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Super marketbillingsystemproject

1. 1. 1 A Project Report On “Super Market Billing System” Submitted to SURGUJA

UNIVERSITY AMBIKAPUR In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
2. 2. 2 DECLARATION I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project
work entitled Super Market Billing System is based my own work carried out during the
course of my study under the supervision of Ms. Jasmine Minj (Asst. Professor CSE). I
assert that the statements made the conclusion drown are an outcome of the project
work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report does
not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.
------------------------------ (Signature of the Candidate) Name: VIJAY VICKEY MAHANT
Enrollment No.: S-09/1184 Roll No.: CSE12001
3. 3. 3 DECLARATION I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project
work entitled Super Market Billing System is based my own work carried out during the
course of my study under the supervision of Ms. Jasmine Minj (Asst. Professor CSE). I
assert that the statements made the conclusion drown are an outcome of the project
work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report does
not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.
------------------------------ (Signature of the Candidate) Name: VIJAY RAY Enrollment No.:
Roll No.: CSE12005
4. 4. 4 DECLARATION I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project
work entitled Super Market Billing System is based my own work carried out during the
course of my study under the supervision of Ms. Jasmine Minj (Asst. Professor CSE). I
assert that the statements made the conclusion drown are an outcome of the project
work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report does
not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.
------------------------------ (Signature of the Candidate) Name: ABHINASH DAS Enrollment
No.: …………… Roll No.: CSE12022
5. 5. 5 FORWARDING CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the report of the project
submitted is an outcome of the project work entitled “Super Market Billing System”
Carried out by VIJAY VICKEY MAHANT bearing Roll No.:CSE12001 &Enrollment No.:S-
09/1184 carried out under my guidance and supervision for the award of Degree in
Bachelor of Engineering in COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING of VEC
Lakhanpur , constituent college of Surguja University Ambikapur , Dist-Surguja (CG),
India. To the best of my knowledge the report i. Embodies the work of the candidate
himself. ii. Has duly been completed. iii. Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating
to the BE degree of the University and iv. Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of
which is submitted. ---------------------------------- Signature of guide Ms. Jasmine Minj (Asst.
Professor) Computer Science & Engineering VEC Lakhanpur, Sarguja The project work
as mentioned above is hereby being recommended and forwarded for examination and
evaluation. --------------------------------------------- (Signature of head of Department with
6. 6. 6 FORWARDING CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the report of the project
submitted is an outcome of the project work entitled “Super Market Billing System”
Carried out by VIJAY RAY bearing Roll No.:CSE12005 & Enrollment No.: ……. carried
out under my guidance and supervision for the award of Degree in Bachelor of
Engineering in COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING of VEC Lakhanpur , constituent
college of Surguja University Ambikapur , Dist-Surguja (CG), India. To the best of my
knowledge the report i. Embodies the work of the candidate himself. ii. Has duly been
completed. iii. Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the BE degree of the
University and iv. Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted.
---------------------------------- Signature of guide Ms. Jasmine Minj (Asst. Professor)
Computer Science & Engineering VEC Lakhanpur, Sarguja The project work as
mentioned above is hereby being recommended and forwarded for examination and
evaluation. --------------------------------------------- (Signature of head of Department with
7. 7. 7 FORWARDING CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the report of the project
submitted is an outcome of the project work entitled “Super Market Billing System”
Carried out by ABHINASH DAS bearing Roll No.:CSE12022 & Enrollment No.:
……..carried out under my guidance and supervision for the award of Degree in Bachelor
of Engineering in COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING of VEC Lakhanpur ,
constituent college of Surguja University Ambikapur , Dist-Surguja (CG), India. To the
best of my knowledge the belief the report i. Embodies the work of the candidate himself.
ii. Has duly been completed. iii. Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the
BE degree of the University and iv. Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which
is submitted. ---------------------------------- Signature of guide Ms. Jasmine Minj (Asst.
Professor) Computer Science & Engineering VEC Lakhanpur, Sarguja The project work
as mentioned above is hereby being recommended and forwarded for examination and
evaluation. --------------------------------------------- (Signature of head of Department with
8. 8. 8 CERTIFICATE BY THE EXAMINERS This is to certify that the project work entitled
Super Market Billing System Submitted by Vijay Vickey Mahant, Roll No-CSE12001,
Enrollment No-S-09/1184 Vijay Ray, Roll No-CSE12005, Enrollment No-……….
Abhinash Das, Roll No-CSE12022, Enrollment No-………… has been examined by the
undersigned as a part of examination for the award of Bachelor of Engineering degree in
COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING of Sarguja University, Ambikapur, (C.G).
