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1. In the implementation of the Agrarian Reform Program, one of the inherent powers of the State
that is exercised is the Power of Eminent Domain. Eminent domain is the power of the State to
take private property for public use. As such, private properties are being taken by the State.
Under the Agrarian Reform Program, it is necessary to deprive private owners of whatever lands
they may own in excess of the maximum allowed, and this will accrue to the benefits of farmer-

2. Landless farmers are those who own less than 3 hectares of agricultural land

3. As cited in the case of Calalang v. Williams, social justice is neither communism, nor despotism,
nor atomism, nor anarchy, but the humanization of laws and the equalization of social and
economic forces by the State so that justice in its rational and objectively secular conception
may at least be approximated.

4. The primary objective of the agrarian reform program is to provide landowners equality in terms
of income and opportunities, empower land owner beneficiaries to have equitable land
ownership, enhance agricultural production and productivity, provide employment to more
agricultural workers, and put an end to conflicts regarding land ownership.

5. The agrarian reform program does not favor peasantry. The primary purpose of the program is
to provide the farmer the opportunity to have an equitable ownership in lands. It cultivates the
primacy of the right of all members of the agricultural force who do not own land, thus they
have full access to their resources and they gain full disposition over their produce. In contrast
with peasantry, agrarian reform does not consider our farmers mere slaves, but partners in the
labor force.

6. As gleaned from the documentaries, CARP has still many weaknesses. Among those are the poor
administrative capacity, corruption and the use of political influence. It is witnessed that we
cannot split up the personal interest of landlords from landless poor’s interest. The politics has
played a significant role in many aspects.

7. If there’s a reform that would help the landless farmers, it is to provide an institutionalized
support system that provides the credit, infrastructure, managerial skills, and technological
needs, as part of land reform. Maybe if there would be an improvement in the infrastructure
and technology, then landowners may be given the opportunity to be called landowners and not
merely sakadas.

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