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An evaluative essay on the article of what Panasonic learned in china:

From this article we can say that, Panasonic is a Japan based company. At the time of starting
point, its operation remains in Japan but after few years it started its operation in the Chinese
market as a home appliances company. In the Chinese market, Panasonic started its operation
only patronized the local customers with less expensive offering. But Panasonic face problems in
the Chinese market by china local competitors such as Haier when middle class also began to
target for the company offering. In this situation, Panasonic growths rate in the Chinese market is
going to flat comparing to other local home appliance companies. In that time, Panasonic
management team taking two necessary strategies to overcome the situation such as identifying
the competitive advantage through integrated worldwide operations and to meet customer needs
locally. To utilize the strategies Panasonic established china lifestyle research center that help to
collect information about consumer preference and needs also provide this information to the
china and Japan head department for taking necessary decisions. In this way, Panasonic try to
understand the whole world consumers and made the company as a global company with high
returns. So from the article we learned that when face problems don’t give up the business, we
should try to find the suitable solution for those problems and continue the business with high

An evaluative essay on the article of when marketing is strategy:

From this article we can say that for many year organizations given more importance on the
upstream activities such as making new product or innovation, less cost effective product etc.
But this type of activities are easily copied by others competitors that is harmful for business
organizations. So, if today organizations want to gain strong competitive advantage must give
more attention in the downstream activities for the market offerings. This type of downstream
activities such as sale stores, sales people, delivery systems, customers and sellers relationship,
communication etc. help to organizations make loyal and long lasting consumers. When a
customer always buy products from specific store or brand that means organizations
downstream activities attract the customer to buy specific product or brand , not any upstream
activities. From the article we said that today’s organization competitive advantage depends on
outside activities not inside activities because downstream activities build long lasting
relationship with consumers and provides profitable customers. Today’s business success also
depends on how its position in the marketplace, not depends on any new product offering or
technology. Market changing also depends on customer choice and needs so organizations need
to give attention to the downstream activities for understanding consumer needs and choices. If
organization is always focus on downstream activities that help to differentiate from other
competitors and establishing business position in the marketplace with profit for longtime.

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