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Take One
Serving the communities of the Pocono Mountain School District and surrounding areas.
#1 News Weekly
©2011, JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC., All Rights Reserved
in Monroe Co.
VOLUME 15, NUMBER 34 Week of January 14, 2011

Monroe County Commissioners declare 2011 Year of Unity

by Jeanine Hofbauer nities that respect and show-
As Monroe County cele- case the increasing diversity of
brates its 175th anniversary, of- county residents. Commis-
ficials elected to dedicate sioner Suzanne McCool pro-
efforts in celebrating the rich di- claimed, “The resolution today
versity throughout the area. will become a part of Monroe
Commissioners unanimously County history.”
approved proclaiming 2011 as The Monroe County Council
the Monroe County Year of on Inclusion’s proposal of the
Unity at their meeting January decree was welcomed as the
5. The intention of the declara- county ranks second in the
tion is to encourage all munici- state at 27% of foreign-born
palities, community groups and residents. Former State Repre-
individuals to organize opportu- sentative John Siptroth was on
Commissioners review agenda items at their meeting Jan. 5.
PMRPD K9 named 2010 Monroe County hand to accept a plaque com- McCool went on to present
Drug Task Force Officer of the Year memorating the occasion on
behalf of the MCCOI for their
an additional resolution com-
memorating the 25th anniver-
by Jeanine Hofbauer efforts since 2008 in rallying the sary of the Dr. Martin Luther
Monroe County District Attor- support of over 60 county resi- King federal holiday. A celebra-
ney E. David Christine has be- dents including elected officials, tion breakfast is scheduled for
stowed the honor of The business representatives and January 17 at East Stroudsburg
Monroe County Drug Task community leaders building a University.
Force Officer of the Year to its foundation of respect and un- Jim Becker, Chairman of
first canine recipient. Retired derstanding, and embracing the Leadership Pocono invited
Pocono Mountain Regional Po- growing ethnic population. Sip- commissioners to the organiza-
lice K9 Kane was joined by for- troth stated, “We appreciate the tion’s initiative to implement the
mer partner/present companion Commissioners extending their new resolution with a “Building
Corporal Matt Nero at the D.A.’s hand.” He paid homage to the Strength through Diversity”
office January 11 to receive a late Bob Hillman, long time civil workshop. The event will take
plaque symbolizing the occa- rights activist and founder of the
sion. Unity Coalition of the Poconos Please turn to page 2
Detective Eric Kerchner pre- for his enduring efforts for the
sented the plaque on behalf of
the D.A. to Nero for Kane, point-
movement. Clarification
McCool made the presenta-
ing out that attempts to keep tion, reading the inscription on C.J. Dickinson was quoted
the designation a secret failed the plaque and emphasizing, in our last week’s story about
miserably. The officer caught a “To create an inclusive commu- Tobyhanna Township Super-
glimpse of Kane’s name on a nity spirit.” She spoke of the visor’s meeting, regarding an
plaque in the D.A.’s office listing county’s original inhabitants, out-of-service alarm at
past and present recipients and the Leni Lenape Indians instill- Pocono Mountain West High
immediately called to thank the ing the image of diversity School. Dickinson said he
office for the recognition. through time. Commissioner was quoted accurately by re-
The Monroe County Drug Theresa Merli added, “This is a porter Jeanine Hofbauer, but
Task Force Officer of the Year is formalization of everything hap- wanted to make it clear he
given to law enforcement offi- pening throughout our commu- was speaking as a private cit-
cials who have conveyed exem- Detective Eric Kerchner presents PMRPD Corporal Matt Nero nity.” izen, and not as a represen-
Please turn to page 3 with plaque for K9 Kane. tative of the fire company.
PAGE 2–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011

Coolbaugh Township maintains board positions into 2011

by Jeanine Hofbauer reappointing the depositories required. bids received for a sports utility beginning 7 p.m. at the Cool-
Coolbaugh Township held its for the township, and retaining The commercial lease agree- vehicle for the township. baugh Township Municipal
re-organization and business the Certified Public Accountant ment was approved between Amounts received from dealers Center located at 5550 Memo-
meeting Monday, January 3 as services of Gneiding, DeSanc- Coolbaugh Township and the throughout the area ranging rial Boulevard, Tobyhanna.
required for townships through- tis, Blizzard & Company LLP for District Court for the term of from $18,814.21 up to $23,395
out Pennsylvania. Joseph $10,000. January 1, 2011 through Janu- were rejected. A re-bid for a Journal of the Pocono
O’Boyle continues as chairman The board went on to ap- ary 1, 2012. The requirement by 2010 vehicle off the lot is ex- Plateau e-subscription is
and Lynn Kelly as vice-chair- prove the office of Pennsylvania Coolbaugh Township for the pected. just $10, delivered
man. Supervisors went on to Senator John Blake’s request lease term of a full year was ac- The Coolbaugh Township
to your e-mail every
week. Send an e-mail to
reappoint Robert Hutchins, Jim for the utilization of office space cepted. Board of Supervisors will meet
Frutchey and Harry Smith as at the municipal center for con- Officials reviewed numerous next on Tuesday, January 18,
representatives to the Pocono stituent services two days a
Mountain Regional Police Com- month in the conference room.
mission. Other business ed A certificate of insurance will be

throughout the year. The group

Monroe… is joined by various township
Continued from page 1 historical societies and organi-
zations planning their own ac-
place at the Sherman Theater tivities. The March 2
on Main Street in Stroudsburg Commissioner’s meeting will
January 21. He directed the kickoff festivities with cake and
commissioners to contact the early 19th Century music from
Greater Chamber of Com- The Chorus of the Poconos
merce offices at 421-4433 to under the direction of Tom
register. Salmon. As events continue
McCool later detailed the throughout the year McCool
work of the Monroe County suggests visiting the County’s
175th Anniversary Celebration website at
Committee in organizing events us for the latest updates.

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The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011–PAGE 3
New Jersey posing a challenge
PMRPD… to officials in the county the Letter to the Editor
continued use of trained K9 To the Editor: was in various Military Hospi- troops that had hand and arm
Continued from page 1
units like this is crucial. Merry Christmas, Happy Hol- tals for 15 non-stop months. Not injuries or were paralyzed. They
plary efforts throughout the PMRPD Chief Harry Lewis idays and a safe, healthy New counting out patient visits and were my heroes.
county in its war against drugs. nominated Nero for the award Year of 2011. My Helene and I therapies later on. For one com- I vowed way back then (1967)
The D.A.’s office began by pre- in 2007. Lewis comments, “Matt were in your newspaper ringing plete year, 12 months I was in that for the rest of my life I
senting the honor in 2005 to closes one chapter with Kane the Salvation Army bell in the traction, a body cast, then more would somehow pay them back
Narcotics Officer Lucas Bray. and is doing a phenomenal job foyer of the Aharts market. I surgery at the Valley Forge for their kindness to me and my
Detective Eric Kerchner re- with Niko because of their great was the guy in my First Cavalry Army Hospital in Phoenixville. wounded comrades. So yes, I
ceived the award in 2006. work alike.” His confidence in Army Stetson hat. Every Wednesday afternoon rang that bell wearing my Army
PMRPD Corporal Matt Nero re- the department’s K9 teams is It was an honor to ring that about 1 a van full of volunteers Stetson. And proud of it. That
ceived the tribute himself in justified as the apprehension of bell. Why? I was shot up pretty from the local Salvation Army money I know goes for worthy
2007. Chief Steven Williams of felons and narcotics parapher- bad during my tour as a Ma- chapter came to visit and bring causes. God bless them all.
Barrett Township was 2008’s nalia attributed to their work chine Gunner with the Army in sandwiches, juices, sodas, Sincerely,
recipient. In 2009 Roberts continues. Vietnam 43 years ago this com- cookies and conversation. A full Jim Breen,
Burns, also of Barrett Township These days Kane enjoys ing Feb. 11. Long story. The bul- year I was in that place. They Rotarian,
at the time was the honoree. being the center of attention at lets broke my left thighbone. I would also write letters for the Top-o-Pocono Club
Now 2010’s recipient Kane will community events such as the
hold the title as the first K9 offi-
cer to receive the distinction.
county’s West End fair. Nero
and Kerchner laugh as they de-
Save Haven Pet Rescue needs help
District Attorney Christine scribe the upstaging that oc- Safe Haven Pet Rescue will sive animals, many kill puppies tions, visit www.SafeHaven
considered Nero and retired curred once the K9 was have a volunteer meeting on and kittens and specific breeds,, or email Save
Kane a team while on the force, brought out to the booth they Tuesday, January 18, at 6:30 and many kill owner surren- Join Safe
reliant on their close bond to had manned for a greater part p.m. at Cherry’s Sunset Family ders. High kill shelters have a Haven, PA on Facebook.
solidify the strength for an ef- of the day with a modest atten- Restaurant, Route 209, Kres- rate of 75-100%. More pets are
fective strike against drugs in dance. Once Kane appeared, geville. All local animal lovers killed in shelters than by dis- PUBLIC NOTICE
Monroe County. Christine the booth was mobbed with at- are invited. Safe Haven Pet ease or accident. The Township of Tunkhannock announces the
following 2011 meeting schedule for Boards and
states, “There’s a number of tendees, all interested in their Rescue is a group of people Safe Haven needs help with Commissions:
Board of Supervisors
K9s in the County but no one K9 hero. With this latest honor, based in the West End of the dog transport, dog adoption Regular Board Meeting 2nd Wednesday of
the month at 7 p.m.
like Kane.” With the region’s be prepared to wait in the Poconos, who save highly days, fundraising efforts, home Work Session* 4th Wednesday of the month
at 7 p.m.
close proximity to New York and wings, guys, as 9-year old adoptable pets from high kill visits, reference checks, and *as needed and regular business may be
acted on if necessary
Kane oblivious to the cause for and overcrowded shelters and other clerical help. All Safe Planning Commission
Work Session* 2nd Wednesday of the month
his fame will enjoy his hard- find them loving homes. The Haven rescued dogs are in fos- at 4:30 p.m.
*as needed and regular business may be
earned recognition. number one cause of death to ter care now. Foster pet parents acted on if necessary
Regular Meeting 3rd Wednesday of the
our cats and dogs is shelter are always needed in order to month at 4:30 p.m.
Environmental Advisory Committee
killing. Many shelters kill for save more dogs. Safe Haven 1st Wednesday of the month 3:30 p.m.
Zoning Hearing Board
space, many kill shy or aggres- pays all expenses for foster *4th Tuesday of the month 1:00 p.m.
*as scheduled
dogs. Hours of Operation
Tunkhannock Township Municipal Building is
For information about Safe open from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday - Friday
(Closed for major holidays—see our website).
Haven Pet Rescue, to see pets Long Pond Road, Long Pond PA 18334
570-646-3008 Phone
available for adoption or find 570-643-5469 Fax
volunteer and foster applica-

