be necessity in the near future. All in all, slowing down the global

warming is possible due to the mentioned points.

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