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The 10.10 Principles is a list of twenty concepts (10 About Life

+ 10 About You) that describe the world, from big to small. In
the Creative Dreaming Method, these principles will serve as
our backbone to create a map of reality and understand how
the creative process works—on both a macro and micro level.

These principles are meant to inspire you. They are an invitation

to reflect and to look at your life from a different perspective.


Principle 1. The world we live in is a complex living system
that contains an infinite number of complex living systems.

Principle 2. The universe is a complex living system.

Planet Earth is a complex living system.
The continent you live in is a complex living system.
Your country is a complex living system.
Your city is a complex living system.
Your neighborhood is a complex living system.
The company you work for (or your school)
is a complex living system.
Your friends and relationships are complex living systems.
Your family is a complex living system.
Your mind-body is a complex living system.
Your immune system is a complex living system.
Your cells are a complex living system.

Principle 3. Everything is interconnected.

From micro to macro, everything works together.

The small influences the big. The big influences the small.

Principle 4. Every complex living system only exists in

relationship to the Whole. The Whole is made of the many.
The many is a reflection of the Whole.

Principle 5. You are a relationship. You, your friends,

your family, your school, your workplace, your city, your
country and nature are all interconnected through an
ongoing relationship. Nothing can exist long-term outside
of it. Everything you see is the byproduct of a relationship
existing within the Whole.

Principle 6. In this world, Life is the connective force

that drives everything.
The universe is filled with living energy.
Everything in the world is either alive or participates in the
process of Life.
Nothing exists outside of Life.

Principle 7. We know very little about Life.

We can’t see it.
We can’t measure it.
We can’t create it.

Principle 8. All we can do is observe complex living systems,

and based on our observations, refine our understanding of
Life. We know that:

Life has agency (the capacity to act).

Life expands.
Life is an unfoldment.
Life is change.
Life follows cycles.
Life is adaptive.
Life perpetuates itself through an ongoing creative process.

Principle 9. Life’s creative process follows this sequence:

Expansion & Replication

Principle 10. Complex living systems can be material (bio-

logical organisms and ecosystems): We call them Bio Systems.
Complex living systems can also be immaterial (concepts and
ideas): We call them Idea Systems.

Some complex living systems (such as human beings) are both

biological and ideational: We call them Bio-Idea Systems.


Principle 10.1. “You” are a consciousness living in a Bio-Idea
System (your mind-body).

Principle 10.2. Every human being is the synthesis of Idea

Systems (nurture, culture) and Bio Systems (biology) working
together as one. You are both a biological and an ideation
process. One cannot exist without the other. “You” would not
exist without them.

Principle 10.3. As a Bio-Idea System, you are constantly

evolving and changing. You are in relationship with—and the
reflection of—Life’s ongoing growth and creative process.

All you have is your process.

All you are is your process.

Principle 10.4. Life’s creative process in your own being is

always at work, even if you’re not aware of it. By default, Life
creates an automated Idea System in every individual: We call
it the Persona. The Persona is a conditioned self (the product
of nurture/culture). In many ways, the Persona can be com-
pared to a computer virus. If the Persona is left unattended, it
will take over your life by using mimicry (impersonating you).

Principle 10.5. In order to maintain its existence, the

Persona encourages unawareness. The Persona’s existence and
action causes suffering because the Persona fears change and
thrives on stagnation (status quo). By wanting to keep every-
thing the same, the Persona acts in contradiction with life’s
natural cycle (change and growth).

Principle 10.6. The way to create true change in your life

(Co-Evolution through growth) is a twofold process. It is
done, first, by altering your Idea System and your Bio System
through creative experiments. And next, by using the results of
these creative experiments to dissolve the Persona and reclaim
inner sovereignty.

Principle 10.7. The most effective way to dissolve the Persona is

through the ongoing practice of actively raising awareness during
creative experimentation (Creative Dreaming).
Principle 10.8. Creative Dreaming uses reality as a ground
for process-based experimentation. Regardless of outcome,
each creative experiment brings feedback, learning, and
growth. Each creative experiment brings inner and outer trans-

Principle 10.9. By Creative Dreaming, you are co-creating

with the natural creative process of Life.

Principle 10.10. As a Creative Dreamer, you are creating the

new, and altering reality. You are also experiencing the move-
ment of your consciousness (True Self) arising.

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