MT. POCONO Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

1200 Route 940
(1/4 mile west of WalMart) Saturday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
570-839-2344 Sunday CLOSED

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PAGE 4–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011

Blake Sworn in to State Senate

In front of dozens of family reform the local and business and improve the quality of life
members, friends and support- tax structure, help distressed for all residents in my district.”
ers, state Sen. John P. Blake cities and spur the state’s Before being elected to the
took the oath of office to offi- downtrodden economy. state Senate, Blake served as
cially begin his first term serv- “While I am humbled and Executive Deputy Secretary for
ing Pennsylvania’s 22nd honored to be sworn in as a the state Department of Com-
Senatorial District, which in- state senator, the reality of the munity and Economic Develop-
cludes Lackawanna County impending budget deficit and ment, managing a $1 billion
and portions of Luzerne and crumbling transportation infra- budget and a staff of 350 work-
Monroe counties. structure makes today more of ers.
Blake brings a lengthy back- a work day than a celebration,” Blake’s Scranton district of-
ground in community and eco- Blake said. “I look forward to the fice is currently located in the day through Friday. The Scran- Constituents can also reach
nomic development to the many challenges that lie ahead Mezzanine at 409 Lackawanna ton office can be reached at Sen. Blake by e-mail at senator-
Senate where he said he will over the next four years and will Ave Suite 1, and will be open 570-207-2881 or toll-free at 1-
work on innovative policies to work to increase opportunities from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- 877-346-5721.

Pennsylvania American Water Scholarships available

State Sen. John Yudichak is Scholarship Program, which paths.” ice territory.) service territory. Applications
urging students who wish to provides college scholarship The company will award ten Students must plan to attend can also be downloaded from
enter fields vital to the water assistance to students living in $2,000 scholarships to students a two- or four-year college or the company’s Web site at
and wastewater industry to Pennsylvania American Water’s throughout Pennsylvania. Ap- technical school.
apply for the Pennsylvania service areas. plicants must meet the following Students must plan to study m and must be postmarked by
American Water Scholarship The program is designed to criteria and will be selected environmental science, environ- February 11, 2011.
Program. Applications are support outstanding students through an application process: mental engineering, biology or Winners will be selected by a
being accepted now. who are planning studies in Students must currently live chemistry. panel of judges and will receive
“This scholarship program is specific fields that are crucial to in one of Pennsylvania Ameri- The company recently mailed their awards in May. Family
a great way to boost the studies the water and wastewater in- can Water’s service areas. (Stu- scholarship brochures and ap- members of Pennsylvania
of bright young minds focused dustry, from engineering to en- dents may attend college plications to high school guid- American Water employees are
on a career specific to the water vironmental science. outside of the company’s serv- ance counselors throughout its not eligible.
and wastewater industry,” Yu- “Maintaining safe water is
dichak said. “I urge students in-
terested in this critical industry
vital to public health and the
health of the environment,” Yu-
S&T Coombe of Blakeslee has advertised
to apply for this valuable schol- dichak said. “I applaud Penn- with the Journal since 1991.
arship today.” sylvania American Water for
Pennsylvania American their desire to assist students Here’s what owner Cindy Coombe has to
Water has opened its 2010- who focus on this important ef-
2011 Stream of Learning fort when choosing their career say about this long relationship.
The grill blowout
In this tough economy, the
advertising we did this year
Journal has found creative
in the Journal helped us
ways to stretch our
sell out a line we
advertising budget…
were discontinuing.

Journal of the Pocono Plateau

e-subscription is just $10, delivered to
your e-mail every week. Send an e-mail Allen Bryfogle, long-time
salesperson for S&T Coombe, In 2009, Michael Coombe was named manager.
to providing friendly answers. He now helps his mother Cindy run the business.
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011–PAGE 5

Area Funerals
Joann Steinfels eral nieces and nephews. She sister, May Bauer Wolff. ager moving raw materials Heriberto Lopez, and his wife,
Joann M. Steinfels, 71, of is predeceased by a sister, The Bolock Funeral Home, around the globe. Upon Yolanda, of Tobyhanna; and
Pocono Lake, died on Friday, Marie Lelino. corner of Routes 940 & 390 in Huberʼs relocation to New Jer- two daughters, Clarissa Castro
January 7, 2011. She was the There will be a viewing on Cresco, was in charge of sey, they moved to Scotch and her husband, Jose, also of
wife of Ronald Steinfels. Sunday, January 16, from 2 to arrangements. The Reverend Plains, New Jersey, in 1970. At Tobyhanna, and Eileen Lopez
Born in Angeola, Italy, she 5 p.m. at the Bolock Funeral Dr. Thomas Richards con- retirement, they moved to To- and her husband, James
was the daughter of the late Home, corner of Routes 940 & ducted a funeral service Janu- byhanna and later spent their Riera, of Dover, New Jersey;
Raffaele and Jennie (Amen- 390 in Cresco. Fr. Joseph ary 11 at the funeral home. winters at Sandpebble in Stu- six grandchildren; and several
dola) Staiano. Joann worked in Kopacz will celebrate a Mass Interment followed at Pocono art, Florida. brothers and sisters.
the garment industry as a of Christian Burial on Monday, Lake Cemetery in Pocono Burial with military honors Burial was in the Strouds-
seamstress for many years January 17 at 10 a.m. at St. Lake. was at the Gerald B.H. burg Cemetery Stroudsburg.
until her retirement. Mary of the Mount Catholic Solomon Saratoga National
She is survived by two Church, 27 Fairview Ave, Henry Graebner Cemetery, Duell Road, Mae Kile
daughters, Joyce Sole and Mount Pocono. Henry H. Graebner of Schuylerville, New York. Mae H. Kile, 64, of Toby-
husband Vincent of Cresco Coburg Village, 90, formerly of In lieu of flowers, donations hanna, died Wednesday, Jan-
and Joann Yakscoe and hus- Frank Bauer Tobyhanna and Stuart, Florida, may be made in Henryʼs name uary 5, 2011, at the VNA
band Frank of Long Pond; a Frank C. Bauer, 83, of passed away Thursday, Janu- to the Albany VA Hospital, 113 Hospice House, Smithfield
brother, Enrico Staiano of Pocono Lake, died Thursday, ary 6, 2011, at the VA Hospital Holland Ave, Albany, NY Township.
Pocono Lake; two sisters, Con- January 6, 2011 at home. in Albany, New York. 12208, Attention Voluntary Born March 11, 1946 in
nie Terlizzi of Long Pond and Born in Totowa, New Jersey, Henry is the husband of Services. Brooklyn, New York, she was
Antoinette Bascotti of Union; he was the son of Frank R. and Anita (Deringer) Graebner, the daughter of the late William
seven grandchildren; three Martha (Joeckle) Bauer. Be- having just celebrated their Heriberto Lopez and Edna (Williams) Kile. She
great-grandchildren; and sev- fore his retirement in 1982, 68th anniversary. He is the fa- Heriberto Lopez, 65, of Toby- was a resident of Tobyhanna
Frank was a maintenance su- ther of Linda Schoeps, Phyllis hanna, formerly of Dover, New for the past 20 years and prior
pervisor for the United States Brundige and Joyce Gerlach. Jersey, died on Wednesday, to that of Queens, New York.
6W1LFKRODV Postal Service in New York Survivors also include six January 5, 2011 at Pocono Mae attended the Pocono
%\]DQWLQH City and a member of the Mail
Handlers Union.
grandchildren and seven
Medical Center, East Strouds-
burg. He was the husband of
Community Church.
She is survived by her sister,
&DWKROLF&KXUFK Frank served on the Board of
the Arrowhead Lake Commu-
Henry was a retired U.S.
Army Major, having served in
Clara (Ceballos) Lopez.
Heriberto was employed as
Edna Breuer of Tobyhanna; a
niece, a great-niece, and
3RFRQR6XPPLW3$ nity Association. He was a Cor- Europe during World War II. a printing press technician for great-nephews.
poral in the Army Air Force who Henry worked for J.M. Huber in many years. She was predeceased by a
',9,1(/,785*< 0$66 served during World War II New York City as a traffic man- He is also survived by a son, brother, William.
6DW30‡6XQ$0 earning a Good Conduct

