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Take One
Serving the communities of the Pocono Mountain School District and surrounding areas.
#1 News Weekly
©2011, JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC., All Rights Reserved
in Monroe Co.
VOLUME 15, NUMBER 38 Week of February 12, 2011

Mount Pocono residents

concerned over school
district tax evaders
by Jeanine Hofbauer Solicitor James Fareri in-
Public concern over the pos- quired about Lowe’s preference
sibility of illegitimate residency to present a bond rather than a
within the borough enabling letter of credit. Council was ad-
non-residents to attend the vised that the bond format
Pocono Mountain School Dis- would be sent to Fareri to re-
trict was a topic of discussion at view the next day. Mayor Dan
the Mount Pocono council McDavitt suggested Alker
meeting February 7. A pro- should get the required Consis-
posed increase for property tency Letter to Lowe’s in a
taxes to cover the school dis- timely manner. Alker re-
trict’s 2011-2012 budget deficit sponded, “If it’s consistent then
Newly elected Pennsylvania Senator John Blake addressed concerns from constituents dur- has been in the news. Resi- I’ll give them the letter.”
ing an open house at his office in Mount Pocono last Thursday, February 3. dents say they are up in arms Zoning Officer Joe Brady ad-
as they witness children board- dressed council regarding en-

Up to 101 jobs could go ing PMSD buses at the Mount

Pocono Hotel on Knob Street.
Belief that the children are not
forcement of the fire code as it
relates to all churches, schools
and buildings within the bor-

under PMSD budget plans actual residents angers taxpay-

ers who face a tax increase
they feel is not shared by the
ough. Brady emphasized the
importance that all facilities
maintain extinguishers, alarms,
by Jeanine Hofbauer Pfennig stated, “My philosophy would be closed, saving the hotel occupants. Council dis- clean duct work and clear exits
The Pocono Mountain School is not to affect the core pro- costs of operation, as well as cussed the site’s establishment for the safety of patrons and in-
District’s Preliminary Budget gram.” Included within the pro- repairs needed at the site. The as a temporary stay facility. In- habitants. Council agreed to
meeting February 9 offered pro- posal were plans to end the Academy would not stop but be vestigation will continue. have Brady contact Bureau Ver-
posals of cuts in faculty, consol- elementary school computer moved to the Coolbaugh Learn- Mike Gavin of Lowe’s re- itas to arrange a proposed fee
idating facilities and the option programs and an increase in ing Center. Learning Center quested approval of two schedule as the obligation for
of a tax increase. It was met class sizes. students would be reassigned waivers as recommended by an annual inspection in the fall
with an outcry from the public The building housing The to the Coolbaugh Elementary the borough Planning Commis- will be the property owners’.
attending for alternatives. Faced Academy in Barrett Township Please turn to page 2 sion. Changes by Lowe’s to the Several citizens, council
with an $8 million budget gap, parking area configuration of is- members Roy Gross, Jeff Wo-
superintendent Dwight Pfennig lands as it affects the borough’s erhle, John Scalamandre,
wasted no time in detailing the Green Area ordinance were Shelli Angle, Bill Jabara, and
options to the school board. discussed. Borough engineer Martin Waldenberger, McDavitt,
Dr. Pfennig advised that initial Donna Alker was on hand to Lori Noonan, Fareri and this re-
plans filed with the Pennsylva- address any questions and porter attended the meeting,
nia Department of Education to clarify requirements regarding which adjourned 8:30 p.m.
eliminate 37 positions could po- the spillway for a two-year Mount Pocono borough
tentially be increased to a total storm or greater. Gavin com- council will meet next on Mon-
of 101, for a savings of $4 mil- mented, “We’re chompin’ at the day, March 7 at 7 p.m. at the
lion. Cuts in professional, ad- bit to get approval.” Council Borough Building at 303
ministrative and support staff if granted waivers 187-56C 2A Pocono Boulevard. There will
approved would be posted Federal and state funding are both down, board president and 187-56C 2B as requested. be no meeting February 21 in
Monday on the district website. Henry Bockelman noted. observance of Presidents Day.
PAGE 2–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011
mented prior to her single op- considering funding from the crease in taxes.” by the Pennsylvania Associa-
PMSD... posing vote, “We should put all state, and federal funding is
these projects on hold,” adding down.”
Other public comments fo-
cussed on the elementary stu-
tion of School Business Offi-
cials on how budgets are
Continued from page 1 “We can’t do this to the taxpay- Mount Pocono Mayor Dan dents affected by the loss of developed will be held this Sat-
Center. ers.” McDavitt commented, “State computer teachers with a tech- urday, February 12 from 10
The board approved a motion Public comments, though lim- funding is down, I understand nology certification, as some a.m. to noon at the Hughes Li-
to have PFM advisors review ited to three minutes each, thor- that, but that money comes students have no other access brary in Stroudsburg, spon-
bonding options to fund items oughly addressed a major from us anyhow,” adding to computers beyond school. sored by the League of Women
deemed necessary within a 7- concern over plans to raise “Please consider keeping under Suggestions for alternative Voters. (See article elsewhere
page capital improvements list. taxes by over 5%. George the $198 million without an in- sources of revenue such as bus in this issue.)
The roof at Clear Run Interme- Strunk directed his comments and arena advertising were The Pocono Mountain School
diate School is in dire need of toward Dr. Pfennig, saying, “I
attention. Ed Mayotte stated, “If consider the district is being run
Submarine presented.
Board member Dorothy
Board will meet next at 7 p.m.
on Wednesday, February 16 at
we don’t do the roof you can by the wrong person.” He went
lose the whole building.” Pfen- on the address the board say-
Vets to meet Sirolly noted at the meeting's
conclusion that a presentation
the Administration Building in
nig said the Coolbaugh Ele- ing, “You guys have spent your The U.S. Submarine Veter-
mentary Center’s HVAC system way into a corner you can’t get ans, Pocono Base, will meet Herb Lindley joins Citizens Bank
is crucial and must be ad- out of.” Board president Henry Wednesday, Feburary 16 at 7
dressed. Meg Dilger com- Bockelman replied, “You’re not p.m. at the Wilson Fischer Herb Lindley of Blakeslee second homes and investment
American Legion, Post 413, has joined Citizens Bank as a properties and in working with
Old Route 940, Pocono Pines. Mortgage Loan Officer. He first-time home buyers.
Waggin’ Tails plans breakfast They are a part of the national works primarily in the Pocono, Lindley came to Citizens
Waggin’ Tails Pet Rescue is Breakfast on Saturday, Febru- organization, U.S.Submarine Scranton and Wilkes-Barre Bank from Real Estate Mort-
hosting an All You Can Eat ary 26 from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Veterans, Inc. Submarine vet- areas. gage Network, Inc., where he
at the American Legion, Route erans from all eras are en- Lindley originates a wide was a loan officer. He has been
209, Gilbert to help pay for care couraged to apply for range of mortgage programs, in the mortgage business for
for Waggin’ Tails animals. membership. For additional in- including both conventional nine years.
Breakfast includes eggs, formation and directions, visit loans and government loans. He coaches youth football,
French toast, bacon, sausage,, or call He specializes in financing for baseball and soccer.
tea, coffee, apple and orange 629-2742.
juice and more. The cost is $7
adults, $5 kids 5-12, and kids
under 4 are free.
To find pets that Waggin’ Tails
has for adoption, and a Pre-
Adoption application, visit
Found: 2 male cats (not
neutered) 1 gray tabby
For more information, email in-
and 1 beige and white,
vicinity of Caplo’s Road
com or call 992-4185 and leave
White Haven. Call White
a message, or become a Fan of
Haven Veterinary Hospi-
Waggin’ Tails Rescue on Face-
tal, 443-0966.



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The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011–PAGE 3

League of Women Voters Forum: Understanding School Budgets

The League of Women Voters under the superintendent in the process that is unique from the Colonial Intermediate Unit. cuse Absentee Ballots” and an
of Monroe County will host a role of CFO (Chief Financial Of- neighboring states of New Jer- The League invites you to April 2 Recruitment Social to
free public forum on “Under- ficer). This will be a unique op- sey and New York. During the come and learn more about meet our members, find out
standing School Budgets” this portunity to hear the process first portion of the event, ques- current costs of education. what we are all about and win
Saturday, February 12, at from several school district tions relating to how this is ac- The League of Women Voters wonderful prizes at a Chinese
Hughes Eastern Monroe Public business managers. Light re- complished in Monroe County is a non-partisan civic-minded Auction. Please contact Maria
Library in the community room. freshments will be available be- will be answered. Topics of how national organization that has Wieand, president of the
A panel of Monroe County ginning at 9:30 a.m. The panel property taxes are based on been working to keep our League of Women Voters of
school district business man- will begin a presentation at 10. formulas that are mandated by democracy strong through pub- Monroe County with any ques-
agers will present the How, There will be a question and both federal and state require- lic forums for ninety years. The tions at 656-1864 or email
What, Who and When of devel- answer period ending at noon. ments and how gambling rev- February membership meting questions to
opment and approval of annual Pennsylvania school districts enues reduce property taxes is open to the public and will be
multi-million dollar budgets. have a budget approval will be explained. There have held at the Hughes Eastern
Business managers work been specific changes over the Public Library on Wednesday
Growing Poconos-area
CWUMC to meet past ten years in revenue February 23 from 5-6 pm. Fu-
hauling/dumpster business Church Women United of sources which have directly af- ture events include a March 5
(3 trucks and 37 dumpsters) Monroe County will hold a fected property taxes. The four forum on “Voting Laws: No-ex-
seeks partner ($250k) to help school districts are a leading
Think you are paying
business meeting on Friday,
the business grow more. source of employment in our
Call Mike of Affordable February 18, at 1:30 p.m., at

too much for your

Dumpsters at 570 427-4934 St. John’s Lutheran Church, 9 county. Budgets include serv-
for details. For more N. 9th Street, Stroudsburg. ices and transportation not only
information about the
business, go to
Use the back entrance. For
more information call 629-
children in school buildings but
also charter schools, Parochial heating oil or propane?
Call us!

