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Minutes no.



Nivelul calificirii conform ISCED - 7

Level of Qualification, ISCED -7
Domeniul general de studii -042 Drept
General Field of Study - .042 Law

Domeniul de formare profesion alil - 0421 Drept

Professional Training Field - 0421 Law

Program de master - Drept fiscal qi vamal (MP)

Master Programme - Tax and Customs (PM)
Namdrul total de credite de studiu - 120
Total Number of Credits - 120

Tillul oblinut - Master in DrePt

Title anarded - Master of Law
Baza admiterii - diplomi de studii superioare de licenfi sau un act echivalent de studii;
Access Requirements - Diploma of Bachelor's Degree or an equivalent document of studies

Limba de instruire - romhnd

Language of Instruction- Romanian

Forma de organizare a tnvdldmdntului' cu frecvenld

Mode of Study -fullaime

cHr$rNAu 2020
Responsabil de program
Programme Coordi, Aprobat: Consiliul Faculti{ii
Approved by: Covncil of the Faculty

Vlaicu Vlad, d nsiliului Faculti{ii

.6 din ! h.oJ .Lo


Anul de Activitlti didactice Sesiuni de examene Stagii de Vacanfe

studii Educ a ti onal ac t ivit ie s Exam sessiow practictr Vacation
Year of Internships
study IarnI Primllvartr Vartr
Sem. I Sem. II Sem. I Sem. II Il'inter Spring Summer
Anul I 14.09- . 24 0l 2020- 110 .202 l- 24,05.202t- 2s.12.2020- Pa$ti 2s.06.202r-
2020-202u 25.12.2020 tt.04.2020 25.0r,2021 12.06.2021 tt.01.2021 03.05.202t- 3r.08.2021
Year I (l5sdpt[mdni/ (l0saptimdni/ QsdptJ,mdntl 2 (3 saptdmani/ 3 (2 sdptAmdni/ 10.05.2021 (10 s[ptdmdni/
2020-2021 15 weeks) l0 weeks) weeks) weeks) 2 weeks) (l sdpt[mdni/ l0 weeks)
I week)
Anul II 13.09.2021- 31.0t.2022- t0,01.2022- )) ll l- 2).lz.zu2l-
202r-20221 2r.rr .202r(r0 t5,05.2022 28.0r.2022 06.06.2022- 24.r2.202r t0.01.2022 Paqte/ Easter
Year II s6ptdm6ni/ 10 (15 s[pt[mini/ (3 sdptamflni/ 3 24.06.2022 (5 saptdmdni/ (2 sdptdmini/ (l sdptaminl/
2021-2022 weeks) l5 weeks) weeks) (3 sdptdmani/ 5 weeks) 2 weeks) I week)
3 weeks)


Plan of the study process by semesters / years of studies

Semestrul ll I't Semester

Cod Denumirea unitifii de Numir de ore Numir de X'orm Numl

Code curs/modulului Total hours ore pe tipuri ade r
Course/Module Title de activitlfi evalu ECTS
Hours are Credit
Total Conta Studiu Curs Semin Evalu s
ct individu Cour ar ation ECTS
direct al SE Semin form
Direct Indepen ars
conta dent
ct studv
F010 0l Teoria generald a dreptului 180 60 r20 30 30 Exam. 6
General theory of lm,v
F0lo 02 Drept constitufional 180 45 135 30 15 Exam. 6
Constitutional law
F010 03 Drept civil. Introducere $1 180 45 r35 30 15 Exam. 6
Civil law. Introduction and
F010 04 Dreptul penal. Partea 180 45 135 30 15 Exam. 6
Criminal law. General part
F010 05 Dreptul internalional public r80 45 135 30 15 Exam. 6
Public international law
Total I total number for the 2 st semester 900 240 660 150 90 f, 30
Semestrul lll 2nd semester
Managementul gi
deontologia juridicd
Comunicarea juridicd
s02006, profesionalS
Management and legal
ethic s. Le gal profe s sional

