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Carers Response – Thematic Analysis

Carers Response – Thematic Analysis

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Carers Response – Thematic Analysis

The thematic analysis is about analyzing the theme of a study and evaluating the

future objectives accordingly. The importance of thematic analysis for carers is about

having the right response according to the judgement of behaviors and evaluating

the whole approach of response [ CITATION Moi17 \l 1033 ]. The respondent’s answers

are approached through different themes and how they affect the overall study. The

process for the thematic analysis would be:

Figure 1 – Process for Thematic Reasoning.

Source: [ CITATION Mic188 \l 1033 ]

The figure above

shows the process for thematic reasoning according to Seery (2018) which would be

used for this study. The importance would be highlighted with identifying theme for

the response of carers.

The nature of thematic mindset is directed according to perfect reasoning while

having the approach according to the nature of themes. The coding of the whole

respondent’s mindset is linked with the collective need of developing the interest for

the opportunity based on the right and collective nature through the programs

Carers Response – Thematic Analysis
associated to control the whole approach. As justified by Clarke & Braun (2018) the

thematic analysis would provide a supportive argument according to the right aspect

and nature of Carers having the positive approach.

Main Themes

The theme identification has been made according to the nature of study and how it

puts a constructive impact on the evaluation of carers’ aspect. The importance is

defined according to right approach and collective mindset being used to help the

stance of carers. The themes are defined after coding, as justified by the procedure

of Seery (2018). The control system is evaluated accoridng to the nature of

controlled aspect and thematic reasoning providing the supportive system. While

argument are accoridng to the analysis of feautre and concluding the stance that is

developed accordingly for approach.

Theme 1 – Forgetting Yourself

Since the response of carers have been noticed and evaluated according to the

nature and aspect of providing relevant objective, the value of carers have

increased. Due to immense pressure and work environment, the have forgot about

themselves and their family. The supportive environment for the carers is very limited

due to the existing control of the society of selfish people. The carers are proven to

be completely opposite of the selfish people. The approach of caring for everyone is

categorized according to the developed nature of medical staff and their work around

the clock.

Theme 2 – Patience

Carers Response – Thematic Analysis
The important theme is identified after evaluating different options in the nature of

behavior for people and their stance being considerably important for overall

understanding. The patience has been developed for some carers, while many have

faced problems to control and give importance to patience and lost the temper. The

approach helps the people to understand how carers responsibilities are huge and

require intense attention all the time. Enough credit is not given to the carers

because the theme is not defined according to right approach and mindset while

having the collective management of resources being developed.

Theme 3 – Caring for Others

As supported by the stance for carers, this theme is easy to neglect while the

approach is not directed toward it. The theme is about the intensity of caring for other

people as part of carers as also supported by [ CITATION Nig181 \l 1033 ]. The immense

pressure and problems faced by the carers, are neglected due to the approach that

is defined according to the controlled system while not helping to improve the stance

of people and public. The caring for others is all about the mindset that has been

developed in the carers, even after facing the pressure and directive not under

control and further problems.

Quotation and Theme

The importance of theme identification is based on how important it has been

justified with the help of quotation of respondents. The overall nature has been

developed in the following table.

Carers Response – Thematic Analysis

Theme Identified Justified and Supportive Quotation

“What the patient does not realize is that you have also aged and tasks become

Forgetting Yourself “Daily planning for outings etc. can be affected by physical and mental issues

which affect”
“Exhausting, unselfish. You lose your own life and identity”
“You have to bite your tongue and try and be patient”
Patience “Unable to leave my son – family holidays have stopped.”
“You need a lot of patience.”
“healthy personal and social life outside of my caring responsibilities”
“She needs all my time before she goes to school and most all time after school”
Caring for Others “I care for my wife, so the bond between us makes it easier for me to cope, as I

know she would do the same for me.”

The stance showed on the table is about linking theme with the justification of

respondents and their approach. The importance of developed mindset for forgetting

about yourself proves how the carers behave in the selfless environment. For

collective approach being measured according to the need, the analysis of

importance of feature control and environment is necessary. The overall importance

is highlighted with the support of how respondents are justifying their position for

helping others before their mental and physical health.

Patience in the justified theme is all about understanding carers’ approach towards

the need of temperament. In many cases, the importance has been highlighted

according to the carers evaluating their nature with better patience levels. However,

due to immense pressure and mismanagement of time, the directive is not controlled

property while changing the patience level of same carers. Patience level is all about

considering your family and having the importance given to the approach justified

Carers Response – Thematic Analysis
according to the nature of right features while linking effective growth accordingly.

For a positive mindset, the patience level teaches the stance of developing a strong

interest for the people and their approach [ CITATION Che192 \l 1033 ].

Carers are bound to care for everything and each other. The theme, however, is not

just linked with the carers activity but about how their selfless behavior is

appreciated. The nature of carer is not care for their family but also for the public. For

instance, the doctors said, “She needs all my time before she goes to school…”

about her daughter which shows that respondent have other responsibilities to take

care of. The necessary thematic analysis provides the stance of developing a

positive mindset for helping everyone with the need of improvement and directive

being under control.

Reflexivity – Evaluating Experience by Being a Carer

The nature of being a carer is different than having the characteristics of normal

human being. The experience has showed that the work environment and the overall

life of a carer is not about the monetary value but they spend a lot more than time.

They tend to waste their family time, social circle, and other wish, so that they can

help the people. The carers think about the bigger picture while getting the support

from their colleagues, they are underappreciated by the normal people and public

due the nature of their duty and mindset.


Chen, B. L. & Yea-Wen, 2019. Developing a Method of Critical Thematic Analysis for

Qualitative Communication Inquiry. Howard Journal of Communications, 30(1), pp.


Carers Response – Thematic Analysis
Clarke, V. & Braun, V., 2018. Using thematic analysis in counselling and

psychotherapy research: A critical reflection. Social Inequalities and Psychological

Care, 18(2), pp. 107-110.

King, N. & Brooks, J., 2018. Thematic Analysis in Organisational Research. In: The

SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods:

Methods and Challenges. s.l.:SAGE.

Maguire, M. & Delahunt, B., 2017. Doing a thematic analysis: A practical, step-by-

step guide for learning and teaching scholars.. All Ireland Journal Of Higher

Education, 9(3).

Seery, M., 2018. MICER Pre-Reading 1: Barry Ryan and thematic analysis. Methods

in Chemistry Education Research Portal.

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