Airline 0649. schools, cyber schools, alter-
nate school education, Monroe
County Technical Institute and

LWV to meet Petroleum

The League of Women Vot-
ers of Monroe County will
meet at 5 p.m. on Wednesday,
February 23 in the Community
& Propane
Room, Hughes Eastern Mon-
roe Library, Route 611,
Stroudsburg. The League is a
nonpartisan organization help-
ing to promote political re-
sponsibility through informed
programs. New members are
welcome. Call 646-2865.
PAGE 4–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011

George and Connie Roberts named 2011 United Way Chairs

In a first for the United Way of George Roberts Productions Community service is certainly
Monroe County, a husband and produces five regular TV shows not new to the Roberts, who are
wife will lead the annual fund- and four seasonal shows. These involved with many local organi-
raising efforts to help those in include the Greater Pocono zations and have been honored
need in our community. Chamber of Commerceʼs Busi- several times for their invaluable
Local TV celebrities George ness Magazine TV Show, devel- contributions. They reside in
and Connie Roberts have been oped in 2005, and the Bizzy Hamilton Township and have
named co-chairs of the 2011 Awards, a business competition two children, George III and
campaign. The announcement conceived by George in 2006 Justin.
was made at a special gathering and modeled after Hollywood- To get involved in helping
at Barley Creek Brewing Com- type awards shows. GRP also George and Connie Roberts with
pany in Tannersville last week. produces the “Pathways to the 2011 campaign, visit www.
“We are thrilled to be heading Healthy Living” TV Show for the or call
the campaign and are looking Pocono Medical Center, as well 629-5657.
forward to a very successful as Pocono Landscape Chal-
Journal of the Pocono Plateau
year,” Connie Roberts said. “Itʼs lenge and the Pocono Moun-
e-subscription is just $10,
an honor to be serving the com- tains TODAY TV shows. They delivered to your e-mail
munity in this way,” stated can be viewed on TV 13 as well every week. Send an e-mail
George Roberts. as to
The couple said they are look-
ing forward to an exciting cam-
paign, with “fun” being a big part
of their fundraising plans. They
emphasized the vital mission (570) 443-8321
that United Way has in the com-
munity and the importance of
A Product of
getting everyone involved to JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC.
Area Funerals make a difference.
“We are so enthused about Business office 211 Main St., White Haven, PA 18661
Member: Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, MACPA, Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce, PMVB
Walter Stange his wife Jeanne of Woodstown, Connie and George co-chairing First Class Postage $75 per year. Bulk Mail Subscriptions are $35 for 52 issues
Walter J. Stange, Sr., 74, of New Jersey, Robin Garneau and our campaign and thank them so in PA, NJ & NY, $40 elsewhere. Six month and college-year subscriptions are $20.
Mount Pocono, died Thursday, her husband Michael also of much,” said Mathilda Sheptak, Ruth Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief, Seth Isenberg, General Manager,
February 3, 2011 at Mercy Hos- Woodstown, New Jersey; and executive director of the United Martha Searfoss, Office Manager
pital in Scranton. He was the five grandchildren. Way of Monroe County. Bob Pugh, Richard More, Sales
husband of Bernice (Pedersen) The Reverend Father Kopacz The Roberts already work as Christy Brady, Finance, Steve Stallone, Sports Editor,
Stange. conducted a Blessing Service on a team every day in their roles Heather Maslo, Chris Soboleski, Production Staff
Born in Brooklyn, New York, February 7 at the Bolock Funeral with George Roberts Produc- ©2011, JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC. All Rights Reserved.
he was the son of the late Alfred Home, Route 940 in Paradise tions/ George, a growing Also publishers of: The Journal-Herald (weekly since 1879)
and Sophie (David) Stange. Valley. Cremation was entrusted video production company with News of The Poconos
to the Bolock Funeral Home offices on Main Street in The Journal Valley Views and The Journal Mountaintop
Before his retirement, Walter
was employed as a Security Crematory. Stroudsburg. Connie is general Dedicated to Jay Holder 1926-1997 printed on part-recycled newspaper
System Analyst for Verizon, was Memorial contributions may manager of the business, which
a life member of the Verizon Pi- be made to the American Can- was founded by her husband in The Journal of the Pocono Plateau—providing information
oneers, and served as former cer Society, 712 South Keyser 2002. They have been married and communication to build a better community.
president of the Telephone Pio- Avenue, Taylor, Pa. 18517. for 17 years.
neers. As an active community
volunteer, he was an associate
member of the Mount Pocono
Fire Department, a volunteer for
Retired Senior Volunteer Pro-
gram, and was a member of the
Barger Lodge 325 F&AM of
He is also survived by three
children, Laura Simeone and her
husband Joseph of Mount
Pocono, Walter Stange, Jr. and

Dentures made
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Free Parking Available

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The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011–PAGE 5

United Way seeking volunteers for fund distribution process

The United Way of Monroe Program site visits, budget re- To volunteer or for more infor- Way of Monroe County at 570- fund distribution director. The
County is seeking volunteers views, and decision-making mation, visit www.unitedway 629-5657 and ask for Monica deadline to respond is Monday,
for its annual “citizens’ review” should be completed by April 23. or call the United Bein-Cravotta, campaign and February 14.
fund distribution process.

PMSD looks at tax increase

Volunteers will serve on one
of four panels that recommend
where the money raised from
the 2010 campaign will be allo-
cated. Last year, the United by Jeanine Hofbauer reductions in Act 93, Support unless they are free or are part ing costs for personnel to oper-
Way of Monroe County distrib- Pocono Mountain School Dis- Staff and Professional Staff of a requirement for a grant re- ate and generate the time con-
uted $528,537 to 40 local trict is faced with the cumber- coupled with salary freezes in ceived. suming reports that are
health and human service pro- some task of preparing the Central Administration, Act 93 The option of refinancing long required by the state.
grams, including youth pro- 2011-2012 Preliminary Tax and Security are expected to term debt to meet the deficit The new system would re-
grams. Grant decisions are Budget to meet the state dead- yield a savings of $3,373,725. was also discussed. Pfennig la- quire an initial fee of $17,750 to
made by panel members, who line of February 16. Superin- Projected staff retirements will beled the approach, “An inher- obtain the hardware needed to
carefully review all aspects of tendent Dwight Pfennig result in an additional savings ent cure for an inherent function. Board member Meg
these programs and their fund- addressed board members at of $1,009,000. A letter has been problem.” Dilger asked, “Where would this
ing requests. the meeting February 3 re- sent to the Pennsylvania De- The meeting went on to in- money come from?” Business
Volunteers come from all over questing they provide direction partment of Education request- clude a request by Stephen Manager Joe Colozza agreed
the county and have diverse in tackling the $8,777,373.16 ing approval for the elimination Ferraioli, Executive Director of with Ferraioli that a premium
backgrounds, but share a com- budget deficit the district is fac- of 37 positions, as the PDE Support Staff Services, to the savings from fleet insurance
mon goal of improving the lives ing. must determine the decision board to consider changing the would provide the funds. The
of Monroe County residents. With $198,160,000 in total would not interfere with the current GPS software used by board approved the request on
Citizens’ review is a unique fea- revenues versus $206,937,373 quality of education for stu- the Transportation Department a vote of 5-2, with Ed Mayotte
ture of the United Way’s grant anticipated expenditures the dents. Pfennig stated, “Things to a more efficient system. The and Dilger opposing.
allocations. district must decide whether to that are necessary we will do.” new Transfinder software would Revisions to Career Educa-
The fund distribution process increase the tax millage rate by On January 27 a budget replace the current Edulog sys- tion were discussed regarding
requires approximately a 15- 5.69% to 147.31. Dr. Pfennig freeze was instituted, allowing tem, as it has state-of-the-art how the curriculum of the re-
hour commitment by volunteers emphasized, “This is the first only necessary supplies, main- features such as real time bus cently terminated Family Dy-
between early March and late time the board is seeing the tenance requests already ap- routing data capabilities direct namics is to be implemented in
April. However, there is flexibility preliminary budget,” adding “We proved and meeting contractual to the schools along with user other courses. Areas to be in-
since each panel sets up its do not vote tonight.” obligations as the items eligible friendly point and click func- cluded are banking and credit,
own schedule. Staff reductions and compen- for inclusion as expenditures in tions. Annual software updates along with housing options and
A breakfast orientation for vol- sation freezes were part of the the 2011-2012 school year. for Transfinder are $1,600 less auto purchase.
unteers will take place on preliminary budget plan pre- Pfennig emphasized confer- than Edulog. The district would A detailed version of the ini-
Wednesday, March 2, at the sented to the board for deliber- ences and teaching certifica- experience an additional sav- tial presentation of the Prelimi-
Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort. ation. A combination of tions will not be an option ings by the elimination of train- nary Budget is available on the
District website at www.pmsd.

Fri., Feb
Fri., Feb.. 25
org. A meeting was planned for
February 9 to obtain public
input for the board to consider.