Dreptul fiscal (partea I)

Tax law (General Part)

Dreptul vamal(partea I)
Customs law (Gerteral Part)

Drept financiar
Financial law
Actele de procedurd in
activitatea vamald
s02A10 Procedural documents in
customs activity

Total I total number for the 2 st

Semestrul llV 3'o semester
Dreptul fi scal(partea II)
Tax law (special part)

Reglementarea tarifarl gi
netarifard a operatiunilor de
Tariff and nonlarif
r e gul ation of export - imp ort

Dreptul contabil. Expertiza

Acc ounting I aw. Judicial
accounting expertise

Drept fiscal comunitar gi

40 110
internationar. Drept vamal
comunitar gi internationar
Community and
international tax law.
Community and
international customs lmtt
Controlul financiar. Dreptul
achizitiilor publice
s03A15 Financial control. Public
procurement law

Controlul vamal. Evaluarea 150 40 110 20 20 Exam. 5

gi expertiza in activitatea
s03A16 Customs control. Evaluation
and expertise in customs
Practica de
soecialitate I Internshio
300 300 Exam l0
Total I total number for the 2 st
900 160 740 80 80 5E 30

Semestrul llll 3'a semester

Tezade master I Master thesis | 900 900 30
TOTAL ANUL lll Total number for the | 1800 160 1640 80 80 f, 60
2nd vear ofstudy Exam
TOTAL program/ TOTALLY per | 3600 660 2060 350 290 l4 120
proPram Exam


Nr. d/o Tipul stagiului de practici An de Sem. Durati (nr. Perioada NumIr
Internships studii Semest sipt./nr.ore) desl5qurl ECTS
Year of er No. of rii Credits
Study Weeks/ No. of Period ECTS
1 Practica de specialitatel Internship, II n Noiembrie 10


TotaU Total 10

Cod Denumirea unittrfii de Total ore Num5r de ore pe Forma Numtrr

Code curs/modulului Total hours tipuri de de ECTS
Course/Module Title activittrfi evaluare Credits
Number ofhours Evaluali ECTS
per activities onlorm
Tota Contact Studiu Cur Seminar
I direct individu s Seminar
Direct allndepe Cour s
contact ndent se
s.0l.LA.l7 Impozitarea 150 40 ll0 20 20 Exam. )
nerezidentrilor. Taxa
pe valoarea addtsgatd
Taxation of non-
residents. Value
added tax,
s.02.LA.18 Stabilirea valorii mdrfii 150 40 ll0 20 20 Exam. 5

in vamd
Determening the
customs value of goods



Nr. d/o Forma de evaluare finaltr a studiilor Termene de Numtrr ECTS

Master exam organizare Number of credits
Suslinerea tezei de master Iunie 30
Presentation of the master thesis June