Medal and a World War II Vic-
tory Medal.
MS Walk at Pocono Raceway this April
VW6DWXUGD\‡0RQWKO\ He is survived by a son, On Sunday, April 17, walkers long, and it starts and ends tact Judi Simmons at
William Bauer of Pocono Lake and supporters throughout the with music and lots of great 1.800.883.WALK or
and a sister, Ruth Bastin of Poconos will fight MS together food. Come join us in this great
Brimfield, Massachusetts. He with food, fun and music at the way to fight MS! The initial meeting will take
was preceded in death by a Pocono Raceway this year. Help make a difference at place on January 19, at 6 p.m.
Registration will take place at the MS walk site and help cre- at the Western Pocono Library,
the NASCAR pavilion in the in- ate a great event. To join the Brodheadsville.
field of the track, and the walk planning team, please con-
will take place on the infield
roads. A Corvette race will take
place throughout the day on
the actual track. The walk is
approximately three miles

meet in
Church Women United of
Monroe County will hold a
business meeting on Friday,
January 28, at 1:30 p.m., at
St. Johnʼs Lutheran Church, 9 Walmart Distribution Center 6080 in Tobyhanna helped make
N. 9th Street, Stroudsburg the holidays special for a needy family assisted by the Head
(use back entrance). The Start program and United Way of Monroe County. Walmart
group was organized in 1959 donated an artificial Christmas tree to the family in response
as an ecumenical movement to a request by the United Way. Pictured from left are Chris
to bring Protestant, Roman Grape-Garvey, community outreach director for United Way
Catholic, Orthodox and other of Monroe County; Bill Gardner, Walmart DC 6080 quality as-
Christian women together. surance manager; Tina Johnson, a Head Start teacher in
For more information, call Coolbaugh Township; and Tracy Crosier, quality assurance
629-0649. operations manger at Walmart.
PAGE 6–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011

Dr. Andrew Church: Animals adore him, people trust him

by Jeanine Hofbauer alike. omy affecting pet lovers,
Since opening its doors three Graduating from the School of Churchʼs focus remains on his
years ago on Route 940, the Veterinary Medicine at the Uni- four-legged patients. “I donʼt do
Blakeslee Animal Clinic has es- versity of Pennsylvania at the favors in return for favors,” says
tablished itself as a valued con- age of 40 proved to be an asset Church of his in-kind services to-
tributor to the community thanks for Church. His age helped him taling approximately $225,000 in
to Dr. Andrew Church and his utilize patience in earning the 2010. He describes a recent inci-
friendly staff of eight. Church V.M.D. status obtained through dent Christmas weekend when a
proclaims, “I have phenomenal the esteemed institution. family brought their ailing dog in.
people working for me.” Pocono Mountain Regional pAfter examining the animal
The clinic provides general Police K9 Niko, along with re- Church diagnosed it was suffer-
care and checkups for pets but tired K9 Kane, receives free vet- ing from Pyometra, a serious in-
refers emergency care to erinary services from Dr. fection requiring urgent surgical
Churchʼs trusted colleagues at Church. PMRPD Chief Harry care worth $2,500. The dis-
Valley Central in Whitehall, Lewis comments, “We donʼt ex- traught mother, who had suf-
Pennsylvania. He limits orthope- pect this type of kindness or fered a recent injury and
dic surgery to laser operations service but the department does financial hardship herself, could
on small dogʼs knees. appreciate the donated services not afford the procedure. Church
Dr. Church is well known of Dr. Church.” The vet consid- describes looking at the visibly
throughout the area as not only ers his assistance a simple ex- upset daughter. Aware of the
a comrade to the animal world tension of his appreciation for need to sustain his own staff, he
but also to their human cohabi- the service the dogs provide the asked the mother, “How much
tants. The vetʼs infectious jovial community in which he resides. money do you have that will not
personality resonates through- Dr. Church states, “I do this for take away from your Christmas
out the office as you enter, eas- what this dog does.” dinner?” Unsure of the reason
ing tensions of pets and owners Conscious of the current econ- the mother offered $140. Church

S & T Coombe, Inc.

then turned to the daughter and
stated, “May I have consent to
Stove & Fireplace Specialists perform surgery on your dog?
Merry Christmas.”

ONE STOP SHOP When pet owners hesitantly

approach the vet or his staff for
help in placing their pet they are
Church also assists with spay
and neuter services as an ani-
had assisted with animals such
as tigers and lemurs at a nearby
Coal, Gas, Pellet & Wood Stoves, Outdoor Furnaces unable to care for, they are met mal enters adoption/rescue fos- zoo, but has since relinquished
Over 70 units on display and 10 operating. with a non-judgmental hand as ter care. those services focusing on solid-
an animalʼs welfare remains his Dogs and cats are but a few of ifying his presence in the com-
Showroom Location: first priority. Dr. Church reaches the species the Blakeslee Ani- munity as a source for healing
Route 940 out to contacts at local rescue mal Clinic has helped. Rats, rac- the family pet.
(4/10 mile west of Route 115) organizations and abroad such coons and de-scented skunks
within 50 miles
as Camp Papillon Pet Adoption
& Rescue, the Pocono Humane
join lizards, iguanas and even pi- LWV slates
(with purchase of any new stove.) geons as patients of his clinic.
of old stove
Society and the Philadelphia
SPCA. Gerri Papillon states, “As
Church proudly describes his
status as, “The New York Rat
January meeting
(with purchase of any new stove.)
a rescue, heʼs helped us a lot.” Vet.” In previous years the vet The League of Women Voters
(570) 646-8254 • Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. of Monroe County will meet at 5

Submarine Veterans to meet p.m. on Wednesday, January 26

in the Community Room,
Hughes Eastern Monroe Library,
The U.S. Submarine Veterans, Pocono Base, will meet Wednes- Route 611, Stroudsburg. The
day, January 19 at 7 p.m. at the Wilson Fischer American Legion, League is a nonpartisan organi-
Post 413, Old Route 940, in Pocono Pines. zation helping to promote politi-
They meet regularly on the third Wednesday of each month. cal responsibility through
They are a part of the national organization, U.S. Submarine Vet- informed programs. New mem-
erans, Inc. Submarine veterans from all eras are encouraged to bers are welcome. Call 646-
apply for membership. For additional information and directions, 2865 for more information.
visit , or call 629-2742.

Village Squire
Restaurant 940 and Route 115, Blakeslee Corners

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©2011, JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC., All Rights Reserved

VOLUME 15, NUMBER 34 Week of January 14, 2011

Red Hawk Singers Howetown Ice Harvest is February 5

appear at local gallery Come join us at the Howetown Farm Show admission charge for this event and parking is
Silver Arrow Gallery in Tan- grounds in Sterling on Saturday, February 5 for free – just come and enjoy a day reliving the
nersville will host a reunion of an old fashioned ice harvest. See how our an- past. Light refreshments will be available.
The Red Hawk Singers on Jan- cestors cut and preserved ice in the winter for Remember, this is an all-outdoor event, so
uary 16 from 1 to 4 p.m. The use during the hot summer months. Ice blocks please wear sturdy boots and dress warmly. In
Red Hawk Singers are a tradi- are cut by hand from the pond and then taken case of inclement weather, please call 503-0501
tional Native American Indian by sled to the ice house with a team of horses. for more info.
Drum group. After 10 years in The ice will be packed tightly in sawdust or straw The Howetown Farm Show Grounds are lo-
retirement the Native commu- and will last long into the summer. cated on Route 196 in Sterling, adjacent to Gas
nity of the northeast has re- The ice cutting will begin around 10 a.m. and Hollow Road.
quested that the group get back at the gallery to play and dis- continue until the ice house is full. There is no
together. cuss the possibility of returning
During their time together this to the pow wow circuit.
well known drum group per-
formed across the USA, in Eu-
The demonstration program
is free and open to the public.
The Evolution and Decline of the
rope and for the Pope. The
drum has recorded 11 CDs,
Members of the drum will be
available to answer questions
Steam Locomotive theme for film night
some of which are available at about Native music and culture. The National Canal Museum 28, in the auditorium of Two Admission to this event is $5
the Silver Arrow Gallery. Four For further information call 619- will hold its annual Railroad Rivers Landing, 30 Centre for museum members and $7
generations of singers will meet 0461. Film Night on Friday, January Square, Easton. for the general public. Doors
Mitch Dakelmann, film histo- open at 7 p.m. and the film will
High Elevations Specials rian and curator for the National be shown at 7:30 (approxi-
RR Historical Society, will be mately three hours long). Seat-
FROM OUR BAR the host. Films will focus on the ing is limited to 125 persons on
12 oz. Black & Tan Draft - $1.75 birth and early development of a first-come first-served basis.
SOUP DU JOUR steam locomotives and their tri- Two Rivers Landing is lo-
Chili - $2.50 Cup $3.50 Bowl umph during the early years of cated ½ mile south of U.S.
APPETIZER the 20th Century. His presenta- Route 22 or 1½ miles north of I-
Sausage Cheese Puffs tion will illustrate why steam lo- 78 in downtown Easton. Enter
$4.95 comotives were so rapidly the building at the Pine Street
ENTREES replaced by diesels after World (rear) entrance. Parking is
Kids Fried Mac & Cheese with Fries - $3.95 War II. Mitch’s films will docu- available on the street or in the
Pork Stir Fry ment attempts during the parking garage (fee $5) across
Located on Route 940, 5 miles West of Blakeslee
Pork Tenderloin cubed and sauteed in sesame oil finished
OPEN: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. & Sun. 4-9 p.m. 1990s to create new classes of from the building. For further
Sat. 4-10 p.m. in soy teriyaki sauce served over rice pilaf.
Wed. CLOSED $14.95
modern steam locomotives. Un- information, call the National

Blackened Red Snapper
fortunately, all these efforts Canal Museum at 610-559-

failed. 6613.