(------------------------) (---------------------------) Internal Examiner External Examiner Date:
9. 9. 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Working on this project has been a great learning
experience for us. There were moments of anxiety, when we could not solve a problem
for several days & there were moments when we could solve a problem after struggling
for several days. But we have enjoyed every bit of the process and are thankful to all
people associated with us during this period. We convey our sincere thanks to our project
guide Ms. Jasmine Minj, for providing us all sorts of facilities. His support & guidance
helped us to carry out the project. I owe a great debt of his gratitude for his constant
advice, support, cooperation & encouragement throughout the project.
(------------------------) (-------------------------) (-------------------------) (Signature of Student)
(Signature of Student) (Signature of Student) Vijay Vickey Mahant Vijay Ray Abhinas
10. 10. 10 ABSTRACT Super Market Billing System The project is on Supermarket Billing.
Supermarket is the place where customers come to purchase their daily using products
and pay for that. So there is a need to calculate how many products are sold and to
generate the bill for the customer. To make software fast in processing, with good user
interface so that user can change it and it should be used for a long time without error
and maintenance.
11. 11. 11 CONTENT
Introduction 15 I.2 System Interface 16 I.3 Feasibility Study 17 a. Technical feasibility 17
b. Economic feasibility 18 c. Operational feasibility 18 d. Schedule feasibility 18 e.
Behavioral feasibility 18 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM 19 2.1
Description of the existing system 20 III. BOTTLENECK OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM 21
3.1 Bottleneck of existing system 22 IV. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM 23
4.1 Advantage of proposed system 24 4.2 Work Flow 25 4.3 Design tool 26 a. Input
design 27 b. Output design 27 c. Architectural design 27 V. METHOD & FUNCTION
USED 28 5.1 Header Files 29 5.2 Functions used 30 5.3 Diagram used 32 i. E-R diagram
32 ii. Data Flow Diagram 33 iii. State Transition Diagram 36 5.4 Cost Analysis 37 VI.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION 39 6.1 Main MENU Selection 40 6.2 Product MENU 41
13. 13. 13 6.3 Invoice 42 6.4 Admin MENU 43 6.5 All Record Display 44 VII. CONCLUSION
15. 15. 15 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION: The project is on Supermarket Billing.
Supermarket is the place where customers come to purchase their daily using products
and pay for that. So there is a need to calculate how many products are sold and to
generate the bill for the customer. OBJECTIVE: To make software fast in processing,
with good user interface so that user can change it and it should be used for a long time
without error and maintenance. SCOPE: Our project has a big scope to do. We can: 1.
Calculate the bill. 2. Give the bill to the customer. 3. Store how many products are sold.
4. Store products and their prices and with other information. 5. Set the rates of taxes
and commission on the products. 6. Can see the report of the product in a fix period of
time. 7. Change the Graphical User Interface of the system. We can’t: 1. Calculate of the
salaries of the employees. 2. Calculate the expanses on the product.
16. 16. 16 SYSTEM INTERFACE Minimum Hardware Requirement:  Pentium Celeron
400MHz or Above  128MB RAM  1 GB HARD DISK Space  VGA Color Monitor 
Keyboard and Mouse SOFTWARE INTERFACE  Turbo C++  Microsoft Visual C++
HUMAN INTERFACE  Input Output forms  Data Reports  Options for adding, editing
and removing the information from the database
17. 17. 17 FEASIBILITY STUDY “Feasibility Study” is a test of the system according to its
workability, impact of the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of the
resources. We can test our system by different type of the feasibilities. There are 5 types
of the feasibilities which are discussed here. These are as follows: 1. Technical
Feasibility: A study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an
acceptable system. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the
proposed system is available or not. This system can be made in any language that
support good user interface and easy database handling. Technical needs may include:
Front-End Selection: Front-End means a language that is used for user interface
designing and coding. Front-End should have following qualities:  It must have a
graphical user interface that assist employees that are not  from some IT background. 
Scalability and Extensibility  Robustness  According to the organization requirements
and culture.  Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support. 
Platform independent.  Easy to deploy and maintain.  Event driven programming. 
Front-End must support some popular Back-End like MS Access, SQL Server and
Oracle. According to the above stated features we selected Visual C#.Net as Front–End
for developing our project. Visual C#.Net is used in Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003.
Back-End Selection: Back-End means a language that is used for database
management. Back-End should have following qualities:  Multiple user support. 