00 pm
The PMSD board will meet
on February 16 at 7 p.m. at the
administration building in Swift-

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PAGE 6–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor: published guidelines for animal ior and to follow the National understand why they are allow- petsmart. Please contact PetS-
PET SMART or NOT? shelter standards, available at Federation guidelines. Clearly ing these un-altered puppy mart by e-mail at
Animal “rescue groups” have www. these groups, which charge adoptions to continue at their, or
been transporting puppies for ons/4853/files/Shelter%20Stan $300 or more for these puppies, retail locations. call them at 1-800-423-PETS.
years from southern states dards% 20Dec2010.pdf: are thumbing their noses at the Our community cannot ab- Adopt a local animal and if
where euthanasia rates are “Surgical sterilization (spay- accepted practices and doing sorb offspring from animals you choose to adopt a puppy
high, and although brokered ing or neutering) prior to re- as they please. There simply is from the south due to the un- brought in from the South,
with good intentions, many are lease to adopters , including no justification. It is our intention professionalism and shortsight- please make sure to work only
failing a primary tenet of animal kittens and puppies as young to put an end to this in the edness of a few and the with reputable groups that
welfare: spaying and neutering as 6 weeks old, remains the Poconos. complicity of a national retail make sure the animal is spayed
all animals prior to adoption. most reliable and effective We implore all those who chain. If a rescue group adopts and neutered prior to adoption,
The National Federation of means of preventing unwanted care about animals to let PetS- animals un-altered, no matter and who are also working to
Humane Societies—comprised reproduction of cats and dogs mart know how you feel—since how good their intentions, they help animals in this region
of animal welfare experts from and decreasing their birthrates many of these groups use are part of the problem, not part who—right now—have no
across the nation—has re- (AVMA 2009a; AVMA 2009b; PetSmart stores for adoption of the solution. Let PetSmart place to go.
leased a “best practices” docu- Looney 2008; Kustritz 2007).” events—and join us in emphat- know that in this instance, they Cory Davis, President
ment to define the proper This unacceptable practice in ically calling upon them to fol- don’t seem to be acting very Pocono Humane
method of transporting animals animal welfare—bringing in low their own Charity division’s
which may be accessed in its puppies (some as old as 6 commitment to spay and
entirety at: http://www.human- months) from the south and neuter. Not only does PetSmart TransferBest- adopting them unaltered—is Charities fund spay and neuter
Practice.cfm. Under “Tier 1: going on in our community in their grant program—it is a
Basic, minimum standards for when our own humane infra- key element in their in-house
transporting animals...” they structure is inadequate [Dog transport program called “Res-
state, “6. All animals must be duties take a bite out of Pocono cue Waggin” for puppies and
sterilized either by the Source Crimefighters’ time, Pocono Re- dogs from overcrowded shel-
shelter if possible or by the cord Sept. 2 2010]. ters in the south. PetSmart has
Destination shelter prior to Pocono Humane Society supported shelter animals in
adoption.” calls upon these fringe enti- their stores for years, and is
Additionally, the Association ties—many of whom do not greatly respected for not selling
of Shelter Veterinarians states have non-profit status—to dogs, cats, puppies, or kittens
the following in their recently cease this irresponsible behav- for profit, so it is very hard to

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delivered to your e-mail every week.
Send an e-mail to
Prism Concert features
over 300 students
Pocono Mountain East High tured in this unique concert that
School Music Department will places the performers all around
present their 9th Annual Prism the auditorium, just like a beam
©2011, JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC., All Rights Reserved
Concert on February 18, at 7 of light being redirected through
VOLUME 15, NUMBER 38 Week of February 11, 2011
p.m. in the EHS Auditorium. a prism.
The concert presents 24 per- The students of the PME
Top-O-Pocono Rotary Club holds annual painting raffle forming ensembles made up of
over 300 students in grades 8-
Music Department are dedicat-
ing this concert to the memory
The Top-O-Pocono Rotary 12. Bands, choirs, small instru- of Joyce Brooks, who was a
Club is holding their annual raf- mental and vocal ensembles,
fle of an acrylic painting. The and several soloists will be fea- Please turn to next page
original acrylic painting is 35” x
45” on stretched canvas with a
custom frame ready for hang-
ing. The painting is of a scene
from the Lake Tahoe area.
The painting will be on dis-
play now through the second
weekend in March at the Best
Western at the intersection of
Routes115 and 80 in Blakes-
lee. After that, the painting will
be on display at the Village
Squire Steak House in Blakes-
Proceeds from the raffle will
benefit the many community Displaying the painting are Steve Kager, president of the
charities that the Rotary Club Top-O-Pocono Rotary Club, and new Rotarian Peg Neison,
supports throughout the year. owner of the Best Western Inn.
The Top-O-Pocono Rotary
Club meets every Tuesday 115 just south of Blakeslee For more information, visit
night at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Corners.
Squire Steak House on Route

Bill Haley’s Comets Return to the

Sherman this Valentine’s Weekend Love, Love, Love.
On February 12 at 8 p.m.,
the Sherman Theater will pres-
added talent and variety of The
Cometsʼ Rock & Roll Show in-
Special Valentineʼs Day
weekend couples discounts
Happy Valentine’s Day all month!
ent an energetic, entertaining cludes a variety of classic fa- are available—fans will be en- Treat yourself or bring someone special to enjoy our
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Haleyʼs Comets! Elvis, and more. With har- Single tickets will be $30, while before your service or prolong the calm after with a cup of
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oldies show features the hits of phy from poodle-skirted Tickets are on sale now.
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PAGE 8–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011
several discussions with our Phyllis ordered wonton soup, For dessert, we shared a bowl try before, and plenty more on
Dining Out waiter about how hot dishes
were, and what ingredients they
$7.95. Again, the wonton wrap-
pers were thin, the meat filling
of black sticky rice with coconut
milk, pulat hitam, $2.95 and
the menu. The service was very
pleasant, if a bit uneven, and the
contained. flavorful, and there were lots of Seth tried a grass jelly, also energy level in the room was
Penang On his suggestion, we or- dark green vegetables in the $2.95. This turned out to be a high. Reportedly, itʼs best to ar-
East Hanover, NJ dered a lucky rainbow salad for broth, scallions, a bok choy type drink. It was sweet, without rive before 6 if you donʼt want a
by Ruth Isenberg Chinese New Year, $12.88. It green. much distinctive flavor, and filled long wait for a seat.
This weekend brought a new was served on a large red-pat- Slater had mango chicken, with little dark squares of grass The restaurant is located in a
dining experience for us. We terned plate, and included jelly- $13.95, literally in the shell of a jelly, also sweet. The drink was plaza on Route 10 in East
joined Sethʼs aunt and uncle in fish (cold white squiggles with scooped out mango; he ordered served in a glass over ice, with a Hanover. The address, for those
New Jersey for a meal at a not much taste but an interest- it mild. It looked and smelled re- wide-mouthed straw. It was fun with GPS systems, is 200 Route
Malaysian restaurant. Actually, ing texture, firm but not chewy ally good. to drink if not exciting to taste, 10 West. Otherwise, call for di-
Penang served a mix of like squid), chopped peanuts, I had the ginger scallion and probably not something heʼll rections. Open seven days for
Malaysian and Thai foods, with shredded scallions and carrots, chicken, $11.95, and ordered it repeat. lunch and dinner; credit cards
a list of special dishes in honor thin rice noodles, and slim hot extra-spicy, and it was. I liked it, But we will be back. This was accepted.
of Chinese New Year. peppers. Our waiter poured the but think next time I wouldnʼt re- a fun meal, with lots of choices Phone: 973-887-6989
The restaurant was a BYOB, dressing, a mildly spicy mixture, quest the extra spice, because weʼve never had the chance to
and Slater had provided a bottle over it all, and instructed us to it overwhelmed the ginger flavor help out in this endeavor.
of Cabernet Sauvignon. We use our chopsticks to mix it with a bit. The chicken was tender Prism Concert... Jared Boxes are small boxes
also had a pot of tea for the him, and to make wishes for and the scallions and other Continued from page 7 of toys, coloring books, and
table, $2 for a slightly bitter health and prosperity in the New green fresh and strong. other small items that will be
blend of green tea and brown Year. We were happy to comply, Both Seth and Phyllis had music teacher in the district for given to chronically ill children in
rice in a heavy iron teakettle that and hope they all come true. pretty dishes, mixtures of meat many years and sadly passed area hospitals.
held its heat almost all the way Vegetable dumplings with gin- and vegetables, almost like away this fall in her battle with Suggested donations include:
through the meal. ger vinegar dipping sauce came stew, served in bowls. The cancer. crayons, markers, coloring
The menu was very interest- in a set of seven for $6.95. They bowls were the main difference To honor Mrs. Brooks, dona- books, journals, word searches,
ing, pages long, and it took us a had a smooth texture. Iʼm not between the two dishes. Phyllis tions to the Jared Box Project matchbox cars, card games,
while to decide what we wanted sure exactly what the finely chose the chicken version in a will be collected as admission to puzzles, Play-Doh, bubbles,
to eat, even though Slater had minced vegetables were, but fried taro bowl, the sarang the Prism Concert. PMSDʼs and stickers.
sent us a copy in advance to the dumpling wrappers were burong, $12.95, while Sethʼs School to Work Program is co- For more information on the
look over. We ordered appetiz- thin and tender, and the sauce was another Chinese New Year ordinating the Jared Box Project Prism Concert, contact the PM
ers to buy a bit of time, and had was tangy and delicious. special, triple happy seafood in throughout the district, and the East HS music department at
a bowl of fried noodles, $16.88. music department is excited to 839-7121, ext. 80535.

