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Minutes of the In-House Publication Committee

Humanities Department
University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


Date : 23 January 2012

Time : 9.30 a.m.

Venue : Main Meeting Room

Present : Mohd Fuad b. Othman – Chairperson

Mohd Shukor b. Yassin
Phua Chu Kang
Suresh Kumar s/o Krishnan
Shalin bt Hamzah
Luis Suarez

Absent with apologies : Ian Rush

Sharifah Junid

In attendance : En. Ismail Saad

1. Address by Chairperson

The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 9.30 a.m. and thanked
the committee members for being present and for editing the articles
received. He mentioned that the purpose of this meeting was to pick the
printer for the coming issue and to decide on the format and the cover.
2. Confirmation of Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 January 2012 having been

circulated earlier were adopted, proposed by Shalin Hamzah and
seconded by Suarez.

3. Matters Arising

a. Writers of articles who had not given their bio-data would be

requested to do so. (Action: Suresh Kumar)
b. Quotations had been received from five printers.

4. Printer for the coming issue

The committee unanimously accepted the lowest bid made by Excel

Printers who had printed the previous issue. The quotation was
RM 22.25 per page excluding the covers.

5. Format and cover

The committee decided that the format and the cover would remain the
same as in the previous issues except that a 5 cm boarder was to be added
to the front cover to accentuate the name HUMAN.

6. Date of publication

As promised by the printer, printing could be completed within 30 days

from the date of receipt of articles from the committee. (Action: Phu Chu

7. Other Matters

The chairman informed the committee that this meeting could be the last
one as the Head of Department had decided to appoint a new set of
committee members from the next semester.
8. Conclusion

The Chairman summarized the decisions made at the meeting and

thanked the committee members for having worked so hard in the last
two semesters.

The meeting adjourned at 12.00 p.m. with a vote of thanks to the chair.

Prepared by, Confirmed by,

…………………….. ………………………
(The Secretary) (The Chairman)
Language Panel Language Panel

Date: 24 January 2012 Date: 25 January 2012

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