Provide inherent feature for security.  Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.  Stored
procedures.  Popularity.  Operating System compatible.  Easy to install.  Various
drivers must be available.
18. 18. 18  Efficient data handling.  Easy to implement with Front-End. According to the
above stated features we selected Oracle as Back–End for developing our project. We
will use Oracle 8i specifically because it has more feature features then other later
versions and it is easy to make and maintain database. It is also easy to implement
Oracle 8i with Visual C#.Net in Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003. 2. Economic Feasibility:
In this we consider following costs:  The cost to conduct a full system investigation. 
The cost of hardware and software for class of application being considered.  The
benefit in the form of the reduced cost.  Our system has a lot of features at a minimum
cost so it is feasible to implement and it will be very much beneficial to the sellers in the
reduced cost. It’s software and hardware cost is also low then the existing system. 3.
Operational Feasibility: In this feasibility we consider following points:  What changes
will be brought with the system.  What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff
members have these skills? If not, can they be trained in due course of time? In the new
system we made some major changes for the staff members so that they have to be
trained to use the newly added facilities. These major changes are possible and give a
new era in the Supermarket in production and sales management. | 4. Schedule Feasibility: Time
evaluation is most important consideration in development of the project. So the project is
concerned should be completed with fixed in scheduled time as far as company is
concerned. New system is not so much big so it is easy to make in few days. 5.
Behavioral Feasibility: People are inherently resisted to change and a computer means
“change is the only certainty”. An estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the
user staff in going to have towards development of new system. Thus special efforts can
be made to educate and train the staff.
20. 20. 20 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SYSTEM: Many Supermarkets use this type of
billing system for a decade. It is also improved many times according to requirements of
sellers and customers. It does the same work that is calculating the bill, gives it to the
customer and maintain proper database. They are accurate in calculation and printing,
they also generate records. A new concept is also added in the billing system is that they
also maintain relationships with the customers who purchase more products from the
store regularly. System also concerns their requirements and gives them more
commission. It also shows the overall profit and profit on a particular product and give
repots which items are required and which have cross their expiry date.
22. 22. 22 BOTTLENECK OF EXISTING SYSTEM: Every system has pros and cons so
existing system also have many advantages and disadvantages. So the bottlenecks of
the existing system are as follows:  User Interface: User Interface is not so much good
that operators feel some problems in working.  Graphical User Interface: GUI is not
good so the operators get bored by watching screen.  Processing speed: Processing
speed of the software is not so much good to operate fast.  Flexible: Existing system is
not so much flexible that can be changed according to the operators and customers. 
Automatic generation of the Reports: Not able to automatically generate the reports and
documents.  Workload: Sometimes the system hangs when workload is more.  Error
Free: Sometimes the system gives error in the calculation in making the bill and in the
information of the products due to workload.  Man Power: Existing system uses so many
people to operate the system.  Resources: System does not use the resources properly.
24. 24. 24 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM Super Market Billing System The
project is on Supermarket Billing. Supermarket is the place where customers come to
purchase their daily using products and pay for that. So there is a need to calculate how
many products are sold and to generate the bill for the customer. To make software fast
in processing, with good user interface so that user can change it and it should be used
for a long time without error and maintenance. To reduce the bottlenecks of the existing
system there is a need to develop a new system. The new system should concern the
requirements of the customer and the sellers. It has the following qualities:  Reduction in
processing cost.  Error reduction.  Automatic posting.  Improve reporting.  Automatic
production of the documents and Reports.  Faster response time.  Ability to meet user
requirements.  Flexibility.  Reduced dependency.  Improves resource uses. 
Reduction in use of the paper.  Reduction in Man Power. Proposed system has these
qualities including the qualities of the existing system.
25. 25. 25 WORK FLOW Work in the Supermarket will be done in the following way:  The
product will come in the store.  Data entry operator will enter the information of the
product in database.  The Administrator will enter the taxes and commissions for each
product.  The customer will come and take the basket with him/her and choose the
product and took it to the counter.  The bill calculating operator will check the products
with the bar code detecting machine then it will match with product-id then it will show its
information and price and the bill will be calculated and total payment will show. 
