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1. Create a folder in your Google Drive. (


2. Name the folder in this format: Lastname,Firstname_Topic (Example: Tabadero,Liza_TheSolarSystem)

3. Share the folder by adding my emails: and Make sure that the restriction is in “Editor” mode.

4. Copy the link of your folder and add it on the list in this document:

5. You can use the folder in your Google Drive to share and submit your outputs for your Demo-

6. For your lesson plan, follow the naming format: Draft1_Topic (example: Draft1_TheSolarSystem).

7. Whenever you need to revise and resubmit your lesson plan, create a new document and change the
draft number in the file name. (Example: Draft1_TheSolarSystem ; Draft2_TheSolarSystem ;
Draft3_TheSolarSystem …)

8. For your final lesson plan, the naming format is Final_Topic (example: Final_TheSolarSystem)

9. The format for your lesson plan is on the next page of this document.

10. For the other files that you will upload in your folder, use the title of your topic as the filename.

11. If you are planning to use a powerpoint presentation in your discussion, make sure that you have the
necessary resources to use it in your demo-teaching. Otherwise, you may use traditional instructional

12. Wait for further instructions.

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science _ (Insert grade level here)

I. Lesson Objectives

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic:
b. Science Ideas:
c. Science Processes:
d. References:
e. Materials:

III. Instructional Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory activities
1. Drill
2. Review
3. Motivation

B. Discussion

C. Activity

Note: You may put the activity before the discussion, or after the discussion, or you may have an activity before
and after, depending on your approach/style.

IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment

Prepared by:

Submitted to:

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