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[Thematic Analysis on Respondents]

[Name of Student]

[Name of Institution]



Wednesday, January 13, 2021


The thematic analysis is the stance of providing collective feature and evaluating the behavior

with the themes that are justified. According to Castleberry & Nolen (2018) mainly thematic

analysis is conducted of interviews where the answers and response are carefully monitored

and studied to judge the behavior. The response of carers would be categorically judged with

the help of following procedure as justified by Roberts, et al. (2019).

Figure 1 – Thematic Analysis

Procedure as justified by
[ CITATION Kat193 \l 1033 ]

The analysis and

point of view for

the thematic

approach would be used according to the process shown in figure 1. The thematic analysis

would provide a positive stance and collective development through the prescribed


Arriving at Themes

The theme identification has been made after reading all the responses collectively and

focusing on the development of prime target. The nature of study is based on how the

thematic analysis is performed with the help of identifying the themes. It is important to

analyze the collective point of view through the development of right approach and target
mindset [ CITATION Bel182 \l 1033 ] . The necessary steps and measures were taken to focus on

the identified theme while having conclusive opportunity. The three chosen themes are:

1. Commitment

For the people working as carers, their commitment towards job is important and considered

necessary with the categorization of how the trends have been evaluated according to the

need and proper approach. For the mindset being defined according to the controlling

commitment, the carers are aimed towards providing extensive support to the people and

public. The stance provides the management of main theme on how commitment is becoming

necessarily important for the positive stance. The collective development and nature are

observed with the approach for carers looking to support the people with full commitment.

2. Isolated

The problems of the carers are huge and collectively understood with the target based and

need requiring towards the mindset of people. The importance of isolated carers are the ones

who do not have social life, a common problem amongst the respondents while the linkage is

established on controlling the complete system of the thematic point. The theme of isolation

highlights the stance of many carers who are looking towards the light at the end of tunnel

because of the limited social life and not interaction with outside world. The isolation

provides a negative impact on their mindset while directing little importance.

3. Negative Mindset

For the carers and their intense pressure they bear, the negative mindset has been developed

for the future of their life. They have given up on their future and career because of how

pressured they feel while working as a carer. This highlights the problem associated in

overall capacity of theme being defined under the problem of negative approach. The growth
and opportunity for the people are getting limited while not helping the stance to be

developed with the collective mindset and relation to be built on the positive approach.

Theme and the Respondents

The life of carers according to the described themes has been highlighted according to their

nature and aspect of job. The table below shows the quotation which links with the specified

theme and stance.

Theme Quotation of Respondent according to Theme

“…he was taken to respite home – now permanent resident but I visit every day”
“It is a big commitment and causes a lot of stress….”
“Must try to keep patient and positive, even when the person you care for thinks you can solve
all their problems”
“I feel that I am no longer me, I am the person I care for. I feel isolated!”
Isolated “Been sucked down some kind of black hole and I can’t get out.”
“Difficulty in maintaining friends, being isolated, invitations”
“Hard to remain positive, always tired and hope you don’t get sick or have an accident”
Negative “An enormous sacrifice of personal freedoms and aspirations”
Mindset “When the person you care for has a really bad day or week, you feel helpless as to what to
Table 1 – Theme and Quotation Table
The table 1 has identified the problems associated with overall understanding of carers and

how the justification has been provided to each theme. The importance and development of

each point of view is established according to the control system while helping the carers to

get the best of their life [ CITATION Jon181 \l 1033 ]. The nature, however, does not provide a

supportive stance to create a global difference in the markets. The themes provide a collective

stance and necessary features to be identified according to right approach and manner of

understanding the behaviors and problems of carers.

The commitment of the carers is all about giving their whole self towards the betterment of

the loved ones and the ones who they are obliged to care about. The theme is about having

the supportive function to create a long term stance for each individual characteristic while

having the supportive structure to help them neutralize the pressure. Unfortunately, that is not
happening while the commitment has not been compromised due to the culture and

environment for caring. For the theme to be justified, the approach is managed and evaluated

according to the right characteristics of people.

For the people who are isolated in their world also tend to face huge problems in their system

while not directing enough strength for the constructive development and linking overall

better opportunity due to complete shutdown of their social life. The nature of carers is all

about being selfless, while the side effects are associated with how the characteristics bring

the isolation in their mind and limiting their social circle. The nature of work should be

defined according to the nature of control while helping the stance to improve the overall

situation and capacity being analyzed according to the right focus and outlook of carers.

The isolation is linked and related to the negative mindset according to the nature of thematic

analysis while the complete support is available according to the stance of carers. Their

negative mindset towards helping people and not being appreciated enough has ruined the

motivation of helping others. The stance of creating an importance for the theme while

helping other people is getting compromised due to the negative mindset and immense

pressure for them. The carers are an integral part of society while the negative mindset is

ruining them.

Being a Carer – Reflexivity

The nature of having the carer life is very difficult in the given circumstance. The problems

associated with the carer is all about not providing a suitable opportunity for them to grow

and control their pressure. The nervous breakdown, no social life and problems in the family

is not something that should be taken lightly. The mental and physical health of the carers

should be managed according to right approach while helping them to grow according to

right feature and mindset in the complete system of intense work environment.

Belotto, M. J., 2018. Data Analysis Methods for Qualitative Research: Managing the

Challenges of Coding, Interrater Reliability, and Thematic Analysis. The Qualitative Report;

Fort Lauderdale, 23(11), pp. 2622-2633..

Castleberry, A. & Nolen, A., 2018. Thematic analysis of qualitative research data: Is it as

easy as it sounds?. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 10(6), pp. 807-815.

Roberts, K., Dowell, A. & Nie, J.-B., 2019. Attempting rigour and replicability in thematic

analysis of qualitative research data; a case study of codebook development. BMC Medical

Research Methodology, Volume 66, p. 19.

Swain, J., 2018. A Hybrid Approach to Thematic Analysis in Qualitative Research: Using a

Practical Example. Sage Research methods.

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