Altitude Finance Whitepaper

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Reach New Altitudes, Attain Peak Capital 


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What is Altitude (PWDR)? 3
Altitude Basics 4
Accumulation & Distribution 5
Liquidity Generation Event 6
Tokenomics 6
Ecosystem 7
Accumulation 8
Distribution 8
Slopes - Yield Farming 9
Fixed APR Farming 9
Slope Entry Fee 9
Active Slopes 10
Avalanche 11 
Epochs 12
Flash Loans - Arbitration 13
Fee Breakdown 14
Loyalty Points 14
The Lodge - NFTs 15
PWDR Boards 16
Contracts 17
Roadmap 18
LGE Distribution 19
PWDR Tokenomics 20
Stay In Touch 21
Disclaimer 22


Altitude Finance © 2020 - ​​ ​ 2 

What is Altitude (PWDR)?
Altitude (PWDR) is an evolutionary cryptocurrency that is pushing the limits of DeFi 
by combining yield farming, flash loans, and community governance.  

Typical DeFi tokens tend to benefit whales that get in early, where few can profit and 
the many are left holding the bag. We aim to change that paradigm so everyone can 
secure value through the combination of sustainable high-APR farming, flash loans 
for ongoing long-term value, and a cyclical mechanism to retain value through 
platform fees, locked liquidity, and rewards for stakers.  

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Altitude Basics 
● Token Symbol: ​PWDR 
● Total Supply: ​21,000,000  
● Transfer Fee: 1​ .5% 
● Transfer Fee: 0
​ .25% - 0.025% 
● Yield Farming:​​ PWDR is farmed by staking tokens in the SLOPES. Yield from the 
slopes is earned in ​BOTH​ the staked token and PWDR. ​During the initial 
distribution epoch, PWDR tokens are rewarded to stakers every block using a 
fixed APR of 800%. Future epochs change the fixed APR of the slopes per the 
PWDR Epoch Schedule​. A ​ ll slopes only require a single token so there is N
​ O 
RISK​ of impermanent loss (IL).  
● Flash Loans: ​Developers can easily use Altitude's flash loans to borrow against 
the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the slopes at a market leading rate. Fees collected 
from these flash loans are used to reward stakers in the slopes. 
● Sustainable Tokenomics: P ​ WDR is released in Epochs with distinct 
Accumulation and Distribution phases. This cyclical emission strategy is designed 
to combat inflation and preserve PWDR value.
● Loyalty Points: ​To stay competitive in the current market, Flash Loans must be 
competitively priced. Altitude implements a tiered loyalty system where 
discounts are provided to developers who use the platform frequently, providing 
an increasingly cheaper source of Flash Loans.
● NFT Item Boosts: E​ xclusive NFT series releases that provide boosts for Altitude 
Slopes and Flash Loan activities.
● Governance​: ​Extendable governance model with a role-based implementation. 
Initially, necessary Altitude ecosystem roles set up to control access. In the future, 
governance will extend to accommodate public voting contracts and quorums. 
● Upgradeability: A​ ll Altitude contracts built with upgradeable contract logic, 
allowing the Altitude Ecosystem to evolve to meet the arising needs of the 
network participants.

Altitude Finance © 2020 - ​​ ​ 4 

Accumulation & Distribution

(Fig. 1) Graphic depicting how Altitude’s PWDR Token reaches maximum supply, 
alternating between Accumulation and Distribution phases 

PWDR reaches its max supply of 21M by launching with a Liquidity Generation Event 
(LGE), then following with 6 Epochs, each composed of an Accumulation and 
Distribution phase. During each Accumulation phase, PWDR is minted to stakers in 
the Slopes at a fixed APR, while all PWDR transfer and staking fees are accumulated 
in the rewards contract. In the following Distribution phase, PWDR minting is 
paused and the accumulated PWDR rewards are distributed to stakers in the 
Avalanche at a fixed interval. 

Altitude Finance © 2020 - ​​ ​ 5 

Liquidity Generation Event 
Altitude strives to have a fair distribution of PWDR tokens while balancing the 
benefits of a structured initial liquidity generating event. 

The Liquidity Generation Event (LGE) aims to bootstrap liquidity on Uniswap and 
ensure future project sustainability. Anyone can contribute Ethereum to the LGE 
contract at a max rate of 20 ETH per address. Addresses that contribute to the LGE 
will receive PWDR tokens at a minimum rate of 1 ETH:1312.5 PWDR upon completion 
of the event. Details of the event are as follows: 

● Length: 7 Days Maximum 

● Start Date: Dec. 11th, 2020  
● Hard Cap: 2000 ETH  
● Individual Contribution Cap: 20 ETH 
● PWDR LGE Supply: 2.625M PWDR 

If the Hard Cap of 2000 ETH is reached before the end of the event, the LGE 
function can be called by anyone at the next occurrence of 1PM EST/6PM 

If the Hard Cap is not reached at the end of the event, the LGE function can 
be called by anyone after 5 days have passed since the contract was 
deployed. PWDR Tokens will be distributed evenly amongst contributors. 