Cod Denumirea unittr(ii de curs/modulului Numtrr de ore Numtrr de ore pe Form Numtrr
Code Course/Module Title Total hours tipuri de activitl(i ade ECTS
Hours evalu Credits
are ECTS
Total Contact Studiu Curs Seminar
direct individuaU Course Seminars
Direct ndependent
contact shtdv form
F0lo 0l Teoria generaltr a dreptului 180 60 120 30 30 Exam. 6
General theorv of law
F010 02 Drept constitufional r80 45 135 30 15 Exam. 6
Constitutional law
F0lo 03 Drept civil. Introducere qi persoane 180 45 135 30 l5 Exam. 6
Civil law. Introduction and perssons
F0lo 04 Dreptul penal. Partea generaltr 180 45 135 30 l5 Exam. 6
Criminal law. General part
F010 05 Dreptul international public r80 45 135 30 l5 Exam. 6
Public international law
Total 900 240 660 r50 90 ) 30
1. Descrierea programului de studii/ Description of the studlt programme
Programul de master Drept fiscal gi vamall20 credite este un program nou de master, adaptat
cerinfelor piefei muncii, program destinat absolvenfilor altor facultl1i decdt Facultatea de Drept, program ce
ate ca scop formarea specialigtilor de inalti calificare, cu cunogtinte avansate in domeniul dreptului fiscal qi
vamal, precum gi formarea unui nucleu de cercetare, in care masteranzii, in colaborare cu specialigtii.
' Astfel, programul de master Drept fiscal gi vamal desf[gurat pe parcursul a 4 semestre urm6reqte
formarea concepfiilor teoretice doctrinare, cdt gi practico-aplicative in domeniul dreptului fiscal gi vamal
printre masteranzi gi tinerii specialigti in domeniu.
Programul include patru componente principale: cursurile (120 de credite), stagiul practic
Ai teza de
master. Cursurile vor cuprinde un spectru larg de subiecte teoretico-gtiinfifice, cdt gi spectrul practico-
aplicativ, imbindnd aspecte teoretice cu cele practice-aplicative cu privire la evolufia dreptului fiscal gi vamal,
fiind aplicat:
ul:oncept integru, determindnd gi rolul acestora intr-o societate democratici contemporan[.
In programul de 120 credite sunt incluse urm[toarele cursuri: semestrul I - Teoria general6 a dreptului; Drept
constitulional; Dreptul civil; Drept penal; Drept international public; sem"st ol II
-Managementul gi
deontologia juridicd/Comunicarea juridici profesionali;Dreptul fiscal(partea generali); Dreptul vamal(partea
general[); Drept financiar/Actele de proceduri in activitatea vamald; semistrul III
-Diept fiscalipartea
special6); Reglementarea tarifard, gi netarifar[ a operafiunilor de imporUexpor[ Drept fiscal comuniiar
internafional/Drept vamal comunitar gi international;Drept contabil/Expertiia judiciar-contabild; Controlul
financiar/It4anagementul finantelor publice locale;Controlul vamal/Evaluarea gi expertiza in activitatea
vamal6; semestrul IItl -teza de master.
Programul mai acordl gi discipline la libera alegere, gi anume: Impozitarea nerezidenfilor/Taxa pe
valoarea adiugati.
Programul include profesori cu grad gtiinfific cdt gi practicieni de la Departamentul Drept Public, de la alte
departamente, acoperind un spectru larg de subiecte interdepartamentale. Profesorii utilizezpazi, metodele gi
tehnicile interactive de predare a cursurilor teoretice, cdt gi celor practice, imbindnd in mod reugit concepliile
teoretice cu activitateapracticE" aplic6nd pe perioada efectudrii practicii cunogtinfele acumulate ?n auditoriu, in
cadrul institufiilor fiscale gi vamale ale statului.
Stagiul practic va oferi masteranzilor oportunitatea de a obfine experienfi in domeniul fiscal gi vamal,
in cadrul Serviciului Fiscal, Serviciului Vamal, Serviciului de colectare a impozitelor qi taxelor, Inspecfiei
Financiare, Ministerului Finanfelor etc. cdt gi in instituliile de drept nationale, internafionale interesate in
oferirea locurilor pentru stagiile de practicd in domeniu.
Master program Tax and Customs Law, 120 credits, is a new master's program, adapted to the
demands of the labour market, the aim of;the master program consists in theformation of skitls in tax law and
customs law, and the formation of a core research, where the master students, in collaboration with experts in
the field will study the subjects according to the curriculum in the
fietd of tax law and customs low, and will
identify priorities of the practical application of scientiJic lvtowledge accumulated in the result of the study.
Thus, the Master's Degree Program in Tax and Customs Lan, developed during the course of 4
semesters, aims to form the theoretical doctrinal conceptions, as well as the practical-applicative ones in the
field of tax and customs law among the masters and young specialists in the fietd.
The program includes four main components: the courses (120 credits), the practical internship and
the master's thesis. The courses will cover a wide spectrum of theoretical-scientific topics, as well as the
practical-applicative spectrum, combining theoretical and practical aspects with regard to the evolution of tax
and customs law, being applied as an integral concept, determining their role in a contemporary democratic
society. Thefollowing courses are included in the 120 credits prograrn: semester I - General theory of low;
Constitutional law; Civil law; Criminal law; International public law; semester II - Management and legal
deontologt / Professional legal communication; Tax law (general part); Customs lan (generat part);
Financial law / Procedural documents in customs activity; semester III - Tax law (speciat part); Tariff and
nonlariff regulation of import / export operations; Community and international tax low / Community and
international customs law; Accounting law / Judicial accounting expertise; Financial control / Management of
local public finances; Customs control / Evaluation and expertise in customs activity; semester IV - master,s
The program also gives free choice subjects, namely: Tacation of non-residents / Vslue added tax.
The program includes professors with scientific degree as well as practitioners from the Public Law
Department, from other departments, covering a wide range of interdepartmental topics. The teachers use the
interactive methods and techniques of teaching the theoretical and practical courses, successfully combining
the theoretical conceptions with the practical activity, applying during the practice the lmowledge
accumulated in the auditorium, within thefiscal and customs institutions of the state.
The practical internship will provide master's students the opportunity to gain experience in the fiscal
and customs field, within the Stqte Tax Service, the Customs Service, the Semice of collection of local tmes
fees, the Financial Inspection, the Ministry of Finance, etc. as well as in the national, international law
institutions interested in offering places for internships in the field.

