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A tale of twin’s towns: Natural capital Degradation

By: Ahsan Nawaz and Shoaib Khan

The problems in the towns

Cause: The tropical trees found in the secondary forest of Top Ville are showing a slow and

fragile growth. The tropical trees are dying due to the different insect infections found in the

area, as well as the trees are collapsing unaware.

Effects: The tropical trees, mostly native to the towns that have been suddenly showing signs of

weakness. The effects have destroyed natural habitats and disturb the environment around these


Solution: A solution for these trees is moving and replanting the trees in a more stable

environment, which will provide nutrient-rich soil and away from the insect infections and use

the chemical or biological control to reduce the infection. The vegetation surrounding the coal

strip mine has vanished entirely, leaving not a single blade of growing grass.

Two solutions
Cause: The vegetation found around the new coal strip mine, has completely disappeared from

the area due to deforestation. This has resulted in what used to be the spreading and flourishing

of grass to be seen as now flat land, leaving not a blade left from the new mining infrastructure.

Effects: The effects of this have grown into extreme deforestation. As the logging resulted in

space for the mining and oil industries, it also affected the natural environment, as it used to

flourish in green living.

Solution: To solve this growing issue near these coal mining strips, the solution would be to

Reduce the production of coal as it might turn into a secondary succession by humans.

Discharge at a specific location of waste stored leached to the Crystal lake’s water, there is little

vertical mixing among the stratified layers of a lake which further inhibits the dilution of the

pollutant. There is a sharp rise in bladder and lung cancer cases among baby boomers.

Cause - The pollution from the factories are starting to affect the water and vegetation of the

local area. This causes the food and water that the baby boomers are consuming to give them

effects like bladder and lung cancer.

Effect - Raise in hospital visits, bills, more medicine needed, more deaths.

Solution - Purify the water and food and make sure that what they are consuming will not affect

their health in a bad way. Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by planting native trees, Increase

use of greywater treated as waste water from homes and office buildings. Use ecologically

friendly methods to treat sewage the black water. Minimize industrial air pollution and Educate
public about refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle.

Some of the Solutions to prevent water pollution

Never to dump household chemicals such as oil (frying oil or car oil), paint thinners, paints,

pesticides, unwanted medicines etc. onto the ground or down the drain and Never to apply

pesticides or synthetic fertilizers near a water reservoir.

Cause: Citizens are eating and drinking dirty substances causing their mouth to fill with germs

and other things that can cause new dental problems.

Effect: More dental problems and health problems arise in the community. People can lose teeth

or get gum diseases

Solution: Make sure people are brushing, flossing, and rinsing their mouths twice a day. Also

again make sure citizens are getting purified food/water, not the polluted stuff the companies are

making/infecting. Another option is to make sure factories are having less of an effect on

surrounding bodies of water. The few dental offices are overwhelmed with a variety of dental

problems rarely seen before in the communities.

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