Sláinte! n MAKE YOUR n The taro was soft, almost like

mashed potatoes with a fried
S & T Coombe, Inc.
n RESERVATIONS n crust. The noodles were crisp,
but softened by the end from the Stove & Fireplace Specialists
juices. The flavors were mild but

PADDY KENNY’S IRISH n $49.95/COUPLE n well blended, with shrimp, scal-

lops and a white fish in the
PUB & RESTAURANT Mon.-Thurs. Special
seafood version, along with Coal, Gas, Pellet & Wood Stoves, Outdoor Furnaces
“Come in as Strangers, Leave as Friends” - 3 Course Dinner $14.95
water chestnuts, snow peas and Over 70 units on display and 10 operating.
DAILY BAR SPECIALS – HAPPY HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY 3:30-5:30 mushrooms for contrasting tex-
KITCHEN OPEN 7 DAYS, SUN.-THURS. 11-10, FRI & SAT. 11-11 tures. Showroom Location:
Located 3 miles South of Raceway on Route 115 • Phyllis and I order Malaysian Route 940
(4/10 mile west of Route 115)
570 643-4023 coffee, $1.95. She had hers
black, while I added the tradi- within 50 miles
tional evaporated milk. Malay- (with purchase of any new stove.)

sian coffee is strong and rich; FREE REMOVAL

of old stove
Phyllis said it was almost as (with purchase of any new stove.)
good as Italian coffee—high (570) 646-8254 • Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

er Vie
$25 Gw Tave
2 for ift Cards rn
$ 3 3 ($50
good value
throu )
gh 2/10/

Inn at Pocono Manor

$25 certficate, $15
Village Squire
$25 certificate, $15
Antonio’s Grille
$20 certificate, $15
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011–PAGE 9
McCool, Merli to Seek Re-Election in Monroe layed road improvements needed
at the intersection of I-80 and
will continue to protect and en-
hance existing county assets and
such as Children & Youth and the Route #715 (the 298-299 continue to work with all Depart-
Area Agency on Aging. McCool is exit/entrance ramps)by protecting ments to develop strategies for
an active member of the County a $15 million earmark originally greater efficiency and effective-
Commissioner Association of made by former Senator Rick ness of the workforce.
Pennsylvania Human Services Santorum(R-PA) in 2005 and About Commissioner McCool
Board as will as a member of all maintained by Senator Robert P. and Commissioner Merli:
the Human Service Boards in the Casey, Jr. (D-PA) Suzanne McCool is a lifelong
County. •Establishing the countyʼs Crim- resident of Monroe County, grow-
Merli has focused on striking a inal Justice Advisory Board ing up in Paradise Valley and re-
balance between cultivating eco- (CJAB) sides in Stroudsburg with her
nomic growth and preserving •Meeting financial obligations husband Col. Terry McCool. They
Monroeʼs unique natural heritage, for pre-existing County debt are the parents of two sons, Marc
moving the county forward on a •Coordinating and completing a and Christopher, and have five
number of important issues. Merli long overdue formal space as- grandchildren.
chairs the Prison Board and the sessment of the county court- Theresa Merli and her husband,
Suzanne McCool Theresa Merli Pleasant Valley Manor Board of house. ESU Track and Field Coach Chris
Trustees. Both facilities are under- McCool and Merli are deter- Merli, have been residents of Par-
County Commissioners There- They consider themselves a lead- going an era of renewal, including mined to maintain Monroe adise Township for 26 years. They
sa Merli and Suzanne McCool an- ership team focused on getting long-overdue physical upgrades Countyʼs momentum by develop- have four children, David, Sharon,
nounced their intention to seek work done for the community. providing enhanced safety and se- ing a sensible plan to satisfy the Cathy and Joan and a grand-
re-election last week. Since the During their first term, Commis- curity. county courtʼs space needs. They daughter, Eve.
Democratic duoʼs historic election sioners McCool and Merli worked McCool and Merli say their
in 2007, they have pursued a
pragmatic agenda to move Mon-
to move Monroe forward. Amid
deep and continued budget cuts
achievements include:
•Securing funding for a state-of-
My Income Tax Offer May
roe County forward by aggres-
sively tackling current challenges,
reforming longstanding inefficien-
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McCool has worked tirelessly to
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PAGE 10–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011
turkey where one gobbler had so The crisis in Egypt was used by
Seth’s Sightings by Seth Isenberg much trouble getting its footing speculators to try to run up the

that it just spread its wings for bal- price of oil. It didnʼt work. Folks
Football season is over, or shall thick and slick layer of ice. Every ance, and then decided to fly into were smart enough to figure that
we say Packed away until sum- so often Chad would still topple the nearby woods. Egypt doesnʼt produce oil, and

mer. The Green Bay Packers, over, but was able to get back up When we were in New Jersey has precious little influence in the
having beaten the Eagles, went and trot on, tail wagging. Sunday, we also sighted a number industry bar smaller oil tankers
on to beat everyone else—con- Ruth and I have done our part of very hungry deer finding forage that travel the Suez Canal. Gas
grats to the Pack.
The weather has us hunkered
to not topple over ourselves. My
sister Elise had gifted us with
wherever they could. The Morris-
town NJ area and nearby received
prices went up a little bit in our
area, and then started down again 570-894-3494
down. The last couple of storms spiked tread that fit over our boot a lot more snow than we have. as the per barrel cost of oil re-
threw ice our way, and many of us soles, almost like tire chains. Driving in that area was a chal- turned to previous levels. We Oil Change – $19.95
have spent hours chopping away These gave us the grip we needed lenge on Sunday when we went to missed out on paying $2.87.9 per We Do PA State Inspections
to get paths and driveways clear, to move with some confidence. visit my Aunt Phyllis and Uncle 179 Main Street, Tobyhanna
or at least passable. I donʼt like it We ran clear out of ice melt over Slater. Please turn to page 15
much, but our old Labrador Chad at the office, and local stores had
really hates it. He would avoid been emptied the day before. At 1 2 3 4 5 1 2
anything shiny and black on a this writing Iʼm waiting for a new
path, after having fallen too often load of ice to arrive, because I 3 1 2 3 4
on black ice. At our house, he donʼt see last weekʼs weather as
would take a few steps out on the being the end, despite Punx- 6 7 8 1 5 6 7 8
patio and just stare at the walk in atawny Philʼs prediction of an
disgust, before turning back and early spring. President Barack 5 2 6 4 3
looking pleadingly at me, as if I Obama was going to be a short
could do something about this. Iʼd drive from Punxatawny on 6 9 9
been able to make things better Groundhog Day, but a snow storm
for him by Sunday, and the old guy delayed his trip to State College 8 5 3 2 5 7
is much happier. by a day.
We actually got a good walk in Terry Pegula, the fellow who do- 4 6 1 8 6 3 1 2
on Sunday at Hickory Run State nated $88 million toward building
Park in an area where there was menʼs and womenʼs hockey pro- 7 9 1 7
some plowed paved road that had
the ice melt off, and some packed
grams and a new hockey arena at
Penn State, will be the new owner
9 8 3 5 6 5 8 9
© 2009 Hometown Content
© 2009 Hometown Content
snow courtesy of snowmobiles of the Buffalo Sabres hockey team Medium Difficult
that gave the dogs footing as the (PSU night in Buffalo next year?).
Four-H Club
rest of the snow cover sported a Sightings include a flock of
ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Words to Brutus
Free Services!
14 15 16
5. Father-and-son

E R presidential name 17 18 19
Call Today... 10. Rigging support

14. "Oh, no! Not __!" 20 21 22

• Individuals 15. Problem for

Pauline 23 24
• Businesses 16. __ mater
• Not for Profits 17. First miracle site 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

18. Milan's La __
• Quickbooks 19. Goulash, for 36 37 38 39 40

• Payroll Services example

41 42 43
20. Four-H Club's
• Business Startup Assistance footwear?
Hablamos Español 23. "Just __ thought!"
44 45 46

(570) 595-8670
24. Word before talk 47 48 49 50 51
or rally
Accounting Services 25. Tressed like 52 53 54 55
Route 390, Cresco, PA Simba
Below Competitor’s Prices,
GUARANTEED! (570) 588-9800 29. In addition
31. Prefix for element
#9 64
56 57 58

59 60

61 62 63

Marshalls Creek, PA
36. Handsome hunk
67 68 69

Ron Jr’s Auto Repair

38. NATO member
40. Willy of "Free 70 71 72
Willy," e.g.
41. Request for a 2/6/2011

Complete Automotive Repair & Diagnostic

American Profile Hometown Content
pause in

conversation at 70. Place for a wish 13. Shooting marble 48. Yevtushenko's

$ OFF Any Premium the Four-H Club? 71. City on the Aire 21. "I've __ up to "Babi __"
$10 44. Johnson of 72. Title for Myra here!" 50. Lost on purpose?
axle Brake Service "Laugh-In"
45. Make a choice
Hess 22. Sunblock letters
25. Taj __
53. Disinfectant
Expires 4/4/11 46. Current unit DOWN 26. Love to death 55. Oktoberfest
47. Distrustful 27. Nick of "Cape quaffs
1. Inscribe with acid