2. Competen{ele asigurate de programul de studii / The competences provided by the study program-
Absolventul programului de master ,,Drept ,fiscal ;i vamal, 120 credite" (DFI, trebuie sd posede
ur m cit o ar e I e c o mp e t e n(e pr ofe s i o n al e sp e c ffi c e :

l. Cunoagterea aprofundatd gi dezvoltarea teoretic[ gi metodologicd a terminologiei juridice

specifice prbgramului de master drept fiscal gi vamal gi teoriilor din domeniu prin prisma unor
realit{i juridice concrete
2. Utilizarea unor metode, solufii, mecanisme gi/sau instrumente inovative in analiza, validarea gi
interpretarea datelor gi informafiilor din domeniul dreptului fiscal qi vamal
3. Aplicarea nomelor de drept nafionale, europene gi internafionale in vederea soluJionirii
problemelor juridice noi apdrute in dreptul fiscal qi vamal
4. Rezolvarea cu grad de responsabilitate sporit a problemelor teoretice gi practice noi prin utilizarea
integratl a aparatului conceptual qi metodologic, in domeniul fiscal gi vamal
5. Elaborarea de acte juridice specifice dreptului fiscal 9i vamal gi activit5lii practice propuse spre
6. Utilizarea adecvati a limbajului specific pentru explicarea gi interpretarea unor situalii
standard/tipice gi/sau noi in medii profesionale diferite gi contexte mai largi asociate domeniului
fiscal gi vamal
7. Aplicarea normelor gi valorilor etice in procesul de studiu gi cercetare precum qi in procesul de
proiectare a activitetilor la masteratul drept fiscal gi vamal
8. Autogestionarea procesului de formare profesional6 continua la masterul drept fiscal gi vamal,
prin previziunea nevoilor de dezvoltare profesionali in baza analizei reflexive a propriei activitii{i.

The graduate of the master prqgram ,,Tax and Customs Law" (TCL) must possess the following
sp ecific profes sional comp etences :

I. In-depth htowledge and the theoretical and methodological development of the legal terminologt
specific to the master's program in tatc and customs low and of the theories in the fieldfrom the
point ofview of concrete legal realities.
2. Use of innovative methods, solutions, mechanisms and / or tools in the analysis, validation and
interpretation of data and information in thefield of tm and customs lqw.
3. Applying national, European and international legal norms in order to solve the new legal
problems arising in tax and customs lqw.
4. Solving with a high degTee of responsibility the new theoretical and practical problems through
the integrated use of the conceptual and methodological apparatus, in the tm and customs field.
5. Elaboration of legal acts specific to the tax and customs law and the practical activity proposed
for exercise.
6. Adequate use of specffic language for explaining and interpreting standard / typical and / or new
situations in dffirent professional environments and wider contexts associated with the tax and
customs field.
7. Application of ethical norms and values in the study and research process as well as in the design
process of the activities at the tax and customs lqw masters.
8. Self-management of the professional training process continues at the msster's degree in tax and
customs law, by forecasting the professional development needs, based on the reflective analysis
of their own activity

