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Cookery 10

QUARTER 2 LAS Number 5

Name of Learner: Grade/Section:

Teacher: _________________________ Date Submitted:


TOPIC: Market Forms of Vegetables

Background Information for Learners
Vegetables are said to be vital to the general good health of human beings, providing
essential vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, and phytochemicals, and reducing risk from
dangerous diseases and other medical conditions.
Vegetables are grown worldwide in almost 200 countries. A world vegetable survey
showed 392 vegetable crops cultivated worldwide. Most of these vegetables are marketed
fresh with only a small portion processed. Almost three-fourths of the world's production of
vegetables occurs in Asia, mostly in China, which produces over half of the world's vegetables.
Knowing the different market forms of vegetables can be of help in deciding which
vegetables to buy and prepare. Vegetables that are available in the market are fresh, frozen,
dried, or canned.
When it comes to good nutrition, all four forms of fruits and vegetables matter.

Market Forms of Vegetables

1. Fresh. Fresh vegetables are those that have undergone little or no processing from the
time they were harvested to the time they were marketed or sold. Which also means that they
remain in the same state from the time they were harvested. Fresh vegetables are often
referred to as produce and are normally sold in the market, grocery stores, supermarkets,
roadside stalls, farmer’s market and vegetable farms.

2. Frozen. The forms of vegetables that are commercially packed in plastic bags or cardboard
boxes. Naturally, these are frozen within hours of harvest, but undergo several steps to
warrant that their quality is preserved before the actual freezing process.

a. They are washed thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris and the chemicals that have
been used.
b. They are often blanched or cooked quickly in a boiling water, and then shocked in
ice water to stop the cooking process.
c. The vegetables are sorted and inspected, so as to get rid of any vegetables that are
not fit for consumption.
d. They are packaged and shipped off to wholesalers and distributors, to supermarkets
and grocery stores.

3. Dried. These are vegetables that are dried or dehydrated to preserve and prolong their
shelf life. The process is done by removing water from vegetables and obstruct the growth of

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 1

bacteria, yeasts and molds that can stimulate spoilage and rotting of vegetables. Methods of
drying vegetables are: freeze drying, drum drying and sun drying.

4. Canned. This is the form of vegetables where vegetables are preserved. Like freezing and
drying it, helps make vegetables last longer. It makes cooking with vegetables easier and more

Effects of Cooking Vegetables

1. Changes in texture - Fibers are either softened or toughened.

A. Cellulose and hemicellulose – heating generally softens fibers
B. Addition of acid toughen fibers
C. Addition of alkali like baking soda soften hemicellulose
D. Addition of lime causes firmness or delay softening due to the
E. reaction of calcium from lime (apog)

2. Water is either lost or absorbed.

A. Vegetables contain high amount of water. Leafy and succulent vegetables
lose water and become limp.
B. Vegetables with significant amount of starch (dried beans, root crops, tubers)
absorb water because of the hygroscopic property of starch.

3. Changes in color cooking for a short time, helps maintain color.

4. Changes in nutrients
A. Carbohydrate - moist heat cooking – gelatinization of starch - dry heat cooking -
dextrinization of starch - caramelization of sugar
B. Protein become more soluble and digestible
C. Vitamin may be destroyed in heat like vitamin C
D. Minerals are washed into the cooking liquid or oxidized

General Rules of Vegetable Cookery

 Don‘t overcook.
 Prepare vegetable as close to service time as possible and in small quantities.
 If the vegetable must be cooked ahead, undercook slightly and chill rapidly. Reheat at
service time.
 Never use baking soda with green vegetables.
 Cut vegetables uniformly for even cooking.
 Cook green vegetables and strong – flavored vegetables uncovered.