49. Wee bit Fear" 56. Aesopian loser
2. Bangkok tongue
INSPECTIONS 51. Dangerous
3. Zingy taste 28. Rear-__ (road
57. Bad to the bone
58. "Hud" Oscar
Plus $2 for Sticker 4. Brigham Young's
52. Ryan's "Love 30. "I'm __ here!" winner Patricia
Expires 4/4/11
Story" costar (skedaddler's 59. Elude the seeker
5. Church recesses
54. __ Saud (former cry) 60. Tickled pink

6. Duplicity
Arabian leader) 32. Jeweler's glass 61. Wahine's dance
7. Fast-shrinking
FREE Battery & Antifreeze 56. King of the Four- 33. Twisted the arm 62. Way around
Check. Up to 5 qts. oil. H Club?
8. Highway of London, once
(synthetic oil extra) 64. Lay blacktop on 34. Earthy hue 63. Not there?
distance marker
Expires 4/4/11 65. Grofé's "Grand 35. Gives a thumbs- 64. Dad, to a rustic
9. "Same Time, Next
Canyon __" up or a thumbs-
Senior Citizen Discount Tuesday & Wednesday 66. Act the siren
Year" playwright
Bernard down, say
10% Off Repairs over $100 Open: 67. Diva's

Ronald R. Monday-Friday 10. The 4077th, for 37. HBO competitor
8 a.m.-5 p.m. performance 39. "So, it's YOU!"
Head Jr. Saturday 68. More off-the-wall
42. Part of SAT
Owner 8 a.m.-12 noon
69. Controversial
11. Choir voice
43. Yemeni neighbor
Routes 940 & 380, Pocono Summit, PA 18346 orchard spray
12. "Peter Pan"
henchman Answers on page 14
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011–PAGE 11

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State Authorized Motor Vehicle Messenger Service to Harrisburg. All Paper Work taken 95% D&H. CDL-A. 866-460-8464 or safety bonus paid quarterly. Van &
Apply http://www.go- Refrigerated. CDL-A w/3 mos cur-
by us directly to Motor Vehicle Bureau, that means you get yours back quickly! rent OTR experience. 800-414-
Have a problem or question? We will gladly give you
Rt. 611, 1/4 mile North of the Light, Bartonsville
8 to 7:30 Monday through Friday, Saturday to 4:30
5 Notaries on Duty - Call Terry, Marguerite, Barbara, BeaAnn or Ron
Decentralized Motor Vehicle Service Agent
FAX 570-629-3242 • Phone 570-629-3344 or 800-421-3350
PAGE 12–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011

Help Wanted Driver Legal Services Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Schools

For Sale
Earn A Solid Paycheck at Western! DIVORCE $99.00 Covers Chil- CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM
Van-avg pay as high as $0.35cpm. dren, Custody, Property & Debts. DIABETIC TEST STRIPS - up to HOME. 6-8 weeks. ACCREDITED.
Flatbed-avg pay as high as Uncontested. Satisfaction Guar- $17/Box! Shipping paid. Sara 1-800- Get a Diploma. Get a Job! FREE
on DISH NETWORK! Lowest Price
$0.39cpm Both including Bonuses anteed! Unlimited Customer Sup- 371-1136. www.cash4diabeticsup- Brochure 1-800-264-8330
in America! $24.99/mo for OVER
and Extra Pay Items. Plus New port. Call 24/hrs. Free
120 Channels! Plus $500 BONUS!
Equipment and Great Home Time. Information! 1-800-250-8142.
FREE HD for LIFE! DISH Network. CALL 1-888-434-0403
CDL-A,6mo.OTR. 888-801-5295
$24.99/mo. - Over 120 Channels.
LOCAL SHUTTLE DRIVERS Plus $500 BONUS! Call 1-800-915- Timeshares
NEEDED! Mountain Top, PA. Home Lots & Acreage 9514. Motorcycles
Daily, multiple shifts, Weekly OT
Scooters, Atvʼs, Dirt bikes $400 & up SELL/RENT YOUR TIMESHARE
available. Class-A CDL and 6
ABSOLUTE NY LAND SALE! 50 Brand new 49cc - 300cc Layaways FOR CASH!!! Our Guaranteed Serv- Vacations Vacations
months experience required. Call
Tim @ 570-474-3190
acres - $69,900! Feb 12th & 13th
ONLY! No closing costs! Adjoins
Wholesale to the public 317-841-
8555 SCHOCH ices will Sell/ Rent Your Unused
Timeshare for CASH! Over $95 Mil-
CDL-A Drivers: Drive for the Best! State Land, woods, trophy whitetails,
Harley-Davidson/Buell lion offered in 2010! www.sellatime-
Top Equipment & Pay. $1000 Sign- very secluded! Way below market!! Corner of Rt. 209 & 33 (800) 882-0296
cer Research Foundation. Most
on Bonus! Excellent Fleet Man- (888) 470-0079 www.NewYorkLan- Snydersville, PA
highly rated breast cancer charity in
agers. 1yr. OTR exp. Boyd Bros.
America! Tax deductible/Fast, Free 570-992-7500
Transportation 800-543-8923
NY FARM LAND LIQUIDATION Pick-up! 1-888-310-2098 Mon.-Fri. 8-8 • Sat. 8-5 • Sun. 10-4
Vacation Rentals
Drivers- 100% Tuition Paid CDL SALE! 28 acres - $39,900. Feb 12th Closed Holidays
Training! No Credit Check, No Ex- & 13th ONLY! Adjoins State Land!
perience required! TRAINERS Woods, stonewalls! Twn rd, survey,
Nothing. Contact Disability Group, selection of affordable rentals. Full/
EARN $.49/MILE! 888-417-7564 clear title! Call NOW! (888) 479- WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCY-
Inc. Today! BBB Accredited. Call For partial weeks. Call for FREE
CRST EXPEDITED www.Join- 0822 www.NewYorkLandand- CLES KAWASAKI: Z1-900, KZ900,
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866-983-3264 Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online
GT380, GS400, CB750, (1969-75)
Experienced Tanker Drivers Southern Tier, NY OWNER SHORT reservations:
AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for Cash Paid, Nationwide Pickup, 1-
Needed! Excellent home time! *More SALE! 10 acres - $24,900. Lush
high paying Aviation Maintenance 800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726.
$$$ *Plenty of miles. *Steady meadow, mile to State Land, snow-
Career. FAA approved program. Fi- A GREAT VACATION VALUE!!
Freight. Call Prime Today! 1-800- mobile, camp, hunt! Ideal So. Tier lo-
nancial aid if qualified - Housing Clean, Safe, & only a tank away.
277-0212 cation! Gʼteed buildable! Hurry! (888)
available. CALL Aviation Institute of Americaʼs Greatest FAMILY Resort,
TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED! 2011 Maintenance (888)834-9715 Musical Instruments Ocean City, NJ (800)786-8884 or
PAY RAISE! UP TO $.52 PER MILE! UPSTATE NY LIQUIDATION! 7 visit our web site www.Acade-
WANTS TO purchase minerals and
HOME WEEKENDS! EXCELLENT acres - $19,900. Woods, fields,
other oil & gas interests. Send de-
BENEFITS! NEW EQUIPMENT! views, walk to State Land! Twn rd, CLARINET, FLUTE, VIOLIN, Trum-
tails to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co
HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1-800- survey, clear title! Buy 2/12 or 2/13 pet, Trombone, Amplifier, Fender
4 4 1 - 4 9 5 3 pay no closing costs! (888) 480- Guitar $70. ea. Cello, Upright Bass, Vans 4007 www.NewYorkLandand- HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. Gradu- Saxophone, French Horn, Drums ate In Just 4 Weeks! FREE $190. ea. Tuba, Baritone, Others. 1-
BROCHURE! Call Now! 1-800-532- 516-377-7907. 1999 CHEVROLET Astro LT, 89K
Homes for Sale 6546 Ext. 440 www.continentala- miles, V6, auto, leather, $5,900. Call
Medical & Health 1-888-218-8099
Home. *Medical, *Business, *Para-
house Feb 12th & 13th Renovated TRAMADOL 180 Tablets $109.00
legal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Wanted to Buy
Greek Revival farmhouse, barns on with FREE overnight delivery from DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Can-
Job placement assistance. Com-
10 acres - $249,000 Beautiful U.S. Pharmacy! No hidden fees! cer Research Foundation. Most
puter available. Financial Aid if qual-
stonewalls, big views, 20,000+ sq ft C.O.D./ E-check/ Mastercard. 1-866- highly rated breast cancer charity in WANTED DIABETES TEST
ified. Call 888-220-3984.
of barn space, awesome So. Tier 562-8049 America! Tax deductible/Fast, Free STRIPS any kind/brand. Unexpired
hilltop setting! Addʼl acreage avail! Pick-up! 1-888-310-2098 up to $16.00. Shipping Paid 1-800-
SAVE $500! Viagra! 40 Pills $99.00
Call (888) 485-1960 for directions! 2 6 6 - 0 7 0 2
Satisfaction Guaranteed!!! Open 7
Days a week! Credit Card required Miscellaneous Call 443-9131 xt 300

Items Wanted
For Sale to place your ad. SELL YOUR DIABETES TEST
STRIPS. We buy Any Kind/Any
Brand Unexpired. Pay up to $16.00
DIABETIC TEST STRIPS NEEDED. Medical Equipment per box. Shipping Paid. Call 1-800-
267-9895 or www.SellDiabetic-
Donations benefit Juvenile Re-
search Foundation. Call Test Strips
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post-paid mailer. Unopened-NonEx-
solutely at NO cost to you if eligible!!
pired Only.
Back Braces, arthritis pumps to ease
the pain. Medicare, HMOʼs & Private
insurance accepted. 1-800-693-
Land for Sale 8896

