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rranged for accordion “tc” instruments iii... PRELUDE & DANCE OPUS 69 By Paul Creston INuSA. Qeito PUBLICATIONS 133 seveNtH AveNUEsouTH “07? ¥ BS a sone ETT Om ES a: PRELUDE AND DANCE is American Accordionits’ Assocation, and repretents one ofthe fis publication of music frat musical compostion to be commissioned by the writen forthe aconion by a leading composer, aul Creston the composer of Prelude and Dance, x ane of America’s lending young kaowledge of music wnd his general sllulnes in alltbe elements bhi ewan says, "Pal Creston has musical abundance composers, His inte of musical composition cestainly establish him a an artis. as well asa been cralisman, Viral The American Accordiniss’ Astociation and the Publishers ave proud ty preuent othe music world Me. Creston's admirable compariton for the accordion, “Prelude Dance. op. 69:" which hax eared the distinction of being selected us the “Test Pec for the 1958 Accotcion Olympics PRELUDE AND DANCE. PAUL CRESTON, Op, 69 Macstoso (J-cirea 44) i —- © Copyright 1968 Chas. H. Hansen Corp Solo sling agents PIETRO DEIRO PUBLICATIONS, £8 Seventh Avenue South, New York 14, N.Y Aight reserved Printed fo U.S.A, Interoxional Copyright Secured L103G ee ave ooops mons (4-60) — —EEE i ~ © == |fm——T, ait 7 expressive ? a oe Tempol +» ley i i DANCE (Allegretto) ( 4:84) = eee Pr QS Ce rin lo. me fei dee | Phe i CES 3 > » x ALL °C" INSTRUMENTS CAN PLAY FROM ACCORDION MUSIC Music weitten espectally forthe accordion is «practical "SHORT HAND” way of ‘writing, By understanding its symbols, it ean be used by any other instrument which fs clasuiied ae a "C" instrument. BASS CHORD CHART FOR USE BY PIANO OR ORGAN. Se eee epee ee eee 7 GH # 3 : : aI : : = ony 0196 Pe Dav abcon, 13 Seven Ave. 50,.ew Yee 148. meron Capp aca, Made 8 Tui genes, ®

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