Cajun spiced snapper blackened

served with a daily vegetable and your choice of a side. Knights of Columbus

Chesapeake Bay Crab Cakes
Our own made crab cakes are accompanied with

Old Bay fries and a side of house coleslaw.

SPECIAL $16.95
Saturday, February 12 • 6-11 p.m.
Christ the King Family Center
Route 940, Blakeslee
12 oz. House Cut NY Strip. Banana Cream Pie $2.25
Adults - $20 • Children under 12 - $15
All Major Credit Cards Won’t you join us for an evening of Good Food, Music and Fun while
$16.99 RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED 443-8899 helping those in need! Limited seating. Please pre purchase all tickets
or call for your reservation today! Frank Manole at 570-722-2458.
PAGE 8–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011
chose as my side dish was a so we split a slice of very good

Dining Out good accompaniment with just a

bit of the sour cream served on
the side. Mixed vegetables were
perfectly steamed, still crisp and
caramel-apple cheesecake,
$4.25. Ruth enjoyed a cup of cof-
fee as well, and we sat and re-
laxed, and studied some of the
very flavorful. bits of local history displayed
The Village one facing the road, and then de-
cided it was warmer on the other
But first, we ordered an appe-
tizer of steamed mussels in a Ruth's plate was crowded with throughout the room.
side of the table and moved basil, garlic, white wine sauce, flat, hollow pasta. Inside each Others were enjoying as well.
Squire there.
Having checked out the spe-
$6.95. Seven plump, juicy mus-
sels were served in their shells,
tube was a ricotta filling, smooth
and creamy. On top was a won-
One family of skiers was finishing
dinner. Another group arrived
Route 115, just south of cials blackboard, we had an idea swimming in a bowl of pale green derful combination of sweet sun- straight from the slopes to enjoy
Blakeslee Corners of what we wanted for dinner, but sauce. We needed extra of the dried tomatoes, rich garlic and the hospitality of the friendly bar
by Seth Isenberg listened to our server, just in case warm crispy whole wheat rolls slightly salty feta. The patches of in the Charles Dickens Pub. It
A meal out after a busy day she had something extra to add. just to sop up the broth. dark green spinach dressed up was a beautiful cold snowy night
was just the thing to cap a nice It was Prime Rib special night, Ruth was sipping a glass of the plate and provided a pleasing in the Poconos, and we were all
weekend. It was after 7 when we and I selected the 12 oz. English Merlot, $6.50, while I contented contrast to the rich sauce. in just the right spot to enjoy it.
rolled in to the Village Squire Cut for $12.95. Ruth also chose myself with a refillable Diet Pepsi Though the dish was filling, she The Village Squire is closed on
restaurant's parking lot off of a special, cheese-stuffed rigatoni with a slice of lemon, $2.95. ate all of it, except for a few tastes Mondays. Credit cards are ac-
Route 115 in Blakeslee. Our tim- with a sauce of sundried toma- Our entrées were attractively for me. cepted, and there's plenty of free
ing was excellent, in that the table toes, feta cheese and spinach, served—and large. The prime rib We weren't planning on parking.
nearest the gas fireplace was $15.95. Both entrées came with a was a perfect medium, as or- dessert. But our server brought a Phone: 646-3446
open. Ruth promptly took a seat choice of soup or salad; each of dered. It was a thick cut, juicy and tray filled with appealing choices,
closest to the heat, while I chose us chose salad. flavorful. The baked potato I

Current Cinema by Pete Chapla

cially-conscious films, made two Spartacus – Stanley Kubrickʼs The Time Machine – A superb
The Year’s Best Films from 1960 this year; the other was Judg- work in Paths of Glory convinced adaptation of H.G. Wellsʼ science
For a change of pace from Shirley MacLaine and Fred Mac- ment at Nuremberg. Kirk Douglas, in the title role as a fiction novel. George Pal won an
those lists touting 2010ʼs best Murray co-star. The Magnificent Seven – Op- slave who led a rebellion against Oscar for his amazing special ef-
films, letʼs look back – 50 years to Elmer Gantry – Burt Lancaster eratic in its staging and blatantly the Roman Empire, to give the fects, and Rod Taylor and Yvette
be exact. Hollywoodʼs “golden was at his charismatic best as a contemporary in dialogue, John promising young director a Mimieux starred. Like The Alamo,
age” was nearing its end, thirty- charlatan preacher. Richard Sturgesʼ remake of The Seven chance at an epic. Kubrick not The Time Machine was remade
year screen veteran John Wayne Brooksʼ film was admired for its Samurai nonetheless boasted only encouraged excellent per- decades later.
finally tackled his dream project, frankness in dealing with great action sequences, a great formances - Peter Ustinov won a The Virgin Spring – A stirring med-
and a young director named hypocrisy in religion. Academy score by Elmer Bernstein and a “Best Supporting Actor” Oscar – itation on sin and the consequences
Stanley Kubrick got the opportu- Awards for “Best Actor” (Lan- dream cast headed by Yul Bryn- but handled the difficult crowd of revenge, directed by the great Ing-
nity to do a big-budget film. Here caster) “Best Adapted Screen- ner and Steve McQueen. scenes exceptionally well. mar Bergman and starring Max von
are the 10 best from 1960, listed play” (Brooks) and “Best Psycho – Possibly the most Sydow. The winner of the Academy
alphabetically: Supporting Actress” (Shirley viewed film of 1960 in the half Award for “Best Foreign Film.”
The Alamo – John Wayne di- Jones). century since its release, and still
rected and starred as Davy The Entertainer – A complete one of the most suspenseful
Crockett, with Laurence Harvey change of pace for Laurence movies ever made, Psycho More weight loss classes opened
as Colonel Travis and Richard Olivier, who received a “Best added to Alfred Hitchcockʼs repu-
Widmark as Jim Bowie. Big in Actor” nomination for playing has- tation as the cinemaʼs most visu- The initial Weight Loss Challenge class at Northampton Commu-
scope, furious in its action se- been vaudevillian Archie Rice. Di- ally-inventive director. Janet Lee, nity College scheduled for Thursday nights proved so popular that it
quences, and patriotic as all get rected by Tony Richardson who, Anthony Perkins and Vera Miles filled rapidly. A second class is now being formed, which will begin on
out. in three years, would win an star. Tuesday, January 18, 6:30-7:45 p.m. If interested, call 570-839-8772.
The Apartment – Billy Wilder Oscar for Tom Jones.
directed this “Best Picture” Acad- Inherit the Wind – Acting tour
emy Award winner about an am- de forces from Spencer Tracy
bitious insurance clerk (Jack and Frederic March, who play op-
Lemmon) who loans his apart-
ment to married company higher-
posing counsel in this dramatiza-
tion of the Scopes “Monkey Trial.”
I Can’t Believe
ups for clandestine meetings. Stanley Kramer, known for so- You Don’t Have
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The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011–PAGE 9
Nursing Student Jasmine M. King, Tobyhanna, to serve in Africa
(570) 443-8321
A Product of
Business office 211 Main St., White Haven, PA 18661
Member: Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, MACPA, Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce, PMVB
First Class Postage $75 per year. Bulk Mail Subscriptions are $35 for 52 issues
in PA, NJ & NY, $40 elsewhere. Six month and college-year subscriptions are $20.
Ruth Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief, Seth Isenberg, General Manager,
Martha Searfoss, Office Manager
Bob Pugh, Richard More, Sales
Christy Brady, Finance, Steve Stallone, Sports Editor,
Heather Maslo, Chris Soboleski, Production Staff
©2011, JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC. All Rights Reserved.
Also publishers of: The Journal-Herald (weekly since 1879)
News of The Poconos
The Journal Valley Views and The Journal Mountaintop
Dedicated to Jay Holder 1926-1997 printed on part-recycled newspaper
Jasmine M. King of Tobyhanna, along with three other Wilkes University senior nursing stu-
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau—providing information
dents and assistant professor of nursing Wanda Ruppert, accepted a check from the Zeta Psi
and communication to build a better community. organization who raised money to fund their medical trip to Burkina Faso and Kaya, Africa,
from January 14 through 22. King and her team will travel with an interdisciplinary medical-
surgical team to provide nursing care and health care educa-