Customer will pay for the products. All the products will be packed and delivered to the
26. 26. 26 SYSTEM DESIGN A computer procedure is a series of operations designed to
manipulate data to produce outputs from a computer system. The procedure may be a
single program or a series of programs. The detail design of the computer procedure
follows acceptance by management of an outline design proposal. The aim now is to
design procedures at lower levels of detail, which will define the detailed steps to be
taken to produce the specified computer output. When complete, these procedure
definitions together with data specifications are organized for programmers from which
the required programs can be written. Design Tools: Various tools are being used by
system analysis to specify computer procedures. Not all of them are used here to design
this project. Some of the important tools that have been made use of are: i. Entity
relationship Diagram. ii. Input design. iii. Output Design. iv. Database Design. Input
design: Input design is a part of overall system design, which requires very careful
attention. Often the collection of input data is the most expensive process of the system.
In terms of both the equipment used and the number of people involved, it is the point of
most contact for the users with the computer system; and it is prone to error. If data going
into the system is incorrect, then the processing and output will magnify their errors. One
of the early activities of input design is to determine the nature of the input data. This is
done partially in logical system design but it now needs to be made more explicit. Output
27. 27. 27 The specification of user requirements is the starting point for the appraisal and
the detailed physical design must be done in the light of this and with continuing user
involvement. The normal procedure is to design the outputs in detail first and then to
work back to the inputs. The outputs can be in the form of operational documents,
lengthy reports, and replies to queries or summarizing graphs. Outputs from computer
systems are required primarily to provide a permanent copy of the results for later
consultation. Any data item not yet defined must be identified and recorded before output
design can proceed. There is often a need at output to provide totals at various levels. It
is not always desirable to print or display data as it is held on a computer. The system
analyst must ensure whether the form in which it is stored in the system is suitable for the
output. In proposed system the users have been provided with many outputs in the form
of messages and alerts so as to help the user enter the correct data. Architectural Design
Architectural design represents the structure of data and program components that are
required to build a computer based system. It considers the architectural style that a
system will take, the structure and properties of the component that constitute the
system, and the inter relationships that occur among all architectural components of a
system. Although a software engineer can design both data and architecture, the job is
often allocated to specialists when large, complex systems are to be built. A database or
a data warehouse designer creates the data architecture of a system. The system
architect selects an appropriate architectural style for the requirements derived during
system engineering and software requirements analysis. Architectural design begins with
data design and then proceeds to the derivation of one or more representations of the
architectural structural of the system. Alternative architectural style or patterns are
analyzed to derive the structure that is best suited to customer requirements and quality
attributes. Once an alternative has been selected, the architecture is elaborated using an
architectural design method.
28. 28. 28  An architectural model encompassing data architecture and program structure is
created during architectural design. In addition, component properties and relationships
29. 29. 29 5.1 HEADER FILES USED: I. #include<conio.h>Functions used: getch( ) , getche(
) , gotoxy(X,Y) II. #include<stdio.h>Functions used: puts( ), gets( ), rename( ), remove( )
III. #include<process.h>Function used: exit( ) IV. #include<fstream.h>Functions used:
open( ), close( ), seekp( )
30. 30. 30 5.2 FUNCTIONS USED: I. create_product(): This function is to be used by the
administrator to add new products to their list. II. show_product() This function is used by
the administrator to display the details of the all products. III. retprice(): It returns the price
of the product. IV. retpno(): It returns the product number. V. retname(): It returns the
name of the product. VI. retdis(): It returns the discount available on the product. VII.
fstream: The object declared for this class is fp. It is the predefined class used for both
File to Memory/Memory to file linking. VIII. write_product(): This function writes the
information about the product in the file.
31. 31. 31 IX. display_sp() : This function displays some specific records based on the
product number entered by the user. X. modify_product() : This function modifies the
product details by entering the product number. XI. delete_product(): This function
deletes the product by entering the product number. XII. menu(): This function is display
the product number, its name and its price. XIII. place_order(): This function places order
and generates bill for the products bought. XIV. intro(): This function displays the project
Name. XV. admin_menu(): This function displays a list of function to be operated by
administrator to modify/update products details .The function uses above user-defined
functions. XVI. main(): This is the main function which just the MAINMENU from where
the control is transferred to other functions.