Upstate NY Land Bargains 7.5 Acres

w/ Beautiful Trout Stream Frontage Miscellaneous
- $29,995. 23 Acres w/ Road & Utili-
ties $39,995. 7.75 Acres w/ Beauti-
1000 ENVELOPES = $5000, Re-
ful Views, Road & Utilities - $19,995.
ceive $3-$7 for every Envelope
Financing Available. Call 800-229-
processed with our sales material. Notice
7843 Or visit www.Landand-
GUARANTEED! Free information,
24HR recording: 1-800-985-2977
Upstate New York LAND BAR-
GAINS ATV & Snowmobile Trails.
high paying Aviation Maintenance Nothing. Contact Disability Group,
State Game Lands. 19 Acres Valley
Career. FAA approved program. Fi- Inc. Today! BBB Accredited. Call For
Views- $29,995. 5 Acres Camp Lot-
$15,995. Adirondack River-WAS:
nancial aid if qualified - Housing Large Storage Bldg. Your FREE Book & Consultation.
available CALL Aviation Institute of 866-983-3264
$119,995. NOW: $69,995. 24 Acres-
Maintenance (866)453-6204.
White Haven
Tug Hill-$17,995. Scheduling land Approx. 3,200 Sq. Ft. 100% Guaranteed Omaha Steaks -
tours 7days/ week. Call 800-229- ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from SAVE 64% on the Family Value Col-
7843 Or Visit www.Landand- home. Medical, Business, Paralegal,
Plus 480 Sq. Ft. Finished lection. NOW ONLY $49.99 Plus 3 Accounting, Criminal Justice. Job Rooms (3) with sink & toilet. FREE GIFTS & right-to-the-door de-
placement assistance. Computer Double Plank Construction. livery in a reusable cooler, ORDER
available. Financial aid if qualified. $25,000 Today. 1-888-429-2366 mention
Call 800-494-3586 www.CenturaOn- code 45069CSK or www.Oma-
Call (570) 656-1080

For Sale—Prime Acreage Real Estate

in Weatherly Area School
District. 19+ acres of clear
***FREE Foreclosure Listings***
& wooded land, large stand OVER 400,000 properties nation-
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buildings, 3 phase power, 5 800-250-2043.
minutes from Weatherly & OWN 20 ACRES Only $129/mo.
White Haven on N. Lehigh $13,900 Near Growing El Paso,
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$275,000 nancing. Free map/pictures 866-
Call 570-578-6400
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Course, Natʼl Parks. 1 hour from
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nancing. No CREDIT CHECK! (800)
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Mantis and we`ll include Border
Edger attachment & kickstand!
Lightweight, Powerful! Call for a Your ad can go
FREE DVD and Information Kit 888-
436-8807 here. Call
443-9131 xt300
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011–PAGE 13

House For Sale

938-940 North St, Quiet Neighborhood

Dallas Hickory Hills Imagine 1.5 acres in Strouds-
First Floor Condo, completely Freeland #07-2330 NEW CONSTRUCTION
redecorated and nicely fur- Country charmer with in town
White Haven By Butler Valley Blders. 3
burg, tucked away on a hidden
Custom built in ’04, bi-level, 3+BR, White Haven BR/2 Bath Ranch in Beau-
driveway and just two blocks Gorgeous & immaculate
nished. 2 BR, 1 3/4 BA, Sitting conveniences. Currently used
as an adult care facility. Huge
1.5 BA, Fam Rm, 1 car garage, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath tiful Breezy Acres Drums
from 9th Street and the Mall. The house for sale, 3 bed-
RM, Cedar closet, Loads of
storage, patio, tennis, golf, income potential. 5 BR, 2 1/2
energy eff., private gated com-
Ranch home with large Area. Includes public Sewer
cozy family room has a great room, 1 1/2 bath in private
munity w/pool, lake and security. wood stove. The garage has an setting in A Pocono
pool. Move right in. Priced for BA, full basement, master on 1 Acre. $329,900
Haz. SD, close to I-80, shopping deck. Set on 4 acres. enclosed breezeway to the
Country Place.
quick sale $115,000. suite, and low taxes. Additional Call LORI COOK house–never get wet or cold!
and Pocono Resorts. Owner relo- Asking $295,000. Price Reduced
Go to the top call land available. $249,000. at 788-7503 or 788-1999 Call today 09-2361 $189,900
cation. Sacrifice at $149,900.
Jane Kopp Real Estate Aim High Realty, Inc Call Owner (570) 579-6411
Call Valerie LEWITH & FREEMAN R.E. CENTURY 21 Select Group Asking price $80,000
288-7481 570-443-7860 or (570) 956-2594 at (718) 217-8875 Addt’l Lots Avbl. for Custom Homes! 570-643-2100 ask for Betty Call 203 262-8419

407 Luzerne St., Freeland White Haven 185 Birch Knoll Dr., Hazleton
List # 07-2311 Coolbaugh Township ARROWHEAD LAKES 3BR/2.5BA House on 1.08
List # 08-65 Falls, PA
Well maintained 1/2 double with WOW - NOT IN A Cozy Ranch, close to beach, Arrowhead Lakes Acres in a private lake commu-
newer windows. All appliances stay! New 3 BR, 21/2 BA Colonial nity. Close to parks, gamelands, Newer pre-manufactured home Ranch on 1+ Acre Lot! 2
COMMUNITY private pool and clubhouse.
in amenity filled community.
white water rafting, ski resorts, with many upgrades. Walk-in Car garage, 3 BR 2 full
Included is a 1,000 sq. ft. ranch with 1.81 acres, 4 BR/ 3 full BA, garage, 4 BR, sunroom, 2 full BA, and casino. Minutes to Poco-
2BR, 1BA, custom kitch. and LR. Eat-in-kitchen w/oak cabi- nos, Hazleton and Wilkes-Barre.
closets in all BRs, MBR has gar- baths. Two Tier Deck!
3,000 sq. ft., two fireplaces, 16x25 large LR with fireplace, din- den tub. Natural gas heat with
Ideal for rental or relatives. Lot 14, nets, Dining Room, Living Only $189,000. SHARP!
master, newly remodeled, extra liv- ing area. All appliances! Pri- Gordon & Long custom stone FP. Lg open kitch-
block 4 off of Juniper St must be ing area for big family. One year Room, 1870 sq. ft. Near
vate, gated community. Price Real Estate LLC en. On leased property.$53,900.
included in sale $106,000 warranty on elec, plumb, heat. beach. Seller will assist
Reduced–Asking $158,500 Cindy King Century 21 Select Group
Century 21 Select Group $189,000 w/mtge. $219,000
Call Brian McCardle at Call Colleen 570.675.4400 Office
Call Brian McCardle at Ed Beckendorff
Call (570) 350-2245 (570) 239-8862
Call Paul Weaver (owner) 570.690.2689 Direct
800.779.2584 (x 23) (570) 269-1773 800.779.2584 (x 23)

Rhodo Mountain Estates East Stroudsburg - Mt. Pocono Summit

Lake Ariel - Extra Lot! MUST SEE!
Looking for seclusion? Mag- Furnished 4 BR home boasts Towamensing Trails Pointe Community Nestled on side street in down-
nificent country post & beam Gorgeous! 2 Decks, Hot Tub, 1+ Brick Ranch w/Heated Gar, town Mt. Pocono, 2-bedroom
Pocono Summit (Emerald Lakes).
finished lower level w/ built in Acre lot, Front porch, master Cozy 3 BR, 2 BA, LR, FP, eat
home, cedar siding & decks, bar, woodstove, Vaulted Ceil- in kitchen w/ breakfast bar. 2 3BR, 2BA, LR, DR, new Kitch- with cute little yard. Hardwood Brand new, 4 brs, 2 -1/2 baths,
cherry cabinets, stone fire- suite w/fireplace, living room w/ en, Computer Rm, Sun Rm, Lg.
ing Living room has stone fire- brick fireplace, crown molding, decks. Newer windows, slid- floors, very clean. Nice front garage, new appliances, carpet,
place, & full finished base- Generator, Central AC, Full
place, loft, deck $251,092 Eat in kitchen w/ island! $249,450 ing doors and Carpet. Sold
Basement & Deck. Handi-
porch. Ready to move in. fixtures, low dues, lakes,
ment. For 24 hour recorded $85,000
fully Furnished. Asking capped access. Minutes to bus, clubhouse, pools etc.
information & address, call Keller Williams Real Estate
1-800-722-1389 and enter
$174,900. shopping, & casino. $202,000. Must See, asking
Call 215-997-9249 Ask for Dorothy Gross
code 2476. Alyce Lentz Liz Robbins Call Vincent at 570-421-2890 or $195,000 by owner.
View pics at www.forsaleby
Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 888-774-8488 888-774-8488 570-839-1393 or 801-2943 direct 570-620-6549. 570-355-5366