3. Obiectivele programului de master ,rDrept fiscal pi vamal, 120 credite" I The objectives of the
master program,,Tax and Customs law", I20 cr.
Sarcina primordial5 a programului de master ,,Dreptfiscal Si vamal" (DFV) constd in formarea unor
specialigti de inaltd calificare in domeniul dreptului fiscal gi vamal care sunt extrem de solicitali pe piafa
in acest sens, Programul de master ,,Drept fiscal Si vamal" (DFV) are urmdtoarele obiective
- promovarea interesului pentru studiile de masterat in general gi studiile juridice in particular, precum
gi interesului pentru dezvoltarea continui a specialigtilor din domeniul juridic prin realizarea studiilor
de masterat;
- cultjvarea respectului pentru valorile democratice gi tradiliilor institufionale ale unei societlfi
- inifierea gi sustinerea unor programe performante de cercetare gtiinfifici, prin colaborarea cu parteneri
competitivi, precum gi participarea la competilii nationale gi intemafionale pentru adjudecarea unor
proiecte de cercetare gtiinJificl;
- stimularea cercetlrii interdisciplinare, in concordanfi cu prioritilile de cercetare la nivel naJional;
- antrenarea studenfilor in activitifile de cercetare qtiinfifici pentru dobdndirea unor abilitlli superioare
de cercetare independentd gi a capacitilii de a aplica rezultztele cercetdrii in situa{ii specifice ale
mediului instituJional;
- incurajarea diversitdlii gi accesului la multiple oportunitili pe piafa muncii a absolvenfilor, prin
asigurarea unei pregdtiri adecvate;
- dezvoltarea parteneriatelor cu instituliile publice, in scopul ajustirii permanente a ofertei educaJionale
la exigenfele pietei muncii gi al imbunltifirii formdrii profesionale a masteranzilor.

Obiectivele specifrce ale acestui program de studii vizeazd:

- pregdtirea de specialigti in domeniul dreptului fiscal gi varnal, cu capacitdli de aplicare in practici a
cunogtinfelor obfinute;
- proiectarea perspectivei profesionale pentru masteranzii care urmlresc o carier[ in Serviciul Fiscal,
Serviciul Vamal, Serviciul de colectare a impozitelor qi taxelor locale, jurigti la intreprinderi, avocafi
etc. dar gi in alte servicii gi profesii care necesiti o astfel de pregdtire;
- pregdtirea viitorilor doctoranzi care-gi doresc o carieri universitard sau de cercetdtori (in organisme de
cercetare, direcfii gi servicii de studiu in ministere gi alte institulii);
- formarea unui corp de inspectori fiscali gi colaboratori vamali, familiarizaJi cu cerintele gi modul de
lucru al institufiilor moderne;
- dezvoltarea capacitilii de analizd gi sintezi a funcfionarilor Serviciului Fiscal, Serviciului Vamal,
Serviciului de colectare a impozitelor gi taxelor locale etc.;
- asigurarea unui grad corespunzhtor de formare a masteranzilor cu privire la procesul de integrare
europeanl gi a eforturilor necesare autorit6filor fiscale qi vamale pentru atingerea standardelor
europene in domeniu;
- valorificarea experienfei din invdJdm6ntul universitar din Jard gi din str[indtate.