Poconos in the Game by Seth Isenberg

tion to people in need. King is the daughter of Van and Linda
King. Zeta Psi is a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor
Society. The team accepts a check from leaders of Zeta Psi.
Governor Ed Rendell is con- Mount Airy Casino Resort con- pansions at area casinos. Both Left to right are Jasmine King, Maria Grandinetti, Mary Kate
cerned about his legacy being tinues to lag most other state the Sands in Bethlehem and Brady, Jeanne Wood, Kristin Parachin, Mary Ann Merrigan,
that he was the gambling gov- casinos in their take. The Para- Mohegan Sun near Wilkes- Wanda Ruppert, and Lori Drozdis.
ernor, responsible for shep- dise Township facility recently Barre are moving on getting ho-
herding in the era of slots and cut back the number of slots tels on site. The Mohegan Sun
now full casino gambling into machines, and asked the Gam- is also planning a big entertain-
our state. Apparently, he is a bit ing Commission to allow them ment space for concerts,
touchy on the subject, given his to cut back a few dozen more. comics and more.
reaction on national TV to ques- The machines were less played Ocean Downs in Maryland
tions about the negatives of the or in areas where Mount Airy opened its slots parlor to the
industry, versus the positives. could use a bit more room (the public this month. It will add an-
Our area for the most part floor was rearranged to accom- other entertainment option to
has enjoyed the positives, modate table games). Ocean City beach goers. The
though it’s a concern that Plans are proceeding for ex- Hard Rock Casino Hotel was
given its first approvals to build-
ing in the vacant lots south of
the Atlantic City Hilton.
New Jersey is also in the
process of an attempted priva-
tizing of its state-owned horse
racing facilities. This might have
an impact on gamblers now
traveling to the Sands or Mount
Airy. We will watch this closely.
No decision yet on the last re-
sort license for PA… politics…
Good gaming to all!
PAGE 10–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011
sit down for a while, and so went missed were the Honey Produc-
Seth’s Sightings by Seth Isenberg to the large arena to enjoy the ers, the Vegetable Growers and

rodeo, only to find it full up. Even- the Mushroom Growers.
tually some of the seats opened The 2011 Farm Show closes
Two little snowstorms made for one end of the show to the other, up, and we were able to sit down this Saturday. Admission is free;

some challenging driving Friday viewing cattle being prepared for and enjoy the show. Once that parking is $10.
and Saturday. In both cases, treat- show, and 4-Hers in line to have wrapped up, we grabbed a couple It was earlier than our norm
ment and traffic made roads safe. their goats judged, with the line more things to eat, of course a when we started our ride home,
On Friday, it took until about noon, behind them being the firs group
and it took until mid-morning on for sheep judging. There were a lot
milk shake from the PA Dairymen,
and a baked sweet potato from the
which was a good thing, because
it started to snow, and we needed 570-894-3494
Sunday, except where wind was of nervous kids. Potato Producers. Ruth also to take our time, because it even-
blowing snow. There were piles of We witnessed an official talking bought some maple candy from tually began to accumulate. The Oil Change – $19.95
blown snow all around where we to groups of the kids, getting them the PA Maple group. We got cider dogs had been in White Haven, We Do PA State Inspections
drove on Sunday afternoon. As of ready, telling them to smile, and to to take home from the Apple 179 Main Street, Tobyhanna
this writing, we may get a little work to keep their animals under
more snow on Tuesday into control (“Four hooves on the
Growers, and the only groups we Please turn to page 15
Wednesday—exciting, but thank ground”) and to have fun. Some of
goodness, no blizzard. them looked like they were having 1 2 3 1 2 3
Sunday, on our way to shop- fun.
ping, we sighted a line of ducks, We made our way over to where
4 5 6 7 1 4 5
making their deliberate way from a the Hershey cake judging was tak-
wide, warm creek to the back yard ing place. As we have learned, at
5 3 8 6 7 1
of a nearby house. I was able to the proper hour, judged cakes are
7 3 5 1 6 1 3 8 4
pull the truck over to watch, and shared with the audience. We
we learned the object of their de- were pleased to be able to sample 6 2 5 6
sire was a full feeder, likely con- three small slices—one of which
taining ducky delights. It certainly we really liked! 8 2 4 9 5 4 8 9 2
drew a crowd…of ducks, that is. From there was the butter sculp-
Also on our trip Sunday, we ture to admire, entries in competi- 9 8 1 4 9 8
passed a bed and breakfast tions are varied as
whose main distinguishing feature mini-landscapes, quilts, apples, 5 2 6 3 3 5 7
was the feature of four Border Col- canning, wine and the most won-
lies, outside in the yard. Three had derful apple pies (sadly only on 7 9 4 2 8 3
taken up positions guarding the display, no samples). There were © 2009 Hometown Content
© 2009 Hometown Content
door back inside from the back- a few minutes to be spent watch-
yard, while the fourth had gone out ing the cooking competition; Ruth Unsteady Steps
on patrol, to check the perimeter got a small cookbook signed by ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
against intruders, perhaps. one of the contestants, the chef of 1. Headquartered 14 15 16
On Friday evening I had a trip to the Waterworks restaurant in 6. Lovers' skirmish
Lehighton to make, and chose to Philadelphia. We also were able to 10. One "36" of 36- 17 18 19
take the Turnpike, because it was sample the dish they were prepar- 24-36
14. Prefix with 20 21 22
faster. I didnʼt know how much it ing, wagon wheel pasta with wild
would cost, just that the prices had mushroom sauce (it was mush- physicist 23 24 25 26
15. Dinghy propellers
gone up, so I figured Iʼd look at the room day). On our way, we passed
16. 440-yard-long 27 28 29
toll ticket. However, this was when a beautiful display of mushrooms, path, perhaps
the tickets without price informa- including a contest where mush- 17. Lloyd Price #1 hit 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
tion. I learned it would cost $1.85 rooms were used to create a of 1959 39 40 41 42
when I got off. It used to cost 75¢ scene—worth seeing, very clever. 19. Turkey's monetary
not so long ago. Cutting back, we went through unit 43 44 45 46
Saturday was devoted to our at- the poultry room just after they had 20. Peppermint Patty,
to Marcie 47 48 49 50
tending the PA Farm Show in Har- judged the best in show. There
risburg. I had gassed up in were all kinds of chickens, some 21. Billionaire Bill 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
22. What "i.e." stands
Lehighton, paying $3.07.9 per gal- quite beautiful and others quite for 59 60 61 62
lon. We arrived mid-afternoon, and ugly. For that matter, there were a 23. "__ the money ..."
made a beeline to the food court. number of types of turkey on dis- 25. Part of a ship 63 64 65
First stop was the PA Livestock play. I only noticed that ducks above the water 66 67 68
Association stand for lamb stew were on display after hearing a line
for Ruth, while I selected a nice cock-a-doodle-doo followed up by 27. Atlas enlargement 69 70 71
bowl of turkey chili from the PA a quack-quack-quack. The ducks 29. Atom with a
charge American Profile Hometown Content 1/9/2011
Poultry Producers, along with were on a lower level of cages.
30. Maya Angelou's
some red beet and mustard eggs. At this point we had walked our- 64. Chorus director's 9. Mao __-tung 45. Contributor to a
"Still __"
Fortified, we took a long walk from selves enough distance to want to 33. Pain-in-the-you- sounders 10. Dominating cause
know-what 66. Garfield's pal 11. Like Wrigley 48. To this point
35. Euphoric feeling 67. Gibson of oaters Field's walls 50. Inscribe indelibly
39. "The Satanic 68. Three-time 12. Dissect 51. Sidelines TV
Verses" author Wimbledon grammatically greeting
Salman winner Chris 13. Mattress supports 52. Battery terminal
41. Mortarboard 69. "Miss Peach" 18. Huskers' units 53. "On the Beach"
attachments cartoonist Lazarus 22. Prefix with thermal penner Shute
43. Teamster's rig 70. Concerning, or metric 54. Vidalia or
44. Sign away legally speaking 24. Line holder Bermuda
46. Ribbed fabric 71. Formation at a 26. Gyro bread 56. Place for a
47. Bill, the "Science river's mouth 28. Pointless Olympic squirting flower
Guy" event? 57. Open to view
49. Met performance DOWN 30. Apr. addressee 58. Jamaican cultist
51. Useless member 1. Low man at the 31. Feel remorse 61. Entr'__ (play
of an entourage Met about break)
55. President Zachary 2. John of "The 32. Doctrine 64. Honor society
59. Chemically Addams Family" 34. Interval from C to letter
nonreactive 3. Blank look D, musically 65. "__ been had!"
60. Social justice org. 4. Bit of work 36. Waikiki souvenir
62. Clark's 5. Dad-blasted 37. Right-angle bend
"Mogambo" 6. Put into piles 38. Immigrant's subj.
costar 7. Portrait painter's 40. Torte topper
Incubator at Farm Show. 42. Hard up for dough
63. Push a pawn handful Answers on
8. Joe Cocker's "You page 14
__ Beautiful"
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011–PAGE 11

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350, S3-400. CASH PAID. 1- publication and others like it. Package! Call 24/hrs. 1-888-
Do you earn $800 in a day? Main Street, White Haven ATTEND COLLEGE Online
8 0 0 - 7 7 2 - 1 1 4 2 . Over 5 Million households for 556-5478.
Announcements Your Own Local Candy Route! -Second Floor, office from Home. *Medical, *Busi-
1-310-721-0726. only $475 a week. Call today 1-
25 Machines and Candy All for space, 450 sq. ft., ness, *Paralegal, *Criminal ASSEMBLE MAGNETS &
800-450-7227 or visit Justice. Job placement assis- Crafts from home! Year-round
$9995. 877-915-8222 All Major 2 rooms, plus restroom.
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Autos Wanted Credit Cards Accepted! For details call
Take a stab at FITNESS and FUN Promote Your Online Business nancial Aid if qualified. SCHEV rience! TOP U.S. COMPANY!
Beginner Classes Tuesday Nights Frac Sand Haulers with com- 570-443-8885 after certified. Call 877-692-9599 Toll Free 1-866-844-5091
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7 to 8 pm starting Jan. 18 DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE plete rigs only. Tons of Runs in 10 a.m. or 443-7384 CODE 20.
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sword and Place your Journal classified on-line at ment assistance. CALL 1992! Genuine Opportunity!
have at it. —follow the CoolerAds link on the right side of the page. DELL LAPTOP computer, Aviation Institute of Mainte- Start Immediately! Toll Free 1-
For more details go to: super fast, excellent condition. nance 877-803-8630 800-205-9664. Internal wireless card,
THE OCEAN Corp. 10840