RE 401 Pohopoco Road
Lake Naomi 3-bedroom, 2 bath ranch home
Pocono Farms East - Pocono Lake, Stoney Hollow Rd. List #07-10738
32 Split Rock Lane Drums, PA Price - $249,900 in Pocono Mountain Lake com- Fully remodeled Dutch Cape w/new MBR suite, 3BR, 2BA, stone FP,
2500 Sq. Foot 2 Story - 4 Bdrm/3 Bath munity, Kidder Township. 3817 Norfolk Rd, Tobyhanna
Pocono Pines roof. 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba w/tiles, big deck, tile foyer, 1.13 acre cor-
Home - Great Area - 100 X 200 Very Weatherly Area School District. 3 BR 1.5 BA laundry room, tiled eat-in kitchen. ner lot. House is eligible for 100%
4 BR, 2 BA, Gas and Elec heat Nice Yard. Rear Deck / 2 Car Garage - 1905 sf well maintained
Near Turnpike & I-80. 2-car New well pump. 1.5 acre lot/ financing through the PHFA/
Furnished, 2 large decks, close Spacious Rms Throughout w/ New single family home built 2002 RURAL Housing Programs. Fur-
⁄2 wooded. Adjoins state land.
to lake, pool and club. Ex. cond. Hardwood Floors/Carpet & Tile. Formal approx 0.29ac. No development. 15x20 shed. niture negotiable. $244,900
Inspected. $239,900 Dining Room and Ceramic Tiled $109,900.
Close to I 80, whitewater For sale by owner. Pocono Resorts Realty
Lake Naomi Real Estate Kitchen w/ breakfast area, Family Rm Peters Real Estate rafting, casino and ski resort Listing #22463365 Sandra Ortiz
Justin Higgins w/ Full Stone FP. Master Bedrm w/ large Route 940, White Haven Reduced to $165,000 (570) 443-9555 x19
570-646-2222 WIC & 3/4 Private Bath - A Must See! Only $169,700
Call 570-236-0145 for more info.
570-443-8882 Call owner Bobby (570) 233-7670
800-537-1479 Call Aggie (609) 213-3332 1-347-248-7207

Beautiful expanded Cape Cod Holiday Pocono Well-maintained, 3-

features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, bdrm. home on quiet, wooded lot in One acre wooded lot with Skiers—Ski Lift is across the
and sit on 33+acres, granite friendly, secure community. Easy 380 W. Ridge St., Lansford 1 bedroom cottage, Lakefront contemporary, street from this 4 Bdr, 2 Bth
countertops, family room, Must see! Lakefront raised chalet
walk to pristine lakes for swimming/ Immaculate townhome. Nice just off Route 115 in 1 acre wooded lot, large deck home. Fireplace, loft, fully fur-
oversized 2-car garage, pond, with 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, family boating/fishing. Large screened neighborhood, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. overlooks the lake, 3 bedrooms,
porch, sunny lawns, pellet stove. Blakeslee. 1 bedroom nished and located on 1 acre.
water garden & orchard. room, laundry, new kitchen & Sunroom off large kitchen with 1.5 baths, full basement with 1-car
REASONABLE OFFERS 1 bath, kitchen/living garage, front & rear decks.
Great first time home buyer or
$598,750. For 24 hour much more! Situated on 1.16 acres fireplace, fened backyard, front
with 115 ft lake frontage. WILL BE CONSIDERED. porch, big living room, vinyl siding, room. Great investment; $475,000. investor home. $89,900.
recorded information & MLS #10-5186 Keller Williams Real Estate
$489,000. For 24 hour recorded asphalt roof, basement, all
possible owner financing. For 24 hour recorded information &
address, call 1-800-722-1389 information & address, call Asking $129,000 appliances and furniture. address, call 1-800-722-1389 and Call Dorothy Gross
and enter code 2836. 1-800-722-1389 and enter code DIETER METZGER $36,000 $55,000. Call Gary at enter code 2416. 570-421-2890 Office
Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 2766. Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 917-913-7873 Call Marie, 570-972-8715 352-229-3111 Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 570-620-6549 Direct

Advertise your home

for sale for $99
Ranch home on approx.
until it sells! WEATHERLY, 564 6th Street
.5 acre, Central air, l.p. gas
heat, 3 bedrooms, 2 tiled
Beautiful contemporary with
4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, formal This Cape Cod features 3 bed-
rooms, 1 bath, den, full base-
Ad must include a picture Cozy ranch home in quiet
baths-1 with jetted tub,
dining room with see through
ment & 2-car garage. Beautiful
area. Wooded setting. 3BR, fireplace into the great room,
of the house and a price. 1 Bath, lg Living Room. HW 2 car garage, 12’x24’ sun hardwood floors, backs up to cherry cabinets, formal dining
One change is fixed free during the first four weeks.
Floors. Energy efficient, oil or room. Very quiet and gamelands, close to school. room, & propane fireplace.
Further changes cost $20 each.
wood heat. Low taxes & utility $247,000. For 24 hour $179,900. For 24 hour
Call Seth at peaceful section of
bills. All appliances included. recorded information & recorded information &
Charlwood Estates.
Special 443-9131, ext. 302
for more details
Move-in condition.
NOW $79,900
Call 570-472-8719 after 4
address, call 1-800-722-1389
and enter code 2776.
Mary Enck Realty, Inc.
address, call 1-800-722-1389
and enter code 2366.
Mary Enck Realty, Inc.
PAGE 14–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011
10:30 p.m. 1-29. PSP-Fern Ridge arrested and taken to the county

Police Beat by Seth Isenberg

will investigate.
The Pocono Plateau is not
high enough for some
jail. While on the way, she made
threats to cause the man “bodily
harm.” When sober, she faces
PA State Police-Lehighton were cident. rested the 19 y.o. Pocono Summit The evening of 2-3, PSP-L charges of simple assault, terroris-
called to Camp Adams in Penn PSP-L investigated the death of man and took him to the county caught two Kunkletown area driv- tic threats, resisting arrest, harass-
Forest Township because two a 65 y.o. Saylorsburg an on 2-9 jail, 2-1 1:03 p.m. ers for DUI, a 42 y.o. woman ment, and possession of a crack
boys, 16 and 17, had run away at (discovered dead at his East For- A 48 y.o. Lehighton man turned under the influence of drugs at pipe. She will meet District Judge
6:30 p.m. 2-1. Both were later lo- est Drive home just after 2 a.m.). himself in to PSP-L on 2-3 after 9:20 p.m. and a 55 y.o. man under Richard Claypool for a hearing on
cated near Jim Thorpe. Police Monroe County Deputy Coroner being notified of an arrest warrant the influence of alcohol at 10:20. 2-17.
took them away, and they will be Donald Gower determined the for him issued in Adams County, A 59 y.o. Saylorsburg man Just before midnight on 2-8,
returned to Lycoming County and man died from natural causes. Colorado, on attempted child sex- threatened a 65 y.o. Gilbert man PMRPD stopped a car on Route
Erie County respectively, to be PMRPD filed charges against a ual exploitation charges. He was at Dueblerʼs Trailer Park about 611 near Tobyhanna Village in
placed in another facility. 35 y.o. Tobyhanna man who had arraigned before District Judge 2:30 p.m. 2-4. The 59 y.o. will be Coolbaugh Twp. and found it
Pocono Mountain Regional Po- a fight with another man at the Bruce Appleton, bail was set at charged with harassment, PSP-L. smelling of burnt marijuana. The
lice Department were called to a WalMart store, then fled, 7:23 p.m. $100,000 and 10%—which the During this investigation, the man driver was an 18 y.o. Pocono Lake
Mountain Terrace, Tunkhannock 1-3. The victim said that the man man was able to post and so is was found to have a small amount girl, and her passenger, and 18
Twp. home at 8 a.m. 2-5 for a re- became upset when a jar of Al- free until an extradition hearing at of marijuana and some drug para- y.o. boy from Tobyhanna—who
ported domestic dispute involving fredo sauce broke on the floor, a later date. phernalia in his possession. He was found by police to be sitting
a gun. On arrival, police met a 46 and some of it got on the manʼs A traffic stop on Route 115 of a faces additional charges for pos- on a plastic bag of marijuana. A
y.o. man outside and saw injuries. shoe. Using video footage, police car with a headlight out at 1:22 session. consent search found another
He reported that his 19 y.o. step- were able to identify the suspect a.m. 2-4 found a 23 y.o. Hanover, PMRPD picked up a 47 y.o. small bag with marijuana stems
daughter had assaulted him, using and have filed charges of simple PA man wanted by Luzerne Bartonsville man who was stag- inside. Both were arrested, and
a BB gun. It was located and assault, harassment and disor- County at the wheel for a DUI inci- gering along Route 940 in Mt. the girl was taken to PMC for a
taken as evidence. The girl was derly conduct through District dent. He was arrested and taken Pocono at 2:08 a.m. 2-5. He was blood test. Both will be charged
arrested and charged with simple Judge Tony Fluegelʼs office. to the county jail for Luzerne offi- found to be drunk. He was with possession.
assault at PMRPD HQ, where she PMRPD stopped a car on cials to come pick him up. charged with public drunkenness, Keeping the rubber side
was processed then brought to Route 196 due to an expired in- A Meckesville Road, Penn For- then taken to a relativeʼs home down... or not
the Monroe County jail to stay, spection sticker, and found a pas- est Twp. homeowner reported that and released into their custody. There were lots of accidents
pending her arraignment. The senger wanted by Monroe County a snowmobiler drove over two At about 4 a.m. 2-7, PMRPD due to ice and snow this week.
man also faces charges in the in- for a probation violation. Police ar- bushes in the victimʼs yard, about was called to an Overlook Drive, One took the life of a 45 y.o.
Indian Mountain Lakes, Tunkhan- Palmerton area man who lost con-
nock Twp. home about a domestic trol of his Ford F-150 pickup and
Open for Breakfast and Lunch All Week. assault during a party at the resi- went off Lower Smith Gap Road,
Dinner served Thursday, Friday and Saturday. dence. Police arrived to find three rolling over about 1:35 p.m. 2-4.
BYOB Closed on Tuesday. people, all intoxicated. Their story PSP-L and emergency respon-
is that the three argued, and the ders found him dead at the wheel.
36 y.o. Albrightsville woman threw PSP-F charged a 38 y.o. Say-
Lake Harmony between Big Boulder & Split Rock
a beer can at a 37 y.o. Brod- lorsburg woman with unsafe driv-
Full Service Catering Available headsville man. During the inter- ing for causing a three car
view, the woman shoved a police rear-ender accident on Route 115