PWDR will be available on Uniswap following the conclusion of the LGE event 
window and the Slopes will open. 

Addresses that contribute 20 and 15 ETH also are eligible to receive an NFT which 
grants boosts across the Altitude ecosystem. NFTs are limited in quantity and 
available on a first-come, first-served basis. NFTs will also be available on 
See the ​NFTs section​ below for additional detail. 

5.25 million tokens, 25% of the total supply, will be minted during the PWDR 
making Liquidity Generation Event. 2.625M PWDR will go to LGE contributors 
and the remaining 2.625M PWDR will be provided as locked Uniswap 

The remaining 15.75M token supply will be distributed during each Epoch’s 
Accumulation phase. PWDR will be distributed to everyone that has staked 
tokens in one of Slopes, the Altitude farming/staking contracts. 

Altitude Finance © 2020 - ​​ ​ 6 


(Fig. 2) Graphic depicting Altitude Ecosystem components 


The Altitude Ecosystem is composed of many different components, all designed to 
work together. The core components and their functions are listed below. 

● PWDR​ - ERC20 Governance Token used by Altitude 

● Lodge​ - ERC1155 Multi-Token used to manage NFTs 
● Snow Patrol​ - Role-based, Governance system  
● Slopes​ - ERC20 Token staking pools, reward PWDR at a fixed APR during 
● Avalanche​ - PWDR/ETH LP staking pool, rewards PWDR at a fixed time 
interval during Distribution 


Altitude Finance © 2020 - ​​ ​ 7 

The first Epoch and Accumulation phase begins when the LGE is completed. During 
the first Accumulation phase, 8 Million PWDR will be minted and rewarded to 
stakers in the Slopes.  

PWDR rewards are allocated using a fixed APR calculation. As the price of PWDR 
increases, the Slope will mint less PWDR per block. The same is true in reverse; if the 
price of PWDR decreases, the amount minted increases. Since APRs are fixed, the 
duration of this phase is variable. The goal of this stage is to provide a strong 
foundation for the Avalanche by distributing PWDR based on fairness and network 

During this stage, all PWDR collected from transfer and staking fees will accumulate 
in a vault contract. Once the fixed amount of PWDR is minted for the Epoch, a 
Distribution phase begins. 

The Distribution phase rewards long-term holders and stakers in the Altitude 
Ecosystem. During this phase, PWDR tokens that are accumulated in the previous 
phase are distributed to ETH/PWDR LP holders that stake in the Avalanche.  

Each Distribution phase lasts 2

​ 0 days​. Alternating between cycles of fixed emission 
and fixed time periods allows the Altitude Ecosystem to self-correct for inflationary 

Altitude Finance © 2020 - ​​ ​ 8 

Slopes - Yield Farming 
The Slopes are the farming and lending pools in Altitude. When staking tokens in 
the Slopes, interest is earned in the form of PWDR tokens and the staked ERC20 
token. Developers and Price Arbiters can borrow against the slopes by performing 
flash loans. 

Skiers and boarders can farm PWDR by staking in any of the six A
​ ctive Slopes​: 
PWDR-ETH Uniswap LP, USDC, USDT, DAI, wETH, and wBTC. 

All Slopes, with the exception of the PWDR-ETH LP Slope, have no risk of 
impermanent loss. Since the PWDR-ETH LP Slope is unique, different parameters 
are applied to this pool and it cannot be borrowed against. 

Fixed APR Farming 

During the initial distribution phase, Slopes have a base fixed APR of 800%. This does 
​not​ guarantee a 800% return for contributors. It simply means more PWDR gets 
rewarded to stakers if the price drops during the distribution phase. The max supply 
prevents fixed APR Slopes from becoming unsustainable.  

The PWDR-ETH slope will reward with 4000% initial fixed APR, while the other five 
slopes reward at 800% fixed initial APR. 

Slope Entry Fee  

Upon entering a Slope, a 5% Fee is taken. This fee is split between a Round Robin fee 
and Token Buyback at a specific ratio. To encourage stakers to stay in the pool, the 
Round Robin fee is evenly distributed to all of the active pool participants. The 
remaining fee is converted to wETH and used to buyback PWDR. Bought back 
PWDR tokens are sent to the Avalanche during the Accumulation phase. 