Standard Quality of Cooked Vegetables

1. Color - Bright, natural color

2. Appearance on plate
 Cut neatly and uniformly
 Attractively arranged with appropriate combinations and garnishes

3. Texture

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 2

 Cooked to the right degree of doneness
 Crisp – tender, not overcooked and mushy
 Potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes should be cooked through with smooth
4. Flavor
 Natural flavor and sweetness
 Strong – flavored vegetables should be pleasantly mild, with no off flavors or bitterness
5. Seasonings
 Seasonings should not mask the natural flavors
6. Sauces
 Do not use heavily.
 Vegetable should not be greasy
7. Vegetable combinations
 Vegetables should be cooked separately for different cooking times, and then com-
 Combine acid vegetables like tomatoes, to green vegetables just before service to
prevent discoloration of greens.

Direction: Complete the sentences by writing on the lines the correct word or group of
words. Fresh __________ are those that have undergone little or no processing from the
time they were harvested to the time they were marketed or sold.
1. Fresh vegetables are often referred to as _____________ and are normally sold in
the market, grocery stores, supermarkets, roadside stalls, farmer’s market and vege-
table farms.
2. _________ vegetables are commercially packed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.
3. Frozen vegetables are _________thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris and the
chemicals that have been used
4. The vegetables that are frozen are then sorted and inspected, so as to get rid of any
vegetables that are not fit for _____________.
5. Dried form of vegetables are dried or ____________ to preserve and prolong their
shelf life.
6. Drying is done by removing ___________ from vegetables that can obstruct the
growth of bacteria, yeasts and molds can also stimulate spoilage and rotting of vege-
7. Freezing, drumming and sunning are the methods of ______________ vegetable.
8. Canning is the form of vegetables where vegetables are _____________.
9. _____________ makes cooking with vegetables easier and more convenient.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 3

Direction: Tell whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.Write the word true if the
statement is correct and false if it is not. Use your quiz notebook.

1. Fresh vegetables are those that have undergone little or no processing from
the time they were harvested to the time they were marketed or sold.
2. Fresh vegetables are often referred to as produce.
3. Fresh vegetables are not found in the market, grocery stores, supermarkets,
roadside stalls, farmer’s market and vegetable farms.
4. Frozen forms of vegetables are not packed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.
5. Frozen vegetables are frozen within hours of harvest, but undergo several steps
to warrant that their quality is preserved before the actual freezing process.
6. Frozen foods are washed thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris and the
chemicals that have been used.
7. Frozen vegetables are directly packed for selling.
8. Vegetables are dried or dehydrated for the purpose of not preserving their shelf
9. Drying is done by removing water from vegetables and to obstruct the growth
of bacteria, yeasts and molds that can stimulate spoilage and rotting of
10. Canning makes cooking with vegetables easier and more convenient.


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 4


Direction: Let us test how much you learned on the market forms of vegetables.
Choose the letter of the word/words that is being being described by the statement.
Write your answer in your quiz notebook.

1. This is the market form of vegetables that have not undergone little or no
processing from the time they were harvested to the time they were marketed
or sold.
a. fresh c. dried
b. frozen d. canned
2. The forms of vegetables that are commercially packed in plastic bags or
cardboard boxes.
a. frozen c. canned
b. dried d. fresh
3. These are vegetables that are dehydrated to preserve and prolong their shelf
a. dried c. frozen
b. fresh d. canned
4. The form of vegetables that are preserved.
a. canned c. dried
b. fresh d. frozen
5. One effect of cooking vegetables where the fibers are either softened or
a. changes in texture c. changes in color
b. change in nutrients d. water is lost or absorbed
6. It is an effect of cooking vegetables where protein become more soluble and
a. changes in nutrients c. water is lost or absorbed
b. changes in color d. changes in texture
7. The effect of cooking vegetables that when there is an addition of lime will cause
firmness or delay softening due to the reaction of calcium from lime.
a. changes in texture c. changes in color
b. water is lost or absorbed d. changes in nutrients
8. An effect of cooking vegetables where it contains high amount of water.
a. water is lost or absorbed c. changes in color
b. changes in texture d. changes in nutrients
9. A general rule in cookery where the vegetables must be cooked enough.
a. do not overcooked c. use of baking soda
b. cut vegetables uniformly d. uncover flavored vegetable
10. This is not to be used with green vegetables when cooking.
a. baking soda c. butter
b. milk d. oil

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. – M.Huliganga 5

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