DVD/CD+RW. Premium soft- Rockley Road, Houston,
FAST IRS TAX RELIEF. Do ware bundle. Six month war- Texas 77099. Train for a
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HIT BY A TRUCK? Disfigured 321-0298.
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mercial Vehicle? You Need Our by us directly to Motor Vehicle Bureau, that means you get yours back quickly! FROM HOME, 6-8 Weeks. AC-
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DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Rt. 611, 1/4 mile North of the Light, Bartonsville Predicts Severe Shortage. Fi-
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Most Highly rated breast can- 5 Notaries on Duty - Call Terry, Marguerite, Barbara, BeaAnn or Ron http://www.AviationMainte- Your ad can go ging? Need fast $500-
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cer charity in America! Tax De-
ductible/Fast Free Pick up. Decentralized Motor Vehicle Service Agent here. Call 1-866-386-3692 www.lawcapi-
1-800-379-5124 www.cardona- FAX 570-629-3242 • Phone 570-629-3344 or 800-421-3350 443-9131 xt300
PAGE 12–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011

Financial Land for Sale Miscellaneous Motorcycles Notices

CASH NOW! Cash for your Upstate New York LAND BAR- ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE Online Classifieds with over 20
structured settlement or annu- GAINS ATV & Snowmobile from home. Medical, Business, SCHOCH Websites featuring local adver-
ity payments. Call J.G. Went- Trails. State Game Lands. 19 Paralegal, Accounting, Criminal Harley-Davidson/Buell tisers for less than $10 per
worth. 1-866-SETTLEMENT Acres Valley Views- $29,995. 5 Justice. Job placement assis- Corner of Rt. 209 & 33 site/per week. Call today 1-
(1-866-738-8536). Rated A+ by Acres Camp Lot- $15,995. tance. Computer available. Fi- Snydersville, PA 800-450-7227
the Better Business Bureau. Adirondack River-WAS: nancial aid if qualified. Call 570-992-7500
$119,995. NOW: $69,995. 24 800-494-3586 www.Centu- Mon.-Fri. 8-8 • Sat. 8-5 • Sun. 10-4
First 400 Callers! Help Reduce
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livery in a reusable cooler,
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ORDER Today. 1-888-429-
tenance Career. FAA approved Schools
IF YOU USED TYPE 2 DIA- 2366 mention code 45069CSK
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Lots & Acreage fied - Housing available. CALL
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nance (888)834-9715
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may be entitled to compensa- - $39,900. Hilltop fields, FREE GAS! $25.00 Free Gas,
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charity in America! Tax de-
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OWNER SAYS SELL! 8 acres and other oil & gas interests.
Drivers: Local Hazleton
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under priced! Wonʼt last! (888)
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check/ Mastercard. 1-866-562- do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter,
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Items Wanted of legal services performed by other lawyers.
BUY VIAGRA, Cialis, Levitra,
Propecia and other medica-
DIABETIC TEST STRIPS tions below wholesale prices.
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Call Test Strips 4 Kids @ (877) White Haven
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CALL 1-888-434-0403

Place your Journal classified on-line at
—follow the CoolerAds link on the right side of the page.
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011–PAGE 13

House For Sale

938-940 North St, Quiet Neighborhood

Dallas Hickory Hills Imagine 1.5 acres in Strouds-
First Floor Condo, completely Freeland #07-2330 NEW CONSTRUCTION
redecorated and nicely fur- Country charmer with in town
White Haven By Butler Valley Blders. 3
burg, tucked away on a hidden
Custom built in ’04, bi-level, 3+BR, White Haven BR/2 Bath Ranch in Beau-
driveway and just two blocks Gorgeous & immaculate
nished. 2 BR, 1 3/4 BA, Sitting conveniences. Currently used
as an adult care facility. Huge
1.5 BA, Fam Rm, 1 car garage, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath tiful Breezy Acres Drums
from 9th Street and the Mall. The house for sale, 3 bed-
RM, Cedar closet, Loads of
storage, patio, tennis, golf, income potential. 5 BR, 2 1/2
energy eff., private gated com-
Ranch home with large Area. Includes public Sewer
cozy family room has a great room, 1 1/2 bath in private
munity w/pool, lake and security. wood stove. The garage has an setting in A Pocono
pool. Move right in. Priced for BA, full basement, master on 1 Acre. $329,900
Haz. SD, close to I-80, shopping deck. Set on 4 acres. enclosed breezeway to the
Country Place.
quick sale $115,000. suite, and low taxes. Additional Call LORI COOK house–never get wet or cold!
and Pocono Resorts. Owner relo- Asking $295,000. Price Reduced
Go to the top call land available. $249,000. at 788-7503 or 788-1999 Call today 09-2361 $189,900
cation. Sacrifice at $149,900.
Jane Kopp Real Estate Aim High Realty, Inc Call Owner (570) 579-6411
Call Valerie LEWITH & FREEMAN R.E. CENTURY 21 Select Group Asking price $80,000
288-7481 570-443-7860 or (570) 956-2594 at (718) 217-8875 Addt’l Lots Avbl. for Custom Homes! 570-643-2100 ask for Betty Call 203 262-8419

407 Luzerne St., Freeland White Haven 185 Birch Knoll Dr., Hazleton
List # 07-2311 Coolbaugh Township ARROWHEAD LAKES 3BR/2.5BA House on 1.08
List # 08-65 Falls, PA
Well maintained 1/2 double with WOW - NOT IN A Cozy Ranch, close to beach, Arrowhead Lakes Acres in a private lake commu-
newer windows. All appliances stay! New 3 BR, 21/2 BA Colonial nity. Close to parks, gamelands, Newer pre-manufactured home Ranch on 1+ Acre Lot! 2
COMMUNITY private pool and clubhouse.
in amenity filled community.
white water rafting, ski resorts, with many upgrades. Walk-in Car garage, 3 BR 2 full
Included is a 1,000 sq. ft. ranch with 1.81 acres, 4 BR/ 3 full BA, garage, 4 BR, sunroom, 2 full BA, and casino. Minutes to Poco-
2BR, 1BA, custom kitch. and LR. Eat-in-kitchen w/oak cabi- nos, Hazleton and Wilkes-Barre.
closets in all BRs, MBR has gar- baths. Two Tier Deck!
3,000 sq. ft., two fireplaces, 16x25 large LR with fireplace, din- den tub. Natural gas heat with
Ideal for rental or relatives. Lot 14, nets, Dining Room, Living Only $189,000. SHARP!
master, newly remodeled, extra liv- ing area. All appliances! Pri- Gordon & Long custom stone FP. Lg open kitch-
block 4 off of Juniper St must be ing area for big family. One year Room, 1870 sq. ft. Near
vate, gated community. Price Real Estate LLC en. On leased property.$53,900.
included in sale $106,000 warranty on elec, plumb, heat. beach. Seller will assist
Reduced–Asking $158,500 Cindy King Century 21 Select Group
Century 21 Select Group $189,000 w/mtge. $219,000
Call Brian McCardle at Call Colleen 570.675.4400 Office
Call Brian McCardle at Ed Beckendorff
Call (570) 350-2245 (570) 239-8862
Call Paul Weaver (owner) 570.690.2689 Direct
800.779.2584 (x 23) (570) 269-1773 800.779.2584 (x 23)

Rhodo Mountain Estates East Stroudsburg - Mt. Pocono Summit

Lake Ariel - Extra Lot! MUST SEE!
Looking for seclusion? Mag- Furnished 4 BR home boasts Towamensing Trails Pointe Community Nestled on side street in down-
nificent country post & beam Gorgeous! 2 Decks, Hot Tub, 1+ Brick Ranch w/Heated Gar, town Mt. Pocono, 2-bedroom
Pocono Summit (Emerald Lakes).
finished lower level w/ built in Acre lot, Front porch, master Cozy 3 BR, 2 BA, LR, FP, eat
home, cedar siding & decks, bar, woodstove, Vaulted Ceil- in kitchen w/ breakfast bar. 2 3BR, 2BA, LR, DR, new Kitch- with cute little yard. Hardwood Brand new, 4 brs, 2 -1/2 baths,
cherry cabinets, stone fire- suite w/fireplace, living room w/ en, Computer Rm, Sun Rm, Lg.
ing Living room has stone fire- brick fireplace, crown molding, decks. Newer windows, slid- floors, very clean. Nice front garage, new appliances, carpet,
place, & full finished base- Generator, Central AC, Full
place, loft, deck $251,092 Eat in kitchen w/ island! $249,450 ing doors and Carpet. Sold
Basement & Deck. Handi-
porch. Ready to move in. fixtures, low dues, lakes,
ment. For 24 hour recorded $85,000
fully Furnished. Asking capped access. Minutes to bus, clubhouse, pools etc.
information & address, call Keller Williams Real Estate
1-800-722-1389 and enter
$174,900. shopping, & casino. $202,000. Must See, asking
Call 215-997-9249 Ask for Dorothy Gross
code 2476. Alyce Lentz Liz Robbins Call Vincent at 570-421-2890 or $195,000 by owner.
View pics at www.forsaleby
Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 888-774-8488 888-774-8488 570-839-1393 or 801-2943 direct 570-620-6549. 570-355-5366

