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Under the CARP Law, in the compulsory acquisition of private agricultural lands, the landowners
and the farmer beneficiaries must first be identified. After which, the Notice of Coverage shall be
issued to the registered landowners of the landholding as stated in the Transfer Certificate of Title
preferably not later than 180 days prior to the first day of the scheduled date of acquisition and
distribution. In this case, since X has already died during the time when the NOC has been issued,
under Sec. 17 of A.O. No. 17, series of 2011, the Notice of Coverage shall be served or issued to,
either, to the Executor or the Administrator of the Estate if the settlement of the Estate is currently
pending with the court, or to all known heirs if the settlement of the estate is not pending with the
Court or if there is no executor or administrator. The Notice of Coverage shall also be published
in a newspaper of general circulation.
The aforementioned NOC published shall be sent by the PARO concerned to the BLAD
which shall be responsible for publishing the same. The service by publication shall be evidenced
by an affidavit of the editor-in-chief, attesting to the publication of the said NOC. In such case, the
MARO or any authorized DAR personnel shall post a copy of the said NOC and must ensure that
the notice is visible.
Within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice, the heirs in this case shall
inform the DAR of their acceptance or rejection of the offer. In case of protest against the coverage,
they must file it to the PARO. If in case they accept the offer of the DAR, the LBP shall pay the
heirs in this case the purchase price of the land within 30 days after they execute and delivers a
deed of transfer in favor of the government and surrenders the Certificate of Title and other
monuments of title.
The landowner may choose a retention area at the same time that they manifested to
exercise the right of retention. In this case, since the landholding was owned by an unsettled
Estate of X, the 5 heirs herein may only choose a retention area through a joint application
executed by all of them agreeing therein the retention area of each heirs, provided that the
retention area of each heirs shall be subject to the retention limits provided under R.A. 6657 since
X died after prior to June 15, 1988. Hence, three (3) hectares may be awarded to each child of the
landowner, subject to the following qualifications: (1) that he is at least fifteen (15) years of age;
and (2) that he is actually tilling the land or directly managing the farm.
Thereafter, within a non-extendible period of 30 days from the receipt of the NOC, the
landowners must submit to the MARO a duly attested list of all their tenants, agricultural lessees,
and regular farm workers. Within three days from receipt of the said list, the MARO together with
the BARC shall prepare a preliminary list of all potential beneficiaries of said landholdings, and
they will be screened. Beneficiaries who qualify under the screening process shall take an oath
before the judge that he/she is willing to work on the land to make it productive and to assume
the obligation of paying the amortization for the compensation of the land as well as the land taxes
The land awarded to the beneficiaries should be under an individual CLOA-title. As owners
now of the awarded lands under CARP, beneficiaries shall take possession of the land covered by
his/her title from the time the same is awarded to them through a registered CLOA.

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