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Answer to the Question No.

1 (a)
Passion is what drives you to succeed as a result of you're utterly dedicated to creating your
business work regardless of however exhausting the method could also be. plenty of
aspiring entrepreneurs don't have a passion for his or her businesses. they are doing not
even have a passion for creating cash. they merely just like the plan of success.

Entrepreneurial passion is crucial for venture success. it's needed to persuade a team to
devote themselves to the venture, investors to back the venture, and customers to
purchase the merchandise or service. Passion will thus be a differentiating issue between
success and failure for an enterpriser.

“Entrepreneurs Love the Spotlight”-I don’t consider this statement? as a result of that is not
a personality of AN enterpriser.

•While some entrepreneurs ar flamboyant, the overwhelming majority of them don't

attract public attention.

•As proof of this, contemplate the subsequent question: “How several entrepreneurs may
you name?”

•Most folks may come back up with Jeff Bezos of, Mark Zuckerberg of
Facebook, Steve Jobs of Apple, and perhaps Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Google.

•But few may name the founders of Twitter, YouTube, Netflix, or DIRECTV, even supposing
we regularly use those firms’ services.

Answer to the Question No. 1 (b)

What is a Food Delivery Business in Bangladesh

Delivering food from restaurants to customers is a food delivery business. Although it can
be truly challenging to start any business, this is one business I can start with little
challenges and wide market coverage is a food delivery business.

The good news is that you can’t get it wrong if I considering starting a food delivery
business. This service is for those who have not enough time to come over to the eatery and
you’re providing them their necessary foods. In this case, you can get a partner with several
fast food restaurants, canteens along with other food outlets who are willing to partner
with a food delivery company to continue a food delivery business.
Steps to Start a Food Delivery Business in Bangladesh
Dealing with a handful of eateries and covering a small locality, an aspiring entrepreneur
can either choose to start a food delivery business on a small scale .Or, depending on my
financial status, you can start it large scale. It will pay to carry out my market research,
economic and cost analysis and of course feasibility studies before launching this type of
business.The most important aspect is to hire a food delivery application development
company when i want to establish a business. Let me explain the steps to start this business
in Bangladesh.

First Step: Business Plan

A business plan is vital for any business and you must make it for the food delivery business
as well. Even if i unable to write a business plan then you must take help from an expert. As
a business plan works for me in all aspects, this is the first and foremost step .A good
business plan comes with all in one that i need for your business’s establishment. From
marketing strategies to the source of finances, a business plan will show you the way to be
successful in the business of food delivery.

Second Step: Operating Costs

I will have upfront costs and a new set of expenses associated with managing the operation
if i hire drivers in-house. Also, I’ll be paying a percentage of your deliveries to the third party
provider if i use a 3rd party. Most of your costs will be front-loaded and fixed going forward
with in-house. But, most of my costs will be on-going and variable when outsourcing. It will
ultimately become less expensive to do it in-house if I doing higher volumes However,
outsourcing might make the most sense if you’re doing lower volumes. Determining your
revenues and expenses would be best to put together detailed financial projections with
high, low, and middle scenarios.

Third Step: Required Resources

I’ll have to recruit, train and manage your drivers with the in-house option. That’s why there
will be initial startup costs as well as higher overhead. Moreover, when I’ll create policies
and procedures, it governs how these employees operate .I’ll avoid upfront costs and the
need to devise policies and procedures because you can plug into an existing infrastructure
if you outsource.

Fourth Step: Quality of Service: In my planning, quality of service is the most

important aspect. I may spend thousands of dollars so that I can build My brand. As if the
customers ordered inside your restaurant, you want to ensure that your products arrive in
the same condition.
For instance, I want to ensure that the product is at the right temperature and condition
upon delivery if I deliver food. Because it will reflect on my brand, you want to also ensure
that the driver has the right demeanor and interaction with the customer. This will be
harder to control if I outsource the delivery. And you can define policies and procedures if I
manage it in-house.

Fifth Step: Exposure to Liabilities

I now expose your business to new liabilities that you haven’t encountered in the past by
running an in-house operation. Also, I should make sure that the employees I have
employed are widely trained. Although it’s not a direct liability if you’re outsourcing, you
may be exposed if an incident occurs while the third party is delivering my product. Because
you’re one step removed, it’s also difficult to control the behavior of third-party drivers.

Sixth Step: Operations Fit

I may have a point of sale system that is designed specifically for an operating environment
if you’re like the most food delivery business. I’ll likely need a dispatching tool if I go in-
house. I may need to link your POS system to the third party’s operational system if you’re
outsourcing. And of course, it presents security and resource challenges and may extend
the amount of time to set up the operation while linking with a third party system.

Answer to the Question No. 2 (a)

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