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Active Slopes 
Black Diamond 
● Token: PWDR-ETH Uniswap LP (UNI-V2) 
● Initial Fixed APR: 4000% 
● Risk of Impermanent Loss: Yes 
● Borrowable: No 

Bunny Slope 
● Token: Tether (USDT) 
● Initial Fixed APR: 800% 
● Risk of Impermanent Loss: No 
● Borrowable: Yes 

Green Circle 
● Token: Dai (DAI) 
● Initial Fixed APR: 800% 
● Risk of Impermanent Loss: No 
● Borrowable: Yes 

Terrain Park 
● Token: USD Coin (USDC) 
● Initial Fixed APR: 800% 
● Risk of Impermanent Loss: No 
● Borrowable: Yes 

Blue Square 
● Token: Wrapped Ethereum (wETH) 
● Initial Fixed APR: 800% 
● Risk of Impermanent Loss: No 
● Borrowable: Yes 

Half Pipe 
● Token: Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC) 
● Initial Fixed APR: 800% 
● Risk of Impermanent Loss: No 
● Borrowable: Yes 

Reminder! Those that buy into the LGE at the Gold level will receive a 30% farming 
boost, raising the max APR to 5200% on the black diamond slope.  

See more details below in the NFT section. 

Altitude Finance © 2020 - ​​ ​ 10 

​The Avalanche is a unique staking pool in the Altitude ecosystem which rewards 
Liquidity Providers and incentivizes long-term holding. The Avalanche only accepts 
PWDR/ETH Uniswap LP tokens and rewards PWDR in both the Accumulation and 
Distribution phases. The Avalanche opens in the first Epoch at the end of the first 
Accumulation phase when PWDR #13,250,000 is minted and rewarded. At this time, 
the PWDR/ETH LP Slope will close and the Avalanche will begin accepting deposits. 
Stakers in the PWDR/ETH LP Slope can migrate their tokens once this phase has 
been reached. This pool cannot be borrowed against. 
All PWDR collected from the previous Accumulation phase via transfer fees, 
staking fees, or other means is rewarded to Avalanche stakers. 
During the Distribution phase, rewards from the Avalanche are paid out ​daily o ​ ver 
the course of​ 20 days. ​Once all rewards have been paid out, the Distribution phase 
ends and PWDR resumes minting according to the Epoch schedule to both the 
Slopes and the Avalanche. 
NOTE:​ Once the 6​th​ and final epoch occurs, the maximum supply of 21,000,000 
PWDR will be reached and no further PWDR will be minted. The fixed APR model 
will sunset and PWDR rewards will instead be distributed to all Slopes and the 
Avalanche via a weighted average. The Avalanche (ETH-PWDR LP Pool) will have the 
highest weight. 


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Influenced by the model piloted by Satoshi in Bitcoin, Altitude will utilize a 
logarithmic supply model for each Accumulation phase — each cycle will mint 50% 
of the previous cycle’s supply until a total of 21M tokens are in circulation. The PWDR 
epoch schedule can be seen below: 
   Circulating  Fixed APR  Emissions  % Minted 
Event  Event  Non- 
Event  LP  Epoch  Left  Epoch  Total 
Start  End  LP 
Genesis  -  -  -  -  0  21.00M  0.00%  0.00% 
LGE  -  5.25M   -  -  5.25M  15.75M  25.00%  25.00% 
Epoch #1  5.25M   13.25M   800%  4000%  8.00M  7.75M  38.10%  63.10% 
Epoch #2  13.25M   17.25M   400%  2000%  4.00M  3.75M  19.05%  75.00% 
Epoch #3  17.25M   19.25M   200%  1000%  2.00M  1.75M  9.52%  87.50% 
Epoch #4  19.25M   20.25M   100%  500%  1.00M  750K  4.76%  93.75% 
Epoch #5  20.25M   20.75M   50%  250%  500K  250K  2.38%  96.88% 
Epoch #6  20.75M   21.00M   25%  125%  250K  0  1.19%  100.00% 

(Fig. 3) PWDR Emissions over time at each phase end 

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Flash Loans - Arbitration 

(Fig. 4) Figure depicting Altitude Flash Loan basics and strategic advantages 

Flash Loans are special types of transactions which only occur on the blockchain. 
Flash Loans are uncollateralized loans which allow developers to instantly access 
liquidity for a small fee. Borrowers can use funds from the Slopes as long as they are 
paid back within one block. If the transaction is not completed within one block and 
all borrowed funds plus the fee are not paid back, it is completely reversed. This 
ensures that funds remain safe and depositors are able to withdraw at any time. 

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Fee Breakdown 
Whenever a developer wants to take a Flash Loan, they must pay a fee to complete 
the transaction. The fee amount is based on their L ​ oyalty Points​ (detailed below). 
This fee is evenly split among all stakers in the Slope. 

Loyalty Points 
Each time a successful Flash Loan is performed in Altitude, Loyalty Points are 
awarded to the address of the borrower. Loyalty Points are rewarded at a rate of 1 
point per transaction. 