Theprimary task of the Master's program ,,Tax and Customs Law" QCL) consists in the training of
highly qualified specialists in thefield of tax and customs law are highly demanded on the labour market.
In this regard, the Master Program ,,Tax and Customs Law" (TCL) has the following general
promoting the interest for the masters studies in general and the legal studies in particular, as well as
the interest for the continuous development of the specialists in the legal field by conducting the
masters studies;
- cultivating respect for the democratic values and institutional traditions of a contemporary society;
- initiating and sustaining high-performance scientific research programs, through collaboration with
competitive partners, as well as participating in national and international competitionsfor the sward
of scientific research projects;
stimulation of interdisciplinary researclt, in accordance with national research priorities;
- training students in scientiJic resesrch activities in order to acquire superior independent research
skills and the ability to apply research results in specific situations of the institutional environment;
encouraging diversity qnd access to multiple opportunities on the labour market of graduates,
ensuring adequate training;
- developing partnerships with public institutions, in order to permanently adjust the educational offer
to the demands of the labour market and to improve the professional training of master,s students.
The specilic objectives of this study program qre:
tr'aining of specialists in the /ield of tax and customs low, with capabilities
for applying in practice the
htowledge obtained;
designing the professional perspective for the masters pursuing a career in the State Tax Service, the
Customs Service, the Service for collecting local tayes andfees, lawyers
for companies, lawyers, etc.
but also in other services and professions that require such training;
- the preparation of the future doctoral students who want a university or research career (in research
bodies, directions and study services in ministries and other institutions);
- formation of a body of tax inspectors and customs collaborators, familiar with the requirements and
the way ofworking of modern institutions;
development of the capacity of analysis and synthesis of the
fficials of the State Tax Service, of the
customs service, of the service of collection of locar tmesfees, etc.;
ensuring an adequate degree of naining of masters the process of European integration and
the efforts necessary for the fiscal and customs authorities to reach the European standards in the
capitalizing on the experience of university education in the country and abroad.

4, Racordarea programului de studii gi a con{inuturilor din Planul de invi{Imdnt la tendinfete

internafionale din domeniu / Connection of the study program ancl the contents of the curyiculum to the
international trends in theJield
Confinutul Programului de master,,Drept fiscal gi vamal", 120 cr (DFV) este dezvoltat in concordanf6
cu tendinfele nalionale gi internafionale din domeniu, fiind orientat, prioritar spre formarea profesionald
specialigtilor de inaltl calificare in dorneniulfiscal qi vamal.
Suportul metodologic qi conlinutul informativ al Programului este dezvoltat pin analizaprevederilor
actelor qi practicii internafionale, cu prezentarea posibilitefilor de implementare la nivel local. in dezvoltarea
cursurilor, in dependenfi de ternatica prezentatd, sunt cercetate Hotdrdrile CEDO, Hotdrdrilor CSJ,
a C.A,
Judecdtoriilor g.a.
The content of the Master Program ,,Tae and Customs Law" (TCL) is developed in accordance
the national and international trends in the field, being oriented, priority to the professional training of
highly qualified specialists in thefiscal and customsfield.
The methodological support aid the informotive content of the Program is developed by analyzing
provisions of international acts and practices, with the presentation of the local implementation possibilities.
In the development of the courses, depending on the presented topic, the ECHR Decisions, the SCJ Decisions.
of the C.C, the Courts etc. ore investigated.

