Лабораторна робота №8

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Лабораторна робота №8


1. Написати визначення понять:

 віртуальна АТС (Virtual PBX)
A Virtual PBX is a powerful phone system that utilizes an internet connection as
opposed to the standard telephone service.
 локальна АТС (On-premise PBX)
On-premise PBX is also known as an IP-PBX phone system. It is similar to a
traditional PBX system that resides at a location, such as a computer equipment
room or phone closet. The main difference is that IP routing is done with more
current technology. The signaling is done with an IP phone to the IP-PBX server
using a LAN. 
 Софтфон
A softphone is a software program for making telephone calls over
the Internet using a general purpose computer rather than dedicated hardware. 
 SIP протокол
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signaling protocol used for initiating,
maintaining, and terminating real-time sessions that include voice, video and
messaging applications.
 Auto Attendant (автовідповідач/автоматичний оператор)
Auto-Attendant (or automated attendant) is a term commonly used in telephony
to describe a voice menu system that allows callers to be transferred to an
extension without going through a telephone operator or receptionist. The auto-
attendant is also known as a digital receptionist.
 PSTN (телефонна мережа загального користування (ТМЗК).
PSTN - a standard IP PBX is used to transfer calls from the internet (IP) to the
public switched telephone network.

2. Описати відмінності віртуальної АТС від локальної:

How is an on-premise PBX different from a virtual PBX?

Hardware reliance

On-premise PBX requires you to invest in buying hardware — right from bulky PBX
boxes to circuit wires and telephone handsets, there is a long list of hardware you have
to invest in just to get started. For instance, if you have 10 agents, you will have to
invest in 10 handsets and connections.
A cloud PBX requires zero phone hardware. All you need is a laptop, PC or smartphone
to use the cloud PBX. In fact, you can use your already in-use systems as well. Cloud
PBX systems are lightweight applications that do not demand heavy resources.

Server hosting

On-premise PBX systems are hosted on physical servers located at your office or with
hosting service providers. They require large spaces, IT personnel or third-party service
provider to man the system and to maintain it from time-to-time.
Cloud PBX take the form of readymade software. They are hosted on cloud servers like
most modern-day applications. You can set it up like creating a new email id to get
started. There is no need for separate PBX boxes, server systems, maintenance
personnel and so on.

Adding a new phone number or a user to an on-premise PBX system is difficult. You
have to purchase new phone line connection, new handsets and also proprietary
software access from the vendor. It also takes time to setup and configure the system.
Cloud PBX systems can be easily scaled. Any new user can be easily added by the
admin. It is as easy granting access in a CMS system.

There is a long list of other differences between an on-premise PBX and cloud PBX.
The image below depicts some of the stark differences:
3. Коротко перерахувати та описати функції, які можуть надавати віртуальні

Voicemail-to-Email Feature
If you’re in a meeting with someone, and you’re expecting an important call, you could
discreetly check your messages without interrupting anyone.

Phone Menus
With simple menus, you can direct anyone who calls right where they need to be.

Auto Attendants
Auto attendants can direct customers/clients to answering machines or provide them
with the necessary information to either call back or tackle specific problems on their

Call Queuing, Forwarding, Recording

Call queuing allows users to stay on the line while you’re busy with someone else,
rather than having them hang up and call back, potentially forgetting they called in the
first place.
Call forwarding allows you to direct customers/clients to another number, so if you’re
out of the office, you can remain in constant contact.
Call recording is pretty self-explanatory. It allows you to record calls and store them as
digital files.

Conference Bridging
A conference bridge lets a large group of people participate in phone calls. Traditional
phone services allow nothing more than three people on a line at any given time. These
calls can hold hundreds of people all at once. This is obviously more practical for
enormous businesses, but surely being able to speak to more than two people at a time
is a luxury for most of us.

4. Зробити висновок на основі переваг та недоліків віртуальних АТС:

Virtual PBX offers many advantages to small and medium sized businesses.  The
benefits are even greater if your existing equipment is aging and it may be time for an
upgrade.  The minimal up-front costs, low ongoing maintenance and ease of
deployment and growth make it a great solution for starting from scratch or upgrading
an existing system.  If your existing network can handle the implementation and you
feel the monthly costs aren’t over the break point for your communications budget,
virtual PBX may be an excellent choice for your organization.

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