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What do we do when we want to know both the sides of an argument? WE HOST
A DEBATE. Welcome to our event ​“ War Of Words”​. Here we have two
respected teachers Mrs Bina Hora and Mrs Usha Munshi sharing their views. Mrs
Bina is against the topic that “​local shopping is better than online shopping “
and Mrs Usha is for the topic.
Our team member Riya is the introducer and she declares the debate live.

According to Mrs Usha local shops or brick and mortar shops are better than online
shops because the customers can get a feel of the product , they can have a hands
on feel of the product for example they can smell the perfume or a bath salt and
they can touch the cloth they want to buy which would give them a much better
idea of what they want to buy and how is the quality of the product .If you order a
plant and they specify that the height is 21.5 cm the customer cannot fathom how
will the plant look like unless its in the hand .

Opposing this point Mrs Bina says that one may have the feel or touch of the
product but just at the click of your finger you have multiple choices of products
from various sites and various varieties .You have multiple designers ,multiple
sellers which you cannot get if you go to one shop at one location, you have to go
from shop to shop to buy other products. You will get only the products of one
shop if you go locally.There is also an added advantage to online shopping if at one
point the product you buy does not fit you or you don't like it or you don't use it
anymore you can return it, all of this just a click away .

Mrs Usha with her argument states that after clicking that button all you have to do
it just wait till the delivery personnel comes to pick up your product or deliver your
product but in case of local shopping you can pay and you can buy instantaneously
it will not take a week or so just like in the case of online shopping. There are
shoppers who want the product as soon as they like it they don't want to wait for a
week. At the end of the day we all are human beings and we like human touch and
when we go to a store there is the salesperson and sometimes we may not even talk
about the product we ask the salesperson about who he is and how did he end up
over there just to that to strike a normal conversation.

Mrs Bina throws a valid point back saying that in today's time taking the pandemic
into account it is better that we stay at home and order products just at the click of
your finger and not go out and venture. She says online shopping is far more safer
as you are in your own environment and you stay safe and you also have
multifarious options on your screen then online shopping does have an upper
hand.When you are buying dresses or something else you can take the opinion of
many people around you but in case of local shopping you have to take your full
family which is not very feasible.You also avoid the traffic in this sense, today
when traffic is such a major issue you waste a lot of time travelling.Maybe its a 2
day wait in case of online shopping but it's worth it.

​The concluding statement

Mrs Bina presents her concluding statement ​health is wealth​, sitting at home if
one can get all the products one asks for then it's a big advantage .

Mrs Usha giving her concluding statement through a personal example that
recently she had gone to buy pots at a pottery place and while buying she had to
bargain with the shopkeeper and this bargaining did not end in her favour but she
enjoyed bargaining as made her feel alive as she communicated with people other
than her own family members after a long time. THis interaction filled her with
zeal .

Both the teachers had put excellent points forward and shed light on their
respective topics. We thoroughly enjoyed listening to this debate and we hope you
liked it too

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