(570) 722-7467 officer, twice, in an attempt to get

to the man (to hit him). She was
south of Brodheadsville at 2:45
p.m. 2-3. No one was hurt. All cars

Open for
Valentine’s Day Dinner
Monday, February 14
3 Course Romance Dinner
We’re a REAL dealer
Reservations suggested.
selling REAL cars to
BYOB (570) 722-7467
REAL people!
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839-0770 Mt. Pocono Plaza, Mt. Pocono, PA 18344
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011–PAGE 15
were towed from the scene. PSP-F arrested a 28 y.o. Effort
There were a couple of acci- man for shoplifting from Mr. Zʼs in Seth’s Sightings...
dents caused by drivers going too
fast for icy and snowy conditions
on Route 248 early on 2-5. PSP-L
Brodheadsville 12:19 p.m. 2-3.
PMRPD arrested a 48 y.o.
Philadelphia man for shoplifting
Poconos in the Game Continued from page 10

will file charges on both drivers. from WalMart in Mt. Pocono 6:35 For the vacancy on the PA Gaming Control Board, PA Democrats se- gallon in New Jersey, but did save
Later that morning, PSP-L was p.m. 2-3. Both men were caught lected Keith McCall, the recently retired speaker of the house, as their quite a bit on a fill-up on our way
called to an ʻ09 Chevy Silverado by store security. caucusʼ representative. The position is a two-year term and pays home.
resting rubber side up off Route At 8:17 a.m. 2-4, PMRPD was $145,000 annually. McCall, of Lansford in Carbon County, replaces for- Thank you to everyone who
903 near White Birch Dr. in Penn called to WalMart in Mt. Pocono to mer legislator Jeff Coy, who had served on the board for the maximum helped in finding Claraʼs dog Spot
Forest Twp. The 38 y.o. Norwood, arrest a store employee whom of six years. on Sunday. She escaped her
PA, driver hit a patch of slush on store security had videotaped Republicans reappointed Gary Sojka as their caucusʼ representative. fenced yard by climbing a pile of
the road and lost control. She is while stealing items as he worked. Perhaps adding McCall to the PGCB will add the right mix of people snow. Ruth and I spent time pa-
charged with unsafe driving. Nei- The 36 y.o. Canadensis man was to get a decision about the resort license. There was no decision from trolling, but she proved elusive. A
ther she nor her two children were seen to steal four iPods and other the Board again this week. local dog-lover and her daughter
hurt—she and her 12 y.o. were se- items, worth nearly $2,000. In- Maryland is beginning to see the returns from its push into slots gam- were able to secure her and
curely safety belted and her infant stead of a day at work, the man bling. Ocean Downs has been open for a month and brought in slightly brought her home. I reduced the
was in his child safety seat. was taken to PMRPD HQ for pro- over $3 million – slightly below projections but not bad considering the pile of snow near the fence by
Stealin’ cessing, then brought before D.J. winter weather. Last week, the path to reopening the closed Rosecroft stomping it down, and everyone
PSP-F is investigating the bur- Fluegel to be arraigned. Bail was Raceway became clearer with Penn National Gamingʼs high bid. This will be keeping a closer eye on
glary of a Hawthorne Court, set, and met, and a preliminary week, officials are looking to smooth the way to getting a casino open in Spot through the winter (Spot is
Camelback Mountain area vaca- hearing on the charges was slated Baltimore. named because of the prominent
tion home between 1-31 and 2-4. for 2-11. Good gaming to all! dark gray spot between her ears.)

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PAGE 16–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of February 11, 2011
ship in winter. ignated snowmobile roads and biles are registered and display
It is unlawful for snowmo- trails marked with appropriate a valid registration decal from
Out in the Open by Alex Zidock biliers to chase or harass wild
animals. And while state game
Snowmobiliers can use the
the state Department of Con-
servation and Natural Re-
lands are open for snowmobil- state forest and state game sources.
Ice Fishing Is Fun You can easily make a pair ing, riders should stay on des- lands as long as the snowmo-
Ice fishing is hot right now of ice awls to put in your pocket
and if you are one of those who or hang around your neck in
canʼt resist being on a frozen case you fall through the ice.
lake and listening to the still- Awls allow you to get a grip on
ness of winter while catching a the ice and pull yourself out. A Pocono landmark
few fish, remember your num- Cut two four-inch pieces of for over 30 years
ber one concern is safety for broom handle. In each piece,
you and anyone else you take in the end, drill a 1/8-inch pilot ANNUAL CHOOSE
• Prime Rib
onto the ice. hole about 2-1/2-inches deep. SURF & TURF • Lobster Tail
• USDA Prime Sirloin Steak
Our region is experiencing Cut the heads off of two 16d
Common nails and gently tap
CELEBRATION • Jumbo Gulf Shrimp (Grilled or Fried)
some nice ice and while you
• Marinated Chicken Breast
may be anxious to auger some the blunt end of the nails into • Canadian Snow Crab Legs
holes in the ice donʼt leave the pilot holes leaving the • Eggplant Parmigiana
INCLUDES EVERYTHING • Dry Pack Scallops (Broiled or Fried)
common sense on shore. Take points exposed. That will leave
a friend, wear a life jacket, let about one-inch of the pointed Including Salad Bar & all the Smuggler’s trimmings
people know where you are
going and check the ice begin-
end of the 3-1/2 nail exposed.
Tie a three-foot cord to each
Make your Valentine’s Day reservations now!
ning at shore until you get to awl. Or, you can buy the awls Rt 611, Tannersville • • 570-629-2277
your fishing destination. at most sporting goods stores,
With all of the new fabrics but for safety sake you must
like fleece itʼs a lot easier to
layer clothing to maintain
have them any time you ven-
ture onto the ice.
warmness and still have great Snowmobiles can go almost Pennsylvania Energy Choice Program:
flexibility. Rubber insulated
boots are best, wear sock lin-
anywhere and they are a great
way to get your gear to where
An opportunity to save.
ers and heavy wool (not cot-
ton) socks.
you want to fish. But be sure
the ice is thick enough to han- Attention: PPL & PECO Customers
Donʼt even think about step- dle the weight of the machine.
And because snowmobiles
ping onto the ice without some
kind of spikes on the bottom of can travel through the forests
your boots. A fall on the ice and fields at rapid speeds itʼs
could end your day quickly. not unusual that you may sur- What does this mean? Thanks to an innovaƟve and comprehen-
Donʼt drink alcohol while on the prise wild animals. Unfortu- sive iniƟaƟve from the state of Pennsylvania you are now able to
ice it will make you colder. In- nately itʼs the snow that makes
stead bring warm drinks and the machines work and itʼs also choosewho you buy energy from.
plenty of high-energy snack the snow that causes wild ani- • Save. You can now save up to 15% or more on the supply
foods. mals elevated stress and hard-
porƟon of your electric bill. PLUS, if you enroll today you’ll
Help local residents and ski or tube receive a $50* cash bonus rebate.
free at Camelback Mountain Resort • Same Reliable Service. Your current uƟlity company sƟll
delivers the energy to your home or business on the same
Camelback Mountain Re- ceive one open-to-close ticket power grid you’re using today. There’s no change in response
sort, Pepsi Corp and the for that day. Coats for women
United Way of Monroe County and men, adults, teens and
Ɵme or guaranteed services.
have teamed together to help children are welcome. Dona- • Simplicity. You get the same monthly bill from your uƟlity
local residents in need stay tions should be brought to
warm this winter. Camelback is guest services, where the free
company. The only diīerence is that the “supplier charge”
offering a free lift ticket on lift tickets can be picked up. will be much less. Enrolling is easy!
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Donated coats will be distrib- • Risk Free. No contracts to sign and no hidden fees.
February for the donation of a uted to those in need through
new or gently used coat. The United Way of Monroe County When do my savings begin?
lift ticket is valid for snowtubing partner agencies. AŌer your registraƟon, savings usually start at the next full billing cycle.
or skiing.
How will I be billed?
The “Coats for a Cause”
event will end on February 15 PARC plans You will be billed exactly as you always have been by your local uƟlity
and 17. With the donation of a company.
coat or jacket, patrons will re- sledding day How do I get started?
The Pocono Area Recre-
ation Commission has sched-
It’s easy – in fact we’ll do the work for you; all you need to do is pro-
H. John Davis
uled a Family Sledding Day at
Skywood Park for February
vide informaƟon from your electric bill – then soon aŌer you will see
the lower rates on your bill.
HEATING OIL 20, from 1 to 4 p.m., weather
and snow permitting. This is a
Sign up and start saving today!
PROPANE fun time for all and there will be Simply go to
(800) 532-8283 hot cocoa available. There is or
no charge as Skywood Park is Call 866-582-3728
a publicly funded recreation
*Limit one per household/business. Switching to a third-party supplier is not mandatory. We support
area. budget billing. Serving New Jersey, ConnecƟcut and Pennsylvania. License #ESL-0085

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