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Getting Active!!

Taking Positive Action, even when you are feeling down,

can be the first step to feeling better


Feeling good Do something fun, because Feel even better!!!
you feel good

Feeling bad Do nothing much, because you Feel even worse

feel bad

Feeling bad Do something fun, because Feel better!!!!!!!

you set a goal

CBT+ Getting Active. 2017

Activities Menu
Go for a walk Write a letter to a friend Draw or paint
Read a good book Sit and think Clean the house
Write in a journal Listen to the birds Clean the yard
Play with a pet Go to a movie Walk by a lake or river

Call/text a friend Go on a date Listen to a new radio station

Watch a favorite TV show Invite a friend over Make a new friend
Listen to music Make a silly gift Get up extra early
Meditate Hang with friends Play on-line games

Wear my favorite clothes Trade back rubs with a friend Sit beside a waterfall
Clean my room Be nice to my neighbor Watch people at the mall
Make something Go for a hike Have coffee or tea
Plant something Help a friend
Ride on a Ferris Wheel
Take a hot bath Try something new Talk about religion
Write a story Daydream Pray
Throw a Frisbee Cook a meal Listen to nature
Play sports Do someone a favor Go dancing

Laugh Read something Give someone a small gift

Silly Dancing Go for a car ride Help someone with a project
Play a video game Wash and wax the car Ride a bike or skateboard
Walk through the mall Explore a new place

Do some volunteer work Go for a walk in the park Things that I want to try:
Make my favorite snack Go bowling
Workout Finish a project
Sit in the sun Take a dog for a walk

Be with friends Observe nature

Go for a bike ride Count the stars
Sing Watch YouTube video
Join a group List all my good points

CBT+ Getting Active. 2017

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