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(Management) Program 2020

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

MMS 5102 –Economic for Management

Group Assignment (Weekend and Weekday)

Impact of Covid-19 on business organization / Industrial Sector
Students have to form a group which should have 6 / 7 students and carry out an analysis on a
selected business organization / Industrial Sector. In case if you are not in a position to form a
group you could proceed with individual basis. However, we encourage group assignment.

The main objective is to understand practicable applicability of the managerial economic concept
discussed in the class.

Number of Members in a Group

The 6 to 7 members should be there in a one group and student could select their own members.

Learning Outcomes
•To observe the impact of Covid -19 in to a business organization / Industrial Sector

•To develop the specific skills and potentials to use economic concept in strategic business

Outcome of the analysis should be presented as a report and a class

Class presentation: Maximum 10 minutes’ presentation with a question and answer session if
you are doing as a group. No presentation for individual analysis. If the group are doing they
could use slide shows, videos, pictures etc. All members of the group should be in online on
the day of presentation to get individual marks for the presentation.

Final Report: The students have to submit a final report on the analysis. The report will be
given 50 marks if it is an individual and if it is a group 30 marks for the report and 20 marks for
the presentation.

The report should comprise the following parts in the given order:
1. Title page; use the given standards of MBA program.

2. List of the students with their registration numbers and explanation about individual
contribution followed by the signature.

3. Content Page with page numbers.

4. List of abbreviations and symbols.

5. Part One.

 This should include an introduction about the organization, such as history, products or
services, vision, mission, trade mark, logo, organization structure, etc.
 You also briefly explain the purpose of choosing the particular organization.
 Further, description about the selected product and a brief rationalization for the

6. Part Two

 An analysis of demand determinants and supply determinants

 Estimating and forecasting of the Covid -19 Impact before and after

7. Part Three

Strategies employed to overcome the adverse effect.

8. Final Part

Your team suggestions, comments and strategies in order to improve and be more competitive
with rationalizations.

8. References;

The list of references comprises data of all books, papers, reports, etc. where you refer

9. Appendices.

Any appendices where it is necessary.

10. Formatting

 Number all pages except the title page.
 Tables and figures must be numbered and clearly labeled.
 The caption for a table is placed above the table
 The caption for a figure goes below the figure.
 Don't number the items in a reference list.
 Spacing :Use 1.5 or spacing and 1.5 left and 1inch right margins
 Leave a blank line between paragraphs.

Note One:

 No limitation on number of pages but what matter is the content.

 This is a basic given structure and the structure of your own assignments can be different
and innovative. Marks would be given for the innovativeness as well.
 Marking scheme will be given later for both presentation and report.

Note Two:

Plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying another person's text or ideas and passing the copied material
as your own work. Plagiarism is a punishable offence and it may cause reducing or failing grade.
Plagiarism is treated according to the Faculty policy.

The final report should be submitted by 30th August 2020 to (1) and

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