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Problems and



Problem in Community
How can we assure
that we live in a
safe and sound
especially during
this pandemic
Problem in Community
The COVID-19 pandemic is the largest public
health crisis in a generation – and may well be the
biggest to ever hit the Philippines. The impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic is drastically changing
the lives of people, including the lives of young
people. Schools and universities have closed,
exams and events postponed, the usual health
information services are limited, socializing with
friends and wider family is highly discouraged and
in some places even punishable. Living in these
circumstances can be tough for young people for
their social, physical and mental wellbeing

Problem in Community
We live in a safe environment if there
are strict rules of people and vehicles
that comes in the community, checking if
they are residents is important and no
visitors allowed. Only important vehicles
and people like drivers of delivery trucks
and food delivery must only be allowed
inside. The streets and vicinitiy should
also be remained cleaned and social
distancing is observed

Problem in Community Solution

We can't tell if we are really safe
during this pandemic. But as long as
our environment is clean and
organized, it will help people avoid
spreading the virus. If we have
people are disciplined and following
the rules, then it will help our
community to avoid the spreading of
the disease.

Problem in Community Solution

And lastly, always wear face mask and
face shield for us to be able to avoid being
infected. Always wash your hands and
stay hydrated as well. safe food handling
and hygiene practices to. Taking to ensure
that we remain able to address food
borne illness and all of those people that
help packaging of relieved goods are
tested to ensure that no contamination is
being added to the food.

Problem in Community Solution

Problem in School
How to
conquer all
the pressure
How to conquer all
Senior High School can be a very demanding time for
students. Professors, class projects, and extracurricular

the pressure activities can all contribute to a stressed-out college

student. From schoolwork to social problems, students
can sometimes become so overwhelmed that they do
Problem in School
not know how to efficiently manage their stressful

Academic pressure is formally defined as

an experience in which a student is
burdened by the demands of time and
energy to achieve specific academic
goals. This stress can come from a
variety of potential sources and have a
myriad of impacts on students both
emotionally and academically.
Get organized. By becoming more organized, you
can reduce your stress level drastically. Make a
daily schedule of all your activities. Write these
things down in a personal organizer or set alerts
on your smartphone to help you commit them to
memory. Having to remember when to do
something or what to do can increase your stress.
Another way to become more organized is by
getting your supplies and desk in order. Label
folders for each class and arrange your notes and
assignments by topic or date so you can easily
find information.

Problem in School Solution

Prioritize your schoolwork. Identify what is
most important. When are your assignments
due? If you have a presentation to give this
Monday, don't write a one-page review
that's due in a couple of weeks; prepare for
the presentation first. Likewise, if you have
an assignment that requires a lot of work,
put it at the top of your list. When you
prioritize your work, you will be more
efficient in finishing your assignments and
thus be less stressed.

Problem in School Solution

Don't procrastinate. Putting off doing your
schoolwork will only make you more stressed. If
you get an assignment that is due in a month and
you don't have any other assignments to finish,
go ahead and begin working on it. If you wait until
right before it is due, you will be stressed about
finishing it in time.


Problem in Self
How to overcome
Problem in Self
Reach out and stay connected Getting
support plays an essential role in
overcoming depression. On your own,
it can be difficult to maintain a healthy
perspective and sustain the effort
required to beat depression. At the
same time, the very nature of
depression makes it difficult to reach
out for help. When you’re depressed,
the tendency is to withdraw and isolate
so that connecting to even close family
members and friends can be tough.

Problem in Self Solution

Do things that make you feel Do things that make
good. In order to overcome
depression, you have to do
you feel good.
things that relax and energize
you. This includes following a
healthy lifestyle, learning how
to better manage stress,
setting limits on what you’re
able to do, and scheduling fun
activities into your day.

Problem in Self Solution

Do things that make you feel good
In order to overcome depression, you have to do
things that relax and energize you. This includes
following a healthy lifestyle, learning how to
better manage stress, setting limits on what
you’re able to do, and scheduling fun activities
into your day.

Do things you enjoy (or used to)

While you can’t force yourself to have fun or
experience pleasure, you can push yourself to do
things, even when you don’t feel like it. You
might be surprised at how much better you feel
once you’re out in the world. Even if your
depression doesn’t lift immediately, you’ll
gradually feel more upbeat and energetic as you
make time for fun activities. Pick up a former
hobby or a sport you used to like. Express
yourself creatively through music, art, or writing.
Go out with friends. Take a day trip to a museum,
the mountains, or the ballpark.

Problem in Self Solution

Kristine M. Mosquera
Nicole Manglo
Rhealyn Parducho
Gerald Losabio
Victor Filmer Bansag
Practical Research HUMSS 12-B

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