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1. This passage is taken from a longer novel. What is a novel? How is it different
from an oral folktale? Or a poem?

A novel is story that has a few characters from two or more, a

setting, characterization, theme and a plot. Poetry is a written picture
describing an emotion or feeling that a story cannot do all the
time. Poetry is written as a haiku, sonnet, or free verse to name a few.

2. What does Ngotho see on his way to work at Mr. Howlands farm?

He passed through the African shops, near the barber’s shop, and went on,
on to the same place where he had now been for years

3. What type of work does Ngotho do for Mr. Howlands?

Ngotho works as a shamba boy : A man or boy employed to tend a garden; a


4. Why did Mr. Howlands leave England and come to Kenya?

After years of security at home, he had been suddenly called to arms and

he had gone to the war with the fire of youth that imagines war a glory.
But after four years of blood and terrible destruction, like many other
young men he was utterly disillusioned by the “peace.” He had to escape.

5.      What happened to Mr. Howlands first son, Peter?

Their eldest son, Peter, was killed in World War II, and their daughter
became a missionary. Their youngest, Stephen, still lives with them.
As Mr. Howlands and Ngotho walk through the plantation together

5. Does Ngotho want Mr. Howlands to return to England? Why? What in the story
tells you this?

He did not want to go back because of what he remembered.

6. What do you think Ngotho thinks about Mr. Howlands? Does he like him? Respect
him? Hate him? What examples in the story show you this?

I think ngotho thinks aout mr. howlans as a kind one and he respected him
but not all the time especially his feelings of grief and loss.

7. Why did Mrs. Howlands agree to come to Kenya?

Mrs.Howlands agree to come to Kenya because it might be something
exciting that she will not be bored. And To take coffee or tea plants.

8. In your opinion, do you think Mr. Howlands will return the land to Ngotho? Why or
why not?

I think Mr. Howlands will return to the land to ngotho because ngotho sacrifice
and loved the land since he was the shamba.

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