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Paculanang, Karen U.



1. Evaluation
2. Test
3. Measurement
4. Testing
5. Assessment

Guided Questions:
1. Fill out the table to differentiate the following:

Measurement Evaluation
Test Evaluation

Measurement Test

Assessment Evaluation

Assessment Measurement

Assessment Test
2.Give one situation or example in each basic terminology that will describe its true meaning based from
your own understanding.

a. Assessment
b. Evaluation
c. Measurement
d. Test

* Identify the situation whether it describes a test, measurement, assessment, or evaluation.
1. Make use of instruments like ruler or scale.
2. Collect students’ outputs over a period of time.
3. Show a clear picture of students’ ability and reveal more on permanent learning.
4. Administer written standardized examinations to the students.
5. Give remarks like pass or fail.

1. Define each term in your own words
a) Assessment
b) Evaluation
c) Test
d) Measurement
2. Explain the importance of assessment.
3. You identify the given situations whether it describes a test, measurement, evaluation or assessment.
a. Riza is rating the quality of the of a song composition. Why?
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b. Rico got 25 correct answers out of 30 items in mathematics. Why?
c. Sir Reyes gives a Ten-item multiple choice. Why?
d. Dr. Ramos wants to have a feedback of her students’ performance in her class. Why?
e. Ronaldo got 95% in his final exam in Science. Why?
Directions: Write T if the statement describes a test, M if it describes a measurement, E if it
describes an evaluation and A if it describes an assessment.
1. Henry uses students’ data to plan and monitor their classroom instruction.
2. Mariza gives true or false examination in math.
3. Ricky’s score in Physics is 75.
4. The teacher collects information about the strengths and weaknesses of her students in English
subject to improve students’ performance.
5. The teacher compares the students’ performance to the set of standards or criteria established.
6. Rose is asked to rate the projects submitted by her classmates.
7. Gerard conducts a performance examination.
8. Only 10 out of 20 made it to the finals.
9. Mr. Rubia uses the gathered inputs for educational improvement.
10. Mrs. Robles criticizes the results of the competitions based from the guidelines

1. What are the significant insights that you have learned from this activity? Why?
2. How did you participate actively in the given activity? Did you encounter some
difficulties in understanding the concepts? If yes, you may enumerate
3. What particular skills do you think you have developed in accomplishing this task?
Kindly enumerate and why?

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