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Articles I

a & an
The indefinite article
Grammar Focus Practice
1. Distribute the words according to the
a - before a an – before a
consonant vowel rules.
a box an apple
a cloud an orange
Note! doll, orange, unit, angel, house,
pay attention to themap,pronunciation
aunt, uncle, apple, lamp, ball,
a uniform umbrella,
an unclearm, hat, nose, eye, cat,
"Uniform" is school,
"Uncle" is dentist, actor
pronounced /’ju:nif pronounced /’ ŋk
o:m/, the first sound
l/, the first sound
- /j/, (like sound 'y'
is / /, a vowel,
in the word "yes"),
so we use an.
which is a
The indefinite article is used:
 with singular nouns: a cat, a window
(NOT a cats)
 before phrases of time and
a a
measurements: twice a week, a year,
an hour etc. n
 with singular nouns after the words
"what" and "such": what a day, such
a nice pen.
 when we mention someone or
something for the first time: I had a
book with me.
 with an adjective describing a noun: a
good girl, a difficult task etc.
 to refer to a particular member of a
group or class:
 with names of jobs: John is a
 with religions: Kate is a Catholic.
 mind the words with silent “h”: e.g.
an hour, an honor, an honesty etc.
2. Circle the correct variant
Example: a an airplane
1 2

a an idea a an movie
a an doctor a an ant
a an hour a an pupil
a an unit a an egg

3 4 5
a an adult
a an sandwich a an English
a an pizza
a an armchair teacher
a an car
a an teenager a an opera singer
a an artist
a an football a an wonderful day
player a an university

3. Fill in with a, an.

1. This is Anna. She's ____ housewife.

2. My friend is not____Buddhist, he is___Christian.
3. Kate Winslet is ____ actress.
4. He lives in____old house.
5. You have such____nice dress.
6. What____sunny morning.
7. She plays tennis three times____week.
8. She doesn’t like to wear____uniform.
9. Tommy is going to meet his friend in____hour.
10. He has____banana and____orange.
11. Alice is____good dancer.
12. She went to the zoo with___uncle.

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