Reasons - Why Every Ecommerce Store Need Mobile App

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Reasons: Why Every eCommerce Store

Need Mobile App

Selling products online has become a need for every online eCommerce business rather than
just a requirement. When it comes to selling products online, eCommerce websites will be
sufficient enough. But, do you really think that the same website is capable of surviving today’s
cut-throat competition? That's where mobile shopping apps are coming into the picture.

The ease of access and seamless shopping experience are the major reasons behind the
majority choosing mobile app development. So, in order to gain fruitful growth in conversions &
sales, one must look forward to the launch of mobile apps. The technological advancements are
rising every day without looking back.

There are around a billion users who have already shifted to mobile devices. So, it will be a
huge user base to target just by adopting a mobile-first strategy for an eCommerce business.

Table of Contents

Things To Keep In Mind While Developing A Mobile App:

Choose Right Platform
Mix With Great Features
Simple UI & UX
Competitor Knowledge
Target Your Audience

Top Benefits of Having an eCommerce Mobile App

Brand Recognition
Fruitful Conversions
Strong Customer Support
Provide More Value to Customers
Improve Customer Engagement
Connect Users to Brand Directly
Instant Alerts to Users
Easier, Faster, And Secure Payments
Mobile Apps Support Social Sharing
Mobile Apps Allow Push Notifications
Increases brand recognition and conversion rates
Mobile apps reach customers where they are
Better engagement through personalization
Checkout is more secure and faster

‘Things To Keep in Mind While Developing A Mobile App:

Choose Right Platform

Android & iOS are the two platforms holding the largest number of mobile users worldwide.
Now, it depends on the store owner which platform they choose in order to make the most. The
best option is to launch apps for both Android & iOS and reach a wider audience.

Mix With Great Features

A mobile app is nothing without featured benefits. So, we should not forget to include the latest
features on the app helping users to easily shop from the store. Add some really useful features
on the app matched with ongoing technology trends to enhance the shopping experience of

Simple UI & UX
The interface plays a vital role in the success or failure of a mobile app. If the app users find the
app cluttered, it’s survival going to be very hard. So, before going for app development, one
should keep a check on the app behaviour & performance from the user’s perspective.

Competitor Knowledge

About to launch apps on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store? Before that, you must be
aware of what your competitors are offering. This gives you an idea about your strong points
and where you need to put more effort.

Target Your Audience

Target your audience wisely and then only launch the app. This will help in providing relatable
content to your users & much likely will impact their purchase decision. One must also keep a
track of worthy updates for your app from time to time for better results.

Top Benefits of Having an eCommerce Mobile App

Brand Recognition

The number of apps on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store are increasing each passing
day. This gives a clear indication that people are spending more time on mobile apps &
business owners are trying to make the most of it. Branding through mobile apps can simply
put you in a limelight.

Fruitful Conversions

Selling products on the mobile app brings more conversion to your store as compared to the
websites. The ease and comfort offered by a mobile app are unmatchable & which straight
leads to boosted sales & revenue for the business.

Strong Customer Support

Build a strong relationship with customers so that they can rely on your store for shopping and
refer to others as well. Well, mobile apps offer much better support to users with inbuilt chat
(WhatsApp). The quick solution to every occurred query or complaint will loyalty points to your
Provide More Value to Customers

Make your users feel special and important by providing them with more value in the form of
points and rewards. This encourages users for more purchase from the app in hope of getting
rewards for the money spent. This can make users loyal to your store and bring more
transactions in the result.

Improve Customer Engagement

As per the recent studies, an average person spends more than 3 hours a day on their
smartphone. This simply means there are heavy chances of improved user engagement.

Connect Users to Brand Directly

With allowing users to find everything at their fingertips, mobile apps connect users to your store
directly. The users do not have to open a browser or enter the site URL, all they need to do is
just tap on the installed app.

Instant Alerts to Users

Sending instant alerts to the users in the form of push notifications will keep them updated with
every latest deal & offer. Push notification has become a great marketing tool nowadays. Adding
some catchy title with extra discounts simply leads the users to successful order creation.

Easier, Faster, And Secure Payments

A mobile app has secure payment options, which can be programmed to remember payment
options for subsequent shopping. This reduces the buying process and time spent on the user.
Buyers get discouraged when a buying process gets too complex leading to high cart
abandonment rate. You definitely don’t want that.

Mobile Apps Support Social Sharing

Want your customers to do advertising for you by sharing your wares on Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, and other social media sites? Mobile app developers have the ability to build social
sharing right into the app. So your eCommerce store needs a mobile app to share your store
products socially which is very important for store marketing.
Mobile Apps Allow Push Notifications

The mobile app enables a personalized experience and interfaces perfectly designed for each
device such as the Android or iPhone. Push notifications can be location-based so that you can
send your customers special offers when they get near one of your physical stores. Notifications
can also be dispensed when you need to offer a promotion, run special sales, or even to get the
word out about a new product. You cannot utilize push notifications to increase sales if you do
not use mobile e-commerce.

Increases Brand Recognition and Conversion Rates

Mobile apps improve brand recognition and draw customer attention through increased traffic.
Social media platforms also let customers speak about your products and essentially become
advocates and share links to their favourite stores to their friends.

This leads to an increase in conversions, where mobile apps make it even easier for the
customer to add products to their shopping cart ensuring that the whole purchase process is

Mobile Apps Reach Customers Where They Are

Another advantage of mobile apps is that e-commerce businesses can reach their customers
where they are with timely messages. For instance, they can use mobile apps to send an SMS
message to a customer who has just entered a physical store, informing him about a discount,
or to one leaving the store asking for feedback and to grade his experience. This way, mobile
and physical shopping experience can work hand-in-hand.

Better Engagement Through Personalization

With mobile apps, brands can have a much better insight into customer data, their browsing
history, and previous purchases. With this data in hand, they can provide suggestions for future
purchases, improve navigation, and improve their purchasing experience.

Checkout is More Secure and Faster

When it comes to retail, speed is critical for a good shopping experience. The customer wants to
be in and out of the store, preferably having made a purchase.
This is why the focus needs to be on ensuring a fast and seamless checkout process via mobile
apps and making sure that users can pay securely. With mobile apps, checkout can happen in
just a few clicks, eliminating the need to enter payment or shipping information every time.

Mobile apps are standing front and centre of the e-commerce rise over the last couple of years.
This is hardly surprising given that conversions from mobile apps are three times higher than
from a mobile web.

These reasons clearly show why mobile apps have become essential for the success of the e-
commerce industry over the last few years. Some of the other benefits include caching heavy
interface elements at your device once, geopositioning integration, offline mode, marketing
advantages etc.

Hopefully, you liked this article. If there are some queries or suggestions, then, let us know in
the comment section below.

Thanks for reading!!

Author Bio

Viviana Folliero is a Manager at Awebstar, a eCommerce Website design company in

Singapore which is dealing with digital marketing, SEO, mobile app development, logo
designing, social media marketing and more. Connect with her at

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