5. Evaluarea agteptlrilor sectorului economic gi social (studierea cerinfelor Cadrului Na{ional al

Calificirilor' precum gi al celui european; studierea fiEelor de posturi din institufiile potenfial
angajatoare, evaluarea piefei prin metoda chestionarelor etc.) I Evaluation of rhe expectations of the
economic and social sector (studying the requirements of the National
Qualifications Framework, as well
as the Earopean one; studying the iob descriptions of the potential employers institutions,
evaluating rhe
market through the questionnaire method, etc.)
Confinutul unit[1ilor de curs/ modulelor Programului de master ,,Drept fiscal vamal,',120 cr. (DFV/
este consultat cu reprezentan{ii piefei muncii gi este adaptat la necesitdlile qi agteptirile angajatorilor.
La nivel macro, Conlinutul unitdlilor de curs/ modulelor Programului de master ,,Drept fiscal gi
vamal" (DFV/ este dezvoltat in concordan{i cu cerinfele Cadrului Nafional al Calific6rilor, precum gi al celui
European, asigurAnd astfel posibilitatea mobilitdtii profesionale a viitorilor specialigti.
La nivel micro, in cadrul procesului de proiectare a activitililor didactice dar gi con{inutului informativ
a pursurilor, titularii de curs studiazl figele de post din instituliile poten{ial angajatoare, identific6nd astfel
necesitilile de formare la nivel institufional individualizat.
The content of the course units / modules of the Master Program ,,Tax and Customs Low" 120 cr.
(TCL) is consulted with the representatives of the labour market and is adapted to the needs and expectations
of the employers.
At the macro level, the content of the course units / modules of the Master Program ,,Tax and Customs
Law" (TCL) is developed in accordance with the achievements of the National
Qualifications Framework, as
well as of the Europeen one, thus ensuring the possibility of professional mobility offuture specialists.
At the micro level, within the process of designing the didactic activities as well as the informative
content of the courses, thb course holders study the iob descriptions of the potential employer institutions, thus
identifying the training needs at the individual institutional level.

6. Consultarea partenerilor in procesul de elaborare a programului ile studii (angajatori,

profesori, absolvenfi, studen{i etc.) / Consultation of the partners in the process of elaboration oy tni ttuAy
program (employ ers, teachers, graduales, st udents, etc.)
Programul de master ,,Drept fiscal gi vamal", 120 cr. (DFV) este elaborat de citre cadrele didactice
titulare din cadrul Depaftarnentului Drept Public a Facultdlii de Drept, USM, specialigti in domeniile dreptului
fiscal gi dreptului vamal, dar gi prin valorificarea aportului reprezentanfilor institutiilor publice specializate
(Serviciului Fiscal de Stat, Serviciului Vamal, Serviciului de colectare a impozitelor gi taxelor, reprezentan{ilor
agenfilor economici etc.).
The Msster's program ,,Tm and Customs Law", 120 cr. (TCL) is developed by the teaching stafffrom
the Department of Public Law of the Faculty of Law, (JSM, specialists in the
fields of tax law and customs law,
but also by capitalizing on the input of the representatives of specialized public institutions (State Tm Service,
Customs Service, Serttice of collection of local taxes andfees, representatives of economic agents, etc.).

7. Relevanfa programului de studii pentru piafa for{ei de muncd, I The relevance of the study
programfor the labour market ,

Necesitatea in programul de master ,,Drept fiscal gi activitate vamald", 120 cr. rezultd.din faptul cd in
prezent Drept, care are programe de master in alte domenii de formare profesionali,
nu are
program in domeniul activitefii fiscale gi vamale, similar cum au alte universitnfi de ppsiigiu de peste
p a din Bucureqti, program ce are ca scop preg[tirea cadrelor calificate pentru a acoperi
p igti pentru Serviciul Fiscal de Stat, Serviciul de colectare a impozitelor gi taxelor,
The necessity of establishing the Master Program ,,Tax and Customs Lew", 120 cr. results
from the
fact that at present the Faculty of Lan, which has master's programs in other fields of vocational training,
does not have a program in the fieldof fiscal and customs octivity, similar to other prestigious universities
abroad, such as the University of Bucharest, which program aims to prepare qualiJied staffto cover the labor
market with specialists for the State Tax Semice, Service of collection of local taxes and
fees, the Customs
Service, etc.