RE 401 Pohopoco Road
Lake Naomi 3-bedroom, 2 bath ranch home
Pocono Farms East - Pocono Lake, Stoney Hollow Rd. List #07-10738
32 Split Rock Lane Drums, PA Price - $249,900 in Pocono Mountain Lake com- Fully remodeled Dutch Cape w/new MBR suite, 3BR, 2BA, stone FP,
2500 Sq. Foot 2 Story - 4 Bdrm/3 Bath munity, Kidder Township. 3817 Norfolk Rd, Tobyhanna
Pocono Pines roof. 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba w/tiles, big deck, tile foyer, 1.13 acre cor-
Home - Great Area - 100 X 200 Very Weatherly Area School District. 3 BR 1.5 BA laundry room, tiled eat-in kitchen. ner lot. House is eligible for 100%
4 BR, 2 BA, Gas and Elec heat Nice Yard. Rear Deck / 2 Car Garage - 1905 sf well maintained
Near Turnpike & I-80. 2-car New well pump. 1.5 acre lot/ financing through the PHFA/
Furnished, 2 large decks, close Spacious Rms Throughout w/ New single family home built 2002 RURAL Housing Programs. Fur-
⁄2 wooded. Adjoins state land.
to lake, pool and club. Ex. cond. Hardwood Floors/Carpet & Tile. Formal approx 0.29ac. No development. 15x20 shed. niture negotiable. $244,900
Inspected. $239,900 Dining Room and Ceramic Tiled $109,900.
Close to I 80, whitewater For sale by owner. Pocono Resorts Realty
Lake Naomi Real Estate Kitchen w/ breakfast area, Family Rm Peters Real Estate rafting, casino and ski resort Listing #22463365 Sandra Ortiz
Justin Higgins w/ Full Stone FP. Master Bedrm w/ large Route 940, White Haven Reduced to $165,000 (570) 443-9555 x19
570-646-2222 WIC & 3/4 Private Bath - A Must See! Only $169,700
Call 570-236-0145 for more info.
570-443-8882 Call owner Bobby (570) 233-7670
800-537-1479 Call Aggie (609) 213-3332 1-347-248-7207

Beautiful expanded Cape Cod Holiday Pocono Well-maintained, 3-

features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, bdrm. home on quiet, wooded lot in One acre wooded lot with Skiers—Ski Lift is across the
and sit on 33+acres, granite friendly, secure community. Easy 380 W. Ridge St., Lansford 1 bedroom cottage, Lakefront contemporary, street from this 4 Bdr, 2 Bth
countertops, family room, Must see! Lakefront raised chalet
walk to pristine lakes for swimming/ Immaculate townhome. Nice just off Route 115 in 1 acre wooded lot, large deck home. Fireplace, loft, fully fur-
oversized 2-car garage, pond, with 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, family boating/fishing. Large screened neighborhood, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. overlooks the lake, 3 bedrooms,
porch, sunny lawns, pellet stove. Blakeslee. 1 bedroom nished and located on 1 acre.
water garden & orchard. room, laundry, new kitchen & Sunroom off large kitchen with 1.5 baths, full basement with 1-car
REASONABLE OFFERS 1 bath, kitchen/living garage, front & rear decks.
Great first time home buyer or
$598,750. For 24 hour much more! Situated on 1.16 acres fireplace, fened backyard, front
with 115 ft lake frontage. WILL BE CONSIDERED. porch, big living room, vinyl siding, room. Great investment; $475,000. investor home. $89,900.
recorded information & MLS #10-5186 Keller Williams Real Estate
$489,000. For 24 hour recorded asphalt roof, basement, all
possible owner financing. For 24 hour recorded information &
address, call 1-800-722-1389 information & address, call Asking $129,000 appliances and furniture. address, call 1-800-722-1389 and Call Dorothy Gross
and enter code 2836. 1-800-722-1389 and enter code DIETER METZGER $36,000 $55,000. Call Gary at enter code 2416. 570-421-2890 Office
Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 2766. Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 917-913-7873 Call Marie, 570-972-8715 352-229-3111 Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 570-620-6549 Direct

Advertise your home

for sale for $99
Ranch home on approx.
until it sells! .5 acre, Central air, l.p. gas
heat, 3 bedrooms, 2 tiled
Beautiful contemporary with
4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, formal This Cape Cod features 3 bed-
rooms, 1 bath, den, full base-
Ad must include a picture baths-1 with jetted tub,
dining room with see through
ment & 2-car garage. Beautiful
fireplace into the great room,
of the house and a price. 2 car garage, 12’x24’ sun hardwood floors, backs up to cherry cabinets, formal dining
One change is fixed free during the first four weeks.
room. Very quiet and gamelands, close to school. room, & propane fireplace.
Further changes cost $20 each.
$247,000. For 24 hour $179,900. For 24 hour
Call Seth at peaceful section of
recorded information & recorded information &
Charlwood Estates.
Special 443-9131, ext. 302
for more details
address, call 1-800-722-1389
and enter code 2776.
Mary Enck Realty, Inc.
address, call 1-800-722-1389
and enter code 2366.
Mary Enck Realty, Inc.
PAGE 14–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011
up, and its 55 y.o. driver outside, asked to do filed sobriety tests,
Police Beat by Seth Isenberg unhurt. In talking with the man,
police determined he was DUI.
and failed enough of them for
her to be arrested on suspicion
Pocono Mountain Regional attempted murder that hap- girl who stormed out of a Kres- PSP-L stopped a Jeep for of DUI. She was also found to
Police had a one-man crime pened early on 1-5 in Tunkhan- geville home after an argument moving violations on Route 903 have a warrant out for her in
spree in Emerald Lakes and nock Trails where a woman was 9:30 p.m. 1-6. in Penn Forest Twp. and found Northampton County, for DUI.
Tunkhannock Trails between 1- attacked as she slept in her car. PA State Police-Fern Ridge its 30 y.o. driver DUI, and with She was taken to PMC for a
4 and 6, starting with a stolen The attacker broke the window aided in the search for a run- drug paraphernalia, 8:37 p.m. blood draw (tests came back
pickup truck on 1-4, then a of the vehicle with a maul, then away 17 y.o. girl from Jackson 1-5. later to support DUI charges).
crash of that truck on Long struck the woman with it, pulled Twp. 2:42 a.m. 1-9. PSP-F broke up an underage From there, she was taken to
Pond Rd. about 2 p.m. on 1-5 her from the vehicle ripping her The Pocono Plateau is not drinking party at a home on Lin- the Monroe County jail to await
where the driver fled. About 40 clothes, and drove off in the ve- high enough for some den Ct. in Jackson Twp. Eleven extradition to Northampton
minutes later, there was an hicle. PMRPD reports that a PSP-L stopped a 42 y.o. Jim 18 to 20 year-olds from County on those charges.
alarm activation at a nearby fake bomb was left at the scene Thorpe area man for DUI on Philadelphia were at the party Keeping the rubber side
home. Police found no entry of the crime, causing the Bomb Route 903 near Church Rd. in at 12:25 a.m. 1-6. down... or not
was made, but also found an- Squad to be called out (This re- Penn Forest Twp. 8:30 p.m. 12- PSP-L stopped a vehicle driv- Another snowstorm brought
other home had just been bur- porter was told that the box had 28. ing on Kunkletown Rd. due to another bunch of snow-related
glarized on Long Pond Rd. The wires and electronics, but no PMRPD stopped a car on an expired registration 5:30 accidents. A variety of drivers
homeowner told police that he explosive). Police were able to Long Pond Rd. at 2 a.m. on 12- p.m. 1-6. Police found that the li- slid off Interstate 80, driving too
was missing three firearms. Po- identify the suspect as Jacob 29 after seeing it make numer- cense plate was counterfeit, as fast for conditions. There were
lice thought the thief could still Thompson, 30, of Long Pond. ous traffic violations – indicating was the registration card and a few rollovers and there were
be inside that home, and re- Thompson was caught on 1-6 driving while impaired. Police inspection... and that the 44 y.o. some injuries, none serious
sponded with the SWAT team after running from police as found a car full of teenagers Saylorsburg driver was driving PSP-F investigated a crash
and K9 units, but no one was they were investigating an from the Saylorsburg area, and with a suspended license. He where a 22 y.o. Effort driver
found. arson fire at an Emerald Blvd., all had been drinking. Three of was arrested for DUI, and faces drove off Route 115 near Weir
On 1-6, police responded to Emerald Lakes home. Thomp- them will be charged with un- a variety of other charges. Lake Rd. and into and through
another attempted burglary at son will be arraigned on at- derage drinking. PMRPD saw a vehicle 10 sections of split rail fence.
6:18 a.m. at a home in the 1200 tempted murder, robbery, auto PSP-L stopped to check on a speeding north along Route He then tried to drive his dam-
block of Hellers Lane (Tunkhan- theft, burglary, arson and more. car parked beside Gower Rd., 611 north of Mt. Pocono at aged ‘99 Nissan away, but it
nock Trails). The homeowner He is currently locked up in the running, and found a 47 y.o. 12:41 a.m. on 1-10. After pulling only could be driven another
was awakened by her dog bark- Monroe County jail. man unconscious, slumped out to follow, police saw the car mile before it quit. His two pas-
ing, and found her front door NJ State Police told PMRPD over the steering wheel. He was swerve over the centerlines and sengers at this point walked
open. When she went to close that there was a NJ fugitive at a taken to PMC for tests including also over the fog line. The car away, leaving the driver to face
the door, she saw a man on her Knob Rd., Mt. Pocono home a BAC (he was drunk - DUI then nearly rear-ended another police, 1-4 8 a.m. Charges in-
porch. When meeting with po- and police went to the address charges will filed depending on vehicle stopped to make a left clude failure to keep on the
lice, she gave a description that and arrested the 51 y.o. man test results) 12:30 p.m. 1-4. turn – and a traffic stop was road and hit and run. .
matched the suspect in the without incident. He is in the PSP-L was sent to a one-ve- made. In speaking with the 30 A 17 y.o. driver turned his car
stolen vehicle crash. county jail to await extradition. hicle crash off Kunkletown Rd. y.o. driver, a Tannersville man, into the path of an oncoming
On 1-7, PMRPD investigators PA State Police-Lehighton at 5:30 p.m. 1-4. Police found a there was an odor of alcoholic vehicle when trying to turn into
linked the above crimes to an aided in the search for a 14 y.o. Dodge pickup truck rubber side beverage. He was given and a parking lot off Route 209 in
failed field sobriety tests, and Brodheadsville, near Weir Lake

so arrested for DUI and taken Rd. The oncoming car hit the
to PMC for a blood test. driver’s side and spun the 17
H. John Davis PMRPD stopped car for y.o.’s car around. Two were hurt
We’re a REAL dealer HEATING OIL
speeding on Route 611 near in that car, one seriously. Two
the ShopRite Plaza in Mt. others were hurt in the other
selling REAL cars to PROPANE Pocono at 12:11 a.m. 1-11. Po- car. West End Ambulance took
REAL people! (800) 532-8283 lice found a 35 y.o. Freeland the seriously injured passenger
or woman at the wheel. There was to LVMC. PSP-F ticketed the 17
1-800-421-3350 839-7191 an open bottle of alcoholic bev-
erage and a multi-colored glass
y.o. driver, 1-4 8:58 p.m.
A 54 y.o Walnutport woman
pipe visible. The pipe had mari- ran the red light at the end of
This Week’s Answers from page 10 juana residue in it. She was Route 903 in Jim Thorpe and
Sudoku Solution #2053-M Sudoku Solution #2053-D Unsteady Steps