The initial tranches are as follows: 


Tranche  Base Fee  Loyalty Points 

0  0.08%  0 
1  0.07%   100 
2  0.06%   500 
3  0.05%  1,000 
4  0.04%   5,000 
5  0.03%  10,000 
6  0.02%   50,000 
7  0.01%   100,000 

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The Lodge - NFTs 

(Fig. 5) Graphic depicting the initial PWDR Snowboard NFT series, providing various 
boosts for activities in the Altitude ecosystem 

Altitude uses various NFTs to provide boosts in network farming and borrowing 
activities. NFTs are unique, one-of-a-kind tokens. Altitude will create one set of NFTs 
at launch and release new NFTs periodically. Once a particular NFT set has been 
released, no more NFTs from that set will be minted ever again. Boosts for NFTs are 
received by staking the NFT in the Lodge. 

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PWDR Boards 

During the LGE, the first series of Altitude NFTs will be minted: the PWDR Boards. 
This initial set is composed of 10 Gold PWDR Boards, 20 Silver PWDR Boards, and 30 
Bronze PWDR Boards. The Gold and Silver Snowboards are available to any address 
which contributes 20 or 15 ETH to the LGE event, on a first-come, first-serve basis. 
Bronze PWDR Boards will be listed on Marketplace to create a 
marketplace for Altitude NFTs. 

The breakdown of the PWDR Board boosts are as follows: 

1. Gold PWDR Board 

● 20 ETH Contribution 
● 30% Farming Yield Boost (5200%/1040% Total Accumulation APR) 
● 30% Flash Loan Fee Discount 
● Only 10 Available 

2. Silver PWDR Board 

● 15+ ETH Contribution 
● 20% Farming Yield Boost (4800%/960% Total Accumulation APR) 
● 20% Flash Loan Fee Discount 
● Only 20 Available 

3. PWDR Board 
● 10 ETH Purchase on Marketplace 
● 10% Farming Yield Boost (4400%/880% Total Accumulation APR) 
● 10% Flash Loan Fee Discount 
● Only 30 Available 
Note: PWDR Board boosts are limited to one boost per account 

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Altitude Smart Contracts are built by layering functionality and data access, creating 
a fully extensible, evolutionary environment. All Altitude contracts are built using 
OpenZeppelin’s upgradeability proxies, allowing Altitude to seamlessly release 
protocol upgrades and contract features. 

Important Contracts  

● PWDR.sol: PWDR ERC20 Token contract  

● Lodge.sol: NFT ERC1155 Multi-Token contract 
● Avalanche.sol: Long-term PWDR/ETH LP Staking contract 
● Slopes.sol: ERC20 Staking contract 
● LGE.sol: Liquidity Generation Event contract 
● SnowPatrol.sol: Role-based, Governance contract  

(Fig. 6) Graphic depicting Altitude’s Smart Contract Ecosystem 

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(Fig. 7) Graphic depicting the initial Altitude roadmap tasks and timeline 

Altitude’s first roadmap iteration covers the initial 6 Epoch timeline. We will 
continue to update the roadmap with events in preparation for ‘Season 2’. Due to the 
upgradeability of the Altitude ecosystem, we plan to perform a token upgrade and 
eventually migrate to the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain. Future versions of our 
whitepaper and roadmap will provide additional guidance on the compatibility. The 
current focus remains on our initial epoch(s) and ecosystem success. 

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LGE Distribution 

(Fig. 8) Figure depicting how ETH received from the LGE will be used. 50% of ETH 
collected is reserved for project growth and sustainability. The remaining 50% is 
immediately locked in Uniswap Liquidity. Since Uniswap Liquidity is added in 
equivalent ratios of ETH/PWDR, PWDR tokens that LGE contributors receive are 
guaranteed to be equal in value to the ETH contributed at the time of LGE 

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PWDR Tokenomics  

(Fig. 9) Figure depicting the total distribution of all 21M PWDR Tokens. 5.25 Million 
PWDR is minted during the LGE. Of that sum, 2.625 Million PWDR is locked in 
Uniswap liquidity and 2.625 Million PWDR is distributed to LGE Contributors. The 
remaining 15.75 Million PWDR are minted over the following 6 Epochs. 

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Stay In Touch 
Have a good powder day! Don’t forget to strap in, and we’ll see you on the slopes! 

~ Altitude Team 

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The explanation of Alititue.Finance is an overview of the most important concepts in 
PWDR’s contracts and project architecture. Altitude.Finance is a decentralized 
financial project that distributes a valueless governance token to those that 
participate. Never participate or contribute more than you can afford to lose. We very 
strongly recommend that you review the available information, contracts, and code 
to verify that the statements are accurate. The development team is not responsible 
for unintended misconfigurations, bugs, or errors in the code of the token. The team 
performs best effort to accurately represent the statements contained in the 
whitepaper and documentation available on the website, as well as the published 
code and additional documentation.  

Altitude Finance © 2020 - ​​ ​ 22 

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