8. ocupa(iile tipice pentru absolvenfi,/ Typicat occupationsfor graduates

Absolventii Programului de master ,,Drept fiscal gi vama7", 120 cr. pot activa potrivit
clasificatorului ocupafiilor in vigoare in Republica Moldova in calitate de:
Conducitori in domeniul fiscal,
Conducdtori in domeniul vamal,
Specialigti in Serviciul Fiscal,
Inspectori fiscali,
Specialigti in Serviciul Vamal,
Inspectori vamali,
Specialigti in cadrul Serviciului de colectare a impozitelor gi taxelor,
Inspectori de poliliei in cadrul secfiei de combatere a fraudelor economice,
Specialigti in cadrul Serviciului de colectare a impozitelor gi taxelor locale,
Alt personal in cadrul Seviciului Fiscal,
Alt personal in cadrul Serviciului Vamal,
I4spectori de polilie gi detectivi, politigti.
Graduates of the Master Program ,,Tax and Customs Lm,v" 120 cr. can activate according to the
Classification of occupations, inforce in the Republic of Moldova as:
Leaders in the tmfield,
- Leaders in the customs field,
- State Tax Service specialists,
Customs Serv ic e sp ec i al is ts,
- Customs inspectors,
Police inspectors in the Economic Fraud Section,
Service for collecting local taces andfees specialists,
- Other personnel within the Tax Service,
Other personnel within the Customs Semice,
Police inspectors and detectives, police fficers.

9. Posibilitifile de formare ulterioaril I Further training possibilities

Programul de studii la master ofer[ oportunitate masteranzilor s[-gi continue studiile la ciclul III
doctorat in conformitate cu prevederile Regulamentului cu privirelaorganizarea gi desftgurarea doctoratului
gi postdoctoratului din 18 februarie2008, abrogat prin Hotirdrea Guvernului nr.l007 ain rc.n.ZOl4 prin
care s-a aprobat Regulamentul privind organizarea studiilor superioare de doctorat, ciclul III.
The master's degree program offers the opportunity for the master's students to continue their
studies in cycle III - doctorate in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the organization ad
conduct of the doctorate and postdoctoral degree, of February 18, 2008, repealed by Goveriment Decision
no.1007 of 10'12.2014 by which the Regulation regarding the organization of the higher doctoral studies,
cycle III, was approved.


Unitl{i de curs / Finalittrfile de studiu CodlC Nr. credite Finalittrfi de studii / Competenfe specifice
Course units/ Study linalties ode Number of Study finalities/SpeciJic co mpetences
ECTS CI C2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8
Teoria generald a dreptului F 6 + T
General Theory ofLaw
Drept constitutional F 6 T +
Cowtitutional Law
Drept civil. Partea generald F 6 + +
Civil Law. General Part
Dreptul penal. Partea generali F 6 + T
Criminal Law. General Part
Dreptul internafional public F 6 T +
International Public Law
Managementul gi deontologia F l0 + T
juridic5/Comunicarea juridicl
Management and legal ethics/ Legal
pr ofe s s i onal c ommunic ati on
Dreptul fi scal(partea generald) S 6 + + T +
Tax law (General Part)
Dreptul vamal(partea generald) S 6 T T + T
Customs law (General Part
Drept financiar/ S 8 + T + + + T +
Actele de procedurd in activitatea T
Financial law.
Procedural documents in customs
Dreptul fiscal(partea speciah) S 5 T + T T T
law (special oart)

Reglementarea tarifar[ gi netarifard S 5 T + f + T + + +

a operafiunilor de imporUexport
Talriff and nonlariff regulation of
a0 ort-imD ort o0erati ons
Dreptul contabil.Expertiza judiciar- S 5 T + + + - +
Accounting law. Judicial accounting
Drept fiscal comunitar fi
international. Drept vamal
comunitar gi international
Community and international tax law.
C ommunity and international customs
Controlul financiar. Dreptul S T T + T + T + +
achizitiilor publice
Financial control/ Public procurement
Conholul vamal,/Evaluarea gi
expertiza in activitatea vamald
Customs control/ Evaluation and
expertise in customs activitv.
Impozitarea nerezidenfilor/Taxa pe 5 + T + + T
valoarea adiugatd
Taxation ofnon-residents / Value added
Stabilirea valorii mlrfii in vamd 5 + T T + +
Determening the customs ralue of

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