6 7 1 8 2 4 3 5 9 9 1 5 4 2 7 6 8 3
4 5 3 9 8 1 6 2 7 3 9 8 1 6 4 2 5 7 S T A G G E R L E E L I R A
2 9 7 5 6 3 4 8 1 6 8 2 7 3 5 4 1 9 O N E F O R T O P S I D E S
7 2 4 3 5 9 8 1 6 7 3 1 2 5 6 8 9 4 I R I S E P E S T G L E E
9 1 5 6 3 8 2 7 4 5 2 9 3 4 8 1 7 6 R U S H D I E T A S S E L S
8 6 2 1 4 7 9 3 5 4 7 6 8 1 9 3 2 5 N Y E O P E R A
3 9 4 8 7 5 1 6 2 1 4 5 6 7 2 9 3 8 I N E R T N A A C P A V A

5 8 2 4 1 6 7 9 3 8 3 6 5 9 1 7 4 2 M O V E P I T C H P I P E S
1 6 7 3 9 2 5 4 8 2 7 9 4 8 3 5 6 1 M E L L I N R E D E L T A
© 2009 Hometown Content © 2009 Hometown Content 1/9/2011
The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011–PAGE 15
struck a car that was passing Stealin’
though the intersection at the
time (9:35 a.m. 1-5). She hurt
PSP-L reports a burglary at a
Route 534, Kresgeville home. A
Scavello, Peifer and Brown to
the driver of that car, and he .22 cal. pistol and some cos-
was taken to the hospital. She
is charged with the accident,
tume jewelry were stolen, 12-
return COLA pay increase
PSP-L. PMRPD was at Bill’s Reps. Mario Scavello and lawmakers or any state leaders formed they would not receive
A 68 y.o. Pocono Pines man ShopRite twice on 1-6, arrest- Mike Peifer, along with newly to be taking a pay increase,” a COLA for the second year in
was driving south on Route 423 ing a 27 y.o. Tobyhanna woman elected Rosemary Brown, will Scavello said. “People across a row.
about 6 p.m. On 1-5 when his at 4 p.m. and an hour later a 24 return the 1.7 percent auto- the state are struggling. Right “The bottom line is that many
car went off the road into some y.o. Tobyhanna man. The man matic cost-of-living adjustment here at home, Monroe County Pennsylvania families, as well
boulders, beginning a series of fled from the ShopRite but was granted to lawmakers and other is laying off workers and no one as the state budget, are in dire
4 to 6 rollovers. PMRPD arrived identified and arrested at his state officials. is getting raises of any sort. fiscal straights. The last thing
to find the car laying on its side home. “Clearly, this is no time for Senior citizens were recently in- we should be doing is taking
at the bottom of an embank- more money for ourselves.”
ment. He was trapped, but Sightings… leaves me with the Patriots to
cheer for.
Coming back in the other direction
a couple of hours later, the gas Scavello, Peifer and Brown
freed by police and PMR EMS. In our ride through the snow, I gauge hovering at E, I thought why said they plan to return the 1.7
Continued from page 10 had the radio on in order to keep not. Our dark green truck was ba-
He needed a life flight to CMC. percent in additional pay to the
and we arrived there just as the me alert, and remember listening to sically a shade of white from the
His condition was later reported snows tapered off. Funny timing. AM stations in Chicago and Hart- road salt. We filled up at a cost of state in the form of a monthly
as stable. We tuned in to the Jets-Colts ford, and then Boston, where WBZ $3.11.9, less 20¢ per gallon, and check.
football game long enough to hear was broadcasting the Kim Ko- promptly spent it back on the car-
PSP-F investigated a crash the Jets win. Their game next mando Show, providing tech news wash—a much needed carwash.
off Old Stage Rd. in Penn For- week against the Patriots could be to feed our inner geek. I learned Later that night, Ruth had trouble Journal of the Pocono Plateau
est Twp. due to icy conditions a good one, or not. something during her show. finding our truck in the parking lot e-subscription is just $10, delivered
On Sunday, we tuned in to hear On Sunday I drove by a sign because it was actually clean. to your e-mail every week.
3:40 p.m. 1-6. No injuries re- the Ravens win, and then later lis- that said 20¢ off per gallon if you We sighted a fox in our travels, Send an e-mail to

Service Directory
ported. tened as the Eagles lost. That bought a carwash at Turkey Hill. and also a pair of pheasants.


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PAGE 16–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of January 14, 2011
able base. The next inside
layer is usually softer
Out in the Open by Alex Zidock grapevine bark, then some
leaves and finally some soft
grasses. Itʼs common that car-
Cardinals with tinges of red, but both dinals use their nest only once.
Pretty red male Northern have the tufted headdress. In Cardinals are unusual in that
Cardinals probably catch the winter cardinals will be seen in both the male and the female
eye of more folks whose back- flocks but as soon as the sing. In many species only the
yards have winter bird feeders breeding season begins in male bird sings. Cardinals
than any other bird. Even spring they will pair up and stay have several songs they sing,
though they donʼt migrate and together until their 3 –5 eggs and if you listen closely in the
are in our area all year long, hatch. morning, they are usually the
thereʼs just something special A cardinalʼs nest is unique in first birds youʼll hear. The fe-
about seeing cardinals in win- that the first or outer layer is male has more and longer
ter against a new fallen snow. made of twigs that the female tunes than the male.
Only the male is bright red. crushes with her beak to make I began putting more black
The female is brownish-gray them form a round, soft and pli- oil sunflower seeds in one of

Cross Country Skiing at Bear Creek my feeders and it seemed to

Photo by Alex Zidock.
car mirror or even a shiny car
If you are a member of North attract more cardinals. They, or truck bumper. Occasionally
Branch Land Trust, you are in and other bird species, now fly they will fly into a window
for a treat. On Sunday, Febru- in and pick a sunflower seed “charging” their own reflection
ary 20, NBLT members can and fly to a nearby branch and thinking itʼs an intruding cardi-
join Paul Lumia, Executive Di- open and eat the seed. They nal. This action subsides when
rector of North Branch Land do that routine all day long. At mating season is over and the
Trust, for a cross country ski- another feeder I have a seed baby birds leave the nest.
ing outing on a conserved mixture. There the other birds Northern Cardinals are great
property in Bear Creek Village. seem to perch on the feeder to have around your yard.
This activity will take place and pick and eat the smaller While they mostly eat seeds
from 1 to 3 p.m. If there is in- seeds without leaving. and fruit they feed their young
adequate snow cover, partici- Both male and female cardi- mostly insects. As I mentioned,
pants will go for a hike. nals will defend their nesting black oil sunflower seeds seem
Bear Creek Village is unique area against the intrusion of to be a favorite but they also
in that it has a forest ecosys- other cardinals. Itʼs not unusual eat a lot of beetles, crickets,
tem similar to the boreal to see a cardinal fighting for flies, centipedes, spiders,
forests of Canada. The Land hours with his own reflection in moths and other insects when
Trust has conserved several a windowpane or pecking at a they are available.
properties in this community
and one has been selected for Second Home/Rental Insurances & Seasonal Dwellings
this activity. Low Cost Auto & Motorcycle Insurances
Please meet at the Bear Home Insurance at Reasonable Rates
Creek Village Post Office park-
ing lot at 1 p.m. From Route
115, turn at the Bear Creek Vil-
lage Dam onto White Haven R
Road and go one-tenth of a 696-5545 or register online at The North Branch Land Trust
mile. The Post Office is on the by February 15 to was formed in 1993 to help
This activity is open only to
reserve your spot. Registration
is required so that we can no-
protect the quality of life in this
region. We are Land Trust Ac- INSURANCE AGENCY
NBLT members and itʼs free. If tify you of any cancellation. creditation Commission Accre- Auto • Home • Commercial • Life
you are not a member, please Participants must have their dited. Representing
become one today by visiting own equipment. There are no For more information on this Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9-5 Multiple Companies restroom facilities at the loca- event or NBLT in general, Tuesday & Thursday 9-6; Saturday 9-12 432 STERLING ROAD,
Also by Appointment ROUTE 196, MT. POCONO
Children must be accompa- tion. please call the office at 696-
nied by an adult. Please call 5545 or e-mail
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