32. 32. 32 5.3 DIAGRAME USED: 5.3.1 E-R Diagram Admin Data Entry Operator Super
Market Billing System Products Images Customers Admin_ID Password Table_No
Password Product_ID P_Name P_Weight P_Price Image_ID Image Info Image_Name
Image_Type C_ID Password
33. 33. 33 5.3.2 Data Flow Diagram: Figure: Level 0 DFD Customer Super Market Billing
System ProductOrder Invoice&Supply
34. 34. 34 Figure: Level 1 DFD Customer Session Order of Products Invoice & Supply
35. 35. 35 Figure: Level 2 DFD Request Request Request Product1 Product2 Others
ConfirmationbyAdmin OrDataEntryOperator SuperMarket BillingSystem ProductsDetail
36. 36. 36 5.3.3 STATE TRANSISTIONDIAGRAM: Request/Order of Product Checking
Availability Available Not Available (MSG) Making Invoice Supply
37. 37. 37 5.4 CostAnalysis Estimating Lines of Code needed for the complete development
of the product. Around 370 lines of code will be needed for the complete development of
the product. a. Using COCOMO model for performing cost estimation for the product. A
top-down model can depend on many different factors, instead of depending only on one
variable, giving rise to multivariable models. One approach for building multivariable
models is to start with an initial estimate determined by using the static single-variable
model equations, which depend on size, and then adjusting the estimates based on other
variables. This approach implies that size is the primary factor for cost; other factors have
a lesser effect. Here we will discuss one such model called the COnstructiveCOstMOdel
(COCOMO) developed by Boem [20, 21]. This model also estimates the total effort in
terms of person-months. The basic steps in this model are: b. Obtain an initial estimate of
the development effort from the estimate of thousands of delivered lines of source code
(KLOC). Super Market Billing System uses around 367 lines of code. The lines of code
are divided into various modules according to their functionality.  Header files – 8 LOC 
Class used in project – 44 LOC  Global declaration of stream object – 5 LOC  Function
to write in file – 10 LOC  Function to read all record – 19 LOC  Function to read specific
file – 24 LOC  Function to modify record – 35 LOC  Function to delete record – 32 LOC
 Function to display all product – 32 LOC  Place order & generating bill – 48 LOC 
Introduction function – 22 LOC  Administrator MENU – 39 LOC  Main function of
program – 37 LOC c. The initial estimate (also called nominal estimate) is determined by
an equation of the form used in the static single-variable models, using KLOC as the
measure of size. To determine the initial effort Eiin person-months the equation used is of
the type Ei = a ^ (KLOC)^. The value of the constants a andb depend on the project type.
In COCOMO, projects are categorized into three types-—organic, semidetached, and
embedded. These categories roughly characterize the complexity of the project with
organic projects being
38. 38. 38 those that are relatively straightforward and developed by a small team, and
embedded are those that are ambitious and novel, with stringent constraints from the
environment and high requirements for such aspects as interfacing and reliability. The
constants a and b for different systems is: d. Organic 3.2 1.05 e. Semidetached 3.0 1.12
f. Embedded 2.8 1.20 We are considering our project as an Organic Model. Hence, a=
3.2 and b=1.05 Initial Effort = a*(LOC)^b = 9.52 PM g. The value of the constants for a
cost model depends on the process and has to be determined from past data. COCOMO
has instead provided "global" constant values. These values should be considered as
values to start with until data for some projects is available. With project data, the value
of the constants can be determined through regression analysis. There are 15 different
attributes, called cost driver attributes^ that determine the multiplying factors. These
factors depend on product, computer, personnel, and technology attributes (called project
attributes). Examples of the attributes are required software rehabilitee (RELY), product
complexity h. (CPLX), analyst capability (ACAP), application experience (AEXP), use of
modern tools (TOOL), and required development schedule (SCHD), each cost driver has
a rating scale, and for each rating, a multiplying factor is provided. i. In COCOMO, effort
for a phase is a defined percentage of the overall effort. The percentage of total effort
spent in a phase varies with the type and size of the project. The percentages for an
organic software project are given in Table. Using this table, the estimate of the effort
required for each phase can be determined from the total effort estimate. TOTAL
EFFORT ESTIMATE = 1.115*9.51 = 10.603 (ASSUMING average estimate = 1.115)
40. 40. 40 Main MENU Selection: We can select here: 1 Customer 2 Administrator or 3 Exit.
For MENU Selection.
41. 41. 41 Product MENU: Here can be seen the Product MENU and place the order.
42. 42. 42 Order Invoice: Bill or Invoice Display.
43. 43. 43 Admin MENU: Admin can select the MENU for various action.
44. 44. 44 Record Display: Product Records.
46. 46. 46 CONCLUSION Our project is on supermarket Billing System. We have
successfully completed it. We take this opportunity to express our sense of indebtedness
and gratitude to all those people who helped us in completing this project. We are
immensely grateful to our esteemed project-guide Ms. Jasmine Minj (Asst. Prof. CSE)
and other faculties for their supervision and guidance without which this work would not
have been possible. This project has contributed a lot to our knowledge that has proved
to be a value addition for us.
48. 48. 48 REFERENCE

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